Electronic Vegetable Market Java Project


Electronic vegetable market is an application developed in java technology for maintaining centralized repository of all the information related to vegetables. This application provides a platform for farmers, whole sellers and retailers an easy communication. This application makes the selling’s and purchases of vegetables easy.


The project electronic vegetable market is a web application which maintains a transparency between the whole seller and retailer. This application also makes a selection for civilian for the farmers requirement and to make it easy.

With the help of this application farmer can be able to know the best value for his vegetable  fooled by the marketers. This application makes the farmers requirement become easy .By using this application farmers can get the complete information about eradicating black marketing and inflation.

It helps in proper maintenance of data and information. One can easily browse through the various details using the well defined interfaces provided by the system.


The main objective of Electronic vegetable market is to develop a website which will help civilian ,retailer ,hole seller and even though the farmer will get best from his input.



This module provides administrator related functionalities. Administrator manages the entire application and manages all the customer details. Administrator is authorized to add, delete and edit all vegetable details, price details and user details.


This module provides customer related functionality. user can register in to the system. also user can get all the information about the vegetables  and its price. User also see the actual price of the vegetable. also give the complain.


Visitors also see all the information about vegetables’ and its price. no need to register.


This module allows administrator generate reports based on different criteria such as dally basis actual price of the vegetables, wholesalers, retailers etc..

Software Requirements:

Language                                :           Java

Web technologies                   :           JEE (Servlets/JSP)

Front-end Design                    :           Html, CSS, JSP

Database                                 :           Oracle 10G

Scripting                                  :           JavaScript, Ajax

Operating System                   :           Windows/Linux

Blood Donor Central Database and Web Portal


Blood donor central database java based application which maintains a centralized database to store information related to blood donors and blood providing organizations. This system maintains a means to coordinate the details of donors and organizations at one place.


Blood Donor Central Database  is a web based portal which is developed using java and oracle database to  interact with other systems and  get the details of the donors and organizations. Through our system the nonuser can also become as a donor. The system allows one to access the information about the particular donors or organizations.

In this Blood Donor Central Database and Web Portal we provide the details of the blood donors and  details of the blood providing organizations like hospitals, clinics and blood banks. The application maintains the centralized database to preserve the  details of the blood donors and organizations. Through our website we can give the suggestions to the particular donor or organizations. Our website also provides any common people to join as a donor.


The objective of this Blood Donor Central Database java based Web Portal is to develop a system through which a user can communicate and access information about a particular blood donors or blood providing organizations.



The entire application will be maintained by the administrator. He can only add the new states, new cities, new blood groups and organizations into blood donor portal. He can view the all details of the donors and organizations and he can also send the suggestions to both of the donors and organizations. He can update, delete the profile details of the website. The administrator will give the permissions for donors and organizations to login into our website.


 The donor is a person that who is ready to donate the blood, so first he has to be register in blood donor Portal by specifying his name, contact number, blood group and last donation date. He can view the suggestions of admin and the other donors in the Portal that which are send to him. He can also send the suggestions to the admin and other donors.


If any organization want to give the existence to the people those who need the blood then the organization must interact with the administrator, so the administrator will provide the Id and password to particular organization by adding it into blood donor Portal website.

Here the organizations may be a hospital, blood banks and clinics which are involved in our application. Our website maintains  all details of the organizations. By these the non-user can easily find out the details of the particular organizations and later he can contact with the organizations by their details.


The Non-User is the person  who needs the blood . The Non-User can search the blood donor by specifying proper State, City and the blood group in our Website.

Software Requirements:

Front-end                                             :                       HTML,JS,CSS.

Technologies                                       :                       J2EE/JAVA.

Database                                             :                       Oracle10g.

Server                                                  :                       Tomcat6.o.

Active City Administration Java Project


Active city administration system is a interface for citizens to provide communication with administrative body. It reduces the distance and time barrier between citizens and administration.


Active city administration is a web based application. It is a user-friendly online interface. This application creates an online platform where people can share ideas , invoke discussion, issue complaints, create suggestion/petitions for improvement of city administration.

This application is based on a Automated process. It creates a easy platform for people to communicate with administrator body. Active city administration provides direct communication with admin. Users can discuss various topics. Share their ideas, give their views also. By using this application users can save time and get immediate access with the admin.


Objective of this active city administration is to encourage and to bring transparency and flexibility in the system. To make the communication easy.


Administration Module:

Creates and monitors the accounts of authorities. To filter the content reported as inappropriate and handle threats. Handle complaints about improper response  by municipal authorities.

Citizen Module:

User should be able to create new account, log in to their existing accounts which will give them the authority to use the services provided by the system.  Authenticated users should be able to issue complaints check complaint status, submit feedback browser through other complaints and their feedback. Authenticated users should be able to create suggestion/petitions, other users can support or make suggestions for petitions forward petitions to corresponding authority for possible implementation.

Officer Module:

Officer authorities can log-in to their accounts as created by administrator. Authorities can access all the complaints, suggestion form user. Invoke proper activity in  Response to valid complaints, or redirect inappropriate complaints to the administrator. Gives response to complaints with activity reports.

NGOs Module:

NGO can form user groups similar to other users. NGO’s can publicize their Social causes on the site.

Software Requirements:

Technology                          :           J2SE & J2EE

Web technology                  :           HTML, JavaScript, CSS

Web Server                         :           Tomcat5.5

Java Version                       :           JDK 1.6

Backend Database              :           Oracle 10g

Stock & Portfolio Management System Java Project


This is a Stock & Portfolio Management System software application which is used for maintaining stock trading information. This application consist all different company’s shares list and customers list who are handling major transactions like purchasing and selling of shares.

This Stock & Portfolio Management System application will contain the companies, its shares, agents, and customers’ information. The software application “Stock and Portfolio Management” is providing an interface among the agents, companies, and customers. It will give proper updated information and real market information for every 5 minutes like that.

In current scenario we are having lot of online trading portals but all these portals are providing communication between administrators, organization people and stock brokers but they are not providing any interface between organizations to customers so that no customer can view their own information. This is not providing Performance calculation comparison to BSE and Nifty. The customer unable to get the updated details of his shares frequently. For this the customer need to depend on the other modes. And the customer can’t get the transaction details and commission details.


 Management Module:

This module deals with the administrator roles. Admin is nothing but the stock exchange employee. This module is able to add, update, and delete the new/existing company details. Able to add, update, and delete the company shares information. It gives access to the agents/brokers. Able to generate the reports based on criteria.

Stock Agent / Broker Module:

This module is to register in this application and get access from the admin. Able to view the companies list and their shares information. To get the customers and to view the customer’s information like sales, purchase details.

Customers Module:

It registers in this application. Able to view the agents/brokers information and their track record. It also views the companies list and their share information. Able to purchase new shares of a particular company and  to sell the purchased shares. Able to view, update his details as well as history details.

Software Requirements:

Language                                :           Java

Web technologies                   :           JEE (Servlets/JSP)

Front-end Design                    :           Html, CSS, JSP

Database                                 :           Oracle 10G

Scripting                                  :           JavaScript, Ajax

Browser                                    :           IE 6.0/ Mozilla

Operating System                     :           Windows/Linux


Online Picture Management System Java Project


Online Picture Management is a social-networking website. This website is developed to  share Photos and Videos. This management system  provide an automatic tagging of pictures and videos. This management system will  categories all the received information.


Online Picture Management system is a web based application. This application maintains all the information about photos and videos posted by the users. This system provides a platform for sharing photos and videos in a secured way.

Now a day’s all the communication is done online, depending on the necessity of the users this website is developed. It has became difficult for one to track the information about people and exchange information. To overcome this problem user can get registered with this online picture management system. This website makes the sharing process easy and simple.

User will be given a unique username and password. He can search for people and share the information like photos and videos in a secured manner. This website stores the shared data. The data will be shared in a way without losing any content.


The main objective of this online picture management is to provide a automated data received  from users. To makes the conversation easy without any disturbance in sending or receiving.


General user module:

General user module shares videos, photos should provide automatic tagging of pictures and videos and categorize them. Users should be able to add content, add small pieces of new functionality and change their portion of the site. Being dependent highly on dynamic content collaborated by users, the site should have the features to auto analyze topics, group discussions, auto recommend threads based on searches etc

System Admin module:

This module reports for Site admin .The operational reports to make the site better in future. Should have the ability to tag social discipline violators using their UID, authenticity for adding users are utmost important for such a website. Definitely one should not be allowed to have more than one profile, validation of user should be done using email id.

Software Requirements:

Language                                :           Java

Web technologies                   :           JEE (Servlets/JSP)

Front-end Design                    :           Html, CSS, JSP

Database                                 :           Oracle 10G

Scripting                                  :           JavaScript, Ajax

Browser                                   :           IE 6.0/ Mozilla

Operating System                   :           Windows/Linux

Online Grivarence Reddressal System Java Project


Grivarence reddressal is a management and governance related process. This system is online interface for citizens to communicate with administrative body and reduce the distance and time barrier between citizens and administration.


Online Grivarence Reddressal System is a Java Project which is created to bring transparency and flexibility in the administration system. This system is a online platform where people can share ideas, invoke discussion, issue complaints and create suggestion/petitions for the improvement of the city administration. This application is a automated process which is a user-friendly online interface for the citizens.

This Java application allows online communication with the administrator body. This application provides online platform where people can share ideas, invoke discussion, issue complaints, create suggestion/petitions for improvement of city administration    It will create a online platform where people can share ideas, invoke discussions, issue complaints, create suggestions for improvement of city administration


The main objective of this online grivarence reddressal system is it provide an online interface between the citizens and the administrator. This system also encourages the users  to bring transparency and flexibility in system.


Administration Module: Creates and monitors accounts of authorities. Filters the content reported as handle threats. Handle complaints about improper response by municipal authorities.

Citizen Module: User should be able to create new account, log in to their existing  accounts which will give them the authority to use the services provided by the system. Authenticated users should be able to issue complaints check complaint status, submit feedback browser through other complaints and their feedback. Authenticated users should be able to create suggestion/petitions, other users can support or make suggestions for petitions forward petitions to corresponding authority for possible implementation.

Officer Module: Officer authorities can log-in to their accounts as created by administrator. Authorities can access all the complaints, suggestion form user. Invoke proper activity in Response to valid complaints, or redirect inappropriate complaints to the administrator. Give response to complaints with activity reports.

NGOs Module: NGO can form user groups similar to other users. NGO’s can publicize their Social causes on the site.

Software requirements:

Technology                          :           J2SE & J2EE

Web technology                  :           HTML, JavaScript, CSS

Web Server                         :           Tomcat5.5

Java Version                        :           JDK 1.6

Backend Database              :           Oracle 10g

Law and Order Automation Java Project


Law and order automation is a system which is developed to provide better interaction between public and police officers. This Java Project makes work easy for police officers by maintaining the information regarding their department.


Law and order automation is a Java Project that is developed to deliver the policies and law enforcement reporting tools to the next generation. This automation web project provides the setting for the intelligence platforms that agencies use to take incoming.

Public can get the permission to various licenses like Arms, loud speaker, Hotel/lodge, browsing center, mass meetings etc.., by using this application. Officer will be able to approve /reject which will be notified to the applicant via sms and Mail.

Using this system public can get the permissions in easy way. All the required operations like bowering center, mass meeting, hotel/lodge details can be retrieved easily by using this application. The project law and order automation is a web project and it is a user friendly. This system stores all the information and stores all the details in the repository.


The main objective of this law and order automation Java Project application is to provide a      good communication between public and police officers. To provide the public permission in no time from anywhere or anytime.


Administrator: This module is completely under the control of Administrator. He is having authority to view all the users, adding new police officers, deleting the police officers, adding new police stations, generating reports ,deleting the police stations and Appointing of police officers to a particular police station which is present in a specific zone or to a specific district.

Police Officers: Appointing the Police Officers to a particular police station which is present in a specific zone or to a specific district as a first time setup, Police officers will assignor tasks to detective ,The requests notified by the public are accepted or rejected by officers. Maintaining the criminal information state wise/area wise is mandatory.

Detectives: Detectives can access the cases or tasks assigned by the police officers, view cases or tasks assigned .Detective can view the cases list assigned by the officers. Detectives can also view the criminal information

Citizen: Secured registration of citizen is needed where they need to provide proof of citizenship, which will be cross checked by the police officers of that area. Citizens should be able to apply for various licenses like Arms, loud speaker, Hotel/lodge, browsing center, mass meetings etc..,

Software Requirements:

Language                                :           Java

Web technologies                   :           JEE (Servlets/JSP)

Front-end Design                    :           Html, CSS, JSP

Database                                 :           Oracle 10G

Scripting                                  :           JavaScript, Ajax

E-Healthcare Advisor Java Project


E-healthcare advisor is a project developed to provide internet based health care information system. This application helps the user to identify certain diseases by answering certain questions asked by the patient.


E-healthcare advisor is a web based application which acts as a communication bridge between the doctor and patient. This application maintains a centralized repository of all information related to diseases and medicines.

E-healthcare application provides online service to the users. By using this application the user need not go to any clinic and meet any doctor. This application is based on the diagnose received by the user and the user will be getting some suggestion of medicines that are available in the local chemist without prescription with an advice to  visit the doctor.

Users/patients need to get registered to this application. They can  simply open the E-Healthcare website and send the request for medicines by  mentioning their disease. It maintains the data and information in a proper way. One can easily browse through the various details using the well defined interfaces provided by the system.


To provide online service to the users without wasting time. To increase the performance and serve thousands of people in mille seconds.



Administrator related functionalities are performed in this module. Administrator manages the entire application and manages all the Patients and non members details. Administrator is authorized to add, delete and edit, User details, Medicines and Diseases Details.


Patients should register to the website. User can send the request to the medicines mentioning their disease details.

Non Members:

In this module non members can also visit the web site. They can get all the information about the diseases and medicines.


This module allows administrator to generate reports based on different criteria such as Diseases and Medicines.

Software Requirements:

Language                                :           Java

Web technologies                   :           JEE (Serve lets/JSP)

Front-end Design                    :           Html, CSS, JSP

Database                                 :           Oracle 10G

Scripting                                  :           JavaScript, Ajax

Browser                                   :           IE 6.0/ Mozilla

Operating System                   :           Windows/Linux

Tender Management System Java Project


Tender management system is a project  that provides a interface between contractors and state government officials. This system makes the communication easy. This system provides information about the tenders and all the updates are provided.


Tender management system is a web based project which acts as interface between contractors and state government officials. The information between both the contractors and state government will be stored in this management system. State government will use this system for opening a tender for submission.

Tender management system is a user friendly system, that allows the builders to checkout with the details of the tenders. In this management system builders can check the tender details, submit a tender, view results, evaluation process.

Contractors can open a tender, evaluate a tender, compare tenders submitted and generate reports. Completion of work can also be traced from the system. This system also manages the data regarding the transaction in a very secure way.


The main objective of this tender management system is to provide information which is secured and updated about tenders to those builders and contractors.


  • Administrator (system admin) module:

Administrator related functionalities are provided in this module. All the trades and contractors history is maintained and visible to admin.

  • Government PWD users module:

Contract will be approved first by PWD users and then by Government senior officers. Transactions of all the tenders submitted by all the contractors must be maintained and visible to PWD users. New registration approvals by Government PWD, validated by email and SMS.

  • Contractors/Builders module:

Builder/ Contractors should be able to submit a tender of his past projects, Overall bid cost, Material used, Timeline, etc. All the project details must be visible to the users, this details must have a link to tender corresponding. Contractors should be able to view status of his bid online.

  • Government Senior Officers module:

An overview status chart for Government senior Officers with number of upcoming tenders, currently running tenders, number of contractors in the approved tenders.

  • Reports:

Admin, Government PWD and Government Senior Officers can access this module and generate the reports based on the requirements.

Software requirements:

Operating System                                 :           Windows Xp.

Technology                                           :           Java and J2EE

Web Technologies                                 :           Html, JavaScript, CSS

Web Server                                           :           Tomcat 5.5

Database                                              :           Oracle 10G

Java Version                                         :           JDK1.6

Work In Progress (WIP) Java Project

Work In Progress  (Production and Stores Accounting System)module will accept the process sheet details from the Methods department. By using this information, the PPC prints the documents for required work order for the given Number. The new Work order is launched as per the Number with the Work In Progress status ‘R’. The cost center, machine code & batch quantity are also chosen.

When a new work order is to be launched WIP forwards Material Requisition to Material Management. Then MM, in turn, propels the material requisition to the Store, to confirm the availability of the material. If the required material is existing, Store mails Material Requisition Issue to WIP so that a new Work order may be successfully launched.

If the material is withdrawn from the store for a new work order, it indicates that the Work order is ‘ready for loading’ and the status of the WIP is updated to ‘R’ (Ready for Loading). When the Work order is loaded to the machine, the WIP status is altered to ‘L’ (Loaded) from the shop. When a particular operation is in progress then the status is reorganized as ‘N’ (Not Completed) by SFM module.

In the SFM module itself, the machine card/labor card is booked for that work order with respect to Operation number. When a Work order is completed, the WIP status is updated as ‘C’, which indicates the completion of the Operation.

Inspection of manufactured parts is done not only after each operation but also after the completion of the final operation. When the PPC offers the component for each operation then WIP status is updated as ‘I’. After the completion of the final operation for that particular Work order, the refined component is credited to the store & the WIP status is updated as ‘F’. Hence by screening the status of WIP user can predict the phase of the work order.

Software Requirements:

Operating System: Windows 7

Technology             :  Java/J2EE(Servlets,JSP,JDBC)

Web Technologies  :  Html,Javascript,CSS

Web Server: Linux ad-hoc server

Database: Oracle 11G(Grid Computing), Oracle 9I  (forms and reports)

Software ’s: JDK 1.6

Hardware Requirements:

Hardware: Pentium based systems with a minimum of P4

RAM: 1GB (minimum)

Download the attached Work In Progress (WIP) Java Project Code & Database.