Steganography Project DFD Diagram

The existence of communication can be hidden from others by using the steganography technique which is the science and art of communication. This system do not able others detect the messages that are hidden in various ways. The word steganography is derived from a Greek work which means “covered writing”.

It consist of a long chain of secret methods of communications that completely conceal the existence of the messages. Invisible ink, character arrangement, microdots, signatures in digital format, converting of channels and communications through spread spectrum are some of the methods that are used in this technique.

Both the techniques cryptography and steganography are twin cousins and they act in the spy craft family. A message in the cipher text format can easily arouse suspicion in the mind of the recipient while on the other hand, the use of invisible messages created with the art of stenography will not do any such things.

In comparison to the cryptography technique where the intruder is allowed to modify as well as intercept the messages without even violating the premises of the security that is guaranteed by cryptosystem the steganography is used to conceal messages in other messages in such a format that it never allows the hacker to detect that there is even any existence of a second secretive message.

The digital fingerprinting and watermarking for video and audio is hugely in demand in the present industry and it enhances the steganography technique highly. With the discovery of high speed computers steganography in the form of images has reached the edge. the Least Significant Bit  Insertion is one of the most popular technique that is used in image steganography. There are various advantages of using this method and the best use is that it helps in transmitting messages secretly without the risk of the message being discovered by the intruder. 

.Net Frame Work CSE Project on SQL Tuner Project Report

In today’s industry as per the normal scenario whenever a developer or a programmer design or write any new query he have to submit the same to the DBA of any company for fine tuning. Even the DBA do nit able to tune it to the fullest extent and even if they become successful then take a lot of resources and time for that. It is not possible to tune every single query during the crunch time. The DBA’s relies on its own experience for the tuning purpose. There are no rules for the tuning and do that sometimes even the most experience DBA do not able to properly tune the queries.

This topic is chosen among all to reduce the tuning work of the quarries by the DBA’s. This can also be used for to tune the queries by the programmer instead of going to the DBA. For developing the tuning if the SQL Queries this project is developed. By reducing the entire CPU time and the I/O time taken by the query the tuning can be made more precise and finer. There are two kinds of tuning that is indexed and syntax tuning.

Syntax tuning helps in checking the physical and logical operators that are used by the query. Index tuning keeps a check on the indexes that is used in the query and can also be used for the columns that are involved in the process of querying.

The interface is used for typing the queries of the users that is provided by the particular software and there are two choices for the users that is either tuning the query or execute it. The software gives suggestions is the tuning is chosen for improving the query performance. On the other hand, if the option of executing is selected then simply it will execute the query.

Student Management System Database Design

While retrieving data error and data tracking are the main problem that has been experiencing for a long time by the department of Swasa. It leads to the need of the this system as it provides the capability of processing, storing and giving out information with lots of accuracy.

Our student management system is an improved system that can handle the details about a student which includes details of subjects, lectures and personal details of students etc. in the present system a lot of time is required as well as manpower. But in this case the entire work is more or less computerized which means the 100 % accuracy can be maintained. Administrator maintained the student management system and it is the job of the administration to monitor and insert updating of the entire process. Three modules made up this system and they are:

  1. Subject details
  2. Lecturer details
  3. Student details

The school where social science is taught make use of this system for tracking the personal data of the students who are registered with the departments. This system is used almost every year to maintain the records. Presently Microsoft excel is used to track data but with the increase in uses the speed of data retrievement using this form has slowed down. So after a preliminary investigation I found that there is a need for a much better system.

The system that is used presently is a system of semi computerized where at the end of all the semesters dates are printed out followed by new data entries. The systems that are in Microsoft excel cannot even compute the questions that are maintained by the Microsoft access. The objective of this project is to design a system of database that can easily retrieve, update as well as store data. There are specific objectives behind the proposed theory. Final Year SOS Project in .Net with Report

Introduction to SOS Project in .Net:

SOS project is made with an objective to provide flexibility for the automatic sending of messages to those contacts that have already been configured through the use of this application by the users with a single press of the key. This system is very useful in case of any sort of accident and it can also help in saving the life of a human.

  • A mobile phone that is activated by the SOS system remains in that mode till the emergency center switch it off due to some reasons. In case of power off also this mode will remain active. 
  • If you triggered the SOS mode any how it will show pre warnings so that you can get alerts and make the necessary changes to put it back in the active mode. 
  • This system is almost like the red chain facility that is available on a local train. 
  • If you want to enter into the “SOS Mode of Operation” then you have to do that via dial the number E112 or with a special combo of mobile keys.
  • In the near locality that is almost within a 50 m distance SOS messages are sent using weak levels of power to trigger them. 
  • To inform the person about the emergency of the situation SOS receiving phones start showing displays and tones for alarms. 
  • SOS mode is nowadays introduced in almost all phones.
  • SOS message will be received by everyone who is authorized people on their mobile handset.
  • These messages are sent after a definite interval of time along with location, measurements and information’s.
  • The receiver of the SOS message will compare their own measurements and make the distance calculation as well as of direction to a certain couple of meters.

This is a very handy and important system for remaining safe and getting help in emergency situations.

Software Project Management and Monitoring System .Net Project Report

Introduction to Software Project Management and Monitoring System Project:

The project Software Project Management and Monitoring System focus on the level of development and it also considers the time that is used for programming, design, verification, testing etc. Before this application was developed all the activities are done manually which take more time as well as manpower. Interest, commissions, dues and other relates issues are manually calculated and it also sometimes leads to wrong calculations.

As per the latest proposed system the product will help the organization in handling the records of all the projects that it undertakes. Size, effort, time and the departments that are involved are some of the informations that are relevant to the projects and is maintained by this particular equipment.

There are various scopes of this proposed system and it includes:

To know details about the inventories and keep them up to date

To know the warehouse system status

To reduce the mistakes that usually occurred in the system that is practiced manually

The requirement collection of the client is performed by the BDO and it includes the details of the project and clients into the database. The data scan log is also updated and viewed on the web page. It only includes the respective details. The status of the project is checked by the client and only the client login that is authentic. It is also capable of checking the phase of the project.

The providing of resources is dealt by the HR with the manager of the project. It check the details of the employee as well as his designation. The status of the project can also be viewed by the HR. The planning of the project is dealt by the PM and it means dividing the entire project into many parts and assigning them to the programmer. The time sheet of the developer is also checked by the PM.

SMS System Asp.Net Project Report

SMS is used in the structure of intra organization and it is based on the company’s software. The customer and the manager can mutually get benefits from this software. There is always a scope of improvement and there is no doubt about it even in this software, no matter how much improved and advanced it may be. The best part of this system is that it is flexible and can accommodate any future. This project further reduces the need of manpower as it acts as a tool for automation.

HCL is known as a leading global IT company and it works with the clients in the important regions that effects and redefine the business core. After its IPO in the year 1999 it made its inception in the global landscape. It particularly focuses on ‘transformational outsourcing’ which is dotted by the value creation and innovation. At the same time it also integrates services of portfolios including remote infrastructure management, engineering, software-led IT solutions, BPO and R&D services.

It offshore infrastructure is stretched in more than 26 countries that provide financial services, customer services, manufacturing and heal care services. The philosophy of ‘Employee First’ was the most important for the HCL company and they take pride in it. This concept empowers 58,129 transformers that create a true value for the clients. The subsidiaries along the the technologies of HCL hand consolidate US$ 2.6 billion as revenues in the year 2010, 31st march on the basis of LTM.

This company is one of the biggest leading global technology and it consists of two major companies – HCL Infosystems and HCL Technologies. This company is the IT garage and a pioneer of computing of India. Todays it stands as a transformational enterprise. Its services include a wide array of assortments that include IT Infrastructure Services, Custom & Package Applications, Product Engineering, and others.

Supermarket Management System Project

Introduction to Supermarket Management System Project:

The Supermarket Management System is a project that deals with supermarket automation and it includes both purchasing a selling of items. This project is designed with a goal to making the existing system more informative, reliable, fast and easier. There are many reasons for the starting of the project because in the selling of items through the manual system of salesperson faces a lot of inefficiencies. It requires handling of large record books that consist of both irrelevant and important information’s thus making it difficult to find out the required information as per necessity.

This is also a clumsy and untidy process that disturbs the smooth flow of work. But this system introduced by us will reduce the huge number of paper works while on the other side there are many more problems that persist in the manual system. They reduce efficiency as well as the productivity level of human. Administrative module, purchase module, employee module, sales module and billing module are some of the various modules that make up our project.

The administrators consist of a unique password and names of the employees. It helps the employees to make secure login. The ids and passwords are kept secret from others. The modules of sales and purchase include all the details of selling and purchasing. In the billing module the details of payments are clearly shown.

This is one of the best system that can be introduced in the supermarket for efficient management. It will also reduce the cumbersome job of finding the most accurate data from the huge log books. It also helps the management to keep efficient records of all the purchases and sales. The introduction of ID and password will further reduce the manipulation and thus providing the accurate and transparent data. This system will increase the productivity and reduce the need of manual system to a large extent.

Smart Offers Engine on Mobiles CSE Project in Java with Abstract

Introduction to Smart Offers Engine on Mobiles Project:

As per the present system the advertising of the retail outlets is made in order to attract people and these ads are based on paper prints thus making it possible to reach the customers of all levels. Mobiles are nowadays available at affordable rates for all customers thus making it possible for them to advertise in mobile ways. This is also a smart way of advertising. This application provides various advantages like firstly it allows the owners of these retail outlets to push the new offers in front of the mobile users.

On the basis of the time set by the owners of the outlet users are provided with various mobile offers. Thirdly, on the basis of the location of the users users are entitled to get various offers. Fourthly, it also makes it easy for the customers to view the offers and make sure whether they are valid or not. At the same time it can also compare with other offers. smart offer engine and view offers are the other two parts of the system.

The implementation of a “SMART OFFERS ENGINE ON MOBILES” is possible only with the downloading of an application onto the mobile that relates to a particular server and thus making it easy for the interchange of information. The pushing of the offers by the retailers are possible only with the mobile smart offers and this facility depends on the time and location of the users. To get the services based on the time and location the phone should enable the GPRS and GPS service.

The mobile app will detect the server and send a message requesting for the offers at a specified outlet. This is possible only when the device is present in the surrounding press of the outlet. This is further sent in the form of SMS to the mobile phone and as the GPS service is supported in mobile handsets then the appliance can be used to detect the server’s location.

Silverlight Based Interface To Bing Asp.Net Project Report for Final Year CSE Project Report

Introduction to Silverlight Based Interface To Bing Project:

A new cross browser named as silver light is used for the implementation of the .NET . This enables the delivering and building work for the media experiences of the next generation and RIA for the web purposes. It can run in well known browsers like Morzilla, Apple safari, Internet explorer and Opera. The present web search engine is Bing that is developed by Microsoft.

Using the two frameworks – Silverlight for RIA and Bing search engine along with API focused on designing a web based application. This project further aims to provide the users with the best facility search engine.

In the existing project only google search is the media for searching and bing is developed using HHTML but still does not include any extra features that can benefit the users. Both the system do not able to provide any storing capability or give the users results on the basis of their stored data on the servers.

According to the proposed project it will be developed with the support of Silverlight web browser plug-in and silver light. Net framework. For integrity check system and unit testing will be done along with reliability check. Once the project will be accomplished it will deploy around the clock for those clients using the internet service. This is a transformative technology that helps basic website to function as full blown applications thus accessing the state-of-the-art video enriched msdia presentation and animations.

This project is designed to enable the user to make use of the best search engine that includes an attractive GUI designed with the help of Silverlight RIA that enable storing and searching purposes of the users. It also consists of a powerful Bing or API. Depending on the strings of the users the ads will be displayed and the project make sure about the security, performance and reliability issues.

Share Accounting Package Visual.Net Project Full Report for CSE Final Year Students

For carrying a business banking a cooperative is need to be formed by two or more people who readily make investments to carry on with the process. The member of a co-operative bank is the shareholder of the bank and in another word, he has to purchase the shares of the company to become the member. In co-operative banking sectors there are usually two kinds of shares.

In class A, shares are purchased by a person to become the member of the co-operative bank. Customers must be careful with this kind of memberships and the bank usually have some rules and criteria while issuing the membership. The criteria of the applicants will be checked thoroughly by the board of directors and they will issue memberships only to the most eligible ones.

The amount of shares is determined according to the face value of the shares and not as per the market value. Face value is common to for all members and the number of shares that a person can purchase is unlimited.  While opening a membership only one share will be issued by the book but once he become the member he can additionally take any number of shares he want. But there is a maximum limit.

Nominal membership where the a person becomes a member only for the pledging of gold loans. 

Share accounting package is one of the latest software developed by us which helps in documenting the details of the shares of the bank. In this sector have to take the share of the bank and thus the details of each of the shares are documented to them with the help of this software. Here we further created the form of the applicant, details of the co-operative bank, share the members details and divide the calculation on the financial year’s end.