SMS Based Mobile Banking with Security Java Project

An application known as Secure Messenger and it is used for decryption and encryption of the message which is based on Quasigroups Cryptographic Algorithm. This message is used to send messages that are encrypted for the users that are targeted. And it is necessary that the end user also have the secure message about the similar version. This message is encrypted using the Java MIDLET on the mobile phone. It allows transfer of money between two people. A message that is encrypted can be passed on to the network even though it cannot read or detect the message.

Mobile transaction process is used to transform money between two people. And both of them must be registered with a bank. For this process a mobile phone for both the users is very necessary and it starts with SMS. Like if A wants to pay B then both of them should poccess a mobile.

Then user A will have to type the words SMS to the bank with whom he is registered along with his pin code that usually consists of 4 digits followed by the account number and the amount he wants to transfer. Further the request will be processed by the bank within a short time and the amount will be quickly transferred to the mentioned account id. This will be followed by confirmation SMS to both the users.

In the application for sending of encrypted SMS with the help of cryptographic methods are based on the quasi groups theory. This algorithm is characterized with a secret key and the application used the Java language as the basic programming language along with the J2ME environment.

For the exchange of confidential data SMS messages are important and also even used sometimes and it also provides a high level of security for the users.

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