Gain Store Inventory Management System

Gain Store Inventory management system provides fully control and keeps track of all equipment in the store. Each piece of equipment should be located in a specific place in the store and have a unique code . You can manage the process Inventory Store in an efficient and accurate way, You can keep track of any transferring process between stores, This system provides some reports (i.e. report contains data for nor-rotatable equipment with summary data, … etc).

Gain Store Inventory Management System


The first page will be the login page you should enter a user name and password correctly to be able to access the application features, each user has permission to access pages, and there are pages you can do some operations in the warehouse-like adding new items and information (code, type, production date, expire date, ..), you can find any item by using search capability and there are many reports analyzing the stock. Through the application there are cycle handles the workflow between warehouse operators and the administrators.

We are designing the database model (Entity Relationship Diagram) ERD .requires an understanding of the system and its components. This is a brief description of our database:
Items (Item ID, Item name, type, created date, category id, location id, quantity, description ..).
Categories (category id, name …..)
users (user id, user name,password, role id … )
roles (role id, description ….)
transactions (transaction id, created date, user id …..)
locations (location id, …)

Database Tables Details:

Table Name: WorkFlowSteps

Description: This table contains all Work Flow steps types, names of each transaction and when it was created, and which user created it

Fields :StepID,StepNumber ,StepName

Table Name: Transaction Log

Description: All details made in the transactions which equipment was entered, when it was entered, when it was exited, created and comments about it, and by which user

Fields: Trans ID, Material, RetunedDate, Exit Date , Comments, Created Date, User ID

Table Name: User

Description: This table is shown users who entered equipment, exit, and make transactions in the warehouse and their names, user names, passwords, and title

Fields: User ID, User Name,Password,Title, Created Date,DepartmentID, ManagerID

Table Name: Materials

Description: All Materials and their quantity,  classifications to categories and where it was located  by which user, and when it was created

Fields: MaterialID,Name, Category ID, Location ID,Quantity,IsActive, Created Date

Table Name: Location

Description: Where each piece of equipment is located, by which user when it was created, and location id

Fields: Location ID, Location Name, Created Date

Table Name: Category

Description: All categories exist in the warehouse when it was created ad by which user, its id, and name

Fields: Category ID, Name, Created Date

Table Name: WorkFlowActions

Description: Contains steps of each workflow

Fields: Action ID, ManagerID, Approved, workflow.WFStepID

Table Name: Departments

Description: contains data of all departments

Fields: Department ID, Department Name

Table Name: WorkFlow

Description: This table contains all Work Flow IDs, and users and Materials

Fields:WorkflowID, UserID, MaterialID

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