B.tech CSE Asp.Net Mini Project Report on Student Web Portal

The Student Web Portal is the web based online application for the students to get the updated information of the university and to see the results of the examination and to submit the fee of the semester or year. The Student can do the semester work like to seek help of the coordinators and the downloading of the e books and notes of the appearing semester.

The students can take the book online and request for the issuing of the book. The management or the university official can also maintain the records regarding students online such as the results, fees submissions or due dates, books and notes. They also explain about the suggestions, decisions and ultimatums to the students for any book issue. The work of the management is also easy as they can manage the admission details, fee structure, and examination patterns.

The Project is to give the student the records to study and the information updated. This helps the students to pass the examination with good CGPA grades in every semester.

The Purpose of the Project is to manage the student information in the single system and provide the information regarding all issues, discussions and the semester results easily.

The management can simply updates the student’s records and the decides right for the student performance and evaluates the student to get them good marks in the semester.

The Student Web Portal are consists of the two parts.

  1. Student module
  2. Administrator module

The Management can announce the future activities and the department notices on the web.

The main features of the Student Online Portal are

  1. Online library system

Employee Tracking System Visual C# Project Report with DFD Diagrams

Introduction to Employee Tracking System Project:

The Employee Tracking System is the systematic and the additional method of the employee management for the use of the organization. This is very helpful and highly useful. The system tracks the job of the staff and worker who are doing the job separately and in team for the development of the organization.

The word the Employee Tracking and Employee Management has now taken over to the Personnel Management by the term mentions the management of the organizations people. Normally the Human Resource Development refers to the recruiting of candidates, to enhance their skills, using, managing and providing the proper wages according to their job and the need.

The principle of the employee management has changed they are treating as the individual targets and the necessities. The official has to deal nicely and consider the opinion of the workers for the development of the organization without any troubles due to the insufficient knowledge, training and lack of skills.

The ETS consists of the GUI application that has been developed by VC#.net for the front end and the MS Access 2003 for the back end programming. The database is provided to the application. The application is not meant for the multi user.


The GUI application is available for the modification for the use of big organization. The module are modifiable like to add recruitment, planning, staff management, payroll update, appraisal, et policies. The application can be modified as Web application.

The functions of the ETS are

  1. Recruitment Procedures
  2. Selection Procedures
  3. Training and Development Process
  4. Performance analysis and Management
  5. Promotions Criteria
  6. Industrial and employee management
  7. Recording of personal data of employees
  8. Compensation, Pensions and Bonuses in liason with the Payroll

The system calculates the Salary of employees along with  the deductions, tax calculations and savings.

Online Mobile Phone Shop Project Report with Database Design

The Online mobile phone shop is meant for the mobile shopping that includes the purchasing and the selling of the mobile on internet. The mobile business has lot of scope and enhancing day by day. The internet business of the mobile has been the great future due to globalization.

The online portal of the mobile shopping which will be available on Google search definitely seeks the huge customer range all over the world.

The project is internet based due to the vast demand of the internet. The world is now a global village due to the internet.  Now a day’s people prefer to buy goods on the internet by browsing the websites of businesses and not visiting the market to buy goods.

The online shop owner revenue will definitely be enhanced due to the great demand of the online shopping and made the person be happy of having great technical business idea.

The communication also got cheaper and economical to get into the network of the optical fiber that uses in the broadband connections to browse internet.

The web network gets richer and gives the vast difference of the thoughts, look web logs and the blogs that makes it the online record. The data retrieval is easy and by the help of internet one can get the information in a second.

The user and the service provider as well can get the information. The computer is required to get the information.

The Proposed System

The proposed system will consist of the registration module for the user. The registered user gets the accessibility and to purchase and buy the mobile.

The fixed charge on each mobile that has been charged by the company as commission which is charged after the product sold. The information of the user will keep hidden to avoid any disputes.

The system consists of the modules.

  1. Login
  2. Registration
  3. Product Search
  4. Shopping Cart System
  5. Order Master
  6. Payment Master
  7. Sell & Purchasing System 

Petrol Pump Management System Project in VB.Net with Full Project Report

Introduction to Petrol Pump Management System Project in VB.Net:

The management of the petrol pump is done by the manager manually which is a difficult process. The Project deals with the development of the computerized system for maintaining the regular records. The Project consists of various forms and developed with the help of the Visual Basic Language Programming. 

The system has a module called Operation, which consists of the details of all employee that is needed to be filled in the form. The other module called the Product Cost, which has information about the product price. The module called Staff Management, which posses all information about the staff like address, phone number, joining date, permanent address. The other module called the Report, for maintaining the data in a database. The Report Form module has several sub reports of details like Regular details, Shift delivery report, pumps record, cumulative daily report, salary report. The described record forms are maintained in a database file. The system password for each module has been included to make it secure. 

The Proposed System 

The Proposed System has the ado connectivity for the database. This helps to work in several module at the same time. The MS- ACCESS application is used to make the database. The system design has included around 29 forms and all fundamental are combined. The forms are designed which is aimed to develop a four stage design.

  1. Data Structure
  2. Software Architecture
  3. Procedural Design
  4. Characteristics 

The design is developed in the Visual Basic and MS Access.   

The Project has several features and easy to manage.

  1. The System is user friendly.
  2. Cost effective.
  3. Back up support.
  4. Secured Data.
  5. The coding language is Visual Basic which is easy to understand.
  6. The forms are designed in MDI form.
  7. Computerized System. 

CSE Mini Project on MY SQL GUI Visual C#.Net Project Report with Source Code

Introduction to MY SQL GUI Visual C#.Net Project:

The MYSQL GUI is the effective MySQL manager and the Admin tool which possesses the features of all MySQL query browser, administrator, php My Admin and other MySQL front ends. The various features of the MY SQL are

  1. Complete Unicode support
  2. MYSQL 5.x object support
  3. Relationship of foreign key manager
  4. Tabular diagnostics
  5. Generating database
  6. Generating or dropping tables
  7. The Multi tab query editor and result set editor
  8. The Multi query execution 

MYSQL GUI is for managing and the browsing of the databases and the tables from the windows and Linux interface. The most needed criteria is the GUI to generate and the editing which are possible in MySQL 5.0.2 and above version. The tables initially known as the Table Tools is now the Bulk Table Editor. The bulk editing is the transfers of the all tables of the databases to the other databases. 

The Existing System 

Currently the database transactions consist of query that is required to write manually. The various queries cannot be executed at the same time. The generation of triggers and the stored facility is not easy in the existing system. There is no transfers of the databases. The existing system consists of the minimum databases. 

The Proposed System 

The Proposed System includes the generation of the databases and its transfers are simple and easy. The generation of stored procedures, functions and triggers is done in simple way. The Proposed System has various features

  1. The attractive GUI for generating and editing triggers.
  2. To generate and edit the stored procedures and functions.
  3. To develop the database copies of one database into other database.
  4. Table forms and editable.
  5. The database can be transferred to other database.
  6. The tables and variables are printable. 

Project Evaluator Asp.Net Project for CSE Final Year Students with Report

The Project Evaluator is developed to reduce the manual processes which are occurring in the software company. The Project is the web based application which eases the work of the administrator, project leader, project manager, developer and the tester. The receiving of the project from the client and giving the work to the developers in the way that they would not be over worked and the separation and allocation of the work to different developers with the daily basis evaluation and weekly basis report, testing of the application are simple with this application. 

There is the automatic creation of the reports to provide the information regarding the process made for the user on request by single click of mouse. The project leader and the developers and other users can get and send the information with single mouse click. The official works will get fast with this project. The project is structured in the manner of the input operations are performed with the structured and schematic forms. 

The Existing System 

The existing system is not automatic and the administrator and the project leader and the developer work manually. The work gets delay due to manual work. The information to be kept is difficult. The validation of the data is not possible and the error correction is not possible. The mishandling of the information is possible. The existing system is not user friendly. 

The Proposed System 

The Proposed System called the Project Evaluator is the automated version of the existing system. The system is a web application and the administrator, project leader and the developer easily do the work schematically and the soon. 

The various characteristics of the Proposed System are the automatic process of evaluation, fast operations, structured forms for the correction and validation of the input information, the automatic generation of reports. 

Network Based Stock Pile Auditor Asp.Net Mini Project Reports for Computer Science Students

Introduction to Network Based Stock Pile Auditor Mini Project:

The application is developed for the use of the making and the handling of the data entered in the inventory system related to the software and hardware of the IT requirements in an organization. 

The inventories normally possess the computer, printers, monitors, scanners, software, network devices, plotters, cartridges. The FOSS based Asset Management System has two important features the first one is the module of the self assessed inventory of the system itself assembled hardware and the application software and the other system.

The second module combines the previous data and the other financial and commercial data related to the inventory. The financial inventory consists of the purchase order, invoice, warranty, AMC and other commercial information related to the data of suppliers, contracts. The data of the automatic module for the computer peripherals are directly and automatically imported to the financial module of inventory. 

The Existing System 

The existing system is not completely automatic system. The user has to store their information of the inventory in the form of the tables and the disk drives. The system is not secure and the data can be lost. The search of the necessary information is difficult. The organizations possessing many systems need to manage all the system details and inventory separately. 

The Proposed System  

The Proposed System is the automatic and based on the Database integration approach. The Proposed System is secure and the easy to search the information and also the work status of the organization. 

The system is user friendly and rich user interface. The Project management is easy and simple. The system is accessible on the internet. The information of the inventory can be managed as the centralized database. The system is highly secured. The data management is very easy and maintaining the inventory of the goods. The computer peripherals inventory is separately maintained. The automatic remainders informs about the devices status and due time. 

Privacy Preserving Public Auditing For Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing ASP.Net Project

The computing called Cloud computing is used as the utility software where the user can save their information to explore the high quality applications and services online that can be accessible the common computing resources. The user need not to manage the information and data in their system to reduce the system load, and can maintain it on the Cloud computing.

The computing allows the users to audit of the cloud data storage security by the third party for confirming the ability of the storage of the outsourcing data. The third party auditing can perform the audit of the Cloud data storage but the auditing agency should perform the audit efficiently and no extra data to put on the Cloud and no asking for the data copy.

The Project deals with above third party auditing and the privacy preserving by the following features.

  1. The Project focuses on the maintaining the privacy preserving auditing protocol for the accessing of public auditing. The Project guides the auditor to audit of the public storage data without any knowledge of the data.
  2. The Project eases the measurable and the effective auditing of the data in Cloud computing. The Project provides the batch auditing in which the many delegated auditing in many users data can be done simultaneously.
  3. The Project has capability of secured and the effective performance of the application.

The Existing System

The existing system does not guarantee the auditing of the data privacy. The system also does not concentrate of the online data to be copied with no additional data to put.

The Proposed System

The Proposed System focused on the public auditing and the privacy of the data. The Proposed System also enables the bilinear multiple auditing data of the multiple users. 

Online Library Management System Project Report with DFD and ER Diagrams

The greater part of us cherishes perusing, and has a boundless accumulation of books. All book darlings like to share their diversions to one another. It’s a known reality that some of the most stupendous stories of the planet are imparted through books. In any case, depending on if you surmise that it’s ending up being troublesome to operate your accumulation of books; you might as well acknowledge utilizing library administration programming.

This project assists you in identifying books effectively and is a noteworthy choice for the aforementioned setting the groundwork to open a library or a book shop. Indeed, it’s even gainful to the aforementioned that have an impressive, but confused, rack at their homes indicated solely for books. In the aforementioned lines, supervisors can mentor worker advancement utilizing the informative data from the LMS. For instance, if an agent prefers to development or has particular issues in particular subject territories; the chief can place suitable instructional classes or matter and put them in the representative’s picking up arrangement. The boss can in addition pull transcripts to verify that memorizing has been a part of the representative’s infrastructure, in particular when display assessment time arrives.

The least demanding roles for agents incorporate finding classroom courses, enrolling for them, and setting memos to go to. Developing matter is additionally not restrained to representatives. Certain conglomerations utilize their LMS to convey substance to numerous areas and also associates, customers, and outlets. Access to substance is subject to a pre-relegated security level, so keeping folks in the right subject ranges is comparatively basic. There are some potential openings to be found with a LMS. Some “vanilla” frameworks may need impressive customization to suit every group. When deciding on a LMS, it’s unquestionably important to examine your group’s business and figure what capacities you totally require.

Customizations can end up being actually unmanageable. What’s more, deciding on a course library is additionally a potential chance. There are a large number of decisions over there, from general to particular, so its again imperative to figure what sorts of matter your group requirements before obtaining a library. As well as course libraries comes the fitness to make or transfer in-house content. Make sure to search at the choices for this before selecting a framework. Some LMS suppliers have quite practical matter administration frameworks that could permit substance architects, teachers, or even issue masters to make substance that is marked and suitable for instantaneous conveyance.

School Management System Architecture Design

The presence of your learner records states a great deal concerning the value of your school. Different instructors and enlistment centers make judgments dependent upon person records that can for all time influence a scholar’s existence. SMS competencies incorporate the rudiments for example transcripts, report cards, participation, and teach and additionally countless different specially designed competencies, incorporating parental access to constant understudy evaluations on the Internet. This denotes that not just managers but additionally folks, instructors, and scholars have access to ongoing information.

With accepted reporting strategies folks should not figure out how their learner is performing in school until the finish of the quarter or semester–frequently excessively late to redress a situation scenario. SMS permits guardians to expertise their understudy is doing on an enduring groundwork by utilizing the online world. SMS can even send electronic advancement appears for guardians through message on an one week after the next, monthly, or even consistent schedule. You manage a value project—NOW you could make sure your records impart that value.

The School Management System (SMS) will trade the paper-based information gathering and informative content trade framework around the different bureaus of a specific school. The School Management System furnishes an inventive answer for Today’s school record-keeping tests. This school administration programming will give you room to handle your obligations if you’re in the process of beginning or are an encountered master.

School Management System opens a universe of chances to computerize the relentless paperwork included in legitimate school administration. With our recommended record-keeping programming the administration can conclusively collaborate with the people as they advance aptitudes and element for progress.

They should not just have more chance to spend with them, but it can be value time on the grounds that they will have up and coming person informative data to help them. School Management Software (SMS Standard Desktop / SMS Standard Enterprise Version 1.1) is a complete and altered explanation for a school taking care of consistent administration work. By living out the course of requisition one can effortlessly keep up its scholar part, expenses part, Employee part, Certificate portions, Time Table and Exam booking, Exams and Question Paper part and Transportation Detail.