Laser Guided Appliance Control System ECE Project Report

Introduction to Laser Guided Appliance Control System Project:

In this electronic Era, by using these new technologies we can control and coordinate any system by means of passing signals recent days there is vast development in laser technology in control systems. The laser guided beam can control the devices very significantly having application in security alarms, traffic controllers, automatic response systems, and in controlling the electrical equipment

This paper deals how to control the devices by using laser guide pointer which is also called as laser diode, whenever there is any interruption in the transmitted signal the light detector will detects this interruption and passes signal to the electromagnetic relay and will operated. Here laser beam from laser diode acts as controlling signal this controlling signal regulates the detector within a specified range. This detector is of high sensitivity. The entire project concerns upon areas like automatic opening systems and security alarms and traffic control applications.

In our project Laser Guided Appliance Control the system comprises of laser, sensor, control circuit, alarm. The operation principle and block diagram is explained clearly in this paper. The major aim of introducing this concept is to provide the awareness to the world that how we can make use of lasers to achieve better quality in security at a very low cost, low power consumption and having multiple applications in future there is chance of developing this project in the areas of the wireless sensor network by increasing bandwidth.

The major components used in this circuit are listed below,

Laser diode DL 3147 – 60 it is used as source of laser beam.

Photo Transistors L14F1 TI the main purpose is signal detecting.

IC’S CD 4001, CD 4538, LM 7805.

Diodes, led’s, peizo buzzer, relay, DC/AC motor, preset, capacitors. The circuit assembly, along with the component description, operation and experiment results are validated.

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ECE Mini Project Report on Laser Based Communication System

Introduction to Mini Project on Laser Based Communication System:

Recent days the communication systems are changing rapidly due to this enormous development a new revolutionary concept Laser Communication System had arrived which was gaining the human attention towards it. The basic principle of operation is amplitude modulation phenomenon. In this process the amplitude of the carrier signal is varied in accordance with the amplitude of the modulated signal. The carrier signal is nothing but the signal on which we work here it is laser beam, the modulated signal i.e. the signal which is to be modulated or the signal whose parameters are going to change, is taken as the input audio signal, and mainly the term amplitude indicates the intensity of the laser beam which we use.

Laser based communication system is an invisible connections through the air and their working resembles the fiber optics links around the atmosphere. Using this new technology we can easily transmit the signals to the surroundings as quick as possible and transmit the data within a range of 500 meters without interference as here the laser torch can transmit light up to any distance based upon amplitude of the input signal.

In this paper we proposed a simple laser based communication system having two major sections transmitter and receiver, the transmitter is coupled with the laser beam of specific intensity with the help of an common collector mode transistor, the transistor used here is LM386 audio power amplifier which acts as impedance matching device acts proportional with the intensity of the modulated signal.

Now coming to the receiver end sensors are present to sense the varying amplitude of the light beam by using photo transistors and light dependent resistors adjacent with the loud speaker the transistor used here is Silicon photo transistor. The various applications are we can communicate without cost excluding equipment cost. Finally the entire circuit and its operation are checked and the results were improved.

Download  ECE Mini Project Report on Laser Based Communication System.

Image Capture Automated Toll Gate MicroController Project Abstract

Introduction to Image Capture Automated Toll Gate MicroController Project:


The system has been designed with a motive to maintain a proper channel system for movement of vehicles in and out within an environment and thus ensuring automatic payment system using RFID. 


The design ensures image capturing, vehicle detection and payment completed. RFID card ensures account details and amount that needs to be paid.  The design will ensure secured movement of vehicles with systematic payment to the toll through which vehicles pass by. 

Brief methodology:

The project requires image processing sensor, RFID card, microcontroller, alarm driver with alarm, RFID reader, Lcd, Keypad, Relay. The image of incoming vehicle is captured using an external device. The external device used in this case can be a camera that can monitor the movement of vehicles. From here image processing sensor is used to process the image. Edge detection filter determine the shape of the vehicle. This enables to differentiate between light and heavy vehicle. The first phase of the process is accomplished by using Image processing toolbox and supported by MATLAB software.

The second phase displays the amount to be collected to the owner of the vehicle on Lcd.

The details are stored in RFID card and amount to be collected is stored in the database. In any case of insufficient amount paid by the owner of the vehicle is notified and this results in activation of alarm. The third phase ensures that if the amount paid by the owner of the vehicle then electronically controlled relay is activated. The system is connected in such a manner using relay that the gate is opened.

This system consumes less power and is easy to initialize.    


The microntroller based system enables proper redeployment of vehicles and database ensures that the financial part is transparent.

The system adopted here is secured and involves less risk of failures.

Download  Image Capture Automated Toll Gate MicroController Project Abstract.

Design of Power System Stabilizer to Improve Small Signal Stability Project Report

Introduction to Design of Power System Stabilizer to Improve Small Signal Stability Project:

Power system stabilizer is the remedial solution for instability caused by signals because of damping in the system. The design followed in constructing such a system has been adopted from Heffron-Phillip’s model. The modified Heffron-Phillip’s model which is simulated by using MATLAB/SIMULINK has proved to be a better option as compared to the conventional power system stabilizer.

Features of Heffron-Phillip’s model

With increasing demand of electricity and ensuring system stability performance at low frequency oscillations, the damping torque needs to be increased. The Heffron-Phillip’s modified model which is based upon Bode-plot technique, does not depend on external parameters.

Single Machine connected Infinite Bus

The model consists of generator excitation system and AC network which is similar.

Modified Heffron-Phillip’s Model

The model is based on linearizing the system. The system establishes a relation between the transfer function for the model and excitation of the system.

Power System Stabilizer

The parameters involved in the system are PSS gain (Ks), Wash out circuit, Compensator and limiter. The form of the system establishes a dependency on the number of the lead-lag stages. In cases of a dynamic compensator the form of the system is equal to the gain.The washout function should be considered while assessing the performance of PSS. The value of this function should be high enough to allow signals to pass through unaffected.

Performance of stabilizer

Single Machine connected Infinite Bus/SMIB test system is used here. Bode plot is drawn comparing the transfer functions. Mathematical equations infer the stabilizer gain for the system.Graphs also depict the fault obtained at the bus containing the transformer. It is cleared by tripping. The comparison of the response in same, strong and weak show variations in power factor but oscillations are effectively damped.


The modified Heffron-Phillip’s model can be used and tested on multi-machine systems.

Download  Design of Power System Stabilizer to Improve Small Signal Stability Project Report.


Adaptive Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Circuit Seminar Report

Introduction to Adaptive Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Circuit Seminar Topic:

The main problem we all face currently in the world is the over consumption of our energy resources, if we go at this rate then our future generation will have lack of supply of energy resources. Harvesting energy is a new innovative technology and this topic deals with such harvesting of electrical energy through a piezoelectric element which is excited mechanically.

The element acts similar to source which provides electrical power with only difference being that it is driven by a mechanical force and the source impedance is capacitive in nature. The mechanical force itself will be of fluctuating amplitude. An adaptive control algorithm is used in a DC-DC converter which will help it to harvest the electrical energy almost four times higher than one without it, also the rate of harvesting increases with the increase in levels of excitation. 

Any vibrating structure can become the platform of usage of this technology and main reason of having this energy circuit is the controller flexibility. The only addition to this vibrating structure would be the piezoelectric element which helps in increasing the harvesting process many fan fold. No other factors and positions such as placement of device, vibration levels etc. would affect the harvesting performance or the controller operation. 

Main components in this harvesting system: 

  • AC-DC rectifier
  • Output capacitor
  • Electrochemical battery
  • DC-DC converter (switch mode) 

Optimized designs can be developed based on the control algorithm and the proposed excitation levels or load which forms its power. The main part of this technology is the proposal of the energy harvest where we can achieve the power flow gets optimized. Standalone circuit control will be used for future designing work. The power stored in the battery is maximized with the help of implementing optimal power transfer theory. Overall this technology is definitely going to revolutionize the energy harvesting process. 

Download  Adaptive Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Circuit Seminar Report .

ECE Seminar Topic on Universal Sensor Current with Full Report

Introduction to Seminar Topic on Universal Sensor Current:

When we talk about measuring electric current it is not the easy task. We require sensors for that so that we can feed the data into the computer to convert the current. In earlier times we find the current by finding the voltage drop across the resistor. For that we need to keep the resistor very small so the energy loss is small. Few places we also transformers but it don’t allow DC signals.

Hall sensors: these sensors are used for measuring the magnetic field around the conductor. They are also capable of sensing DC signals. They provide galvanic isolation to the conductor. There are two types of hall sensors are available. In Open loop output amplifies voltage is directly used. They are cheap sensors and they are very sensitive while closed loop sensors are precious. They first amplify the signal then the signal goes to magnetic core.

Magneto field sensors:they are sensors based on the magnetic and resistive effect. They are very thin in size and easily fabricated with vary length and size. They are best performance sensors. They are very well designed for measuring the electric current and they do have the impact of external field applied. They can measure both AC and DC signals.

AMR effect: when these materials are exposed to the magnetic field then the magnetization of the material results. This effect is mostly observed in ferromagnetic alloys.

Current sensors for future vehicles: it will help in increasing the efficiency of vehicles by improving the engines starting speed and power consumption will increased by the generator and power requirement by the engine is same as required. We can start and off the engine whenever we require which in turn will reduce the fuel consumption. 

Download  ECE Seminar Topic on Universal Sensor Current with Full Report .

Virtual Keyboard Using IR Technique ECE Project Report

Introduction to Virtual Keyboard Using IR Technique Project:

Now days the technology is growing very much the actual processor are becoming old one. This can be seen in keyboard earlier keyboard uses hard keys but now a day’s soft keys keyboard are there, they are dust proof. Here we will see about virtual keyboard.

Virtual keyboard is a frame that is filled with air the user simply had to press akey in the air and the related word is automatically pressed.Virtual keyboard uses infrared technology which has higher wavelength than visible light.This type of rays is used in military and civilian purpose. In military they are used to acquire the target in night vision and in civilian for wireless communication, in weather forecasting and for temperature sensing. This is also used in space to detect the objects in space.

Projection keyboard: – They are the virtual key board not the real one. In this the keyboard keeps the track of the finger and process the information according to the keystroke.

Canseta keyboard: – It is type of keyboard that projects the Image of the keyboard on the plane surface and keeps the track of finger to take the input by using sensors.

Roll up keyboard: -This type of keyboard is useful at time of traveling because they can be roll into a small piece. They are dust free and moisture proof.

Wireless infrared keyboard: -This is wireless keyboard that are built in track ball and use scrolling button for browsing.

Components: – It uses IR LED which is very cheapest to control any device. It can control al videos and audio devices.This is solid light rays. infrared rays is in-visible to human eyes because of its shorter wavelength than visible light but a videos camera can see this rays. This type of rays is easy to manufacture.

Download  Virtual Keyboard Using IR Technique ECE Project Report.

Mini Project Report on Dtmf Based Mobile Phone Controlled Robot

Introduction to Mini Project on Dtmf Based Mobile Phone Controlled Robot:

We use embedded systems in our daily, we are dependent on them. They provide us digital information’s. Almost all the processors that are developed are based on the embedded systems. They are multipurpose systems designed for the systems like computers, electronic devices.

Every embedded system is based on the microprocessor. It has ROM is used to store the software of the microprocessor. Or we can say that embedded system is a system in which we directly process our code in to the hardware and the software used is just for support and to provide flexibility.

An embedded system contains many memory chips which are used to load the software. In these systems contains three parts hardware, operating systems and application software example PC. 

They are used in the control systems. Also used in the robotics, embedded PCs, signal processing, network equipment’s etc. there are four types of embedded systems used like stand alone for microwaves, digital cameras etc., real time for missiles or DVD players etc. , network based for webcam etc. and mobile devices.

Microcontroller:it is a device that is implemented in the microprocessor that is used to control the functions of the processors. They don’t calculate results but they control the different part of the microprocessors. It also provides delay to some parts for proper functioning of the systems.

They have series of registers that are used to store information and interrupts that are used to provide delays.

They also have data memory like ROM and RAM. They have special type registers like timer registers, dual data registers and interrupt registers. They use only +5v of the power supply for their working. They are used for controlling and monitoring the systems. They use less power and give high performance.

Download  Mini Project Report on Dtmf Based Mobile Phone Controlled Robot.

Project Report on Simulation of General-Purpose Microprocessors USING VHDL

Introduction to Simulation of General-Purpose Microprocessors USING VHDL Project:

VHDL which is known as high speed integrated circuit description language is one of the most efficient programming language which is used to create and maintain the workflow of data or the data flow. It was been established in 1981 and later the newer version was launched in 1987.

The design or the development process of the VHDL consists of the Entity Declaration, architecture, Configuration, Package Declaration, Package Body. This model is mainly used to the texts that briefly explain the logical circuits. A specific standard type of program is used to test this logic model designs. This is called as the testbench. This device also has the input and output capabilities too which are used mainly as the general purpose languages.

Talking about the general purpose processor this are the micro processors which are specifically called as the central processing unit abbreviated as the CPU. CPU is the microprocessors that eliminate the instructions of the software. This machine finally undergoes the following steps first fetch an instruction, secondly decode the instruction and thirdly the execution of the required instruction.

A small intro to the Microprocessor is firstly the instruction set which can estimate the equivalent encodings. Two operand instructions which uses the first accumulator for the A operator and the second operand for the register that has three bits in the coding which stores the register. One operand instruction, instructions, instructions using a memory.

A concept called the death path is for the manipulation of the data which has function units, registers, buses as its sub attributes. Components of the death paths are input multiplexer, Flags, Accumulator, register file, ALU, rotator, buffer, control wizard.

This device is to provoke the design of the micro processor using the high speed integrated circuit. A code on the processor need to be executed for running the project successfully. In upcoming future the team members are working to set more instruction according to our needs. 

 Download  Project Report on Simulation of General-Purpose Microprocessors USING VHDL .

ECE Project Report on Security System Using RFID

Introduction to Security System Using RFID:

   In general for each and every organization, industry, home and a person need security. It is most important common need. Security is mainly used in organizations. For this purpose, in olden days security guard was used next token numbers and next passwords. Now a day tags with RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology has been using. But it is not more secure because one of the person tags is used by other one without his/her permission. It is more danger. To avoid these types of danger situations we should provide a new technology, which is “BIOMETRIC SYSTEM” with existed RFID system.

                                    The main objective of our project is providing a security to individuals having only one identification. For this purpose biometric system is used. We have to use hardware equipments are RFID Reader, RFID Tag, Camera, GSM, Zig bee, Microcontroller, power supply, RS-232, antenna, PC and mobile.

RFID tag system has taken more time to identification, not secure, cost effective and need a person. But our proposed system is not require a person and don’t have these disadvantages. It has multiple advantages so it is also called as multi-level security system. It is used for each and every room, which are in the organization.

                                    Fingerprint (thumb) biometric system is used in this proposed system because each person has different fingerprints so individual identification is provided. All these equipments are under the control of microcontroller. For every entry and exit SMS will send to the management. Zigbee is a wireless mesh communication within the organization. It has a range of 10m and operated at 2.4GHZ. Transmitter module keeps at rooms and receiver module keeps at management room. So security is more no chance to done mistakes. Finally conclude that it is the best technology for security purpose. It is easy to maintain user has a bright future and low cost more reliable. It is also used for vehicle security.  

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