We need to develop a web application which makes organize a big event like University Day of Service easy. A short abstract of the functionalities/ modules of the Event Organizing Committee application is as follows:
Modules of the application involve:
- Applicant (Organizations which request service)
- Volunteer (Students/ Student Group)
- Sponsor (Who can support a day of service)
- Employee (Event organizing committee of the university)
Work Flow of the application:
- Applicant must submit a request for service by providing details on what kind of Service they require, no of volunteers they require, etc.
- The employees review the requests and match the information to the eligibility criteria and accept/decline the requests accordingly.
- The employees later make a list of all the services that needs to be scheduled.
- Volunteers can register online
- The scheduled work orders are then allocated to respective volunteers based on skill set, availability etc.,
- Volunteers can view projects assigned to them through the portal.
- Employees also maintain volunteer and sponsor information in their database.
The plan is to make use as well as learn the following software components by developing this Event Organizing Committee application:
Programming Language : Java
Web Technologies : JSP ,Servlet ,HTML ,CSS, Java Script
Database : Oracle
IDE: Eclipse
Please send me the code.
I love this, please assist me with the codes