Networked Control System Electronic Project Report Download

Networked Control System (NCS) is the new model implementing in Computerized Numerical Controllers (CNC),here a single server can monitor and controls the entire machinery there by reducing the manpower requirement, the machinery is divided into segments and the segments are handled segment clients under the super vision of the single server, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) is a  numerical control system performs various operations like data handling, response management, sequence control by a single computer system, having high storage capability, upgrading control system operations.

 The existing system is a human dependent system, in order to perform these individual tasks each machine need a human to control it. And also it is an open loop system without feedback results into complex system; the continuous hissing noise is not eliminated effectively.  In order overcome these problems networked control system is introduced, NCS machine tools are more efficient over ordinary conventional machine tools implementing in these days, the hard ware is comprises of  PIC18F2220 .

Micro Controller performs the speed regulations, LMD18200 ,L293D  Motor Driver responsible for position and directional movements i.e. the position and velocity servo mechanisms, LM35  Centigrade Temperature Sensor, MPX5050 Integrated Silicon Pressure Sensor senses the temperature variations with  0.5C accuracy operates at range of 4-30 volts ideal for remote applications,  Personal computers  including server and client.

The software programmed was Embedded C with CCS-PCWH compiler of Visual basic 6.0 version. When sensor receives the input signals depending up on the requirement the speed regulations, position, direction, temperature, pressure variations are changed. In our project we demonstrated the speed control results at different duty cycles,

Our project employs a very effective data transfer between the single node servers to the client computers, which enable the decrements of human resource, in future we can implement  Field-programmable gate array in this project in order to achieve better results.

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