Secured Wireless Transmission Electronics Seminar Project

Wireless phones are very famous and many people utilized them is increasing. There were nearly 285 million seamless users within the U.S. and yet wireless gadgets posses several benefits. Based on the type of phone, anyone is able to get calls. Pagers are even intercepted. When the PC is linked to a wireless network (Wi-Fi), then the information you transfer to other PCs and printers are not saved.

Digital services change the frequencies into zeros and ones of PC code. The digital transmissions are transferred like the discrete waves of electricity. The digital coverage is quickly becoming analog coverage and nearly 85% of the calls are established. The digital calls are typically clear and saved than analog.

There are several methods to assist to secure your privacy on utilizing Wi-Fi.  VPN (Virtual Private Network) is the first way of secured towards vulnerabilities made through Wi-Fi. It gives the encryption by the unencrypted Wi-Fi connection.

It would assist to make sure of log-on information, web pages visited, and data of email messages is encrypted.  This contributes interrupt traffic useless to the intruders. You are able to get the software to make the VPN by home PC or your office and you are able to utilize the commercial hosted VPN assistance of provider. 


Secured Wireless Transmission Electronics Seminar Project is concluded that this would help to be careful of the secrecy and threat implications of seamless gadgets. The easy precautions can identify and stop the threats and save the secrecy of your communications. Analog cellular assistances are present for 25 years and accessible throughout 95% of the U.S. They transfer the voice by the air with the help of constant radio signals.

Download Secured Wireless Transmission Electronics & Communication Engineering Final Year Seminar Project.

SD Card Interfacing with ATmega ECE Seminar Project

Within the last few years, the Secure Digital (SD) memory Card has evident like the de facto memory answer for the Equipments and portable gadgets such as mobile phones, camera, PDA, MP3 players, GPS navigation modules, and gaming consoles.

The SD Card Interfacing with ATmega ECE Seminar Project shows the method to interface SD card to increase the microcontrollers AVR non-volatile information storage ability. Hence, to satisfy the great memory needs of the general implanted application. ATmega16 is incorporated with Transcend 1 GB SD Card (TS1GSDC).

The goal of the SD Card Interfacing with ATmega ECE Seminar Project is to get the information from the User by keyboard of the computer and save under the SD CARD and get the similar data if the user likes. The subscriber would provide the choice option to read or write the information from or to the SDCARD.

The SD Card Interfacing with ATmega ECE Seminar Project is incorporated with SD Card (microSD). MicroSD cards are present very inexpensive and the high choice to have the great memory under any implanted method. This is compatible with SPI bus and hence the incorporation is simple.

The SD Card is incorporated which permits the simple integration into any model irrespective of microprocessor utilized. The SanDisk SD Card gives the other communication protocol for compatibility with controllers and the SD Card interface and it depends on the SPI standard.

Applications of the card are information storages, Mobiles, Camera Applications, and MP3 Players. The SD Card is the flash-based memory card which is especially modeled to obtain the performance, security, capacity, and atmospheric needs under improved video and audio user electronic gadgets.


It is concluded that the SD Card contains the copyright protection method which contains the security of the SDMI standard. This is quick and can have the great Memory capacity. The Card system makes use of uses mutual authorization and modern cipher algorithm to secure from unauthorized benefits of the card data.

Download SD Card Interfacing with ATmega ECE Seminar Project

Satellite Communication Systems ECE Project & ppt

The satellite is the entity that is positioned into orbit through the man endeavor. These entities are known as artificial satellites to make difference from natural satellites like the Moon. Sputnik 1 is the first artificial satellite that was dispatched in 1957, over the Soviet Union. Over 2010, there are thousands of satellites dispatched into orbit throughout the globe. Some space probes are positioned into orbit throughout other bodies and evolved into artificial satellites to the Jupiter, Moon, Venus, Mars and Saturn.

Satellites are utilized for many amounts of aims. The general kinds contain civilian Earth observation satellites, military (spy), weather satellites, communication satellites, navigation satellites, and research satellites. The human spacecraft and space stations under the orbit are even called satellites. The orbits of the satellite differ highly based on the aim of the satellite which is divided in many methods. The famous (overlapping) classes contain geostationary orbit, low Earth orbit, and polar orbit.

Sputnik 1 assisted to recognize the intensity of great atmospheric levels by calculation its orbital modification and gave the information on radio-signal distribution under the ionosphere. Since the body of satellite was present with nitrogen, Sputnik 1 even gave the first chance for meteoroid detection.

The kinds of satellites are Anti-Satellite weapons/Killer Satellites, Astronomical satellites, Biosatellites, Communications satellites, Miniaturized satellites, Navigational satellites, Reconnaissance satellites, Earth observation satellites, Tether satellites, and Weather satellites.


Satellites are basically computer managed methods of semi-independent. The subsystems have several functions like energy generation, attitude control, thermal control, telemetry, and orbit control.

Download Satellite Communication Systems ECE Project & ppt.

RFID Based Railway Platform to Display the Exact Position of Coach

The technology Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has great character under several fields. For instance, the concept of absolute location of coach including RFID technology is present for marketing within organization applications. The present answers, nevertheless, are modeled to check the coach of the specific train that is enough for many envisioned for the medium. The best instance is miniature war games in where the game level relies on entities that are present and these entities are introduced. We portrayed the concept to evaluate the location and introduction of the coach of the train. The conceptual method and technical identification depend on the arrangement miniature war game.

The RFID tag is the entity which is used to or combined with item, human, or animal to recognize and mark with the help of radio frequencies. The general RFID method includes three elements. They are antenna or coil, transceiver (with decoder), and transponder (RF tag).

This is technologically programmed including one data. There are diverse kinds of RFID systems present under the market. They are classified based on the frequency intensities. A few of the generally utilized RFID kits are Low-frequency (30 KHz to 500 KHz), Mid-Frequency (900KHz to 1500MHz), and High Frequency (2.4GHz to 2.5GHz).

 The RF transceiver manages and adjusts the radio waves with which antenna transfers and gets. The transceiver amplifies and filters the waves of backscatter from the passive RFID label. The applications of RFID are recognition of automatic vehicle, inventory organization, function-in-Process, Yard/Container organization, Jewellery/Document marking, and patient functioning.


Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the automatic identification concept which depends on saving and remotely obtaining information gadgets known as transponders or RFID labels. The method needs a few limits of RFID cooperation for the RFID label and reader.

Download RFID Based Railway Platform to Display the Exact Position of Coach ECE Final Year Project Report.

RFID Based Prepaid Energy Meter ECE Project

The method of Electricity billing concept is known as “PREPAID ENERGY METER WITH TARIFF INDICATOR” which is able to help to assist to enhance the cash stream organization within power uses and is able to decrease the issues with respect to billing user residing under separate place and decreases the arrangement of human power to have the meter readings.

Each use is able to recharge RFID label credited and recharge the meter on several limits like Rs 50, Rs 100, Rs 200 and so on. In this project, RFID tag card smart card is portrayed. User is able to view its account under LCD connected by the module and make the next recharge.

Download RFID Based Prepaid Energy Meter ECE Project.

RFID Based Banking System ECE Final Year Project

Within this RFID Based Banking System ECE Final Year Project, the RFID system includes the modules, i.e., transmitter and receiver, the control unit, and the coupling component (antenna). The module is interfaced including microcontroller and if the card is present nearer to the RFID module then it is able to read the ID CODE under the card and hence contrast with the ID CODE. On getting matched, the door opens in clockwise direction and permission is granted to the user.

Entry to your bank implies that the transactions are accomplished under the system and then you are able to give user id and password with the help of KEYPAD. The important benefit of kinds of RFID method is contactless and non-line-of-sight nature of the electronic.

Download RFID Based Banking System ECE Final Year Project.

RFID Based ATM Machine ECE Project

An ATM is the dealer of currency with card reader of contactless. The contactless card reader is able to read information from an RFID label of the ATM card of the user. The contactless card reader like RFID tag reader is positioned such that to give the extra place for more transaction elements.

The card reader is able to utilize under conjunction including magnetic stripe card reader. The ATM contains housing for the label of the RFID reader which is accepted to stop interception of radio frequencies. The card can stop the currency dealer under conditions in which unauthenticated analysis of frequencies are seen.

Download RFID Based ATM Machine ECE Final Year Project.

RFID Based Animal Identification System for Dairy Farms

RFID animal identification identifies the animals that are marking leaves off. Increase the impact of RFID method to recognize and to know the animal and allows the ranchers to mark the improved costs and health statistics and feeding methods for every animal under the group of livestock. The data utilized to evaluate the time livestock which must be transferred to group or market.

Animal tracking shows a few of the method disputes to method provisions. Many determinations tracking uses make the items within limited human management based on assembly arrangements and under trucks and warehouses. The wild animals and livestock are labeled for atmospheric reviews which are alive and independent to go by the diverse atmospheres. Accomplished deployments of animal identification need the method companion such as Texas Instruments which needs knowledge under these applications and gives particular area accomplishment.

 Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the automatic identification concept which depends on saving and remotely obtaining information gadgets known as transponders or RFID labels. The method needs a few limits of RFID cooperation for the RFID label and reader.

This is technologically programmed including one data. There are diverse kinds of RFID systems present under the market. They are classified based on the frequency intensities. A few of the generally utilized RFID kits are Low-frequency (30 KHz to 500 KHz), Mid-Frequency (900KHz to 1500MHz), and High Frequency (2.4GHz to 2.5GHz).


RFID Based Animal Identification System for Dairy Farms ECE Final Year Project is concluded that the RFID label is the entity which is used or combined into the item, human, or animal for identification and marking the radio signals. The general RFID concept includes three elements. They are an antenna or coil, transceiver (with decoder), and transponder (RF tag).

Download RFID Based Animal Identification System for Dairy Farms ECE Final Year Project.

Remote Controlled Electronic Switching System ECE Project

We accept to implement the method which would allow the electronic switching gadget interfaced including PC to manage with the help of smart gadget. The user is executing PC of the costumer which will communicate to the central server on the Internet world.

The consumer makes use of HTTP/WAP protocol from the best gadget to communicate to the central server and give the applications to manage his gadget. Within this project, methodology is mentioned about the system that is accepted to solve the problem. It is also mentioned that the safety considerations aimed to model the protocols of user client server. It is even concluded about the expectation development which require complete modern globe of operated devices in all houses.

PCs and the technologies have evolved into very ubiquitous. Many method arenas in under areas of Information Technology or Computer Science and Engineering have spread throughout the world. Computers at homes are slowly enhancing. Developments under the Networking technologies have developed very deep networks. Landline phone resulted very few popular. ISPs are able to produce their personal networks to give broadband Internet permission to the users.

If public possess best communication at their disposal including excessive strength of cell computing to give the same then we are able to connect home devices to cell phones. Because of this, public can switch on and off to a limit and manage the devices being at home.


Remote Controlled Electronic Switching System ECE Project is concluded that the circuit is created for your house devices like fan, radio, lamp etc to create the device switch on or off through VCR, TV, VCD, DVD, or Air Conditioner remote control. The circuit is activated to 10 meters and this is very simple to construct and arranged over the general-purpose PCB.

Download Remote Controlled Electronic Switching System ECE Project.

Remote Controlled Digital Clock 8051 ECE Final Project

The Remote Controlled Digital Clock 8051 ECE Final Year Engineering Student Project is constructed with RTC DS1307 and AT89C51. This includes great seven sections display. The standard remote function is utilized to modify the Time. The methods to get access for the Time are press power button on the remote to know about new time, press the Numerical buttons to edit the time, and press the Menu button to save the new time.

 This method includes battery backup such that the clock would process while the power is off. To know about the modern PC, we should know about the device ability and we should be aware of internal hardware model or gadgets architecture to know about the number and size of the records.

We make use of microcontroller (89S52) under this project that manages the electronic gadgets by the relay driver (ULN2003). The computer is also used for functioning method. The temperature sensor (DS18S20) detects the temperature. Depending on the temperature, the microcontroller generates the particular result. Hence, this project assists to be in continuous contact with our house atmosphere to make sure of the security of our house.

Download Remote Controlled Digital Clock 8051 ECE Final Project.