Attendance Management System VB.Net Project with DFD and ER Diagrams

Participation Management System is programming improved for day by day person participation in schools, universities and organizations. Assuming that expedites to enter the participation informative content of a specific understudy in a specific class. The qualified data is sorted by the specialists, which can be given by the instructor for a specific class. This framework will likewise assist in assessing participation qualification criteria of a person. The motivation behind improving participation administration framework is to mechanize the convention way of taking participation.

An additional reason for advancing this programming is to produce the article programmed at the close of the session or in the between of the session. The scope of the undertaking is the framework on which the programming is fixed, i.e. the undertaking is advanced as a desktop requisition, and it will work for a specific foundation. In any case later on the task could be changed to manage it connected. The framework being advanced is monetary regarding School or Collage’s perspective. It’s financially savvy in the sense that has disposed of the paper work totally.

The framework is in addition time viable on account of the figuring’s robotized which are made at the finish of the month or according to the user necessity. The effect acquired holds least blunders and are profoundly correct as the information is needed. The specialized prerequisite for the framework is financial and it makes a point not to utilize any viable supplemental Hardware and programming. The Attendance Management System is improved utilizing Visual Basic.NET completely meets the goals of the framework which all things considered, the situation has been improved.

The framework has gotten to an immovable state where all bugs have been killed. The framework is worked at a towering level of effectiveness and every last trace of the educators and user connected with the framework perceives its focal point. The framework tackles the situation. It was proposed to explain as necessity particular. In the present framework all work is finished on paper. The entire session participation is saved in register and at the finish of the session the articles are produced. We are not fascinated by creating report in the midst of the session or according to the prerequisite since it takes a step back in estimation.

Download Attendance Management System VB.Net Project with DFD and ER Diagrams.

NIT Computer Science Master Project Report on Hostel Information System Database Design

Introduction to Computer Science Master Project on Hostel Information System Database Design:

Now a day’s Internet has become a daily need to each and every Ones life. Each and every information that a person needs is also available on the Internet now a days. Here the very famous institute called the NITC is the best one to learn this various important things. This NITC helps people to trace their required ward as per their own need. But this existing device provides the people to trace their wards Without the NITC too. This also helps the people to know their own private detailed information that they need.

The basic requirements that are needed to develop this software are a Java Supported Browser and also that must support HTML. A JSP server, the Tomcat service and the Oracle 9i database system for storing the back end data’s. The Hardware requirements are the BIOS from Pentium onwards and near 128 MB RAM and a 5GB hard disk. Communication interface and the User Interface are the Two Interfaces that are used in the device.  

This existing system has no sort of errors and it works properly and has a great progress in the Outcome of the Results too. The advantages of the systems are it works complete automatically and it also has a quick execution process. This device has the data updated feature whenever needed.

This system is easy to handle and also a security protected device system too. The future architecture of the system is the database of the system can be newly updated and allocation of the room student management can also be easily added in the existing system. The security issues can be made more secured for better security to users. It can be updated in all of the supported Operating system too. And the last is the Interfaces can be made very handily and also.

 Download  NIT Computer Science Master Project Report on Hostel Information System Database Design .

Online Discussion Groups Project Abstract

Introduction to Online Discussion Groups Project:

The Online Discussion groups are Forums and also termed as the Newsgroups. The Newsgroup includes the registered members of the website and accessible to the visitors to retrieve the news and updates. The portal is made for the discussion of any topic between the group members and interact with one another by chatting or sending messages which can be seen by the visitor too. 

The communication between the members of the group or forum have great interaction between them and the take part in the discussion in a topic that can be limited or out of the sections. 

The Proposed system consists of four modules: 

  1. Registration module: The module is prepared for the users who are members, they can make, send and share the messages.
  2. Topic Making: The topic of the discussion is made when the user registers themselves.
  3. Post Message: The message can be sent in the group to interact with each other.
  4. Observer the Message Reply: The module prepares the user to view message and reply the message to communicate with each other.

Online Air Ticket Booking in Asp.Net Project Abstract

Introduction to Online Air Ticket Booking in Asp.Net Project:

The Online Air Ticket Booking System is about the online service for the reservation and the inquiry for the passengers. The online system mostly very helpful to the company as it can made available the seats availability to the passengers online and sell the tickets online. The system replaces the previous system of manual purchasing of the ticket and inquiry  The flight schedule and the timings will be shown on the online. The system makes the booking system very easy. 

The Existing System 

The Existing System has the ticket counters at the Airport. The passengers has to visit the counter to buy tickets and also to enquire the schedule. The travel agents made the system little bit easy as they provides the advance booking facility. The travel agents need to check continuously for the ticket confirmation at Airport that makes the process time taking. 

The Proposed System 

The Proposed System is Online Air Ticket Booking is the online process. The system is user friendly and easy to access from home and inquire about the flights. The passenger can make the ticket booking very easy. 

The Proposed system has software requirements Windows XP operating system, ASP, HTML developing tool, MS access database, IIS 5 server. The hardware requirements are Pentium IV 2 GHz processor, 2 GB RAM.

Online Air Ticket Booking System Asp.Net Project Abstract

Introduction to Online Air Ticket Booking System Asp.Net Project:

The Proposed System is completely and officially done as per the requirement to develop the application. The system includes the all required features for the implementation of software and also mentions the user interface and training to work in the software and its documentation. 

The Proposed Project is the Online Air Ticket Booking System to reserve the seat in a flight for the Passengers and to enquire the ticket confirmation. The System will be the part of the Air travel agency and the travel company for showing its status and selling their tickets online. Previously the passenger had to go personally to book the ticket at the ticket counter of the travel company or the travel agency and to inquire the flight schedule. 

The Existing System 

The existing system is based on the manual ticket counters present in the Airport. The passenger has to visit personally at Airport to enquire the schedule and to book a ticket. The travel agency provides the advance booking for the passengers and the travel agents has to depend on the Reservation officials for confirmation of the ticket that makes the procedure cumbersome for the passenger and the agency. 

The Proposed System 

The Proposed System is the Online Air Ticket Booking System which is online portal for the Air flights to enquire and book tickets. 

The Proposed System can be implemented on the hardware consists of the Pentium III 400 MHz processor, 128 MB RAM. 

E Monitoring For Women Asp.Net Project Abstract

Introduction to e monitoring systems:

Due to rapid advancement in e technology various monitoring systems are developed for performing various activities. The monitoring systems are mainly used in industries for controlling of equipment and also used in house hold purposes and in offices for controlling the appliances. In this paper a e monitoring system is developed for women which can be as a guide for their personal growth. In this paper we will see how e monitoring system is designed and what are the functional requirements for designing this and the functions monitored by this system.

Brief on working and design:

To make the design we need certain functional requirements like collecting the successful stories of the women across the world which and project them so that they can motivate other girls. Here the e monitoring system id fed with the information of the women belonging to a region and when they login into the system it give them required information and suggestions. It monitors the progress of each girl or women and based on that it suggests them for higher studies by showing the required universities.

Here the application is developed C# .net and it also acts as an interface for internet and the databases are monitored by SQL server. Here the application is designed which can make the analysis and based on that it provides the information. The designed application can run on normal Intel pentium processor and requires 20GB of hard disk and 512mb and RAM. The designed application can run on any platform like windows XP, vista etc.

Advantages of e monitoring system for women:

By using this e monitoring system the women may not rely on any one for any information. It helps in their career growth by giving required suggestions and it shows the required universities for studying and explains the process of applying. Thus we can conclude that this kind of e monitoring systems help the girls or women a lot.

Hostel Management System Asp.Net Project Report for Final Year Students

Introduction to Hostel Management System Asp.Net Project Report:

The aim of Hostel Management System project is to maintain the maintain the all activities in managing a hostel. The project is developed by Microsoft visual studio and, SQL as back end server data-base. The number of hostels is increased rapidly due to this maintaining the hostel became very difficult. So to avoid all the troubles in maintaining the hostel this management system was developed. The software is completely GUI interface with simple instructions. The software includes Student module, Admin module, Student details module.

The drawbacks that are overcome by the existing system are:

  • The human errors can be avoided
  • · The work task and work load of man can be reduced
  • · Security of this system is high
  • · In this redundancy of data can be avoided
  • · Consistent in the data
  • · Very easy to maintain
  • · The data can be updated very easily
  • · The records can be stored easily
  • · The data can be restored from the back up

Requirements Engineering:

Requirements engineering includes the below stated operations


Technical feasibility
Operational feasibility
Economical feasibility



               The analysis is made when the manager begins studying the program flow. The data about various views are collected. To draw the data-flow system, modeling Experience is required for developing desired model. This project includes checking out of rooms, allocating rooms, calculating hostel bill, vacating rooms, management of notice board details. The modules in this system are User module and Admin module.

Admin module:

  • Admin login
  • Registration
  • Allocation
  • Vocate
  • Hostelbill 

Student Module :

  • User login
  • View notice board

User Login: 

This module allows different users to access the registration forms.

            User can view the details about notice board.

The Administrator can:                                           

1. He can allot students to the hostel.

2. He can vacate the students form the hostel.

3. Control the status of the fee payment.

4. Edit the details of the students & modify the student records.

Download  Hostel Management System Asp.Net Project Report for Final Year Students.

W3 Status Analyzer Visual.Net Project Abstract

Introduction to W3 Status Analyzer Visual.Net Project:

This application is used for viewing the detailed information the user or the person that are coming on the site. This is nothing but simple lines of code that is used on the web page and this will monitor all the information the site at a real time. This work in three types they are web tracker, hit counter and the last one is statics of the web page in the real time.

The user when visits the webpage and hits it then the code will keep the track of the users IP address and all the necessary information of the user. The owner of the website has the wish to put the code anywhere on the website or on any page of the website. The owner has the option to show the hits of the website to the user or not and it is calculated and stores. The owner of the website the option to decide the appearance of the website that is background, color icon color and to check the website is perfect or not.

Purpose: – the purpose behind developing this application is to monitor and analyze all the visitors of the website in the real time and have to insert a special code for this on the web page. The following features is also added to website such as Popular pages, exit pages, magnify pages, entry pages, visitors paths, email reports, recent page loaded, recent visitors and also recent activity.

This application will work on the following module that is user module, administrator module and the email repot module.

The hardware require for this application is Pentium 4 process, Ram of 512 MB and a minimum hard disc of 40GB and an operating system. And this application will going to be developed in and has a SQL database.

Download  W3 Status Analyzer Visual.Net Project Abstract.

E-Bazar Computer Project in Asp.Net with Project Report

Introduction to E-Bazar Computer Project in Asp.Net:

The project is developed using ASP.NET, AJAX, HTML, CSS and SQL.E-bazar main aim it to build a bridge between seller retailer and customer. E-bazar software is user-friendly quick learnable and with menu driven user interface. By this web-based software vendors and customers can connect with each other via internet as medium.

The customer need not go to the shop and buy the products he can simply purchase all the products from home or anywhere. The admin module in this application has facility to request or reject shops. E-bazar is standalone software.


E-bazar features the e-shopping-bazar focuses on e-shopping where the customer and vendor can meet for online shopping and selling purpose. It runs on both windows as well as LINUX. By using this application so much work task is reduced and it is going to bring a revolution in e-marketing.

Product Functions:

E-BAZAAR Administrator:

The admin is the super user and he has facility to control all the activities. The admin is notified by new shop requests he has an option to reject or accept it. The admin manages the all the product category lists.

Shop Owner:

The shop owner can request admin for the shop creation. Then admin notified the request based on his decision the shop owner can put their shop. The owner has to maintain and setup like creating sub product list. He can add or remove the products.

 E-BAZAAR Customer/Guests:

The customer can browse through the products and he can buy the products whatever likes and these products are placed in virtual cart list from this user can add or remove the products. For purchasing products customer has register and have to fill up all the details in the form after he can change any profile information after that he can buy products.


A purchasing manager monitors the activities of purchasing. Sales manager monitors sale of products. Account manager checks all accounts.

Hotel Management System Documentation

The title of my project is Hotel Management Systems. I have attempted to un-complicate the onerous process of the Hotel Management System by using a prepared & Modular technique as well as create a Menu leaning boundary.

I have attempted to make the project as user friendly and extensible as possible, so its use and extension can be done without much endeavor. Even though this project is not exhaustive, the principle purpose of this exercise is to automate and digitize an Employee’s activity which saves a lot of time in comparison to manual methods. 

This software parcel does not require users to be proficient in programming techniques; it is very user friendly and enables people to operate it without error. This scheme is meant for two kinds of users, namely:

 I. Online customers.

ii. Administrator 

Online customers can view relevant articles and news, and Administrators can maintain the package with daily updates to the hotel account. The Administrator has to be an allowed user with a password. Password recovery and password change functions are also built in to the package. 

The principle goal of this package is to ensure that the entire Hotel management scheme, like Room actions, Assigning rooms according to client’s demand, Admission of a new customer, etc, is automated and digitized. 

Due to time constrains and limited resources, we have restricted our scope to the main functions of a Hotel Management System. Due worry has been full to build the scheme user friendly and efficient. 

The Hotel Management scheme has been considered to automate and digitize the subsequent functions performed by hotels. 

  • Room feature Functions
  • Opening a latest Room
  • Modification to area assigned
  • Admission of original customer
  • Check-out of client
  • Room transmission related to client’s need.
  • Statement of client Details
  • Check-in client
  • Check-out client
  • Room particulars
  • Total figure of clients in the lodge
  • Individual client Report