Mobile Phone Based Attendance Tracking System Java Project

Introduction to Mobile Phone Based Attendance Tracking System:

In existing system, the teacher takes the attendance in the attendance book manually and the teacher should maintain the details of the students (present, absent). Using this record the teacher stores the student’s record in each day in attendance list and calculates the students attendance.

Its main aim is to help the teacher in taking the attendance using phone for this it should support the java application. And it is based on J2ME. The teacher will take the attendance in the mobile after saving the presenters and absentees in the mobile the teacher will edit the list of attendance in the mobile and the details will send to the system by using GPRS. And the list will be updated automatically.

The user module purpose is to provide security and it is designed for staff for taking attendance in mobile. the teacher want to enter the user name and password to enter the attendance list to take the attendance.

Attendance Entry Module is to take attendance using mobile phone here teacher take the attendance in the mobile.

The GPRS sends the attendance list to the main server database by connecting the mobile phone to the server through GPRS.

Updating the data base the list of the attendance is to update to the system from the mobile phone .

The WEB application of the CBAS deals with the attendance list by doing this the student can see his attendance in the WEB.

SMS Module  is the advantage of the project the student sends the SMS correctly to the system by  entering his name,  register number, branch, year  correctly he will receives the SMS reply otherwise it doesn’t .

The hardware Requirement of the system is IBM-Compatible PC, the processor is Pentium 4, Memory 256MB Ram hard disk 40GB.

This project requires minimum software requirements platform windows, language speed J2ME, development tool JDK 1.5, database is MYSQL.

 Download Mobile Phone Based Attendance Tracking System Java Project.

100 Replies to “Mobile Phone Based Attendance Tracking System Java Project”

  1. can you send me the total project report of mobile phone based attendance tracking system java project with front end java and back and oracle 10g with best documentation to submit my project in college.please can u send me the project…………………..

  2. can you plz send me the source code and project-report for mobile-phone-based-attendance-tracking-system-java-project .

  3. can you plz send me the source code and project-report for mobile-phone-based-attendance-tracking-system-java-project and power point presentation if availlable .

  4. hi friend plz send me the project with source code and report also its urgent plz send me as early as possibe…my id(

  5. hey,please mail me complete report and source code and all of mobile phone based attendance system ,please send please send on my mail,

  6. i want the project code urgently can u plz send it to my mail by tomorrow evng.its urgent plz plz plz send quickly.send it to my mail

  7. can you plz send me the source code and project-report for mobile-phone-based-attendance-tracking-system-(in java) and power point presentation if availlable .pls its urgent!pls reply back

  8. plz send the complete report and sourcecode of mobile phone based attendance tracking system java project……..
    itzzzzzz very urgent

  9. Please send me the source code,demo video and design page…PLS URGENT…..I HAVE MANY TROUBLING IN THIS TIME…

  10. please send me the source code and project report of mobile based attendance tracking system. please send me the source code.

  11. Plz send me the source code of this project to my e-mail.its very urgent….!!!!!!!!!!!! plz..plz..plz

  12. hello frndz, if any one got the project code then plzzz send me the code.
    my E-mail addr is “”
    waiting 4 +ve rply

  13. plzz send me the source code bcoz whn compare to other projects it’s quite interesting n useful ….so pls send me

  14. Hi I am Lhap Tshering from Bhutan can u please help me with the final semester project. Please send me the source code, setup file ad the documentation plz

  15. Please send d source code of this project… plz…plz… I will really not copy paste it. I want to know how it is designed. Plz it would b a great help. Plz snd it as soon as possible.

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