Online RTA Services system A ASP.Net Project final year students who belong to CSE or IT department and searching for a final year project which is related to government departments then Online RTA Services system A Asp.Net Project With .net,c# and sql combination can help you. Online Road Transport authority project will be one of the options.

This project is a online application developed for Improving RTA facilities which include Employees as well as public. This project main idea is to provide RTA services like applying for licenses and registration through online and provide clear information on the status of their application. Online-RTA-Services-system-A-ASP-Net-Project

Online RTA Services project provides services like applying driving license through online, Vehicles registration, tax collection, TO forms and booking slots for learner’s driving license and day to day updating of application status.

This application is can be seen in two modules administrative module and user module. Administrative module helps RTA department to update data of citizen’s applications where as user module allows users to login and apply for license and use any other feature.

This application provides scope of replacing existing manual procedure which is not accurate and time delaying process and flow of information inside RTA organization is not flexible.RTA project will assure security for data, easy operation and less manpower.

Hardware and Software Requirements for Developing Online RTA Services system.


Processor               :          Intel P-IV system

Processor Speed         :          250MHz to 833MHz

RAM                     :          512MB RAM

Hard Disk               :           40GB           


Operating System         :            Windows XP

Database                 :             Sql Server

Server side technology   :            ASP.Net

Server side scripting    :             ASP

Client side scripting    :             HTML, JavaScript

Web-Server                 :               IIS 

For more information on this project you can download document from this site.

Web Traffic Analyzer A ASP.Net project

Computer science students who are searching for traffic analyzer related final year project then Web Traffic Analyzer ASP.Net Project will be better option for you. The main idea for implementing this application is to provide a plug-in for website owners to analyze their website traffic as per day, weekly, monthly and analyze unique visitors for their site.Web-Traffic-Analyzer-A-ASP.Net-project

.Using this plug-in website owner can analyze his website and improve their site based on the stats displayed by this application. 

Web Traffic Analyzer project can even generate information like search engine keywords, errors in website and outbound links i…e, links that are coming from other sites. Using these information website owners can establish relation between other sites and increase their website popularity. 

Considering technical work this application will read log files from popular web servers like Microsoft IIS, Apache, NCSA and other web servers. Web log Analyzer application can generate log files in gz,zip for downloading. 

Features that are mentioned above are displayed with colorful graphs and tables. User can show reports in integrated viewer and export reports in html,csv and xml formats.

This type of plug-in application is in the market like hitsnifer which is a word press plug-in. Developing this application even help in generating revenue options for developers.

Hardware and software specifications for Web Traffic Analyzer Project

Server Side:

Software Requirements:

      Front End           : ASP.NET, AJAX

      Business Logic     : C#.Net

      IDE                 : Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

      O/ S                  : Win 2003 server edition

Hardware Requirements:

     Processor            : PIV MHz Or Above

      RAM                 : 512 MB

      Hard Disk           : Min 1GB

Client Side:

   Internet Explorer

 For more information on this project you can download project report and code from this site. 

Web Traffic Analyzer Project document contains. 



System Design

Screen Shots

Project testing …more.

Renewable Energy Technology Management Promoting Village Project Report

The objective of this Renewable Energy Technology Management Promoting Village Project Report contains the analysis between the technology and the society concerned. The report prepared using structured group discussions with villagers.

It includes the use of different techno-social aspect as a tool in the development of the Gasifier project in the Radhapur. This project presents a chronological description of the events that have taken place in development of the gasifier technology for electricity generation in the village for its development.

Chapter I consist of Introduction which provides the context of the village profile, approaches and activities of the project. It also describes the three phases of the projects along with their achievements.

Chapter II is about the TECHNOLOGY SELECTION which starts with answering the reason for selecting Gasifier technology for Radhapur and ends with describing the technology and its capacity. Chapter III is the Methodology section, it is most significant of all, as it describes about “Techno-Social Intervention” which is the important phase of the project.

This chapter highlights the various issues visualized at different phases of the project and tries to answer them in a very socio-economic and rational manner and realize the actual view of society towards the development of technology.

The achievements and success section is Chapter IV, which gives the brief of the achievements and success achieved so far in providing electricity to the villagers, certain innovative ideas for efficient maintenance of Plant load and promotion of enterprise for the overall sustainable development. The report concludes with the lesson learnt from this tiny part of the overall big project.


The outcome of this report would benefit the readers with the learning’s of the Techno-social intervention in any rural development program.

This report enables various possible value addition of the pooled produce in such a way so as to fetch the best possible component of the technology. The basic strategy adopted here is collectivization of the villagers and making them understand the aim of the program.

Continuous Stirrer Tank Reactors In Series Project

This Continuous Stirrer Tank Reactors In Series Project is about Continuous stirrer tank reactors in series which contains pictorial, graphical and Experimental work of Continuous stirrer tank reactors. The report also explains about the Time constant during experiment and calculation of each tank. There are five Experiments explain in the report including Procedure, time constant, Graphical method, calculation of Experiments. The Experiments are Effect of a step input change, Response of tank concentration to an impulse Change, Influence of flow rate on a three tank system following a step change in input concentration,


Response to step change in input concentration of system comprising on one stirred vessel and dead time module, demonstration of the progress of a second order chemical reaction through three continuous stirred tank reactors in series.

The continuous stirred-tank reactor also called vat- or back mix reactor. It is a usual ideal reactor type in chemical engineering. A continuous stirred-tank reactor often pertains to a model used to estimate the key unit operation variables when using a continuous agitated-tank reactor to reach a specified output. The mathematical model acts for all fluids: liquids, gases, and slurries.


Continuous stirred tank reactors in series have been studied experimentally in detail for their dynamic behavior. By introducing the step and impulse input changes in concentrations and flow rates of reagents, the system is confirmed to be first order. The step and impulse response curves are found to be the sigmoid and exponential respectively. Furthermore, saponification reaction is carried out and the effects of parameters are analyzed using the factorial design of experiments method.

The ‘reagents concentrations’ and ‘system temperature’ effects have been neglected during the analysis for optimization, but these may affect the process response considerably. Taking these into account for optimization of process parameters, one may get more beneficial values of conversion. First two and the third reactors may be connected in parallel, but obviously will have a low performance than the existing ones in series.

Download Continuous Stirrer Tank Reactors In Series Project.

Gentamycin Chemical Engineering Project Report

This Gentamycin Chemical Engineering Project Report is about GENTAMICIN, which is prepared for B.E (CHEMICAL) degree students. The project report consists of six chapters and each chapter has detailed explanation of the subject which helps to understand the concept of GENTAMICIN. The fourth generation antibiotic belongs to a group of aminoglycosides is GENTAMICIN.

An aminoglycoside antibiotic named GENTAMICIN is used to treat many types of bacterial infections. It can be taken through injection or applied in a cream to the skin or through drops to the ears and eyes.

The derivation from the fungi of genes MICROMONOSPORA is an antibiotic, GENTAMICIN. It is synthesized by MICROMONOSPORA, a genus of Gram-positive bacteria widely present in the environment (water and soil).

GENTAMICIN is an antibiotic complex consisting of the closely related components, GENTAMICIN C1, C2, C1a produced by fermentation of MICROMONOSPORA PUPUREA or M. ECHINOSPORA and their variants. GENTAMICIN is a bactericidal antibiotic that works by binding the 30S subunit of the bacterial ribosome, interrupting protein synthesis.

It is administered intravenously, intramuscularly or locally to treat infections. It seems to be totally eliminated unaltered in the urine. Urine must be collected for many days to recover all of a given dose because the drug binds avidly to certain tissues. It is also used during orthopedic surgery for the setting of cement. At high doses of GENTAMICIN may cause Kidney and ear damage.

Gentamycin Chemical Engineering Project Report Conclusion:

GENTAMICIN is an AMINOGLYCOSIDE isolated from MICROMONOSPORA PURPUREA. It is an important agent for the treatment of many serious gram-negative bacillary infections. It is the aminoglycoside of the first choice because of its low cost and its reliable activity against all but the most resistant gram-negative aerobes.

The GENTAMICIN protection assay enables researchers to quantify the ability of pathogenic bacteria to invade eukaryotic cells. It takes advantage of the fact that GENTAMICIN is not able to penetrate eukaryotic cells.

Cracking Of Methane At Low Temperature Chem Project Report

This Cracking Of Methane At Low Temperature Chem Project Report is about Development and Characterization of catalyst for cracking of methane at low temperature. The content of the report is start with Objectives and continued with the topics Driving Factors, Technology Status, Catalysis, Bond Energy, Fuel cells and Photovoltaic Generation. In progressing countries, the major part of energy requirement is for the domestic use for cooking, water, lighting and drinking water supply. Methane can be utilized to generate heat and electric energy.


To make this possible, controlling methane pollution and eco friendly energy production, cracking of methane with no or minimal external agency is essential. Based on this objective, this offer for developing a catalyst and characterization of the same for methane family at low temperature is made.

As per the factors of this project report the Biogas is a decentralized sustainable energy system and fertilizer source. Biogas provides  energy and also value added fertilizer, in addition to providing other benefits like better sanitation, cleaner environment with less pollution, less smoke related diseases, better quality of life, etc. The Technology Status defines the large number of feasible renewable energy sources and establishment of technology.

The rate of a chemical reaction is either increased or decreased by means of chemical substance known as Catalyst. For direct cracking of methane the model of catalytic systems is used to develop high-loaded nickel catalysts into hydrogen and catalytic filamentous carbon (CFC).


Development of a viable technology of catalytic cracking of methane for harnessing rural energy base and thus solve the energy problems in tune with environmental friendly system. By characterizing the system for cryogenic environment, the methane storage density can be increased by 150 -200 times, thus reducing to bulkiness of fuel storage system and reduce the system weight. This is the benefit of online systems.

Download Cracking Of Methane At Low Temperature Chem Project Report.

Online study Portal Project for a College cse or IT students who are interested in developing online web base portal project then On-line study portal project for a college idea may help  you. Main idea for improving this web base application is to increase communication between students, lecturers and administration which can help in better educating sharing platform. Online-study-Portal-Project-for-a-College

Online study portal project for a college is a web application which is maintained by administrator who will look at the details of faculty, students and maintain their details in database.     

Admin main function is to check new login of students, lectures and approve there account and maintain their personal details, admin can add or delete courses, daily news and notifications, update exam test papers, check forum discussion board and feedbacks, issues certificates to students and monthly salaries for lecturers. 

The services provided for faculty is upload information which will be helpful for students like imp questions…etc. Lecturers can add delete information like course details, test dates for students, guidelines on preparations and reply for student’s questions on discussion boards. 

These are list of few services available for students in this application. Students can update their profile, view information on course, and take mock tests and check exam results, attendance

Information, test paper key and participate in the discussions and send feedback to the administrator and lecturers.




Ram            :   512MB

Hard Disk      :   40GB

Processor      :   Pentium– II processor or equivalent


Ram            :   128MB

Hard Disk      :   20GB

Processor     :   Any Processor



Operating System   :  Windows NT /95/98/XP

Database           :   Oracle8i

Web Server         :   Apache Tomcat 4.0/0.5


Operating System   :   Any Operating System with

IE 5.0/0.6 is supported.

Browser            :    Internet Explorer Version 5.0/0.6.

For more information on Online study Portal Project for a College project you can download project report from this site for free of cost.

Sludge Slugging BE Chem Project Report

This Sludge Slugging BE Chem Project Report is about Sludge Slugging. The project starts with Introduction which contains the meaning of an electroplating sludge. Under Process the brief description of Glass Brick and Clay Brick provided. An electroplating sludge is a residual, semi solid waste of electroplating process containing hazardous metals. Generally electroplating sludge disposal is done by incineration, land filling and effluent disposal to water bodies.


During incineration toxic gases are produced. Hazardous metals are mixed with water and soil in land filling process causing water and soil pollution. For the disposal of electroplating sludge, these are the major problems facing by the industries. The report provides the details of making Glass Brick with its size. The process to prepare Clay Brick is the Clay, Sand, Cement and electroplating sludge are well mixed at known composition and dried. The report also contains the table of Glass Brick and Clay Brick.

Glass brick, also known as glass block, is an architectural element made from glass. Glass bricks provide visual obscuration while admitting light. The glass block was originally developed in the early 1900s to provide natural light in industrial factories. Finally the report refers the details about Encapsulation. Encapsulation is an attribute of object design. It means that all of the object’s data is contained and hidden in the object and access to it restricted to members of that class.

The term “encapsulation” is usually used to point up the advantage of Object Oriented method in computer programming approach. It means that in Object-Oriented approach, an object is encapsulated from any other object there is. Everything inside an object cannot be “touched” (accessed) by any other object within the program, unless it is permitted to be.


As per the report the mixture containing clay, sand, and cement are made into cavity. The sludge is encapsulated, dried and heated in the furnace at 600ºC.

Download Sludge Slugging BE Chem Project Report.

.Net Project on online criminal Law system

CSE and IT final year engineering students who are interested in developing Crime related web application project using,c# and sql then .Net project on online criminal Law system project can guide you. The main aim for developing this application is to provide information sharing services for government departments like police, forensic science laboratories, cbi…etc for solving criminal cases in very less time. Net-project-on-online-criminal-justice-system

Problems And Solutions  For online criminal Law system Project


  • In present following procedure, filing case Using FIR is not accurate.
  • Collecting important information for solving a case is not easy.
  • Problems in filing cases against criminals and criminal departments are not open on given information. There are chances of not accepting case or loss of case information.
  • In present system handling of data is not secure there are chances of losing data. 


  • This application will provide scope for transferring large data in a short time.
  • Planning and maintaining of work will be easier.
  • Data can be recollected firstly and chances of data loss are zero percent.
  • Work load and communication gap between criminal departments can be reduced by using this application.
  • Investigation procedure can be made easy, Using this application hard way of handling criminals can be reduced. 

This project allows police department to see all the records of criminals, department officials can upload details of criminals based on the permission provided for different officials like constable, sub-inspector, and circle inspector. This application is divided in to three modules. 

MODULES Included in Online Criminal Law System Project:

Role Management

Crime Records Management

Report Generation.

Role Management:

           This module provides information about different officials (constable, circle inspector, sub-inspector) involved in dealing criminal cases. 

Crime Records Management:

            This module stores details of every individual who had involved in criminal activities. 

Report Generation:

             Report generation module will help criminal department to look at the criminal records in the form of reports.

Download project report On Online Criminal Law CSE project.

Ethylene Glycol Chemical Engineering Final Year Project

This Ethylene Glycol Chemical Engineering Final Year Project report is about Ethylene glycol Chemical. The project has fourteen chapters of long and complete description of Ethylene glycol. This project report discusses a common element of radiator fluid. Ethylene glycol is an organic combine widely used as an automotive liquid and a precursor to polymers. In its pure form, it is an odorless, colorless, syrupy, sweet-tasting liquid.


Ethylene glycol is toxic, and ingestion can result in death. Ethylene glycol is not to be confused with DIETHYLENE glycol, heavier ether DIOL, or with polyethylene glycol, a nontoxic polyether polymer. Ethylene glycol is used as a protecting group for carbonyl groups in organic synthesis. In the plastics industry, ethylene glycol is important precursor to polyester fibers and resins. Polyethylene TEREPHTHALATE, used to make plastic bottles for soft drinks, is prepared from ethylene glycol.

It is used to increase the boiling point and decrease the freezing point of radiator fluid, which circulates through the automotive radiator. These changes to the boiling and freezing points result from the colligative properties of the solute that is they depend on the number of particles in the solution. Hence, ethylene glycol is added to prevent the radiator from overheating or freezing, depending on the season.

Fluoresce in dye is often added to radiator fluid to help identify the source of a leak. The fluoresce in the fluid fluoresces when viewed under ultraviolet light. The toxic alcohols are parent compounds that exert most of their toxicity by conversion to metabolites. Finally, the proposed analysis approach is described, as are the various ancillary concepts required for its implementation.

 Ethylene Glycol Chemical Engineering Final Year Project Conclusion:

In conclusion of the Ethylene glycol report, it is tastes sweet, which is why some animals are attracted to it. Many veterinarians are familiar with ethylene glycol toxicity because of the frequent cases that involve dogs or cats that drink radiator fluid.

Download Ethylene Glycol Chemical Engineering Final Year Project.