Wireless Dc Motor Speed and Direction Control Using IR Communication

Wireless DC Motor Speed And Direction Control Using IR Communication system works with few amps of current. This application uses pulse width modulator for controlling speed of the motor. This system can work on different voltages mainly 12 v and 24 v by just few minor wiring changes. Using this application we can control speed of the motor and brightness of the lamp.

 Advantages of using pulse width modulator are it will produce high torque in the motor with less supply voltage. Because of this high torque motor will overcome internal resistance more easily.

Operation of this project starts from with switching system where on transmitter site a direction control switches are used to control the motor speed on receiver side. Transmitter will send signal using IR transmitter and received by IR receiver. IR receiver will transmit signals to micro controllers which will decode information and take decisions.

 download  Wireless Dc Motor Speed and Direction Control Using IR Communication.

Controlling Power Grid System Using GSM Wireless Communication

Power Grid Control System Using GSM Modem Projects works on GSM wireless technology and 8051 micro controller. This application works for seven power grids. This system works by sending message to the GSM modem and it will communicate with MCU which will check is the number whether it is authorized or not and if the number is from authorized user grid control system working starts.

Grid position is calculated every moment using EEPROM which is connected to micro controller. Information is stored in EEPROM so even the power is lost there will be no chances of losing data. This system is attached to a key pad which will work as a keyboard for modifying and deleting mobile numbers. Information is displayed on 16×2 LCD screen. Load controller and Triac drivers are used in this project.

download  Controlling Power Grid System Using GSM Wireless Communication Project .

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System Using GSM

Super Control And Data Acquisition System Using GSM provides solution for controlling parameters like temperature, Light, Voltage and Current by using Global position system modem by sending messages. This application works on two methods, in one method user can adjust temperature, light intensity and other parameters and in second method user can auto set the feature. Different sensors are used for calculating variations in parameters and information is displayed on LED screen for indication.

In this project, we are using four sensors, four relays, ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion), Microcontroller, LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) for displaying the messages.

List of Hardware used in this project.

750 mA, 5V power supply.

3 terminal regulator(7805)

Bridge Rectifier

230/12v step down transformer

RFID with 5 V power supply. 

download  Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System using GSM Project .

Ac Motor Speed Control Using Power Triac with Display Unit

In this application we are developing a electronic equipment for AC Motor Speed Control Using Power Triac With Display Unit. Using this application it will be easy to control Speed of AC Motor switches. In this project we use array of switches for controlling motors. Each switch has its own functionality for controlling motors at different speeds. By using these switches variations of motor speed can be managed.

Basically AC motors need more current which is not provided by micro controller used in this project. So we use TRIAC driver for our driving AC Motor. Here we need to consider two factors , Firstly driving AC motor with low current and protecting micro controller from high current. In order to solve this problem here we are using MOC 3021. A 16X2 LCD for displaying the running motor speed.

download  Ac Motor Speed Control Using Power Triac with Display Unit embedded system Project .

Pc Based Substation Monitoring and Control System

PC Based Substation Monitoring And Control System Project explains about a system through which power efficiency can be increased with better decision system. This system is used by most of the electricity board around the country. Along with decision making this system will bring intangibles like safety to the system. Though there are many applications which is used for improving increasing power efficiency, but they are not as accurate as that of this application. This application had created a standard by providing customizability and availability of local technical support.

Using this application it will be easy for substations to monitor different parameters like voltage, current and temperature using various sensors and these readings are sent to micro controller through ADC. By analyzing these parameters regularly system will take decisions like shut down substations. This information will be sent to PC’s Hyper terminal using RS232 cable.

download  Pc Based Substation Monitoring and Control System embedded system  Project .

PWM Based Bidirectional Speed Control of Dc Motor

AIM OF THE PROJECT: In PWM BASED BIDIRECTIONAL SPEED CONTROL OF DC MOTOR project we are going to control the dc motor direction and speed using the single potentiometer by the method of pulse width modulation.This method is effective, SCR phase angle approach and eliminates the need of reversing switch. This project use four quadrant chopper which works on MOSFET. This is mainly used for reversing and forwarding the motor. 

ABOUT THE PROJECT :The speed of the DC motor is varied by varying armature voltage. The variable DC voltage is obtained from chopper. The field voltage is maintained constant. The drive consists of a time delay section. 


  • Realiability and outstanding performance
  • Not affected by component aging
  • Stable performance with respect to temperature change, other affecting situations. 


  • The DC motor can directly run from AC mains, without any additional starter and rectifier
  • Forward, Reverse and Braking of the Motor.
download  PWM Based Bidirectional Speed Control of Dc Motor embedded system  Project .

Induction Motor Speed Control by Pulse Width Modulation Technique

AIM: The main aim of Induction Motor Speed Control by Pulse Width Modulation Technique project is to control the speed of induction motor  and here it is controlled by pulse width modulation technique.

Description: There  are  many conventional  methods  of controlling  the  speed  of  an Induction motor. Among them V/F  control ,voltage control ,current control  are some of the methods. But here we are using PWM technique for controlling the speed of an induction motor.  

Here in this project we are implementing this pwm technique to the microcontroller for operation. Basically it consists of  mainly a micro controller, optocoupler , triac , induction motor ,and increment and decrement switches connected in series with the motor adjusted the amount of current flowing through the motor.

This project use Opto Copulers to transmit electrical signals in the circuit using a short optical transmission path—since the electrical signal is converted to a light beam, transferred, then converted back to an electrical signal, there is no need for electrical connection between the destination and source circuits.

Here as said earlier there are two keys INC and DEC. by pressing these keys the speed can increased or decreased. These speeds can be controlled that is increased or decreased by controlling the firing angles. So by changing  the firing angles the speed is regulated through micro controller which is controlled through optocoupler which is further operated with triac and the whole is fed to the induction motor.Thus we can obtain the control of  the induction motor.

download  Induction Motor Speed Control by Pulse Width Modulation Technique embedded system  Project .

Fan Speed Control by RC5 TV Remote

Aim:The aim of Fan Speed Control By rc5 tv remote project is to control the fan speed using microcontroller with rc5 tv remote.By controlling the Thyristor firing angle control scheme. 

Principle: This is a phase angle control of a Triac. The 50 Hz or 60 Hz Sine wave of mains can be turned on at any point after the Zero Crossing. There are few methods which can control delivered loads one among them are phase control method is the best method. Technique used in this method works same as that of pulse width modulation and digital signal. This type of methods is mostly used in light dimmers. The light’s brightness will be proportional to the area under the curve. 

Hardware Description:

The block diagram of the fan speed control by controlling the thyristor firing angle method is shown in figure. 

TSOP1738 decoder is used to decode command signals received from TV remote ,this is already programmed microcontroller flash memory, sending to the optoisolator ,during the pulse high duration this can triggering the gate of the triac,so current is flowing in to the load, during pulse low duration ,current is not flowing into the load.so,by this method we can control the power delivered to the fan, hence the speed of the fan can be control.

download  Fan Speed Control By rc5 tv remote embedded system  Project .

Device Switching By Using the TV Remote System

Aim:The aim of Device Switching by Using The TV Remote System project is to controlling the device switching (i.e. ON or OFF) by using the using micro controller with TV remote.

 Hardware Description:The block diagram of the Device switching by using the TV remote method is shown in figure. As shown in the block diagram ,the main circuit is a combination of two sub circuits.

   1. Zero crossing detector circuit. 

   2. IR sensor(TSOP1738).

 After getting an interrupt 89C52will switch ON/OFF the device based on key pressed on TV remote. 

During power on condition all three devices are in OFF condition.When you press Key ‘1’ on TV remote device 1 switched on. Again when you press key ‘1’ on TV remote.

Device 1 switched off. When you press Key ‘2’ on TV remote device 2 switched on. Again when you press key ‘2’ on TV remote device 2 switched off. When you press.

Key ‘3’ on TV remote device 3 switched on. Again when you press key ‘3’ on TV remote Device 3 switched off. 

The user can press the TV remote, the TSOP1738 decode the command depending on the pressed key the control signal for the pressed key ,already programmed into the microcontroller flash memory, sending to the Buffer IC(Relay driver ULN2003) IC ,depending on the  controlling signal respective device is switched ON/OFF.

download  Device Switching by Using The TV Remote System embedded system  Project .

Electrical Appliances Control through RFID

AIM:           The main aim of Electrical Appliances Control Through Rfid project is to design an equipment for controlling electrical appliances by using radio frequency(RF) communication.

DESCRIPTION:               In this we are using RF communication device. In RF receiver we use a decoder and in RF transmitter we use encoder. this device uses 433 MHZ. With this encoder and decoder will be transmitting and receiving  the information.The appliance is controlled by encoding and decoding .when a key is pressed on the transmitter side of  RF,  receiver will receive the information and it is sent to the micro controller. This is displayed on the LCD. Then the relay is operated and device will be switched ON or OFF according to the signal. Hence the appliances is controlled.

download Electrical Appliances Control Through Rfid embedded system  Project .