Software Prototyping Project Management Report

End users and SS/W customers think that it is quite difficult to express their requirements. It has also become impossible for them to predict that how a system can affect the practices and how well it can interact with the rest of the system. It also predicts the needs of the automated system.

When the S/W system is being developed the system design  made use of a prototype. An electronic system is the example of this prototype. This is designed using off-the-shelf components which made the investment inexpensive. Circuits for special purposes are integrated in order to implement the vision of the production of the system. In actual the task of a SS/W prototype is not to design validation but to check and design the requirements of the system.

In the process there are several benefits of developing early prototype. The advantages include:

The missing services of the users can be detected.

As the functions of the system are demonstrated therefore it help in clearing the misunderstanding between the user and the developers of s/w.

It helps in identifying the confusing user services as well as redefined them.

It may find incomplete by the s/w programmer staff and the requirements to be inconsistent while the prototype is being developed.

For the writing specification the prototype serves as the main basis and it helps in increasing the production system.

A working system can quickly demonstrate the usefulness of any application and its feasibility to the management.

At the same time it also has some other applications like user training and system testing.

 The former is a system of prototype that is used for the training of the users before delivering of the final system while the latter is used for back to back  prototype tests which reduce the manual checking need of the test runs.

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