Remote Control via Internet ECE Project

The Remote Control via Internet ECE Project, Remote Control via Internet, permits us to automate and function and manage our house based on remote positions. Under abiding method, the house safety and automation are aloof methods which work freely and sensors are abnormal and the costumer is not intimated of the status because the costumer cannot get the data of the status. Functioning method must be forever under online and hence it is very costly and it is ranged on little distance and under the single network.

The study merges safety and automation in the one form and even the abnormal position of sensor is identified and message is provided like the alert to the computer. Functioning and managing the house atmosphere under actual time is expected by LAN.

 The microcontroller is the only chip which includes the CPU (the processor), volatile memory for input and output (RAM), non-volatile memory for the program (ROM or flash), the clock, and an I/O control unit. This is even known as the “PC over the chip” and billions of microcontroller units (MCUs) are implanted yearly under the myriad of items from small item to devices to vehicles.


Remote Control via Internet ECE Project is concluded that to know about the device ability then we should be familiar of the knowledge of the PC and we are able to perform it through reviewing the inner hardware model like gadgets architecture and even to be aware of the number and size of the registers.

Download Remote Control via Internet ECE Final Year Student Project

Online SMS Gas Booking System Project

Many Petroleum industries do dispatched the user-friendly assistance for their users within Kerala. Union Minister, Jitin Prasada dispatched the assistances in Kochi. Users of Indane Gas and Bharat Gas are able to avail the assistance in the first place. For Tata, Airtel, Vodafone, and Idea, there are various booking for LPG from Indian Oil which is about 54625 and for Bharat Petroleum it is 52725.

To book the cylinder through SMS, the user should register the phone number by the distributor. The registration is accomplished once and the user is able to record two cell numbers for each LPG gas. The method of doing SMS for Bharat Gas user is REG <space> Distributor Code <space> Consumer Number. The IOC user should type the mobile number of the distributor in the place of SAP CODE.  The users are able to record the phone number on tripping to the distributor.

Recently, the user under the society should apply for several assistances through paper or through visiting the service provider. It would result in wastage of time of the users and also result in waste delays.

 It can allow service provider to view all applications and identify the consumers based on their applications. The method can also help the uneducated people throughout the country. The system must be reliable and affordable such that it should be deployed easily at many areas.


The aim of the Online SMS Gas Booking System Project is to cultivate the method which is utilized to automate several methods present under registering the service application by diverse users and creating it very responsible and simply permitted. This can enable finish costumers to apply for assistances without wasting their time.

Download Online SMS Gas Booking System Project.

PHS Based Online Vehicle Tracking System ECE Project

The Vehicles Automation is the present fashion that changes only conveyer to well-furnished with the sense of being at home. Like the country is for globalization, the profit of the public is increasing and the traveling has presently evolved into important portion of the life.

Hence, administration likes to increase the production and width of the road. Therefore, National Highway roads of four tracks are moving across the country such as blood veins. It results in many vehicles on the road and people like to travel by their vehicle than any government transportation.

It enhances the number of vehicles on road which results in revenue and stress for the Police Department, Transport Office etc. This is tough to sustain and keep the information of every vehicle that is moving on the road. The unproductive organization like hit-and-run or unauthorized items by road-robbery cases, police are failed to find the culprits easily.

In Personal Handy-phone System [PHS], vehicles are position with the help of Low Earth Orbit Satellites constantly. The vehicle owner is able to view the road map of the place where he is moving or heading road or traffic-jammed.

 ‘VEHICLE TRACKING’ makes use of RF FREQUENCY to assist the RTO, Cargo Companies, Police Department, and Public Transport to know the position of vehicles.  With the help of PHS technology, the vehicle is detectable if it is or it is not in reachable place.


PHS Based Online Vehicle Tracking System ECE Project is concluded that Personal Handy-phone System [PHS] operates like the cordless phone within house and like cell phone outside the house and satellite if out of reach. It is launched in Taiwan, Japan, and China.

Download PHS Based Online Vehicle Tracking System ECE Project.

PC To PC Optical Fiber Communication ECE Project

Computer to computer fiber optic communication includes the exchange of information from one PC to another PC. This makes use of the serial ports and C programming of the computers. The ports are executed in the language C. MAX 232 is utilized to transfer RS 232 logic to TTL logic and hence the circuit of optical transmitter changes the information through fiber optic cable. The optical circuit includes the LED that is suitable for MAX 232 and cable.

 Information transfer is the requirement of an hour. People are able to utilize the internet for this and yet currently it is a time consuming process. The information transfer is implemented including wireless platform and yet it is expensive affair. This is inexpensive than wireless platform and is flat in contrast to wireless platform. Fiber optics includes personal benefits, great bandwidth, large speeds etc. As a result, we should make use of optic fibers for the LANs and internet.

Under the very starting, we attempted to transfer ASCII characters among two PCs. The Conventional LAN cables are able to take the place over fiber optic cables that gave great speeds and even great data carrying capacity. The hardware is operated through the combination of software or program instructions. The user is able to use the microcontroller to solve the problems easily.


The optical receiver gets the information with the help of MAX 232 and photo transistor to change the TTL logic to RS 232 for the sequence port available at the receiving end PC. The program is done to transfer the information and is available at the serial port.

Download PC To PC Optical Fiber Communication ECE Project.

PC Based GPS Microcontroller Project

The approach of modern high-speed methods and the developing PC capacity gave the actual chance for modern rate productive methods and identifying modern concepts of novelties. The technical development along with requirement for great accomplishment methods made it quick and very fast and very imaginative items with the help of advanced and drives functional algorithms.

This PC Based GPS Microcontroller Project study mentions the modern economical answer to global positioning systems. The PC BASED GPS DRIVER is utilized for diverse sophisticated uses. The control system includes computer and the GPS receiver which gather the information from the satellite and the interface kit that transfers the information to computer by the sequence port.

The conversion software is improved with the help of high-level language of graphical programming (visual basic). The entire solution of the global positioning method is portrayed under this project. The GPS receiver gets the information in the form of longitude and latitude from the satellite to get the actual place of the receiver kit on the Earth and the actual-time position is seen on the map.

A Global Positioning System (GPS) is the navigation system of satellite which functions over the constant transmitting radio intensities of high-frequency including the location and time of the satellite with respect to Earth. A GPS receiver gets the data from three or more satellites and it measures the place of the subscriber on the planet. The receiver focuses among 3 and 15 meters and hence the user can be positioned. Based on many calculations, the receiver is able to measure the distance to destination, speed, trip time, sunset, altitude, sunrise etc.


PC Based GPS Microcontroller Project is concluded that the concepts of sequence information transmission mean that information is moved like the information is transformed from bitwise of transmitter to receiver consequently. For this, the sequence port includes parallel bits of 8, 16 or 32 from the information bus and moves that to obtain 8, 16 or 32-bit.

Download PC Based GPS Microcontroller Project.

PC Based Appliances Controller ECE Project

The PC Based Appliances Controller ECE Project is utilized to control many appliances with the help of computer. This includes the circuit and utilizes printer port of the computer PC to manage the application with the help of interface hardware and software. The interface circuit including software is utilized with the printer port of the computer to manage eight equipments. The parallel port is the easy and inexpensive scheme to construct the PC controlled gadgets and projects. The easiness and simplicity of execution creates the parallel port famous.

 In DB25 connector, the lines are classified into three sections. They are Data lines (data bus), Control lines, and Status lines. Like the name, information is transmitted by the information lines. The control lines are utilized to manage the peripheral and it gives back the status signals to the PC by the Status lines.

These are linked internally to information, status and control registers. These lines are linked to respective registers within the PC and hence changing these registers under the program, anyone is able to write or read to parallel port including programming languages such as BASIC and C.

The registers present within the standard parallel port are Data register, Status register, and Control register. Regulator IC (78xx) is the three pin IC utilized like the voltage regulator. This will change the unregulated DC current in the form of regulated DC current. The bridge rectifier utilizes four diodes within the bridge alignment to obtain full-wave rectification.


This PC Based Appliances Controller ECE Final Year Student Project study is utilized within companies and houses to manage many appliances by computer. Devices are managed from the desktop during execution. The basic elements used are Optocoupler, ULN 2803, Computer, Transformer(15v), Voltage Regulator 78XX, Electro-mechanical Relay(SPDT), capacitors, Diode(IN4007), and Resistors.

Download PC Based Appliances Controller ECE Project.

Project on Online Clock Skew Scheme for Asynchronous Wave-Pipelined Circuits Using FPGA

The method of online clock skew is supposed in this project to develop the accomplishment of the circuits of wave-pipelined asynchronous. Under common pipelining method, the functional intensity is improved over classifying the collection of logic in the form of levels and registers that are oriented among the levels.

 The accepted low complexity functional circuit produces the ability of signal to allow the result latch(s) in the constant period based on the clock accuracy under online situation. The accepted method is determined over executing filters by making use of Distributed Arithmetic Algorithm (DAA) and also three distinct methods.

 They are pipelining, non-pipelining, and wave-pipelining on Xilinx Spartan III. Contrast is accomplished in the form of power dissipation, functional intensity, area in the form of Les and registers, and latency for greater functional intensity at diverse intensities and accomplished review is accomplished.

 DA filter of Wave-pipelined is rapid over the determination of 1.36 in contrast with non-pipelined. The pipelined filter is rapid over the determination of 1.38 in contrast to wave-pipelined and rate of improved logic utilization through 115.69%. The important strength of DA wave-pipelined filter is decreased over approximately 8% in contrast with pipelined and increased over approximately 28% in contrast to circuits of non-pipelined.

 IELD-PROGRAMMABLE gate array-based method is obtaining great popularity because of reliability and complexity given by it. The ability of FPGAs is utilized for parallelism. FPGAs including complexities and single integrated circuit(IC) evolved into the reality. It allows FPGA vendors to implant the limited instruction set PC (RISC).


Project on Online Clock Skew Scheme for Asynchronous Wave-Pipelined Circuits Using FPGA is concluded that wave-pipelining method increases the logic advantage without adding the inner records and hence we are able to obtain the development under the accuracy of the circuit without improved field and critical routing.

Download Project on Online Clock Skew Scheme for Asynchronous Wave-Pipelined Circuits Using FPGA.

Office Automation System Project Report

The implanted method is the collection of software, hardware and extra mechanical portions which is modeled to do particular operation. For instance ROAD TRAFFIC SYSTEM. The traffic signal modifies based on predetermined method which is placed on IC hence the implanted method is modeled to perform the particular operation including repeated given time endlessly in the absence and presence of human intervention.

The Office Automation System Project Report depends on the implanted method which makes use of PIC MICROCONTROLLER of MICROCHIP, PIC16F877. It includes the effect under application of the company. The chip is systemized based on the needs of the costumer. Program coding is accomplished with the help of assembly language. The Integrated Development Environment MPLAB of Microchip is utilized to imitate and arrange the written code.

 Modern millennium provides the significance to many modern automation methods under many situations of human life. The OFFICE AUTOMATION METHOD is the only venture that provides the entire safety and automation to construct the office. This automates many benefits and secures the best quantity of common electrical energy on turning off the electrical appliances and it is not productively used. The supplies permit the automation for lighting, doors, and fan gadgets and hence the important aim of this project is conservation of the common electrical energy and its productive utility and gives the safety of the office.


Office Automation System Project Report is concluded that the functions of the authorized access to the office includes real time inspection method. The active IR sensors can identify the accessing or quitting of people from the office or to the office. The excellent display shows the present count of the people within the office. It eliminates the opportunity of unauthenticated access or threat.

Download Office Automation System Project Report.

Obstruction Detection & Auto Solving Vehicle ECE Project

The basic goal of this Obstruction Detection & Auto Solving Vehicle ECE Project is to portray the way controllers are utilized under robots. As per our needs, we are able to control the robotic vehicle. The robotic vehicle is utilized to be in the box that is position in the front place of the vehicle.

The disputing aims under this project are to create the code for the microcontroller with the help of embedded C for 8051, model LCD interface, and proximity sensors. The future enhancements include using DC Motors and three sensors. The utilization of great amount of stepper motors and sensors and we are able to move vehicle correctly. We are able to manage the vehicle remotely with the help of GPRS and RF method.

 The important elements used are 5 V DC Power Supply, Motor Driver – L293D, Buzzer, ATMEL AT89S52 Microcontroller, LCD 16*2 Alpha Numeric, Proximity Sensors, and Buzzer – Frequency 1 to 18 KHz ( 5V – 12V DC).

 The AT89S52 is the great accomplishment and less power of CMOS 8-bit microcontroller including 8K bytes of Flash memory of in-system program. The gadget is constructed by making use of great density of Atmel of nonvolatile memory method and is agreeable with the company and set and pin out of standard 80C51 instruction.


 Obstruction Detection & Auto Solving Vehicle ECE Project is concluded that the project makes use of Alpha Numeric LCD (16 x 2 Line), AT89S52 microcontroller Proximity Sensors, Motor Driver, and Buzzer. Three sensors are connected that are linked to the microcontroller, to the left, right, and front parts of the robotic vehicle. If there are no obstacles then all sensors are great.

Download Obstruction Detection & Auto Solving Vehicle ECE Project.

Network Security Protocol with Cryptography and RFID System ECE Project

Seamless communication is general and broadly used method under the communication area. Within this area, the modern method introduced is known as RFID technique where object includes RFID labels present on them and allowed under radio frequency area.

Cryptography technique includes both methods encryption and decryption. It is broadly utilized under safety of network system. This is even the old concept to encode the real messages for communication. The RFID concept currently has obtained great concentration within many areas such as in database maintenances, the library organization method, company, media, and also in network safety.

Under the Radio frequency identification (RFID), the entity is applied which is defined like the RFID tag and combined with animal, product, or human being to recognition and to find out the radio frequencies.

 Wireless communication is well known concept of interchanging data. Network is the collection of system or objects that are communicated over the communication platform through wire or wireless communication and it is known as networking. Data confidentiality, Data integrity, Security, Data identification, and Authorized access are described in this project.

Cryptology is an old method to conceal the data for information security. Cryptography is the part of cryptology which confirms the secrecy and authorization of data and hence information is saved from unauthenticated users.


This Network Security Protocol with Cryptography and RFID System ECE Project describes the brief orientation of the ancient and important concept used for network security which is nothing but cryptography. The cryptographic method is broadly used within network security and yet we face the problem of hacking and unauthenticated access.

Download Network Security Protocol with Cryptography and RFID System ECE Project