Introduction to Info Hiding Project:
Info Hiding is software which is used to hide the unnecessary information from the documents and files. This existing system is developed using the C language which gives the user three basic features or functions like Embed, Retrieve and Test. The user here can any how hide the details from the image file or any bitmap related file or any data type or the text file too.
The text that is completely hidden by the software is permanently done and even the changes and the updates done will never be seen of the original images. Here at any duration of time the file can be made hidden into the bitmap image files.
The basic plan of developing the system is the art and the skills of hiding the files or the text files into the bitmap image files. Here many digital files are brought under process to make the text files hidden from the image files. After the hidden text process the hidden text can never be seen again by the users.
The original image file never gets corrupted while undergoing this hiding text process. Hence not a single damage is caused to the image here. The process used to do this is named as the Steganography which is always need to store the copyright of the detailed and important information files.
Securities to the data are the most important factor here which prevents the data from getting lost. Here there are two types of protection called as the encryption and the decryption. In both the devices the images are run in the binary code and in encryption the data is added to the file and in decryption the data is retrieved from it. Graphical user interface called the GUI is normally used here because the program needs to be complied.
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