Introduction to RFID Based Project on Embedded Palm Device for Guiding Applications Using ARM-7 and RFID Techniques:
The main objective of this paper is to develop a embedded palm device. In our modern life ,we expect the devices which are intelligent and can satisfy our needs. We need the devices which makes our work simple and faster. When the visitor visited the museum previously the information about the exhibit is given through conventional audio cassette system, in this system there are many problems and this focused them to develop a guide system for museum by using personal digital assistants (PDAs) .
This can automatically retrieve all the information about the exhibit which the visitor is looking at. Hence user doesn’t require to search for the information about the exhibit every time.
Brief into design and working of Embedded Palm device:
This embedded palm devices consists of LCD, Arm processor, RFID Reader, Keypad, Flash Memory and audio amplifier circuit. RFID readers use radio frequencies for transmitting data attached to a tag. These are used for automatic identification and tracking purposes. Keypad helps the user to communicate with the device.
Flash memory is used to store the information about the exhibit. Here also the heart of the project is arm processor. The arm-7 processor is used. These processors makes use of von-neuman architecture and is specially designed for devices which use low power. Digital to analog converter is prebuilt in it. Audio amplifier circuit is used to play the files which are stored in flash memory through processor. LCD displays the information about the exhibit.
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