Automatic Ac Light Control Using Triac

AIM:            The main aim of Automatic Ac Light Control Using Triac project is to design equipment by which an AC light control is obtained automatically by using TRIAC.

Description:          In this project the major part considered here is the passive infrared sensor. Passive Infra Red sensors are mainly used for sensing radiations that are radiated by objects in its field of view. PIR sensors are used in many application like motion detectors . These sensors radiations are not visible to human eye but it can be detected by electronic devices. This sensors can detect temperature variations of the object which is moving in front of it. It works on black body radiation.

This passive infra red sensor is human detection sensor. when this pir detects the human movement it immediately sends signal to the micro controller. So from the microcontroller a signal is sent to the opto coupler and triac is by this the AC bulb is made on. Here the LCD displays whether the bulb is in ON condition or OFF condition. Hence the ac light control is obtained automatically using triac.

download  Automatic Ac Light Control Using Triac Project.

Automatic Power Meter Reading System Using Gsm Network

AIM:Automatic Power Meter Reading System Using GSM Network projects main aim is to improve the method of monitoring and recording the power meter. This application uses GSM technology which is used in mobile communication. Using this application power meter reading will be sent to user Mobile number through SMS using GSM technology.

DESCRIPTION: In present generation usage of technology had grown to a higher extent in every field. But there are many fields automation is still to be done one among them is power meter reading system. This system will provide automation and high security. In this system we use GSM mobile communication technology for sending power meter reading information to users through SMS(short message service).

In present situation there is no automation process. We need to go to e-seva or electrical department for paying bill which is a time taking process. This project will provide security and secure transaction methods which will decrease mismatching cases. In this paper we will explain in detail using block diagram. 

download  Automatic Power Meter Reading System Using Gsm Network Project.

Prepaid Energy Meter Using Smart Card

AIM:Prepaid Energy Meter Using Smart Card Projects main idea is to develop a micro controller based application which is used to pay bills using a smart card technology.

PURPOSE: This project will focus on overcoming the past procedure of electricity bill payment methods by using smart card technology. This system will provide reliability and increase security.

Description:        In present scenario electricity bill payment can be paid at e-seva or substations. This process is a time taking and risky process. Using new smart card method payment process will be fast and time saving. Electricity bill can be paid using prepaid electricity billing system. This system works on smart card technology.

Smart card is similar to that of SIM card which should be recharged same as that of mobile recharge card. Based on the usage of power we need to recharge the card by placing it in the card reader. Card reader is interfaced with the micro controller using a serial interfacing. While recharging it will ask for how much of power consumption we need to use in KWH. This information is displayed on the LCD screen.

download  Prepaid Energy Meter Using Smart Card Project.

Monitoring Different Processes Using SCADA

AIM:     SCADA projects main idea is to develop a micro controller based RF system through which we can continuously monitor and organize the processes that which are running on various SCADA systems.

PURPOSE: Main purpose of using SCADA system is to increase the quality of the services and increase profit by using wireless technology like RF. Using this system it will easy to automatically collect data  and archiving systems through SCADA for reducing process cycle time.

Description:This system will be implemented in industries where there is need to monitor different processes at a same time. SCADA system will be installed in control rooms, through this system operator will monitor different process. Using this application man power will be decreased and reduce cost of the project and increase profit. 


  1. Embedded C
  2. Keil IDE
  3. Uc-Flash


  1. Micro controller
  2. Power Supply
  3. RF Transmitters & Receivers
  4. Encoders & Decoders
  5. Relays
  6. DC motor
  7. Photo sensor
  8. Temperature Sensor
  9. Buzzer
  10. Furnace
  11. LCD
download  Monitoring Different Processes Using SCADA Project.

Gsm Based Distribution Transformer Monitoring System

AIM:       The main aim of Gsm Based Distribution Transformer Monitoring System project is monitoring different parameters of a transformer such as voltage,current and frequency.

Description: In this paper we will explain in detail on design and implementation of cell phone embedded system though which user can monitor and record important parameters like load currents, oil in transformer and temperature variations. In this project we use GSM modem which will be connected to a standalone single micro controller and different sensors. This kit is implemented at transformer site and each parameters are monitored continuously and recorded in to s channel ADC converter. Recorded readings are stored in to memory and analyzed regularly. If there are any complicated situation arises system will send SMS to mobile phones by using GSM Modem.

download  Gsm Based Distribution Transformer Monitoring System Project.

Temperature Controlled Fan Using Micro Controller

Temperature Controlled Fan projects main idea is to auto adjust fan speed based on the variations on temperature inside room. Here we use LM35 sensors to read temperature and send information to micro controller after converting analog signal to digital signal using Analog to digital converter. Micro controller is connected with control relays for controlling fan speed.

User is provided with a LCD display where information is displayed. Buzzer is used as indications of changes in fan speed. 8051 micro controller is used in this project. Code is written in c language and written in to micro controller.

Hardware requirements.

  1. Temperature senors,
  2. ADC
  3.  Regulated Power Supply
  4.  8051 micro controller
  5.  LCD display
  6.  Relay
  7. FAN.
download  Temperature Controlled Fan Using Micro Controller Project.

Electronic Voting Machine Project

Electronic Voting Machine Project is a alternative method for ballet voting system which works on micro controller. In regular voting procedure there are chances of rigging but by using this method we can reduce rigging problems. One of the other features of electronic voting machine includes punch cards, voting system works on optical scanning and kiosks.

Using this system voting time can be reduced and speed up counting procedure. When punch cards was first introduced. In this procedure optical scanners are used to count a voters mark on ballot. DRE voting machine will collect voter’s information in a single machine.

Projects which work on same principle are electronic voting system. Students for refer for project report.

Hardware used in this project.

  1. KeyPad
  2. Regulated Power Supply
  3. P89C51 Micro Controller
  4. Buzzer
  5. LCD Display.

Electronics projects which work on same hardware and software technology

  • Electronic Ticket machine
download  Electronic Voting Machine Project.

Development of Fire Fighting Robot for Fire Accident Rescue

Fire Fighting Robot For Fire Accidents projects main idea is to develop a application which can detect unexpected fire attacks and take precaution steps to save property, human life. Fire accidents accord mainly when someone is away from house or sleeping so it will be hard to detect fire accidents. So there is need for a application which can detect fire accidents.

In this paper we will explain about prototype system which can autonomously detect and extinguish fire accidents. This application is developed using fuzzy based micro controller controlled robot.

This robot will sense the fire effected area and move through burning oil derrick and stops fire using a blower. This example will show how it works in real scenario.

In this system we are using simple 8051 micro controller, and program is written in c language and written to micro controller.

 SOFTWARE: Embedded ‘C’

 TOOLS: Small Device C Compiler & Keil uvision.


APPLICATIONS: industries, chemical      laboratories, homes.

ADVANTAGES: Low cost, automated operation,     Low Power consumption.

REFERENCE: The 8051 micro controller and embedded systems by Mazidi.

download  Development Of Fire Fighting Robot For Fire Accident Rescue Project.

Embedded Temperature Based Fan Speed Controller using 89C51 Microcontroller

Embedded Temperature Based Fan Speed Controller using 89C51 Micro controller project explains about developing a standalone application through which user can control speed of fan as per the requirement. Developing this application using micro controller will make a closed loop feedback system more efficient and reliable. In this project we use AT89C51 micro controller which makes the system user-friendly. It is very compact using few components and can be implemented for several applications including air-conditioners, electric heaters and many other electronic home applications.

Control relays are driven using micro controller using ULN driver for controlling speed of the fan. Tagged wire with wound resistor is used in the application.

Hardware used in this application.

  1. Temp Sensor
  2. Crystal
  3. Reset circuit
  4. AT89C51
  5. MCU
  6. ULN Driver
  7. Control Relay
  8. Tagged
  9. Resistor Control
download  Embedded Temperature Based Fan Speed Controller using 89C51 Micro controller  Project .

Wireless Stepper Motor Control Using RF Communication

Wireless Stepper Motor Control Using RF Communication project explains about developing a RF based wireless application through which users can control stepper motor remotely. Stepper motors are used in electronics, mechanical, chemical industries for different purposes one among them it is mostly used in robotic applications where stepper motor need to be controlled remotely. In this paper we will cover design and development feature of the wireless stepper motor system.

IR transmitter will collect switching signals at the receiver side and transmit to the receiver side. IR receiver will collect and send to micro controller by decoding the signal. Micro controller will take decision to control motor speed.


Remote controlled

Simple operation

Less Power Consumption. 

Scopes for Advancements:

  • Range can be increased using high power RF transmitter and receiver.
download  Wireless Stepper Motor Control using RF Communication  Project .