Web Based Library Java Project


The most important department in and across the departments of an Educational institution is Library department. It holds immense potential in terms of effectively and efficiently learning information through various resources available. The main purpose of the Library management system is to reduce the work of the Librarian. Library management system is being maintained manually till now, through this application it can be maintained in the database.

This is an Internet based & Web Based Library application that can be accessed throughout the web. This system can be used to search for all books, search books based on author, search books based on title and reserve books, find out book is in available state or not. This is one integrated system that contains both the user component and the librarian component.


This Web Based Library application maintains the details of books like what type of books are there, what books are in available state, and how many books are there for same title of different authors. This information is available only for librarian not for students.

The library management system is maintained manually till now, so the following disadvantages are occurred.

1. Wastage of time.
2. Work delay.
3. Decrease in the performance of the system.
4. More man power is required.


In this Web Based Library system students are no need to go to library for reserving Book, just go to internet and search what types of books are there in library, search Books based on author, search books based on title and see what books are in Available state. In this way select which book we want and identify the book id and Reserve that book through reservation form. If more than one person requesting for single book, then the librarian see the list of reservation forms and issue the books based on First in First out order of reservation Forms and rejecting the other student’s requests. In this proposed the work delay and wastage of time will be reduced.


The system “Web Based Library “consists of 2 modules.

1. Student module
2. Librarian module

Student module: students are first enter into the site by using user id and Password if these are correct then entered into site other wise rejects the request. In This site students are first search all books, search books based on title and search Books based on author in this students are seen the status of the book if is available Or not if it is available then see the book id for reservation purpose and finally Reserving the book through web.

Librarian module: librarian add new book details into database if books are Referenced once then keep the status as not available ate the time of adding new Book details. If librarian wants to modify the book details then update book details Option is available. If book are old then librarian can delete the book into database. Librarian can also see the search the all books, search books based on title and search books based on author. And issue the books to students. Student’s requests Forms are stored into reservation table. Librarian can see those forms by clicking the Option of list of reservation forms then issue the books to those students who are Requesting for what books. Librarian can see the inventory of all books, list of issued Books, list of renewal books, list of all students. If librarian wants to send messages To students then see the student’s details and send messages to their mail ids or call to their mobile numbers. Librarian can issue books to students’ maximum of four.

Software requirements:

Operating System : Windows
Technology : Java
Web Technologies : Html, JavaScript
Web Server : Tomcat
Database : Oracle

Network Desktop Manager Java Project

Network is to connect two or more computers together with the ability to communicate with each other. Networking is to link two or more computing devices together for the purpose of sharing data.

It provides design, programming, development and operational support for LANs, WANs and other networks. A local area network (LAN) is a group of computers and associated devices that share a common communications line or wireless link.

Desktop Manager can assess the configurations of desktops and determine if they have received the proper updates — a task that is helpful to ensure all desktops are operating properly and securely. Network Desktop Manager manages desktop icons, background image and media message on LAN.

It controls the Desktops within the network and keep desktops clean and tidy. It even allows to add own Media message (video, image or HTML) that can be displayed on the remote Desktops within the network.

Our proposed project is Network Desktop Manager which provides the complete control on the remote desktop. When ever the administrator wants to operate the remote system this application provides the requested host desktop to the administrator so that he/she can operate the remote system directly with the system desktop. It also provides some of the features like chatting, desktop locking, desktop sharing, and port scanning.

Modules :

1. Desktop Sharing

Administrator can directly access the remote system by sharing the requested system desktop. Desktop Sharing is a server application that allows to share current session with a user on another machine, who can use a client to view or even control the desktop. Desktop Sharing lets users call a remote computer to access its shared desktop and applications.With the Desktop sharing we can operate our office computer from our home or viceversa.

2. Desktop locking and unlocking

Desktop locking and unlocking is a utility provided by the Network Desktop Manager to lock and unlock the remote desk to prevent others from accessing the system.Desktop Lock is a computer security protection and access control software product, we can use it to lock computer to prevent people from accessing your private documents and resources. When the computer being locked by Desktop Lock, none can access your documents, browse your computer, or use programs on locked system.

3. Messaging

Administrator can communicate with the remote systems that are connected With in the local network administrator can communicate publicly or privately.

Messaging is nothing but passing data to and from applications over the network which makes the synchronisation of data simple. Messaging allows users across the network to exchange data in real time. Most commonly, these data consist of typed conversations, but the power of the system lies in its ability to pass other data as well. This could be in the form of audio or video or, as will be presented here, other text data that will allow the two chatting parties to retrieve the same data base record by sending a primary key or keys from one to the other.

4. IP Port Scanning

If administrator wants to know the information about how many ports are working on the specified system and what is the port number allotted for the service, how many ports are closed, and how many are open.IP Port Scanner allows for testing whether a remote computer is alive with UDP and testing whether a TCP port is being listened with two types CONNECTS and SYN. IP Port Scanner reverse lookup IP address into hostname and read responses from connected TCP Port.

Software Requirements:

Platform : JAVA using Swings

DCE – DTE Interface In CDMA Project

By using this interface the user will get all the information regarding CDMA mobile to his PC. The user can get the information about the mobile settings and service information and network information. By using this DCE – DTE Interface In CDMA application we can make a call from the system and we can send messages.

We are developing this DCE – DTE Interface In CDMA application to reach the needs of the client.

1. Connection Establishment
2. AT Command Execution using CDMA Mobile
3. Live Signal Generation
4. Finger Graph generation
5. Protocol Statistics
6. CDMA Mobile Call Processing

Connection Establishment:

In this DCE – DTE Interface In CDMA application for getting communication between we have to establish a connection through the PC. So we need a communication channel for the PC Communication. In this application we are using USB cable for connecting the PC through the mobile. We have to use Mobile USB software in the system to support the drivers. The communication cable will connect to the system port. So now the device will listen to the particular port. We need to identify the connected port also for the mobile communication.
AT Command Execution using CDMA Mobile:

By using this application we can generate three different types of parameters. Those are

1. General Information
2. Data Information
3. Extended Information

Live Signal Generation:

By using WAVE DM we are going to analyze the live signal strength in time intervals. For this one we are using AT – Commands. By using this tool we are sending commands to the mobile several times to find the live signal strength. By that the user can evaluate whether the service is clear or not. By using this tool we are generating signal graph. This graph is used to represent the signal strength.

Finger Graph generation:

By using our WAVE DM application we are going to generate Finger Graph which will extract near by 6 BTS signal strengths.

Protocol Statistics:

WAVE DM provides users to analyze quality of service and throughput problems associated with cdma RLP, UDP, PPP and TCP/IP layer measurements. It will provide users nice graphical user for analyzing the protocol statistics.

CDMA Mobile Call Processing:

The application has another feature to make a call. So the application should support the call processing. To support this module we are using one mobile simulator which is developed by us only and we should make it work. For making call we should use related AT Commands.

CDMA Call Processing States:

1. System initialization state
2. System idle state
3. System access state
4. Traffic channel state

For this DCE – DTE Interface In CDMA application development we are using Java Swings and USB Based communication to the mobile.

Software Requirements:

Language : Java Swings
Mobile USB Driver Software : Compatible CDMA Mobile Driver Software

Future Enhancements:

1. Location Map generation.
2. Save and Load settings into PC
3. Message processing.

Insta Bank – Wireless Banking Project Synopsis

Many banks today want to provide the best services to retain their customers. Internet has been a lone solution for quite some time.  Today banks are looking forward to harness the potential of wireless technology to better connect with its customers and offer enhanced retail services.

What the banks require today is a facility to inform clients of events and to facilitate and quickly respond to client inquiries. Many banks are losing lots of their customers just because they cannot cater to their customers want of necessary information anywhere and anytime.

Also customers today are becoming more and more futuristic and would want information on various transactions and also be reminded about them almost as immediate as it happens.

In addition, banks are searching for a solution where customers don’t have to be online every time they make a transaction compared to internet banking. Getting necessary information on your mobile device at your request”.

Reach your customers the most cost effective and trendy way.  A Complete solution to communicate instantly, efficiently and cost effectively with individuals or groups, anytime and anywhere.

Mobile banking through SMS is today becoming not just a value add but a necessity when considering present banking scenarios.

For example, let us take into consideration of a person who is on

the move and requires some  immediate information on his bank account. With his mobile device he can just send a message and within few intervals of time he would receive the necessary information.

As per a recent survey: “In 2002,366 billion messages were exchanged world over, which included 5 billion from India”.

There is a huge list of mobile users, which only adds to the existing list of advantages.

The mobile SMS banking solution is an open frame, doesn’t need any major customization.

Get mobile with InstaBank.

Key Features:

InstaBank can be segregated into 2 categories:

Customer Related Transactions:

  • Cheque Status
  • PIN Change
  • Statements
  • Balance Enquiry

Automatic Alerts: 

  • Withdrawal Above Limit
  • Specific Withdrawal
  • Deposit Above Limit
  • Specific Deposit
  • Balance Below Limit
  • Cheque Book Issued
  • Day End Balance

Some of the added features are: 

Single and Group Text Messaging: Send messages to an individual or a group by selecting the concerned from the member list.

History Log: Administration of sent or received messages. The log of each day is stored in a separate file, thus making it very easy to check the history of messages.

Monitor existing database & Authentication:  Add, update or delete customer list from the already existing database and authentication till 3 levels.

Automated Alerts: Send automated alerts to one or many by setting the timer. A message is sent at the time that has been set. 

Reports: A feature has also been provided where a report carated on the messages sent depending on the date.

Benefits :

Customer retention: Build on existing customer relationships to improve productivity and maximize customer loyalty. Boost customer retention. Make sure your existing customers are satisfied. 

Easy and fast communication medium: The solution is easy to use and since customer communication is through SMS medium the message reaches the customer in a jiffy. 

Focus on core competencies: No more concerns about promoting your brand and in communicating with your customer. Focus on your core business activities and competition. 

Anytime, anywhere banking: Unlike other mediums of banking like emails or snail mail the sms banking media can be used anywhere and at anytime.

Reduced human errors: Since there is very little human interaction required, the Solution being automated even small human errors can be reduced.

Save costs on unnecessary phone calls: There is a huge reduction in the calls made to the bank or to customers since the customer inquiries are answered almost till the last level.

Technologies Used – Good understanding of Basic Java, Java SMS API (third party tool), Networking in Java, MS access, Any operating system.

Bulk Messaging – Advertise the Mobile Way

The most common mediums of customer retention today are television, radio, newspapers, banners, hoardings, etc.

Promotions through newspapers are effective, and are more cost effective than television commercials.

The disadvantage of newspaper promotions is that many people flick past advertisements of any kind when reading  a  paper,  which  is  different from a TV based campaign, as viewers cannot do the same.

Another medium is radio, which is restricted to a specific group of listeners and is very frequent especially by the younger generation.

Internet banners have the advantage of capturing the attention of the viewers who visit the website. But since many websites have multiples of banner advertisements, it could be difficult to catch attention of the viewer.

The main disadvantage of all these promotional medias is the cost. Though the reach is quite huge, the strike rate is very low.

Retain your customers anytime, anywhere.

Get a hold of your customers the most cost effective and trendy way. The complete solution to communicate instantly, efficiently and cost effectively with individuals or groups and also getting their feedbacks.

Whether its promotions, events, offers, feedback and interactivity or creating any type of awareness, solve all your challenges by using SMS a fast, simple and also highly effective information media.

As per a recent survey: “In 2002, 366 billion messages were exchanged world over, which included 5 billion from India”.

Today SMS is being used as a marketing tool, besides being a feedback or interactivity tool. Stop wasting your time, effort and money on other advertising media, focus on your core business activities and let all the tedious processes of promoting your brand and retaining your customers be managed by.

Corporate Messenger – Always Connected, Stay Connected

Present Challenges:

A number of organizations spend millions of dollars every year just on getting the right kind of communication tool which would help their employees in interacting within the organization in a more professional and disciplined manner.

The type of communication can also depend on factors like:

  • How complex organizational structure change over time.
  • How employees are affected by these changes.
  • How an organization responds to different types of leadership.

Communicate with your colleagues in a very comfortable environment.

An Instant Messenger is an application that enables communication across the Internet. It is a great tool if you want a quick dialogue, an immediate response, an answer to your problem, etc.

It makes people feel the sense of real time connectivity that it creates between two persons on the Internet regardless of where they are geographically located.

Enjoy all the features of universal messengers with a flavor of modern wireless communication via sms.

Key Features:

Internet and intranet messaging – Whether its on the LAN or on the Internet, the employees can chat with colleagues within or outside the organization.

Login facility – A login facility has been provided to ensure complete authentication of a user.

Profile and Away Messages – This helps a person to know about the status of another.

Add, delete, modify contact list – A contact can be easily added, deleted or edited and can be placed into a certain group depending on branch, department, etc.

Search facility – Search for a particular member On the basis of certain criteria.

Smiley – A user can not only use smileys but also upload customized smileys.

Offline messaging – Measures have been taken In cases where employees can chat within the organization in offline mode.

Help – A complete help manual has been provided so that the users can be self sufficient and no major training would need to be given to the employees
on the functionality of the solution.


Total messaging solution:

No matter where you are chat with your colleagues at a time of your convenience. Because of the wireless capability you can also chat through sms with colleagues if on the move.

Save costs on Internet usage and bandwidth:

Cost has always been a
major issue for many organizations. The greatest advantage of a messenger is no matter where an employee is situated there is no communication gap and since our solution can be used even on the intranet the organization saves on the bandwidth and excess usage of the internet.

Secure messaging in a contained Environment:

A total secure environment has also been provided where even secure information can be transacted between employees. An employee can block another if he/she doesn’t want particular information to be available to a certain person during a conference.

Save unnecessary phone calls:

Why make unnecessary phone calls and spend minutes or hours on the phone when you can do much more easily and cost effectively using the messenger.

Technologies Used :

Basic Java, Networking in Java, Swings, Any operating system.

Sodexho Passes Management System Java Abstract

Project Abstract:

Organizations, Stalls and Sodexho are connected by using tokens to perform commercial transactions. Administrator (SODEXHO) registers the tokens, companies and Stalls to manage the tasks. Companies manage the employee list to whom the tokens available with the companies are issued. Employees move the tokens into the hands of the Stalls against the required goods.

Overall Description :

Product Perspective :

The Sodexho Passes Management System application deals with Sodexho passes where they are maintained by an organization which distributes them to the companies which in turn distribute the tokens to their employees. The Employees can use these tokens for shopping in the specified stalls against their purchase of goods.

The Sodexho Passes Application contain features of SODEXHO maintaining the information about the possessing tokens, companies and stalls using the tokens. The Tokens are issued to the companies against their payments. The tokens assigned to the companies are re-distributed or assigned to the employees of those companies. The Stall list where the tokens can be used are provided. The Employees can use these tokens in the respective stalls against their purchase of goods.

Finally, the stalls return the collected tokens to the Sodexho to get back their amount back. Similarly the companies pay the amounts for the assigned tokens.

This transaction of use of tokens help banks in retaining the amounts in them which stops rotation of money in the market which is a good sign to improve the market standards.

Product Functions :

• Provide integration between the Sodexho, Companies and Stalls.
• Token, Company and Stall registration is done by the Sodexho.
• Tokens information with various denominations are maintained.
• Employee registration is maintained by the companies who are actually going to use the tokens.
• Tokens play the major role in the Application as they travel from one hand to the other in the entire Web Site.

User Classes and Characteristics :

Used by Organizations who like to host their websites. Individuals or organizations who wants to avail email-ids on their servers. Used by ISP to track their customers.



In the present scenario the tokens are used very rarely in the market. Many companies and stalls are not at front to use them in their commercial activities. Even though these token systems are used in some areas they lack security. One can use the others tokens and the stalls are not maintaining any security regarding the reference of the used tokens.

Problem with existing system :

1. The Sodexho Passes  system performance depends upon manually efficiency.
2. Customers are forced to use cash transactions using currency only.
3. Increases the usage of money in the market i.e. increases the circulation of currency in the market.
4. Maintenance of other commercial activities by the banks become critical when the money is not available in the banks.


• Login & Security
• Administrator (SODEXHO) Module
• Company Module
• Stalls Module

This is an Online Sodexho Passes  Application designed to perform or manage the transactions of the SODEXHO which handle the commercial transactions using the TOKEN system instead of direct CASH. The flow of the tokens available at the SODEXHO represents the transfer of goods or cash in reverse direction.

SODEXHO is the central Module which maintains a list of tokens, issuing the tokens to various companies, accepting and payment of bills from companies and Stalls. The Companies on receiving the tokens from the Sodexho can issue them to their employs who can inturn use them in the specified stall list for purchasing transactions. The tokens received by the Stalls are sent to the Sodexho for the payments of the equivalent amount. Sodexho receives the payments from the Company for the issued Tokens.

The Project Sodexho Passes Management System SPMS has been split into 5 modules namely – LOGIN, SODEXHO, COMPANY, STALLS and the EMPLOYEE.

LOGIN Module :

This Module represents the Login page using which all the authorized members can login by entering their appropriate User Name and Passwords. On Validation of the entered username and password the appropriate Page is opened. Validations are made for the Non-entry or invalid username and password entries.

SODEXHO Module :

This Module is designed to handle the transactions that are to be performed by the SODEXHO members. They can perform the tasks like maintaining the token list where each token is represented by a token id, Denomination and their count. Each token is represented by a unique Auto generated Token Id. These token data values can be altered, viewed and deleted before they are issued to any Company. They also keep track of the issued tokens to the companies.

This Module facilitates to maintain the list of Stalls in which the tokens can be exchanged for the goods or the stalls in which these tokens are valid. New Stalls can be added, already available stalls can be modified or deleted from the list. Each stall is assigned with a unique stall id.

Payments can be handled for the issued tokens from the companies and can be paid to the stalls on returning the tokens received by them from the employee.

COMPANY Module :

This module represents the company which takes the required tokens of various denominations from the Sodexho and issues them to their employees. It also maintains the list of employees like adding the new employee where each employee is identified by a unique auto generated number. Data of the already available employee records can be altered or viewed or deleted.

There is an option to Issue the tokens of the specified denominations as per the requirement of the employee. An employee can choose the tokens of required denominations and specify the number of tokens. On issuing the tokens the starting and ending numbers of the issued token ids are stored into a table along with the employee id.

Company can view the Paid and Pending Bills that are to be paid to the Sodexho for the received tokens. The amount can be paid at any time i.e. payment of bills is not periodic or ones in a month.


On entering the User Name and password in the login page a Stall page is opened with their Stall name as the heading for that page.

Stalls Module contain the transactions like issuing the goods to the customers (employees) for the exchange of their respective tokens. On entering all the items that are being purchased by the employee, the total bill can be paid in combination of various tokens whose total value equals to the Bill Amount. On entering the number of tokens of the required denominations, the total amount is tallied with the Bill Amount.

For finalizing the payment, the employee has to specify his password (in this case it is his Employee Number which is unique). On Submitting all the values, the tokens are checked for their availability for the employee whose password has been entered. On success, the Bill is accepted, otherwise not. Each Transaction is managed and represented by a unique Transaction Id which is auto generated.

Details about the performed transactions can also be seen for the specified transaction id which displays the item code, item name, rate, quantity taken and its amount. The stall members can view the Payments that are been cleared and are in pending by the Sodexho for the available tokens that are currently available in the stall.


This Module is represented as a hidden Module where the employee only participates in the Stall transactions accepting the goods for the exchange of the tokens that are available with him (which are taken from the company). He has to provide his employee number as a password to validate or prove the validity of the entered token numbers of various denominations.



Educational Information Management System


  • Educational Portal for students, parents, teachers and institutes to communicate in a complete knowledge based interactive environment.
  • Important for students to know individual strengths and weaknesses through self assessment.
  • Induces change in existing contents and methods of learning processes.
  • Includes wireless features for anytime, anywhere communication.

Admin Module:

  • Login Authentication.
  • Add, Modify and Delete courses, batches and branches.
  • Monitor attendance, various results and general performance.
  • Manage information about the institute.
  • Archive news, frequently asked questions.
  • Maintain payment details of students.

User Module:

  • Username/ Password Authentication.
  • Access to latest news & frequently asked questions, student queries.
  • Check individual/group results as General, University & Internal exams.
  • Fee Payment details.

SMS & Education:

Segregated into two categories:-

  • Student/Parent Related Transactions
  • Automatic Alerts

Key Features :-

Student/Parent Related Transactions

  • Exam Results
  • Exam Time table
  • Fees monitoring
  • Quiz/contests/polls
  • Search facility
  • Other Student/parent Related Transactions and Queries

Automatic Alerts:

  • Admission Notification
  • Fees paid status
  • Announcements
  • Enquirers/Suggestions
  • Reports
  • Automated Results

Technologies used

This system uses J2EE, the most suitable technology for the systems of this type. For its flexibility & scalability that it provides.

The system demonstrates the following technologies of the J2EE platform :

a) Servlets
b) JSP
c) JavaBeans
e) JDBC Drivers
f) Java SMS API (third party tool)
g) MS Assess

This system uses a back end RDBMS database to store it’s data.

Synopsis for Mobile Ticketing Portal Project

Synopsis: This Mobile Ticketing Portal document covers the overview of one such application – Mobile Ticketing that will be the best app for this very promising platform.

Mobile Ticketing exclusively developed for PVR Cinemas is a utility for its mobile phone users to book tickets.  Also, it gives an opportunity for the PVR Administration staff to update movie information using a web client which can be accessible only by authorized persons.

The archetypical view of this Mobile Ticketing Portal project can be classified into three components with MySQL as the backend.  Namely:

  1. J2ME Client
  2. Web-client (JSP / Servlets)
  3. Server side (JSP / Servlets)

Component Features:

J2ME Client

  1. Update Weekly Movie Schedules – The user on his mobile phone clicks the update button to get the next week’s movie schedules and automatically it will be stored in the RMS.
  2. Book Tickets – The user can book movie tickets from this feature by the details already available on his mobile through the update option.
  3. History – A log of the previous bookings done by the user will be stored on his mobile and can be viewed by this tool.
  4. Movie Reviews – Users can check out Movie reviews by connecting to the server.
  5. F.A.Q – A user manual is kept stored in the mobile phone as online help.


  1. Login – Administrator mode login is available
  2. Add New Film to the list
  3. Add Cinema Info
  4. Add Language Info
  5. Schedule Film Date, Timings, and Ticket Availability Status

Server-side Component 

Along with the request processing being done by the server for its clients, the Server will send an SMS as acknowledgment after booking tickets with ticket numbers reserved for the number of tickets booked. 

Hardware Requirements:

  1. Mobile Phone with GPRS enabled
  2. Pentium II or above with at least 2.0GB Hard disk

Software Requirements:

  1. J2SE
  2. J2ME wireless toolkit
  3. Tomcat
  4. MySQL

Future Enhancements: 

  1. Concentrate on other theaters too.
  2. Movie Reviews with a trailer being played out as an audio or video file.
  3. Download Ring tones and Wallpapers.

Download the complete Project code on Online Movie Ticket Booking System.

Download Online Movie Ticket Booking web-based Java & MySQL Project Source Code & Project Report.

Real Estate Portal on Handheld Devices Project Synopsis

This Real Estate Portal on Handheld Devices document covers the design, architecture, tools and development methodology for one such application – Magic Bricks that will be the killer app for this very promising platform.

Magic Bricks exclusively developed for Real Estate Community is a utility for mobile phone users to enquire/search for accommodation/lands available in a locality, as per their requirement ( meaning -Rent or Buy). Also, the web client is equipped with facilities for the Real Estate Administration staff to update property information along with an image (if one exists) on authentication.

A search facility on the home page of this portal allows any user to browse through the current real estate data based on their requirements.

Archetypically, this project can be classified into three components with MySQL as the back-end.


1. J2ME Client
2. Web-client (JSP / Servlets)
3. Server side (JSP / Servlets)

Component Features:

  1. J2ME Client
    a. Search for accommodation
  2. Web -Client
    a. Login
    b. Add Property
    c. Add Area/Locality
    d. Add Property Information
  3. Server Side
    a. Processes the requests of the clients

Software Requirements:

1. J2SE
2. J2ME wireless toolkit
3. Tomcat
4. MySQL

Future Enhancements:

1. Add keyword search on the web client.
2. Categorize users like buyers, Agents and Builders.
3. Add online discussion forum for active interaction between users.
4. Add facilities for users to lease, mortgage their property apart from only sale and purchase.