Event Organizing Committee Java Project

We need to develop a web application which makes organize a big event like University Day of Service easy. A short abstract of the functionalities/ modules of the Event Organizing Committee application is as follows:

Modules of the application involve:

  • Applicant           (Organizations which request service)
  • Volunteer         (Students/ Student Group)
  • Sponsor             (Who can support a day of service)
  • Employee         (Event organizing committee of the university)

Work Flow of the application:

  • Applicant must submit a request for service by providing details on what kind of Service they require, no of volunteers they require, etc.
  • The employees review the requests and match the information to the eligibility criteria and accept/decline the requests accordingly.
  • The employees later make a list of all the services that needs to be scheduled.
  • Volunteers can register online
  • The scheduled work orders are then allocated to respective volunteers based on skill set, availability etc.,
  • Volunteers can view projects assigned to them through the portal.
  • Employees also maintain volunteer and sponsor information in their database.

The plan is to make use as well as learn the following software components by developing this Event Organizing Committee application:

Programming Language : Java

Web Technologies : JSP ,Servlet ,HTML ,CSS, Java Script

Database : Oracle

IDE: Eclipse

Educational Products Suppliers Project in Java

Business Idea:

The main goal of Educational products suppliers project is to collect all the educational products and place them in to single website and sell them through online.

Nature of the project/ Process of Purchase:

Collecting all the products those are like books, charts, Puzzles etc., which comes under stationary. We have to collect and maintain the information about the products in data bases. Update information regarding products based on their versions of books. Developing the e commerce website this website must contain the information of products. User can see the products and they can buy them through online. Here they have the sign in and log in forms.

First user want to enter in to website by using the URL. After that they want to login to their account if they are already member if not they have to register first. Once login with their credentials the entered data is checks with data which is already in database, if the information is correct they can renders in to home page then they can see all the products. User have the access to select the products and can add to the wish list or they can buy through their cards by entering the necessary information. And user should also provide their shipping details for delivery.

Budget information:

Technologies and requirements used to develop the website and to meet the user requirements. The project should solve the business issues and should satisfy the user requirements. Economic feasibility says about the budget information of the project. The project should capable of generating the profit to the organization. This is mainly depends upon cost of products which we have buy from publishers, manufactures and from retailers. Budget should also depends upon software, hardware, and other technical tools and databases we used to develop the website.

According to our estimation it may cost 5,000 /- to 10,000 /- based up on all the specifications and requirements. It may vary if the business grows higher.

Issues and Risks:

There may be chances of slow down the server. Sometimes there is a chance of mismatch of information of products. There may be a chance of arising the security issues regarding user information. And delivery issues.

Presence Strategy:

The main goal of Educational products suppliers Final Year Project is to collect all the educational products and place them in to single website and sell them through online.

  • Collect all the products from manufactures, book publishers, retailers.
  • Collect all the information regarding the products.
  • Store all the information in databases. So that we need servers.
  • High level business requirements, specifications needs to develop the projects.
  • Maintaining the security to user information.
  • Proper arrangements of products based up on their priority and updating versions.


This Educational Products Suppliers project should meet all the user needs that are required to buy the stationary. Creating the user friendly environment.


Developing the Educational Products Suppliers e commerce website based up the requirements gathering and information of the products.

Target Audience:

Site maintainers, site users, product maintainers, product buyers, suppliers.

Intended market space:

Market space is nothing but where the site is in use.

Main Project Success Criteria:

Based upon collection of requirements, Analysis,Proper designing, implementation and providing a full extensive report including detailed financial analysis and recommendations how to implement the project.

Business statement, high level business requirement, specifications, developers, integrating, data flow, screen flows, user accepting testing, quality assurance,


  • Collecting all the functional and non-functional requirements.
  • Analysis of all the requirements,
  • Allocate work to group of people who can work full time on project.
  • Maintaining the healthy relationship between the designers, developers, and data collectors.
  • From a group of people to collect all the products. And maintain those product information in databases.
  • Using and maintaining the company servers.
  • Day to day updates of products.
  • Designing of website by using the unified modelling languages.
  • Select the skilled developers to develop the website. These developers use the designing models to develop the website.
  • Make sure of data flow and screen flow.
  • After developing the pages we have to integrate the pages.
  • Providing the security to user information.
  • Once the website is done we have to test the website for page responsiveness and we have to check all the functionalities.


The users may be any type of users there is no restrictions in age, gender etc.,

Purchasing habits of user depends upon their needs.

ATM Reporting System Java Project

ABSTRACT:  Since the introduction of ATM we find people rushing to the ATM to withdraw money rather than approaching the bank. Most often we find people trying to locate an ATM and keep asking passers by about the nearest ATM. It is also noticed that they end up at the ATM to find that there are no funds. They then try and locate another ATM. The application proposes to automate an environment where the administrator publishes the list of ATM’s from different banks, location, map (image). The administrator also allows the banker of the ATM to login and fill the details of the cash being loaded. This allows the public to identify the ATM’s and funds available and it’s functioning. The system allows the administrator to register the banker. The banker registers the customer details and their ATM’s.

Present working scenario of the organization is something like this:
The present working of the organization is outdated and the methods in the working of
Organization is not efficient.
The information of the ATM’S are recorded on paper and any record books.
The present system is slow and involves much clerical and official work.
The whole work is carried again in case of any changes to be made.
To know the availability of funds in any nearest ATM man power is required which is a time consuming process.


Processor : PIV 2.2 Ghz
RAM : 512 Mb
Hard disk : 4 Gb space

Front End : JSP, HTML, Javascript
Middle Tier : Tomcat
Back End : oracle


1) view atms
2) view customers(giva access,delete)

1) create new ATM
2) Load funds
3) Customer
4) search atm (atm name and Map)
5) withdrawal
6) view transactions (show N transaction details)

Institutional Infrastructural Info System Java Project


This Institutional Infrastructural Info System project aims at developing a web application for educational institutions to provide and manage the information of laboratory software and hardware infrastructure available to the students of all the branches and to update the existing software and hardware resources efficiently and effectively with student feedback.


Existing educational web applications provide the information of laboratory infrastructure to the students without proper guidelines, installation instructions, student feedback.


  • Students may not get proper information about the existing laboratory software and software updates provided by their institution.
  • Students may not aware of hardware infrastructure and other machinery equipment provided by their institution.
  • Administrator and faculty members cannot update the existing hardware and the software infrastructure efficiently without proper feedback taken from the students.
  • Faculty members cannot provide efficient guidelines to students about the existing laboratory software and hardware infrastructure.
  • Student feedback about the existing laboratory software and hardware infrastructure cannot reach the faculty members and administrator effectively.


This Institutional Infrastructural Info System web application allows faculty members to provide the information of existing software and hardware resources in institution available to students with proper guidance and instructions and allows students to give feedback about existing resources and demand for new laboratory infrastructure.

class diagrm


  • Students can easily get information about the existing laboratory infrastructure and software updates by this web application.
  • Faculty members are provided to post information about laboratory software by allowing them to login as users and can update laboratory systems efficiently with proper feedback.
  • Faculty members can provide efficient guidelines to the students about the software usage, updates and hardware infrastructure by posting them in this web application.
  • Students are provided to give their feedback about laboratory infrastructure by allowing them to login as visitors.


  1. Visitor module
  2. User module
  3. Administrator module


  1. Operating System: Windows xp/7/8
  2. Front End       : HTML
  3. Back End         : JAVA with Oracle 10g/11g database
  4. Server Side Programming Tool: JSP
  5. Web Server      : Apache Tomcat v8 or Glass Fish v3 server


  1. Processor   : Pentium IV or advanced
  2. Ram           : 128 MB (minimum)
  3. Hard Disk   : 20 GB (minimum)


  • Students can easily get information about the existing laboratory infrastructure and software updates of educational institution.
  • Faculty members can easily post information about laboratory software and can update laboratory systems efficiently with proper feedback.
  • Faculty members can provide efficient guidelines to the students about the software usage, updates and hardware infrastructure by posting them in this web application.
  • Students can give their feedback about laboratory infrastructure and can demand for updated software and hardware infrastructure through this web application.              

Personal Learning Assistance Center Java Project


“ PLACE ” Personal Learning Assistance Center Java Project is an education based website, which helps the students to get all the resources and study materials for every course available online. Students can access this website anytime and from anywhere. It is reliable and time efficient approach compared to all links of the website provided by any search engine while searching for course materials.


  • Self-Paced Learning
  • 24/7 accessibility to study materials
  • Interaction between student and professor through discussion forum
  • Accessing the website can be done from anywhere and anytime
  • Day-to-Day updating of the study materials
  • Increases retention
  • Easily manageable by everyone

Existing system:

  • In a manual system, students can get information from books or study materials provided by professors manually or through some online resources such as Free Engineering study Materials and Youth4work.
  • Through this system, students may not get the related and sufficient information according to our syllabus.
  • The above resources do not provide discussion forums between student and professor to clarify their doubts.
  • This system does not provide proper guidance to the students.
  • These are the main disadvantages in the present scenario, to avoid this we are going to introduce a web-based application called “PERSONAL LEARNING ASSISTANCE CENTER”
  • Problems:

  1. Students face difficulty in getting the correct and related information according to our syllabus
  2. A teacher’s lecture is generally one- size- fit- all. This results in the student’s inability to keep pace with teachers
  3. If the professor is not available due to some issue, then the queries are not clarified in time
  4. Missed classes are difficult to gain

Proposed system:

  • The main aim of this project is to provide sufficient and related study materials to our college students according to our syllabus from which students can easily download study materials of their relevant course.
  • Through this website, each and every student can easily access the study materials without any effort.
  • The first step is to register in order to access this website.
  • In this system, we are providing discussion forums between student and professor where students can easily clarify their doubts.

This website mainly consists of four modules:


  • Maintains the details of registered students, mentors, and professors
  • Makes secure registrations of the users
  • Maintain record of queries and solutions
  • Students should first register and then login in order to view or download any study materials provided by their professors
  • If they have any doubts related their subject, there is a module called discussion forum which helps in solving their queries through chatting.
  • Prepares and uploads the study materials for the students
  • Solves the queries raised by the students in case if mentor is unable to solve them
  • Gives guidance to the students regarding their problems
  1. MENTOR:
  • Solves the queries which are raised by the students
  • Asks professors for solution, if they can’t get solution for particular   problem

Software Requirements

Operating System:   Windows 7 or Higher Version

User Interface:   Html / CSS

Client-side Scripting:   JavaScript

Programming Language:   Java

Database:   Oracle 10G

IDE/Work Bench:   My Eclipse 8.6


From the above discussion, we conclude that “PLACE” is an innovative technique used in providing learning experiences to the students online through the use of internet services. “PLACE” is a very useful center where students can build up their academic profile. This is the center where students get complete satisfaction in clarifying their queries with the help of discussion forums.

LIC Agent Management System VB Project

The project training in a student’s life is like a live experience in the industry. So it is very essential part of the educational qualification. Bachelor of Computer Application is the course offering me a unique change to find the place of utilizing computer in meaningful way. It provides me all the theoretical aspects with knowledge.
The project training in the 5 th semester of the course gives me the exposure to the real world.

LIC Agent Management System Home Page LIC Agent Management System Login Page

The aim of project training, by understanding a live project, is to have practical experience of the real world. It also clears the picture of practical field to prompt the students to develop their qualities talents, etc. so that I can expand our view about the implications of the theoretical knowledge in the practical field. We had the opportunity for the same at various LIC Agents. The period of the trainings would be around one and half month.

Software & Hardware Requirements:

  • Minimum 64 mb RAM
  • CD ROM drive
  • Windows 98 & onwards
  • Visual basic 6.0
  • Oracle plus 8.0
  • Pentium-III processor 550 MHZ or above
  • Minimum 2 GB Hard disk
  • Mouse, Keyboard
  • Color Printe

It took us great to develop this software in visual basic as Front end and Oracle 8.0 Back end Interface. This Software is duly tested on different environment of hardware and software. The data Security of this Software is great as the data stored in various tables with unreadable characters.

This Software accepts various data such as LIC Client information, Plan information, Personal detail of Client and his or her relatives with Physical details of client also, etc. It also accepts data such as various plans along with its various parameters such as minimum and maximum amount with term and an amount of the insurance. Printing Personal detail Report will display Policy date to maturity date.

This package has been able to successfully incorporate the entire requirement as per the requirement of LIC client agent system. Appropriate care has been taken during database design maintain database integrity and to avoid redundancy of data. Validation is done instantaneously to avoid data redundancy of data. The policy provided a safe future, saving etc. Designing and developing this DBMS-project was an interesting experience. It really helped me to understand the database concepts, which are of great importance these days.

The addition, deletion and modification of various details for various forms like plan guide, personal detail, relative details, new policy are very a user friendly, simple and easy.

Finance Corp Network-based Java Application

APSFC is a network-based application, programmed for the banking sector namely Andhra Pradesh State Finance Corporation. The activities such as information of the employees working in the organization, Industries to whom the loans are issued and different types of loans available are designed and the interest rates applicable are set in the master tables.

The information and status populated using the appropriate menus such as employee detail report, customer detail report; loans detail report, interest report, customer loan detail report & payment detail report.The system security is taken care by a login form, which allows only authorized users to utilize the system.

The automation of the activities is being processed by this computerized package.In the computerized package it will be easier to check the customer details by entering the loan number all the other information is displayed. Monthly installments are exactly calculated according to the number of months and the interest rates applicable. Payments can be tracked easily. The two basic modern design strategies employed in the software design are Top down design and Bottom up design.

Top down design is decomposition process, which focuses on the flow of control, at later stages it concern itself with the code production. The important feature is that at each level the details of the design at the lower level are hidden. In the bottom up design one first identifies and investigates the parts of design that are most difficult and necessary designs are made and the reminder of the design is tailored to fit around the design.

It vaguely represents a synthesis process.The major hardware and software requirements on both the Client and Server are Internet connection with 33.6 KBPS modem, Pentium 233 MHz 42 GB, 256 MB RAM (server), any P.C with Windows/Unix compatibility, 12 MB RAM (client), operating System (Windows/Unix/Linux), JDK 1.4.1, Web Server, running on any platform, JDBC/ODBC drivers installed, Servlets 2.0 and JSP, functional Java enabled browser and Data base (Oracle 8i).

School/College Fee Management System VB & Oracle Project

About the project-Fee Management

The project of Fee Management of a school/college has been developed by MCA final year student. This project has taken 4-5 months for its completion.This project work with Visual Basic as the user’s interface and the Oracle as the part to handle fee database of a school/college. 

Overview of  Fee Management 

After proper analyses, I came to know that , In MCA college, fee are paid in three period (Jan-April),(May-Aug),(Sept-Dec).In apart of admission fee

Other fees also collected like hostel,stationary,library charges,vehicular charges and many more. College also collect fine from students from time to time.College also run pre-coaching batches like “coaching for entering test”

School-College Fee Management System

New system should handled that. Moreover current system also handles the security charges which is returned to students after completion of course or whenever students leave the college.At the time of security returning some rupees will be deducted in a account of library maintenance. System are in under control of  head person.Concession are paid w.r.t. marks obtained,relations(two brothers/sisters are studying or child of teacher ) .Concession will be paid to only one student of one family.Current system provide the mechanism regarding to check whether a particular student has  paid his/her fee for particular period quickly .This will help him/her to getting other facilities of college like(Receiving of Roll number,Receiving of college magazine,opening account in college canteen and many more  ).Current system also charge rupees from students for Photostat and Attestation.For all students who got  admission in Inter classes ,corresponding charges should be paid to DPI(Deputy Public Instructor)  and  students who got admission in UG/PG level classes,corresponding charges should be paid to DPI(Deputy Public Instructor).


During the system analysis, it is found that the old system is the manual system. The old system has following problems

  1. It was very difficult to maintain the ledgers, lists, trials and bulky bills preparations.
  2. No automated tool like COMPUTER is used for the processing.
  3. It is difficult to get the prompt case position.
  4. Difficult to keep the provide ON-LINE information to the departments.
  5. More staff was required.
  6. Not up-to-date
  7. Very Expensive
  8. Less security
  9. Data duplicacy
  10. Not centralized
  11. Slow in process


The new recommended is the computerized, which has many advantages over the old one.

  1. Since the overall system is under the control of Data Base Administrator (DBA) – hence the system us centralized one.
  2. The security and privacy is more in case of new system.
  3. The long process can be shortened.
  4. Easy to maintain the LEDGERS, TRIALS, DETAILS and other a/c books with deposits lists.
  5. User friendly
  6. Easy to prepare reports
  7. Easy to find the defaulter students list
  8. Easy to maintain the cash information
  9. Easy to handle security information
  10. Creation of users and granting authorities
  11. Less staff is required
  12. Addmission/Others fees are maintained properly

Requirements Specification:

  • Entering student information with different categories
  • Handling fee information via Bank Cheque as well as via Cash
  • Concession Handling related to
  •                                       ——- Marks Obtained
  •                                       ——- Relations
  •                                       ——- Schedule Caste/Backword Caste
  • Proper handling of new Departments/Classes
  • Creation of new users and authority management.
  • Precoaching Information Handling ( fees for non default courses like   math,science,crash course)
  • Security Handling
  • Database Backup/Database Recovery
  • List of Defalter  students
  • Cash Handling Reports wrt. (Fine,Admission Fee,Other Fee)
  • Fee related to convenience,stationary,liberary,computer labs
  • Password management
  • Proper Graphical User Interface
  • Proper Links with MsWord/Ms Excel
  • Internet Usage
  • Client/Server Architecture

S/W Requirements:

  1. VB 6
  2. Oracle 9i

Hostel Management System VB Project

Definition:“Hostel Management System is a student information maintenance or management process and inventory keeping of type data processing application, done by software named HOSTEL ZONE v1.0 used by rectors who manage the data of a student.” A high volume of data processing characterizes this application. Data processing consists of four major tasks – data gathering, data manipulation, and data storage and document preparation.

Areas of Computers:

Any system would normally comprise the following activities:

1) Obtaining data from outside the system,

2) Processing the data to get the information,

3) Giving timely and updated reports as output to the users.

The System Developed for:

It deals in providing accommodation to students, doing which, information management has to be efficiently and surely taken care of. They provide room accommodation according to student request. Administration working time during MON to SAT is 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8p.m. they have one rector, two working people, who have been servicing for the past 35 years.

The Hostel Management System is developed for S.P.K.M.

Hostel Management System Home Page

Introduction To Existing System

The hostel keeps a database of information regarding students who are staying at the hostel. It also incorporates in its database details of fees paid. The tasks mentioned above are performed manually using a register system. The paper work also includes new student entry, updation in fee structure, etc.

Existing system has two modules:



Accommodation Module:

  • Accommodation module is first important module of existing system.
  • The main job of this module is to make entry of students applying for accommodation and to provide information regarding vacancies and profile of students already registered.
  • As and when a student applies, he is made aware of the rules and regulation of the stay at the refuge.
  • That done, if the student accepts and promises to abide by the rules, he may be made aware of the vacancies and the students occupying the various rooms, and he may be given the choice to decide on a room provided, the room has the capacity.

Context Diagram for Hostel Management System

Billing Module:

Billing Module is a second important module of existing Hostel system. The main purpose of this module is to extensively deal in finances, making entry of fees paid up by the students

The quantity of fees paid up is then updated into the fees file. Also an efficient mechanism is set up to ensure that the records set up student wise.

With the use of this module hostel attendant records the full information of students and the respective fees.

The main problem faced is dealing with the databases such as fees register and other types of register in which they have to update, delete. With every transaction, the details are noted down sequentially in the order of time and that too, manually.

Thus, use of computer come into existence where there are such tedious and very hard tasks tobe performed in the system.

Limitations Of Existing System:

  • Time Consuming.
  • Editing of data is tedious job.
  • No Security of data.
  • Maintenance is difficult.
  • Not obtain accurate and relevant information.
  • Problems of Report generation.

Hostel Management System All Modules page

Requirement Analysis:

I have found following vital needs during fact gathering techniques:

Storage of Information for the financial year.

Reducing the data entry efforts.

To maintain up-to-date and proper student information.

Generation of various Reports as when needed.

Like vacancies reports,fees unpaid reports,bill etc.

Fact gathering techniques:

This is the main phase of requirement analysis
In this phase system analyst must be careful about user’s requirement.
The System was studied by means of:

  • Interview
  • Check List
  • Record Review
  • Interview

Activities involve in the process of the System.

Limitations of Existing System.

Types of Reports.

  • Check List

Find out what area of hostel student information management system operation and activities need to be analyzed.

Find out their priorities.

  • Record Review

Standard Operating Procedure.

Forms and Documents used for system.

Various Reports used by existing system.

Proposed System:

  • System Scope

–The main job of this system is to record the vital data of the students and then prepare timely reports.

  • System Boundaries



–Hostel Trustees.

  • System Objectives

–Maintaining Information regarding details.

–Maintaining fees related details.

–Recording all the day-to-day transaction.

Software Specification:

  • Operating System ( Windows 98).
  • Oracle 8.0 ( as Back-End).
  • Visual Basic 6.0 ( as Front-End).

E-Post Office Shopping Portal in Java

The e-Post Office is the shopping portal of the world renowned postal service on the internet and an additional distribution channel. It sells Stamps, Postcards and  has services like fixed deposit bonds, paying phone bills etc. This help in managing the orders and user requests properly for the website administrator, and it also provides an opportunity to the user of the site to act as  customer in the process of purchasing the stamps, letters  in order list, the customers can visit and purchase products any time and any place through online  the customers can also compliant and send request/gives regarding services needed for the purchased products.

E-Post Office System in Java

Previous methods:

In the existing “e-Post office System ”, and organization provides and opportunity to the customer of the website to purchase products like stamps, letters and depositing the money  online. It allows the user to purchase different categories of stamps and letters that are being displayed in the site.

The existing system doesn’t provide an opportunity of hosting request to administrator about required products that are not in the site.

In this system there is no provision for the customers to directly complaint about any problem encountered in the products purchased, and it doesn’t allow the customer to interact with website to send their opinions. These problems are solved in the proposed system.

Project approach motivation of the project: 

The proposed system “e-Post office system” will include all the features carried out by the existing system and also certain additional features so that this project will form a definite improvement. It is proposed to make the system extremely user friendly with well-designed screens and limited inputs. It is also proposed to include the list of various features which makes the system very convenient to use.

The project is based on how products are sold in the site, and how users interact with administrator. The interaction between the customers and administrator is useful to know the views/requests of the customer so that the website becomes more interactive. 


Study of the system:

The e-Post Office is the shopping portal of the world renowned postal service on the internet and an additional distribution channel. It sells Stamps, Postcards and  has services like fixed deposit bonds, paying phone bills etc.

The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules:

1. Admin Module

2. Customer Module

Admin Module:

Administrator collects all the details of the countries like country code, name, postal stamps and adds this information to the portal.

Adds the product details like Stamps, covers (inland).

Adds the Employee details.

Administrator can introduce new policies day by day. For example postal insurance is a policy. The admin can add new policies for different age groups, some for children, and some for senior citizen, some for students, and some for employees.

In the commemoration of persons, ethical, social, national and international issues the administrator can create new stamps. And the same information is added to the central database.

Customer Module:

Customer raises the Bulk orders for stamps and envelops of all countries through online.

Customer can view the status of the term deposits made.

Customer can pay the electricity bills online and view the status.

Requirement Specification:

 Software Interface:

  • Operating System                   :                       Windows XP or any
  • User Interface                         :                       HTML, CSS
  • Client-side Scripting               :                       JavaScript
  • Programming Language          :                       Java
  • Server-side Scripting               :                       JSP
  • Database                                 :                       Oracle 10g
  • Server Deployment                 :                       Tomcat 5.x

Hardware Interface:

  • Processor                                 :                       Pentium IV or later
  • Hard Disk                               :                       40GB or more
  • RAM                                       :                       512MB or more