Remote Control via Internet ECE Project

The Remote Control via Internet ECE Project, Remote Control via Internet, permits us to automate and function and manage our house based on remote positions. Under abiding method, the house safety and automation are aloof methods which work freely and sensors are abnormal and the costumer is not intimated of the status because the costumer cannot get the data of the status. Functioning method must be forever under online and hence it is very costly and it is ranged on little distance and under the single network.

The study merges safety and automation in the one form and even the abnormal position of sensor is identified and message is provided like the alert to the computer. Functioning and managing the house atmosphere under actual time is expected by LAN.

 The microcontroller is the only chip which includes the CPU (the processor), volatile memory for input and output (RAM), non-volatile memory for the program (ROM or flash), the clock, and an I/O control unit. This is even known as the “PC over the chip” and billions of microcontroller units (MCUs) are implanted yearly under the myriad of items from small item to devices to vehicles.


Remote Control via Internet ECE Project is concluded that to know about the device ability then we should be familiar of the knowledge of the PC and we are able to perform it through reviewing the inner hardware model like gadgets architecture and even to be aware of the number and size of the registers.

Download Remote Control via Internet ECE Final Year Student Project

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