Virtual Retinal Display CSE Seminar Report

Introduction to Virtual Retinal Display CSE Seminar Topic:

In today’s generation the technology is developed to scan the retinal area of the person and print an image according to it, this technology is called virtual retinal display. The users think that the picture is in front of his eyes but actually the picture is at retina of the user and the VRD scans one pixel at a time just like other CRT.

CRT is the device that is used for the presentation and the implantation if the entertainment and for the information later this technology was overcome by flat devices that are known as LCD’s.They have the one motive to generate the image electronically. VRD is an input device.

Working: – the working of the VRD is described that is a layer called Retina which is present behind the eyes which converts the light signal into electrical by doing some chemical reaction. Photo receptor carries this signal to the brain through the nerve cell.The detailed vision of the object is taken by the macula which is located in the centre of the retina and it is very sensitive element of the eye. This macula includes fovea which is responsible for the very sharp image of the object and this used for the reading and television purpose by the person.

Advantages of the VRD: – there are many advantages of the VRD that are the color range produces by the VRD are very high. And its resolution is also very high and produces image of 800 X 600 which is very high then the CRT. It produces very flexible images and it has two viewing modes they are occluded in this only images generated by the VRD is visible and augmented in which the images generated by the VRD and the image of outside world is also visible.

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