Electronic vegetable market is an application developed in java technology for maintaining centralized repository of all the information related to vegetables. This application provides a platform for farmers, whole sellers and retailers an easy communication. This application makes the selling’s and purchases of vegetables easy.
The project electronic vegetable market is a web application which maintains a transparency between the whole seller and retailer. This application also makes a selection for civilian for the farmers requirement and to make it easy.
With the help of this application farmer can be able to know the best value for his vegetable fooled by the marketers. This application makes the farmers requirement become easy .By using this application farmers can get the complete information about eradicating black marketing and inflation.
It helps in proper maintenance of data and information. One can easily browse through the various details using the well defined interfaces provided by the system.
The main objective of Electronic vegetable market is to develop a website which will help civilian ,retailer ,hole seller and even though the farmer will get best from his input.
This module provides administrator related functionalities. Administrator manages the entire application and manages all the customer details. Administrator is authorized to add, delete and edit all vegetable details, price details and user details.
This module provides customer related functionality. user can register in to the system. also user can get all the information about the vegetables and its price. User also see the actual price of the vegetable. also give the complain.
Visitors also see all the information about vegetables’ and its price. no need to register.
This module allows administrator generate reports based on different criteria such as dally basis actual price of the vegetables, wholesalers, retailers etc..
Software Requirements:
Language : Java
Web technologies : JEE (Servlets/JSP)
Front-end Design : Html, CSS, JSP
Database : Oracle 10G
Scripting : JavaScript, Ajax
Operating System : Windows/Linux