Project Management System Project in Java

Project Management System Project is developed in java. Main objective of this project is to help companies to manage tasks effectively and deliver products in given time.

Project Management System Project

Existing System

             The existing system will do the things in this fashion

  1. All the projects are been maintained in the form of files and bags which will be in hundreds to maintain.
  2. If any message or notice is to be conveyed to the teams a separate paper is to be taken and should take prints of the notice and should send to all the classes to convey the notice.
  3. If the Administrator or the Guide or the Team want to see the Status of the project done then they should go to the project guide and know this is very difficult when the guide is busy.
  4. When Guide is busy it is difficult to give the status or the verification is difficult and it is a time taking process to view all the project reports and assess the status when they came. 

Problems in the Existing System

  1. This will be accessible to all unauthorized users with specific user id and password.
  2. The management of all the projects will leads to a hectic process.
  3. The status assessment of the project member will be a difficult process.
  4. Time taking is much with compared to checking. 

Proposed Project Management System:

Proposed system provides a solution to existing system by extending its facilities. Everybody wants methods that are going to save their time and make daily tasks easier on them, and that is exactly what Online Project Management does. Online Project Management is most convenient for users to view or to create the tasks from the comfort of their own place whenever required, here in this project we are identifying the users and the tasks to be done by each user.

And finally we are collecting all the project executable files and maintaining them with the help of Data Base i.e. storing all the files with the help of server. Participant can see all of his Task activity immediately, rather than having a delay. Online Project Management provides the entire users to utilize all the services that the Administrator is providing. 

Download Project Management System Project in Java

 Also See: Project Management System Project Report

College Management System Project in Java

This project is aimed at developing the College Management System (CMIS) for a Engineering College. This system can be used to store the details of the student, update the details of the student based on the roll number, Generate reports for ID card, Loan estimation and study certificate, TCs etc.

College Management Information System Project.JPG

Users of College Management System:

1)         Administrator:

Administrator only has the chance of creating or deleting users like DEO, Issue clerk, Cashier etc., Administrator has the chance of maintaining every part of the system.

2)         DEO(Data Entry Operator):

Data Entry Operator enters the details of students details, hostel allotment details, route/bus allotment details, admission allotment details etc..

3)         Cashier:

Cashiers can collect the fee or even refund the fee. She/he can maintain the previous dues and different fee related details. 

4)         Issue Clerk:

Issue clerk can generate reports, issue TC and can enquire details about transportation, accommodation and building details. 

To understand design details about this project watch this video

Functional Requirements: 

5)      The administrator must be able to make changes to the structure for  effective usage of the system.

6)      The system must provide permissions facility to allow students to pay fees at extended intervals

7)      Administrator must be able to create a new account for enrolling students and at the same time he should be able to delete it.

8)      Administrator must be able to add a new building in order to allocate it to a group of student who are enrolled in a particular course.

9)      The administrator must be able to manage the accommodation facility.

10)  The administrator must have the privilege of viewing accommodation details.

11)  The system must provide detailed building details and allotted lists for a course upon user request.

12)  System should provide report about the hostel vacated list between a specific time intervals.

13)  The system should generate automated loan estimation reports for the students which include separate statements for regular fee, and hostel fee.

14)  The system must be able to generate birthday greetings to the students.

15)  The administrator must be able to make changes to the structure for effective usage of the system.

16)  The system must provide permissions facility to allow students to pay fees at extended intervals.

17)  Administrator must be able to create a new account for payment activity and at the same time he should be able to delete it.

18)  Administrator must be able to create a new fee type in order to allow certain group of student to pay a particular fee.

19)  The administrator must be able to manage the transport facility.

20)  The cashier must be able to collect fees from the students using the system.

21)  The administrator must have the privilege of resetting counter passwords.

22)  The system must provide detailed fee payment details and discount lists for individual students upon user request.

23)  System should provide report about the transport details.

24)  The system should generate automated or manual Transfer Certificates for the students and should maintain unique serial number for every TC issued.

25)  The DEO must be given the privilege of issuing study certificate and bona fide certificate to the student on request.

26)  The system must be able to generate identity cards and bus pass to the students.

Technologies Used:

  1. UML.
  2. J2EE. – JSP, Servlets, JavaScript
  3. AJAX 

Tools Used:                            

  1. Eclipse 3.3
  2. Apache tomcat 5.0.
  3. Download MySql latest version.
  4. Rational Rose.

Download College Management System Project Source Code in Java

Grid Computing Project for CSE Students

Rough Set Based Grid Computing Project ABSRATACT

In today’s world Grid computing Project is evolving into solving the large scale problems over the internet and also utilization of grid facilities becomes more important role into service oriented computing utilization by sharing resources. This project presents ROSSE means it is a rough set based search engine for grid service discovery .ROSSE is a novel which is have a capability of dealing  uncertain of properties when matching services

Grid Computing Project
Grid Computing Project

Rough Set Based Grid Computing Introduction:

ROSSE can explains about most relevant service enquiry from functional point. This functional point may have distinct non functional properties which are related with QUALITY OF SERVICE (QOS). ROSSE further introduces a QUALITY OF SERVICE model for user satisfaction. The main objective of this ROSSE is can  evalutes from discovery of computing service with more efficiency and accuracy in aspects.

Rough set based grid computing service is works based on service match making algorithm for dealing uncertain service property problem and used for service discovery. Service match making algorithm is more effective algorithm. the main modules of this project is

  • Authentication
  • Remote configuration retrieval
  • Gathering required data
  • Data matching
  • Data analysis

Authentication: sometimes several servers are feel this is a large and heavy to working therefore it is difficult to handle the default system information utility. So we done this with two different users.

 Remote configuration retrieval: This module gives detailed information about system. This is easy way of accessing information and also storing information.

Gathering required data: this module is a Pre preparation method tand it is a design application, which stores under profile name for further requirement and it gets all required data from the administrator. 

Data matching: In this module we are using service match making algorithm for configuration.

Data analysis: it is the process of interaction with customers and inquiring their main requirements and also interaction with designers for possible interface of the software.

In this project frontend is java and backend is mysql.

Processing of lower and upper approximation is known as rough set. 

Related Projects:

Rough Set Based Grid Computing Service a Java Project

Mobile Phone based Attendance System

Mobile Project Overview:

Mobile Phone based Attendance SystemMobile Phone based Attendance System project is implemented in java platform.In many colleges and schools teachers take attendance manually by each and every student.

They need to take attendance in each and every period in case of private engineering colleges and they have 60-90 students in a single class.

They need to look at each and every student and then mark on the attendance book absent or present. Then they carry the attendance book with them, they also need to keep them safely for future reference.

This takes lots of time in taking in attendance and at last of the year they need to count total attendance and then find the percentage of each and every student.

This is the burden on the professors.  To remove this burden we can develop such application that will take attendance automatically and fast. This application will be based on the different modules like:

List of Modules in this Mobile phone based Attendance System Project:

User: this module is for staff, they need to enter user name and password to enter this page, than only they can take attendance from mobile phones.

Attendance entry:  this module for marking the attendance of the students. They select branch, year and semester of the students. After that they mark to the absentees.

GPRS connectivity: with this function they send attendance list to the server that store the attendance in the database. It selects cell phone through GPRS.

Update database: this module manipulate the attendance list when it receives the signal from the cell phone.

Display: this module is for students, they can check their attendance, they need to select their year, semester and branch.

SMS: this is the best feature of the application; student can get his attendance on his cell phone by just sending an SMS from anywhere. 

Project Title: 

Mobile Phone based Attendance System

Software Requirements: 

This application is develop using J2ME that uses JSP, JDBS for the coding and MySQL for the database.

Hardware Requirements

                  System                      : IBM-Compatible PC

                  Processor                  : Pentium IV

                  Memory                 : 256 MB RAM

                  Hard Disk Drive        : 40 GB

                  Mobile Side               : Any GPRS enabled Mobile.

Library Management System Project Abstract & SRS using Java & MySQL

The main of Library Management application is to keep the book in the proper format with its complete details including Author and the person who is issuing this book. Everything is managed from the database. We need to maintain the book cost and to check whether the books are available on the library or not.

The description of Project Working:

If the book is not available in the library then it should be removed from the database. Students are provided with 2 or 3 cards for the book. They can issue the book for 14 days and after they have to pay the fine per day rupee one. If the student lost the book he has to purchase the same book and submit to the library.

For the staff also they are given 3 cards and they also have same rule as per the students. This whole process in manually, we need to develop the fully automatic library that enables the user to search for the relevant book and they can also who have which book. We need computers in the library so that users can access online books. We need to bar code scanner, so the student just scans the code and the book will be issued.

The computers used in the library must be connected to each other via LAN at the speed of 10MBps. The student needs to enter his rollno and the details of the book. We can also add new feature of membership in the library in the starting of the year, they can become members and they will be issued the number to run this software. After they just need to enter the book number and their roll no and the book will be issued.

Hardware and Software Requirements:

Hardware requirement :

  • OS: Window 7
  • Hard Drive: 40GB
  • RAM: 256 MB

Software requirement :

  • Java language
  • Net beans IDE 7.0.1
  • MS SQL server 2005

IT Project Process Management Java Project Documentation

IT Project Process ManagementIT Project process management is the project that is used to track the various IT projects and scan it and search for the solutions. This is used to monitor the complete project, documents, project source codes, name and other details of the project. This system works on three phase project initiation, Windup stage and regular mode.

The existing project management system that is developed in that user can update it details manually whenever he requires. They need to inform the group leader to make changes in the project or details. These systems have one problem that whole data is stored in MS-Excel, means each and every data is stored manually and they are not safe and each and every calculation is done manually. This consumes lot of time.

We need to develop new application that will be based on the database and they are more, fast, safe and secure than manual operations. It will the task easy, data will be secured so the general can’t manipulate the data. This will be based on the different modules:

Modules in IT Project Process Management Project:

login screen: it is the authentication of the employee with username and password; other user can’t access the system.

Add/update/delete projects: in this you can add your project, with name, your employee number, start and ending date of the project. You can delete the existing project. You can update your documents.

 Status report: you can track the current status of the reports with all the details. It will show all the completed documents, pending documents, with start dates and employee details.

To develop this application we will use JSP that is the part of the Java. We will MY SQL as the database and tomcat server that is used to run our application or you can say that it is PC based server.

Intra Communication Software Documentation

Intra Communication Software project application Documentation is designed with the help of the Java. It is used by the professional programmers to making applications using applets and servlets.  They are robust and secure. They provide programming features like object, encapsulation, abstraction, multi-threading, inheritance, polymorphism etc. they use servlet that is its own java server or you can say that it is the part of the java server. It helps in creating online applications. They provide GUI environment that makes the development of the application more attractive.

Modules in Intra Communication Software:

Admin module: it used for the control of the all the operations, give permission, or remove permissions. We can add any user or remove any user. We can send any messages to the users. We can access the data of the application.

User module: this is developed for the users who can do operations to his profile or create chat rooms, do conferencing with the other users. He can add other user to his profile and talk to them and check whether they are online or not.

Conference module: this module is used by the administrator to develop the chat rooms and they can check the chat rooms which are currently available.

Reports module: this module gather all the data from different modules and present the report on that. This module can be accessed by the administrator only.

Intra Communication System Activity Diagram:

Intra Communication Software Activity diagram

To develop this application we will use Java Scripts, html for coding and the coding can be done in the My Eclipse IDE. To run this Intra Communication application we need tomcat server in our system. To manage whole data of the application we need to use Oracle database, this will keep whole data safe and well managed. Our system must have at least RAM of 256MB to run all these software’s.

Contents in Intra Communication Software Documentation:

  • Abstract
  • ER Diagrams
  • UML Diagrams
  • Database design
  • Class Diagram
  • Sequence Diagram

Internet Banking System Project

Internet Banking SystemInternet Banking System Project is the application that used for dealing bank work by seating at home, or telephone banking. In this we access all the information about the bank that a bank computer can have. In case of telephone banking you can give appropriate instruction to the bank to handle your account on telephone.To access these feature you must be registered then only you will have your username and password.

If you don’t have username and password you can access your account. These online features are available 24 hours. You can check your balance, last transaction, print statements, purchase anything and pay directly from your account with the help of credit card. Now you don’t need to look for working hours of the bank and go the bank.

With this facility user don’t need to go outside the home and he can transfer the money from one account to other account. They are very helpful for the business man who doesn’t have time to go to the bank.

Internet Banking System Project Requirements:

This application can be developed in the JAVA servlets JSP. It is based on the J2EE standard. They are nice programming languages based on the object oriented and they are extremely platform independent. You can develop GUI environment in Net Beans IDE of JAVA. This can be installed in many operating system line MAC OS, Linux etc.

We have to use tom cat server for running our application. Tomcat is the offline computer based server that is used to test the application. To manage the account details properly we have to use SQL database. It is the application that is used to store the data, they are very secure. You can insert data, view data, delete data, select data, or even you can calculate the data in the database.

Implementing And Validating Environmental And Health Java Project

Implementing And Validating Environmental And Health Java ProjectImplementing And Validating Environmental And Health Java Project is the application that is developed for the health care and solutions. It is developed in the JSP that is JAVA based and it will use SQL as back end or you can say for data base. We need computer that have at least Pentium IV processor with 512 MB RAM and it should have 40GB hard disk. It will work on four modules admin, patient, user and general user.

Modules of the Environmental And Health Java Project:

Admin: this is developed for the admin who will have its username and password to log in to the site. Every doctor will have its own IDs and password. After login in to the site the main frame of the application will appear. In this form they have their present appointments, prescriptions or any recommendation for the patient that need to be shifted to the other hospitals.

Patients: this module is for keeping the patient database that is connected to the servers. This form maintains the details of the patients that are new admitted and then it is transferred to the doctor computers.

User: this panel is for person who registered here for the first time. This will store the information of the users including phone number, address etc. after the details user is provided with login ID so the user can login in to site for any medical health. They will found the doctors according to the categories like skin, child care, heart etc. after that user can fix appointment with any doctor according to its requirement.

General user: this is made for them who are not registered in that site, so they will only have general information about the doctors. They can view the general medical tips and if they want they can register themselves to this site.

Human Resource Database Management System Database Design

Human Resource Database ManagementHuman Resource Database Management System Database Design HRMS Project is based on the database used to manage the data of the employees their records, salaries, departments, workgroup etc. The system which are going to develop must be accurate, reliable, every module must be well managed and properly working. There should no problem of data redundancy. It must manage the memory efficiently.The system must be user friendly and user must not have any problem while accessing the system.

Human Resource Database Management System HRMS Requirements:

We can create these system java net beans and we can oracle database or SQL. We need to setup our computer configuration for application development. We need to have Windows 2000/XP. The application must work on user authentication. It must ask for username and password on starting. There should no option for the guest login.

As we are using JAVA for development of this system so our application will lot of features like exception handling. It supports multiple users and handles the data very efficiently. It is compatible with almost all the operation systems and they are very easy for setup. They are platform independent write here run anywhere. We need to have various drivers for making connection with the database.

When we are developing such application we also need to look after time used, so it is necessary for selection of better application developer. Our application is developed in the java so it provide the features like data abstraction, encapsulation, everything is used as object and everything is done inside the class.As we all know that object oriented is the powerful tool for creating any application.

Human Resource Database Management System Database Design

HRMS application Development Phases:

Usually application development is divided in to four phases. First analysis what we need then design the structure then coding of the application and at last testing of the application. If our application passes the testing then we have successfully created our application.