Java project on Alumni Information Database

Students of computer science and information technology who are interested in java, database related project with new concept then Java project on Alumni Information Database Project can help you. The main idea for developing this project is to replace existing system of maintaining alumni data of students by implementing a search engine based web application which will maintain data of each individual alumni which can be accessed by everyone from all over the world. Java-project-on-Alumni-Information-Database

Alumni Information Database Project will provide login procedure to upload information of college and alumni. Students who had completed his studies and begin his professional carrier can be helpful for other students and colleges for providing guidelines for upcoming students so this system will help colleges as well as students to be in contact with alumni without any other channel of alumni association. 

As we see advancements in information technology had given lot of scope for developing this type of applications by creating new resources like web pages of each alumni and list servers which can be accessed from all over the world within a short time. 

This project has lot of scope for replacing existing system where alumni data is stored in excel sheets which is a time taking process. But this application provides webpage for each alumni and data is stored in database which will be maintained by professionals. 

Alumni information database application is developed in windows xp,linux/solaris,HTML,CSS is used as user interface, Java script is used for client side scripting. Software requirements are mentioned below.

Software Requirements for Alumni Information Database project. 

Server Side Requirements. 

Operating System               :           Windows XP/2003 or Linux/Solaris

User Interface                     :           HTML, CSS

Client-side Scripting           :           JavaScript

Programming Language     :           Java

Web Applications                 :           JDBC, JNDI, Servlets, JSP

IDE/Workbench                  :           My Eclipse

Database                               :           MS Access

Server Deployment             :           Tomcat


Client Side Requirements 

Operating System              :           Any Operating System

Browser                               :           Any Browser (IE,Opera,Mozilla,etc)


For more information on this project you can download documents, code from this site. 

Alumni Information Database project document contains. 

System Analysis

Software Requirement Specification

System Design

E – R Diagram

UML Diagrams  ……more.

Download Project report for Alumni Information Database project .

Online Ticket Booking Project A Java Project

For computer Final year students who are interested in developing traveling portal-related projects then this Online Ticket Booking Project A Java Project will be the best choice. This application is commonly used in our day-to-day life for train bookings, bus ticket bookings tour information…etc. This application will be the alternative to a manual booking mechanism. The main idea for developing this project is to provide a secured and updated ticket booking procedure that will focus on Economical, Technical, and Operational feasibility. Online-Ticket-Booking-Project-A-Java-Project.

The online Ticket Booking Project application provides GUI as the front end with different modifications based on the type of user. Administrators, agents, and customers are provided with GUI through which their respective work can be done. customer can enter his source and destination information to find out the services available similarly administrator and agent will perform their respective functionality. This application will provide security at different tiers. 

Over the past decade, functional centralization has experienced a strong acceleration thanks to rapid developments in application technology and communication protocols. In the past few years, functional centralization had shown rapid growth in application technology and communication protocols. Centralization had shown a lot of benefits like cost saving, control improvements, standardization, and an increase in productivity’s-Ticketing project will deal with centralization and provide better service. In centralization, this project provides Strategic coordination, Compliance control, Mandated execution, and Functional consolidation. 

 Hardware and Software Requirements for Online Ticket Booking Project

User interface requirements: Dreamweaver MX.

IDE: Eclipse

Database requirements: Oracle8.1

Server: Tomcat 5.0

Preferred Technologies: JavaScript, Java

( Jdbc 2.0,Servlets2.1, JSP 1.2 ,Struts) 

For more information, you can download the project report and code from this site.

The online Ticket Booking Project document contains

  • Requirement Analysis
  • Hardware and Software Requirements
  • SRS Document
  • Software Model
  • Architectural Pattern
  • Design Pattern
  • Scope and Process
  • UML Diagrams
  • Usecase Diagrams
  • Class Diagrams
  • Sequence Diagrams

Bus Booking System Functional Requirements:

Admin Login :

1. Add route details, bus details, ticket fare
2. Update bus, and route details
3. Delete route and bus details
4.Veiw passenger details
5. Logout

User Login :

1. Book a bus ticket
2. Cancelation of Booking
3. View bus details
3. Logout

Output Screens Results:

Welcome Page: The above snapshot is the beginning of the bus booking system it contains the admin and the user login.

Admin Login: Admin login takes place from the above snapshot

Admin menu: The above snapshot is the display of the admin menu, the menu contains Route, Bus, Passenger, Ticket

Bus details page: The above snapshot is used to display the bus details

Register Page: This is the registration page for both the admin and user
User login page: User login takes place from the above snapshot

User menu page: The above snapshot is the display of the user menu

Journey details page: The above snapshot is used to fetch the bus details as per the Source and destination for the user end

on-route bus details: The above snapshot contains the bus details, on which the user wants to travel

Passenger details Page: The above snapshot is used to insert the passenger details

Download the Online Ticket Booking Project Project report.

Download the complete project code, report on the Bus Ticket booking system Java Web Project

Image Retrieval using Geo Spatial Matching A Java Project

Image Retrieval using Geo Spatial Matching A Java Project is for computer science and Information technology final year students who are searching for a search related final year project by implementing new features into existing search engines. Geo special matching for image retrieval project main idea is to search for a multimedia files using color, special matching mechanism which will be a alternative method for existing image search using text format which is not efficient and accurate. Image-Retrieval-using-Geo-Spatial-Matching-A-Java-Project

Presently search engines like Google use text indexing method for searching images on the internet which work on textual annotations to enable searching and indexing which is not efficient and time consuming why because there are lot of images and multimedia files on web which are not indexed with any text, there is a problem of content mismatch between user searched and search engine provided data and many images are not in desired language so with this drawback, efficiency in image search is not accurate. This application will provide better option for image search by  using special matching for image retrieval, compare to existing search type which works like hit-or-miss type searching where if the user does not specify correct keyword the desired image is not displayed. 

Present text based image search had given scope for developing new technique called Content based image retrieval (CBIR) which depends on primitive features like colour,shape and texture which will automatically extract from the image themselves.

with this feature user can search image based on sketch, design, texture pallet or select interested shape so through this method search engine will display image which is more accurate. 

Developing this project requires following software and hardware equipment in order to execute this application. List of requirements are given below. 

Software Requirements Image Retrieval using Geo Spatial Matching Project.

Operating System

Windows NT/2000 (Client/Server).

Software requirements

Java,JDK 1.4,J2SDK 1.4,Swings,RMI and Java Network Programming.

Hardware Requirements:

System Configuration

Pentium III Processor with 700 MHz Clock Speed

256 MB RAM 20 GB HDD, 32 Bit PCI Ethernet Card.

For more information on this project you can download project document and code form this site.

 Geo Spatial Matching Project document contains.

System Analysis

System Requirement Specifications

Modules Description

System Design…..more.

Download Image Retrieval using Geo Spatial Matching A Java Project report which is a CSE final year project.

Download E-COPS Java Project Report

Download-E--COPS-Java-Project-Report.E-Cops Java project is for computer science final year students who are interested in developing public security related project. Mini project report on e-cops is about providing alternate method for public to submit compliant through online and send it to specified police station without running around police station. 

Citizens in India are not convenient moving around police stations to submit a case because of many reasons like fear, time or ignorance. Because of this reasons many cases are not registering in police station. Though lot of filed cases are not investigated due to lack of proper evidences and cooperation of public. This application will provide a platform for public to report about crime to nearest police station without any fear. This method will be helpful to general public and police to provide better service for public at the same time this using this application process of work can be easily investigated by higher authorities. 

Ecops is a web based application which will be available for every citizen to lodge a complaint and report a crime even when user is in move. At present police department is following manual procedure which takes lot of time and citizen should follow different procedure to file a case, or give information on case which is reducing faith on police department in public. This application uses technology to increase faith of police department in public. Using this application data maintenance, generation of reports, analysis of data, planning and coordination will be fast and easy.          

As the growth of Information filed is increasing developing these type of application will be easy and help full.             

Developing this project requires following software and hardware equipment. List of requirements are given below. 

Software Requirement Specification for E-Cops Java project: 

System Environment:


Hardware Platform: P III or above with

                    RAM of 256MB or above.

                   And 20GB or above of HD.           

Software Platform: Java Enabled Browser

                   Operating System: Any OS


Software Platform :   Java, JDBC & JSP.

Operating System  :    Windows 2000 and above

 Backend          :   Oracle 9i

Download On E-Cops Java project report .

Asp.Net Project on Scar Global Life Insurance

This project is for cse and IT engineering final year students who are interested in developing web application using .net# and sql database. ASP.NET Scar Global life insurance project is about calculating current Micro insurance market in India and providing detailed statistics by gathering and analyzing insurance information which is available in the market. This project will provide option to boost up Life insurance industry  in India. ASP.NET-PROJECT-ON-SCAR-GLOBAL-LIFE-INSURANCE

Main Modules in Scar Global Life Insurance.

This project is developed in three modules.

Admin module: helps registered members to log in to ther accounts and manage insurance articles and user information.

Registered User Module: Through this module user can know product information and premium details.

Public user’s module: This module provides detailed information on insurance statistics. 

Purpose of the Scar Global Life Insurance System 

This online web application provides insurance analysis with guidelines on insurance facilities with the help of articles which can be easy accessed by the user. Website is designed with high quality tools with several dynamic features.

Scar Global Life Insurance project allows admin to register users in to their accounts and provide requested information like name, address, date of birth, medical information…etc. Website will provide management facility to modify details of users and provide better service through article information. 

This application provides computerized solution for existing systems which manages data in excel spread sheets. This application helps in managing data in database which is easy to maintain. 

For developing this application following software and hardware are required. 

Software Requirements. 

Server-side Requirements 

Operation System  : Windows 2003

Web Server        : IIS 6.0(Internet Information Server)

Framework         : ASP.NET 2.x frame work enabled

Database          : SQL Server 2000/2005

Minimum Space   : 1GB (including Database space) and may grow   depends on the Customer information

 Client-side Requirements 

Browser : Any HTML 4.0 or prior version compliant browser with a Minimum Screen resolution of 800X600 pixels (best   ewed in 1024 x 768 resolution).

 JavaScript     : JavaScript should be enabled in the browser.

Student Information System project using ASP.Net

Student information system using ASP.Net project is for btech computer science final year students who are looking for innovative web application which will help students, universities and teachers to provide quality education for students. The main aim for working on student feedback system project is to collect information on education standards in each university and have a survey on professors, universities using voting procedure which are performed by students of their respective college. Student-Information-System-project-using-ASP.Net.

Student information system project will provide admin module through which universities should update information about their education system, facilities, lectures of each branch and subject, based on subject code and branch code. Using user module user will register in to this online web application using his registration number. Students are provided with five options excellent, good, bad, very good..Etc using these voting system students will vote for lectures and colleges. Students will go through different levels before submitting his feedback style of teaching, Time sense, Subject knowledge, Voice strength and behavior. This website will provide features like semester results. 

After analyzing the results on education standards based on voting system this application will provide results through graphical charts. 

This project will help education institutions to check there standers and improve their education structure for providing better education for engineering students.

List of software and hardware required for this project. 

Hardware & Software Specifications For Student Information System:   


                Processor          :          Intel P-IV system

                Processor Speed    :         250MHz to 833MHz

                RAM                :         512MB RAM

                Hard Disk          :          40GB          


       Operating System            :            Windows XP

       Database                    :             Sql   Server

       Server side technology      :            ASP.Net

       Server side scripting       :             ASP

       Client side scripting       :             HTML

        Web-Server                    :             IIS 

For more information on this project you can download project document and sample code.

Scattering Parameters Of Circulator Btech Bio Technology Project

This Scattering Parameters Of Circulator Btech Bio-Technology Project report is about Scattering Parameters of Circulator. The report starts with AIM description with its measure, the first measure is Insertion loss, the second measure is Isolation and the third is determining S parameters.

The EQUIPMENT contains Microwave  Source (RKO/GO), Isolator, Variable Attenuator, Frequency meter, Slotted line, Tunable probe with the detector, detector mount with the detector, VSWR meter, Circulator and  Matched Terminations-2.

The theory consist of the circulator is a multi-port junction that permits transmission in certain ways. The wave incident at the nth port can be coupled to (n+1) the port only.

Scattering is a general physical process where some forms of radiation, such as light, sound, or moving particles, are forced to deviate from a straight trajectory by one or more localized non-uniformities in the medium through which they pass. Scattering parameters or S-parameters describe the electrical behavior of linear electrical networks when undergoing various steady state stimuli by electrical signals.

The parameters are used for electrical engineering, electronics engineering, and communication systems design. Historically, an electrical network would have comprised a ‘black box’ containing various interconnected basic electrical circuit components or lumped elements such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transistors. The report also proves formulas which define S PARAMETERS and The S matrix of the circulator.


The report is also provided the flow chart description about BENCH SET-UP which helps to understand the details of SCATTERING PARAMETERS. The PROCEDURE explains the MEASUREMENT OF INSERTION LOSS, ISOLATION AND SCATTERING PARAMETERS and INPUT VSWR MEASUREMENT.

Some areas where scattering and scattering theory are significant to include radar sensing, medical ultrasound, semiconductor wafer inspection, polymerization process monitoring, acoustic tiling, free-space communications, and computer-generated imagery.

The description of scattering and the distinction between single and multiple scattering are often highly involved with wave-particle duality.

Various Methods of Evapotranspiration Bio Tech Project

This Various method of Evapotranspiration BioTech Project report is about Evapotranspiration and its methods. The report consists of 4 chapters which contain Introduction of Evapotranspiration, Literature review, various methods of Evapotranspiration and a case study of Srisailam Left Bank Canal. The chapter first defined the general details of Evapotranspiration and its Necessity, factors affecting Evapotranspiration and objectives.Evapotranspiration is a key part of the hydrologic cycle.

Some water evaporates directly from soils and water bodies, but much is returned to the atmosphere by transpiration (a word combining transport and evaporation) from plants via openings in the leaves called stomata. Within the same climates, forests and lakes yield about the same amount of water vapor. The amount of Evapotranspiration is dependent on energy inputs of heat, wind, humidity, and the amount of stored soil water. In climate studies, this term is used to indicate levels of surplus or deficit in water budgets. Aridity may be defined as an excess of potential Evapotranspiration over actual precipitation, while in humid regions the amount of runoff correlates well with the surplus of precipitation over Evapotranspiration.

The methods of Evapotranspiration are as follows:

•           Modified penman method

•           Jensen-Haise method

•           Hargreaves method

•           Thornthwaite method,

•           Blaney-criddle method

•           Hargreaves class A pan evaporation methods


This report addresses with Evapotranspiration of SLBC using methods of Evapotranspiration, out of the various available methods penman’s method is the best method as it contains more number of parameters which are not available with the other methods in estimation of Evapotranspiration.

Using the methods of Modified penman method, Jensen-Haise method, Hargreaves method, Thornthwaite method, Blaney-criddle method, Hargreaves class A pan evaporation methods, calculations Evapotranspiration will be done based on the values obtain will calculate the percentage of error with reference to modified penman method the value of error will be correlated to the other systems and rankings will be given based upon the percentage of error obtained.

Production of ethanol using molasses and its effluent treatment

Production of ethanol using molasses and  its effluent treatment is a project report which begin with introduction which explain the A Chronological profile of Mohan Me akin Introduction Organizational Structure and its contents are Fermentation, Distillation, Production of Liquor, Effluent Treatment Plant, Brewery House, Water Treatment Plant, Products of MOHAN MEAKIN  Limited.

The introduction part explains the history of MEAKIN products. Ethanol is also called ethyl alcohol, pure alcohol, grain alcohol, or drinking alcohol. Ethanol is produced both as a petrochemical, through the hydration of ethylene, and biologically, by fermenting sugars with barm.  Which process is more economical depends on prevailing prices of petroleum and grain feed stocks.

The study proposes some simple but effective throughput-approximation methods for finite-buffered closed-loop production systems with unreliable machines and exponentially distributed processing times. The proposed approximation methods are based on disintegration and aggregation principles. The processing of molasses produces large quantity of liquid effluent called ‘SPENT WASH’.

The treatment of spent wash takes place in the EFFLUENT TREATMENT PLANT. The fermentation is derived from the Latin word fervrve, which means boiling. However, events of boiling came into existence from the fact that during the alcoholic fermentation the bubble of CO2 gas bursts at the surface of boiling liquid and give the watery appearance.


M/s MOHAN MEAKIN LIMITED, LUCKNOW is leading manufacturer of beverage of the sort country liquor, foreign liquor, beer and denatured spirit. Hence this is a potable distillery. The metabolic process of yeast Ethanol is a byproduct. As such ethanol will be present in any yeast habitat. Ethanol can commonly be found in overripe fruit.

Ethanol produced by symbiotic yeast can be found in Bertam Palm blossoms. Although some species such as the Pen tailed Treeshrew exhibit ethanol seeking behaviors, most show no interest or avoidance of food sources containing ethanol. Ethanol is also produced during the germination of many plants as a result of natural anerobiosis. Ethanol has been detected in outer space, forming an icy coating around dust grains in interstellar clouds.

Sulekha Classifieds Website A ASP.Net Project

This project is for cse and IT final year students who are interested in developing web based classifieds project by integrating new innovative ideas to this sulekha classifieds website A ASP.Net project. This project is one of the regularly used online services in our daily life which will help users to find address of different fields personals for their daily use. Whereas advertisers look for customers to increase their business.

The main idea for developing this project to provide a platform for business and information through a online user friendly website application where user can search for information for their use and advertisers provide there information to build their business. 

This application has two modules advertiser module and user module. In advertiser module advertiser will log in to the site and submit information of his business with accurate details. Where as in user module user will log in to search for information he is looking for. Administrator will act as bridge between user and advertiser who will communicate between them and he will provide security for user data and advertiser data. 

This application will help in growing small business without any cost for advertising, at the same time it will also help users to save time and complete their work with a phone call or just by sending a mail.

SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION For Sulekha Classifieds Website Project. 

Software Requirements

Operating System         :     Windows XP/2003 Server

      Framework             :      Visual Studio 2005.

      Languages             :      C#.Net, Asp.Net

      Data Base             :      SQL Server 2005.

      Tools                 :      AJAX

      Web Browser           : IIS 5.0     

Hardware Requirements:

Intel Celeron/ P3/p4       :     600 MHz or above.

RAM (SD/DDR)                 :      128MB or above.

Hard Disc                    :      10GB or above. 

Sulekha Classifieds Website Project Report contains. 













UML-DIAGRAMS….. And more.

For more information on this project you can download project report and project code from this site.