Security System for DNS Using Cryptography Java Full Project

The mapping or binding of IP addresses to host names became a major problem in the rapidly growing Internet and the higher level binding effort went through different stages of development up to the currently used Domain Name System (DNS) Java project.

Security-for-Domain-Name-System-Java project

The DNS Security is designed by CSE Final year students using java programming to provide security by combining the concept of both the Digital Signature and Asymmetric key (Public key) Cryptography. Here the Public key is send instead of Private key.

The DNS security uses Message Digest Algorithm to compress the Message(text file) and PRNG(Pseudo Random Number Generator) Algorithm for generating Public and Private key. The message combines with the Private key to form a Signature using DSA Algorithm, which is send along with the Public key

The receiver uses the Public key and DSA Algorithm to form a Signature. If this Signature matches with the Signature of the message received, the message is Decrypted and read else discarded.


The DNS as an Internet standard to solve the issues of scalability surrounding the hosts.txt file. Since then, the widespread use of the DNS and its ability to resolve host names into IP addresses for both users and applications alike in a timely and fairly reliable manner, makes it a critical component of the Internet.

The distributed management of the DNS and support for redundancy of DNS zones across multiple servers promotes its robust characteristics. However, the original DNS protocol specifications did not include security. Without security, the DNS is vulnerable to attacks stemming from cache poisoning techniques, client flooding, dynamic update vulnerabilities, information leakage, and compromise of a DNS server’s authoritative files.

In order to add security to the DNS to address these threats, the IETF added security extensions to the DNS, collectively known as DNSSEC. DNSSEC provides authentication and integrity to the DNS. With the exception of information leakage, these extensions address the majority of problems that make such attacks possible. Cache poisoning and client flooding attacks are mitigated with the addition of data origin authentication for RRSets as signatures are computed on the RRSets to provide proof of authenticity.

Dynamic update vulnerabilities are mitigated with the addition of transaction and request authentication, providing the necessary assurance to DNS servers that the update is authentic. Even the threat from compromise of the DNS server’s authoritative files is almost eliminated as the SIG RR are created using a zone’s private key that is kept off-line as to assure key’s integrity which in turn protects the zone file from tampering. Keeping a copy of the zone’s master file off-line when the SIGs are generated takes that assurance one step further.

DNSSEC can not provide protection against threats from information leakage. This is more of an issue of controlling access, which is beyond the scope of coverage for DNSSEC. Adequate protection against information leakage is already provided through such things as split DNS configuration.


DNSSEC demonstrates some promising capability to protect the Internet infrastructure from DNS based attacks. DNSSEC has some fairly complicated issues surrounding its development, configuration, and management. Although the discussion of these issues is beyond the scope of this survey, they are documented in RFC 2535 and RFC 2541 and give some interesting insight into the inner design and functions of DNSSEC.

In addition to keep the scope of this paper down, many topics such as secure zone transfer have been omitted but are part of the specifications in RFC 2535. The first official release of a DNSSEC implementation is available in BIND version 8.1.2.

Gated Communities Java Project,Code and Paper Presentation

Gated communities(java Project)  are neighborhoods enclosed by walls or fences, and providing services to members in that community. In those services we can provide online food services, marketing, travel agency…..etc. Some gated communities may even have their own places of worship.

Gated communities exist throughout the United States. Gated communities are designed to providing services and maintaining the database about the homes and apartments are located. There are a number of reasons that individuals from all walks of life may choose to live within the enclosures of a gated community.


Gated communities are not reserved for the upper class and the wealthy or for the most affluent of cities. Gated communities can be found in many towns in every state. In USA Today, it was estimated that nearly seven million families lived in gated communities, and four million of these families lived in a community where it was impossible to gain access without some sort of security clearance.

Residents of gated communities may own their own home, or they may rent from someone else. Residents of gated communities represent all different racial groups.

Scope of the system 

This final year cse project can be used by any gated way community which wants to maintain the database and utilize the various services provided by the application. In order to reduce the manual work and view the services which are provided by our website. 


 Objective of the project 

  • The main aim of this Gated community computer science project is to create a web application which maintains the Database and the information about various services which can be useful for various gated way communities.
  • Vast information is maintained in this system so as to provide all the details of services.
  • Online service is purely an web application and lot of efforts is put to make it as user friendly.
  • Reduce the wastage and time of the users/visitors by going and enquiring manually.


As mentioned above, the existing system is facing the problems as the person needs approach the location to report his problem/complaint. So the GCS system can overcome this problem so that the users can post their queries and get them solved with in a quick time.

download Project Report, project Code and  paper presentation  of  Gated communities(java Project)  . 

Global Communication Java Project with Code and Paper Presentation

Global Communication java project is developed for N.E.C. Main idea for developing this application is to reduce communication problem between companies by developing a online conference application. This application will be a better choice to replace existing telephone communication through web by including new features is called Global Communication. 

Why to develop Global Communication Java Project.                                                   

As there is lot of improvement in technology,there is lot of scope for developing applications in business field which can reduce cost as well as time. This final year project is experiment to reduce that gap in business field. Normally companies follow manual procedures for transaction and dealings. But this application will be a good option for companies to communicate through online. This application will improve business standards of a company.

In present market each and every business are having branches all over the country so this application will help to communicate with different branches for faster services through online conferences.


Conferences will take part a vital role for any of the national wide company. A company like National Engineering Corporation it takes part an important role. Because the company is having branches through out India, they need to conduct conferences between their employees and to conduct board of directors meeting among their directors, general managers. 


Normally conferences will be conducted in some place owned by company or in some conference hall. The person, who has to participate in the conference, has to travel all the way to participate in the conference. So it will be very risky to travel for the persons, and it is risky work for the company also to provide all the felicities to persons. Now a day wherever you see so many strikes are going. In that case to participate in any important conference or to conduct any conference will be very tedious. All this may lead to loss of company and time taking matters. So here the company is decided to develop their conferences on the net itself. 


The proposed system is to maintain the conferences, live meetings, general body meetings on the net. This system is to develop in a client/server environment. It aims to do the following. 

  • Grouping: Grouping of selected users
    •  Support of multi conference
    •  By selecting the single user from the list, Talk can be  achieved
    •  By selecting all the users in the list, Chat can be achieved.
download Project Report, project Code and  paper presentation  of  CSE Global Communication java project . 

Medicate Search Java Project Report,Paper Presentation and Code

Medicate search java projects main idea is to develop a application which can be easily operatable by users who are poor in computer and Medical knowledge can also search for medical information and users can communicate between different medical hubs for requesting medical help.


Medicate-Search-Java-Project As there are different medical branches which provide medical services like Allopathy, Ayurvedic, Homeopathy. Based on the users interest they can search for medical information and communicate with doctors for further help. Doctors can register with the system and share there information in the forum which will be visible to users.

    • It is web based application.
    • Users are free to search.
    • Doctors are Primary Stakeholders.
    • Feedback facility.
    • Registration/Login facility.
    • Open community like module is available 



Presently there is no such system where people can find the information related to any medicine or medical related information and there is no such platform that provide all kinds of treatment at one base. 
The objective of this project is to develop a system which is useful in the above mentioned emergency situations effectively. This project involves the detailed study of the symptoms of the disease and its severity. This is not merely based on the theoretical knowledge of medicine but is performed under the esteem supervision of highly experience doctors from all the fields of medicine.

This includes the symptoms,  videos and also video chat between the doctor and the patients which help in diagnosing the disease.

This is mainly intended to provide first-aid for the persons before they could be taken to the doctor and also helps a lot during the natural calamities where its very difficult to provide direct medical assistance to the affected people.

This includes the names of the medicines for cure of common diseases.   The proposed system provides various means through which lot of information related to medical can be retrieved. This system not only benefits general public but also to medical professionals.

download Project Report,Code and  paper presentation  of  CSE Medicate search java projects . 

Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Network Java Project With Code

Intrusion detection in Wireless Sensor Network Java Project is for computer science final year students.This project main idea is to trace moving objects which will be useful in fields like military and aviation.This application can be  useful in battle field in order to find out moving objects.

Data transfer is done using wireless sensor network. This application is implemented using two sensor detection models :single sensing and multiple sensing detection. This project will show advantages of multiple heterogeneous wireless networks.

Existing System:

1) In present existing system  single sensing detection is used where only one object is detected for a single time in wireless sensor  network.

2) Our Previous work was according to homogeneous and heterogeneous single sensor in wireless sensor network

Intrusion-detection-in-Wireless-Sensor-Network-Java-ProjectProposed System: 

1) In Heterogeneous wireless sensor ,Intruder detected anywhere in the network.

2) We are detecting the intruder in multiple sensor heterogeneous wireless sensor network.


1) Constructing Sensor Network

2) Packet Creation

3) Find authorized and un authorized port

4) Constructing Inter-Domain Packet Filters

5) Receiving the valid packet 

Modules Descriptions:


In this module, we are going to connect the network .Each node is connected the neighboring node and it is independently deployed in network area. And also deploy the each port no is authorized in a node.


In this module, browse and select the source file. And selected data is converted into fixed size of packets. And the packet is send from source to detector.       


The intrusion detection is defined as a mechanism for a WSN to detect the existence of inappropriate, incorrect, or anomalous moving attackers.

In this module check whether the path is authorized or unauthorized. If path is authorized the packet is send to valid destination. Otherwise the packet will be deleted. According port no only we are going to find the path is authorized or Unauthorized.


If the packet is received from other than the port no it will be filtered   and discarded. This filter only removes the unauthorized packets and authorized packets send to destination.


In this module, after filtering the invalid packets all the valid   Packets will reach the destination.


This paper presented a novel highly automated approach for protecting Web applications from SQLIAs. Our approach consists of 

1) Identifying trusted data sources and marking data coming from these sources as trusted,

2) Using dynamic tainting to track trusted data at runtime, and

3) Allowing only trusted data to form the semantically relevant parts of queries such as SQL keywords and operators. 

 Unlike previous approaches based on dynamic tainting, our technique is based on positive tainting, which explicitly identifies trusted (rather than untrusted) data in a program. This way, we eliminate the problem of false negatives that may result from the incomplete identification of all untrusted data sources.

False positives, although possible in some cases, can typically be easily eliminated during testing. Our approach also provides practical advantages over the many existing techniques whose application requires customized and complex runtime environments: It is defined at the application level, requires no modification of the runtime system, and imposes a low execution overhead.

download Project Report,Code and  paper presentation  of  CSE Intrusion detection in Wireless Sensor Network Java Project . 

Effective Key Generation for Multimedia Java Project with Code

Effective Key Generation For Multimedia Java Project entitled Effective key Generation for Multimedia Application is the application developed to embed an video file in another video signal. It is concerned with embedding information in an innocuous cover Speech in a secure and robust manner. This system makes the Files more secure by using the concepts Steganography and Cryptography. 

Stenography, poor cousin of Cryptography is the art of hiding messages inside other messages such that the very existence of the message is unknown to third party. The goal of cryptography is to make data unreadable by a third party, the goal of Steganography is to hide the data from a third party Through the use of advanced computer software, authors of images and software can place a hidden trademark in their product, allowing them to keep a check on piracy.

This is commonly known as watermarking. Hiding serial numbers or a set of characters that distinguishes an object from a similar object is known as finger printing. Together, these two are intended to fight piracy. The latter is used to detect copyright violators and the former is used to prosecute them. But these are only examples of the much wider field of Stenography.
The cover data should not be significantly degraded by the embedded data, and the embedded data should be as imperceptible as possible. The embedded data should be as immune as possible to modifications from intelligent attacks or anticipated manipulations. Thus it is necessary that the hidden message should be encrypted.


System Description:

The Effective key Generation for Multimedia Application system is designed basically in four different modules they are GUI module, Security System module, Stegnography Module, Connection Manager Module.

GUI Module basically deals with the design of the interface which include the service of providing the user with the flexibility of accessing the file system and selecting the required file for the transfer.

It should also provide the system to collect the information from the user to check the authorization in providing the access to the file system. The interface is also to consider the design, which include the services of sending and receiving of the files with encryption and decryption standards.

Existing System.

  • In the traditional the server was only a data base server that can only offer data. Therefore majority of the business logic i.e., validations etc. had to be placed on the clients system
  • The data has to be transported over the network to the client, which requires a secured format of the transfer method.
Proposed System.
  • In the proposed system we use both cryptography and stenography
  • First the information is encrypted and then it is embedded in to a video file.
  • In this way two levels of security is provided and it is difficult for the hacker to read the information

Software Requirements For Multimedia Java Project 

Operating System:

Windows NT/2000 (Client/Server).

Software requirements:

Front-end: Java J2SDK 1.5, Swings.

Hardware Requirements:

System Configuration:

Pentium III Processor with 700 MHz Clock Speed

256 MB RAM, 20 GB HDD, 32 Bit PCI Ethernet Card.

download Project Report and source code and paper presentation  of  CSE Effective Key Generation For Multimedia Java Project . 

Automatic Fuzzy Ontology Generation for Semantic Web a Java Project Report

The Semantic Web Java Project intends to create a universal medium for information exchange by putting documents with computer-processable meaning (semantics) on World Wide Web in a standardized way. GENERATION-FOR-SEMANTIC-WEB-A-JAVA PROJECT-REPORT

Capability of semantic web: 

Semantic Web is capable of integrating the day-to-day mechanisms of trade, bureaucracy and our daily lives so that they will be handled by machines talking to machines, making them intelligent agents. 

Ontology is a conceptualization of a domain into a human understandable, machine-readable format consisting of entities, attributes, relationships, and axioms. It is used as a standard knowledge representation for the Semantic Web. Ontology is an effective conceptualism commonly used for the Semantic Web. Fuzzy logic can be incorporated to ontology to represent uncertainty information. Typically, fuzzy ontology is generated from a predefined concept hierarchy. However, to construct a concept hierarchy for a certain domain can be a difficult and tedious task. 

Tackling problems: 

To tackle this problem, this paper proposes the FOGA (Fuzzy Ontology Generation framework) for automatic generation of fuzzy ontology on uncertainty information. 

FOGA Framework: 

The FOGA framework comprises the following components: Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis, Concept Hierarchy Generation, and Fuzzy Ontology Generation. 

We also discuss approximating reasoning for incremental enrichment of the ontology with new upcoming data. Finally, a fuzzy-based technique for integrating other attributes of database to the ontology is proposed.

Currently there is much data on our computers which we cannot browse, or process by, including personal data like calendars, play lists, GPS coordinates, bank statements; enterprise product and work flow and resources; and public data such as weather, events and the properties of materials. 

Why FOGA? 

The proposed FOGA framework would be useful to construct ontology from uncertainty data as it can represent uncertainty information and construct a concept hierarchy automatically.

Proposed a technique is to integrate extra attributes in a database to the ontology. 


Its advantage is fully unsupervised ontology generation even from uncertainty information in the context.  


In this project we have proposed the FOGA framework for fuzzy ontology generation on uncertainty information. FOGA consists of the following steps: Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis, Fuzzy Conceptual Clustering, Fuzzy Ontology Generation, and Semantic Representation Conversion. 

In addition, we have also proposed an approximating reasoning technique that allows the generated fuzzy ontology to be incrementally furnished with new instances. Finally, we have also proposed a technique to integrate extra attributes in a database to the ontology. 

download Project Report  and sample code of  CSE Semantic Web Java Project .

Download I-Connect ASP.Net Project Report

The project “I-CONNECT ASP.Net Project” has been planned to be having the view of distributed architecture, with centralized storage of the database.

The application for the storage of the data has been planned. Using the constructs of MS-SQLServer2000 and all the user interfaces has been designed using the ASP.Net technologies.Download-I-Connect-ASP-Net-Project-Report

The database connectivity is planned using the “SQL Connection” methodology. The standards of security and data protective mechanism have been given a big choice for proper usage. 

The application takes care of different modules and their associated reports, which are produced as per the applicable strategies and standards that are put forwarded by the administrative staff.

I-Connect Development: 

The “I-Connect” is an application that has been developed for a well-established regional bank operating primarily in south India.

The bank has several branches in key cities and towns in the north. In the world of this competitive environment and technological development, the bank has been totally computerized in the last 3 years, and to increase its customer base has started planning, for a concept called as e-banking; with this concept, the bank wants to move very nearer to the customers and increase its basic operational strategies. 

Through I-Connect the bank wants to introduce the core concept of IT based Enabled Services (ITES). The “I-Connect” services are executed only upon the customer, and these I-Connect services would fully integrate with the core banking solution that is already in usage. 

The major idea is to provide a series of services to the customer through the internet and make the customer feel flexible in calling out simple tasks faster instead of making a visit to the bank every time. The “I-Connect” service is open only to savings bank Customers and not for current account holders. 

The customer is privileged to use most of the system only as a viewing phase, the only online transactions the customer can do are check book requisition and fund transfer among his personal accounts. This document contains a description for “E-Banking” enhancement. 

This document will contain the functional requirements of the project and how the developers will enhance the project to achieve all the objectives. The SRS will serve as a guide for the client and the developers. The entire project has been developed keeping in view of the distributed client server computing technology, in mind. The present system is manual. 


The Project Metrics has to enter all the details of project, documents, and tasks. The entire project has been developed and deployed as per the requirements stated by the user, it is found to be bug-free as per the testing standards that are implemented.  

Any specification untraced errors will be concentrated in the coming versions, which are planned to be developed in near future. The system at present does not take care of the money payment methods, as the consolidated constructs need SSL standards and are critically to be initiated in the first face; the application of the credit card transactions is applied as a developmental phase in the coming days.

Download Human Resources Database Management A Java Project Report

This Project focuses on “Human Resource Database Management java project.” A software that stores and manages all the data needed to describe the personal and the framework within an organization. Human-Resource-Database-Management-java-project

It includes a definition of various levels of hierarchy in an organization, the salary structure pertaining to every element in this hierarchy, the description of every department functioning in the organization and the overall employ database which integrates elements in all the aforementioned. 

It has a database administration that has access to the entire database, in regards to viewing and update of information. The exclusive right is implemented using authorized access. Also viewing all data and editing of personal data can be done by any employee, this also using authorized access. 

Communication between personnel and administrator has also been provided for. The data can be accessed, manipulated and retrieved very easily. The interface has been made very user-friendly. The data is well protected for use and the data processing i.e., results of query functions has been made very quick and efficient. 

The Human Resource Database Management software is very user-friendly and appealing. The Human objective of the system is to maintain and retrieve information about the entire personal framework of the organizational system.

Its main objective is to Communication between employee and administrator. 


The advantage of the proposed system is it reduces the damages of the machine. An application has been developed using Oracle development and Java database programming connectivity via Oracle driver so as to meet the requirements of an organization, thereby ensuring quality performance. The data can be accessed, manipulated and retrieved very easily. To conclude this software has proved to be a user-friendly interface.

Download HRM Database Management A Java Project Report

HRM Database Management Java project creates software that stores and manages all the data needed to describe the personnel and their framework within an organization.

It includes a definition of various levels of hierarchy in an organization, the salary structure pertaining to every element in this hierarchy, the description of every department functioning in the organization and the overall employee database which integrates elements in all the aforementioned. 

It has a database administrator who has access to the entire database, in regards to viewing and update of information. This exclusive right is implemented using authorized access. Also viewing of all data and editing of personal data can be done by any employee, this also using authorized access. Communication between personnel and administrator has also been provided for. 

This exclusive right is implemented using authorized access. Also viewing of all data and editing of personal data can be done by any employee, this also using authorized access. Communication between personnel and administrator has also been provided for. 

The data can be accessed, manipulated and retrieved very easily. The interface has been made very user-friendly. The data is well protected for use and the data processing i.e, the result of query functions has been made very quick and efficient.

 Primary Objective: 

The main objective of the system is to maintain and retrieve information about the entire personal framework of the organizational system. 

This system is fairly simple in design and implementation.  

Easy management of databases of various sections covers key aspects such as very simple and easy to implement. Checks the security of data, ensures data accuracy. One of the alternative solutions is the improvement of the manual system. 

Anything, which can be done by using automated methods, can be done manually. But the key question is how to perform a task manually in a sound and optimal manner.   


Application software has been developed using Oracle and Java database programming connectivity via Oracle driver so as to meet the requirements of an organization, thereby ensuring quality performance.The data can be accessed, manipulated and retrieved very easily. To conclude this software has proved to be a user-friendly interface.