Solutions for SCADA System Communication Reliability in Photovoltaic Plants Project Report

Introduction to Solutions for SCADA System Communication Reliability in Photovoltaic Plants Project:

The term SCADA refers to supervisory control and data acquisition. This system was used in power plants for remote accessing, monitoring and control. The abstract provides two mechanisms security access control stagey and redundancy check. The SCADA system is mainly used in the photo voltaic power plants that are solar energy plants in that system there is energy management system (EMS) and in that SCADA was one of the major subsystems.

This abstract provides reliability of SCADA and its implementation methods. The SCADA reliability is affected by two reasons communication and device failure. Wrong or illegal information can disturb the communication system and lead to failure of this power plant in making decisions. A special group called PES has been setup to investigate the system network security information issues. Another factor device failure is also affecting the SCADA system. The two mechanisms were provided to improve device mean time between failures. In the power plants system device redundancy should be implemented to solve failures and increase reliability in SCADA system.

SCADA System structure:

The local scada system unit consists of RTU data acquisition unit and communication unit. The Scada system collects the information about temperature, ir radiance, dc output voltage and current and current relay switch state.

System communication unit selects the best communication unit according to situations. Currently RES power generation system was adopted and for remote monitoring purpose GSM, GPRS, INTERNET are used.

Communication strategy:

For the distributed photo voltaic power plants open network communication system was used. The SCADA systems and connected by monitoring systems then there is a chance of potential attack and can cause damage to the system. For this RTU sends request link to SCADA system and does not do any operation until it gets response message. In order to identify correct RTU device it checks for certificate information and then only it proceeds.

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ECE Project Report for Content Dependent Water Marking Scheme for Speech Signal

Introduction to Content Dependent Water Marking Scheme for Speech Signal :

Today the emergence of broadband internet connections and error free transmission of multimedia data have ensured protection of ownership and prevention of unnecessary modifications in the data. The design is intended to develop novel audio watermarking algorithms which would also include performance and increase in complexity. 


With the need of protection of digital multimedia data have given rise to developing a new technology of digital watermarking. In such a technique watermark speech signal is embedded into the unnecessary part of the speech signal. The application of watermark design can be foreseen in ownership protection, proof of ownership, authentication and tampering detection, broadcast monitoring, information carrier, perceptual transparency, watermark bit rate, robustness, communication channels dependent on security. 

Watermarking model

It consists of an embedded where signal extraction takes place and this allows the transformation of signal into different domains. The signal also goes through channel noise modeling. Then the signal goes through the watermark decoder. 

Speech processing

By the coding and synthesis keeping in the parameters like formants, phonemes sounds can be influenced. There are several parameters which influence the speech processing. The voice command dictation the speech command can be functioned and similarly encoding can be done on the speech signal. 


It’s a windowing technique of variable sized signals. It involves Fourier analysis. Mathematical equations are used to find out the resolution of wavelet. Different algorithms are used to establish a relation in the signal synthesis study. The signal also passes through a multilevel decomposition and then reconstruction occurs. The simulation of such a design is done by an interactive programming environment using MATLAB. Syntaxes have been developed for reading and writing sound files. 


Signal robustness, protection of ownership and content preservation’s are the main objectives of this design

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ECE Micro Controller Project on Path Clearing Assist Stick and Obstacle Detection Safety Cap for Blind

Introduction to Micro Controller Project on Path Clearing Assist Stick and Obstacle Detection Safety Cap for Blind :

With the day by day life where development is happening every second and there is considerable traffic throughout the roads, it becomes very difficult for the people who are physically challenged and particularly the blind to find path without any help. The proposed project design has been made to assist the blind people in order to find path without any obstruction caused by obstacle. 


In order to implement the design we require a path clearing stick and a safety cap. Path clearing stick is used to detect the obstacle which is coming in front by using an obstacle detector. This obstacle detector is used send a signal when an obstacle comes in front, to the microcontroller and thus sends a vibrating signal near the hand holding the stick. Similarly for any obstacle coming way near the head can be detected using a cap. The similar sensor based system is used in case of a cap too. 

Working model

In case of the assist stick and safety cap similar kind of process flow is quite similar. The obstacle sensor detects the obstacle coming in front and sends then signal to the microcontroller via a relay. The microcontroller is designed in such a manner that the input fed signal is then fed to the vibration module which is thereby connected to the assist stick or safety cap. 


The blind person can get an alarm about the incoming obstacle. The path clearance assist utilizes a reset circuit whereas the safety cap uses crystal. 

Download  ECE Micro Controller Project on Path Clearing Assist Stick and Obstacle Detection Safety Cap for Blind.

ECE Project Topic on Energy Efficient Wavelet Transform Algorithm

Introduction to Energy Efficient Wavelet Transform Algorithm Project:


To build a technique which would enable us transmission of message that may be in the form of audio, pictures and video using mobile applications. The two footprints are critical in this system namely energy and bandwidth. In order to maintain quality of pictures we follow energy efficient wavelet transform algorithm (EEWITA). 

Features of wireless data services 

This includes different areas of communication provisioned under mobile communication.

With the scope for improvement in transmitting the signals, one of our prime concernswould be to reduce the data that is transmitted over the wireless channel. 

Image compression 

These techniques involving algorithms reduce computation and communication energy with minimal loss. The cumulative analysis of parameters has resulted in developing adaptive image codec. 

Wavelet image compression 

The image goes through transformation, quantization and encoding. The algorithms which are used for image compression are also dependent on energy consumption and robustness. 

The transform uses low pass and high pass sub band where the former represents down sampled version and the latter is residual version. The energy consumption is modeled by involving number of operations and is denoted as computational load. The data access load is more than computational load.This transform is used to reduce computational energy. The basic principle used in this transform in H* elimination. An effective analysis can be drawn between AWIC and H*. 

Wavelet image compression parameters 

The parameters used here are wavelet transform level and quantization level. 

Adaptive image communication 

Here we obtain a relation between signal to noise ratio and compression ratio primarily and define the appliance constraints later obtaining a representation. 


The comparative analysis of system describe that this technique is used to reduce the energy consumption and hence transmit data in the form of bits. 


This technique enables transmission of large data in secured form.

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Microcontroller Project Topic on Image Capture Automated Toll Gate

Introduction to Image Capture Automated Toll Gate Micro Controller Project:


The system has been designed with a motive to maintain a proper channel system for movement of vehicles in and out within an environment and thus ensuring automatic payment system using RFID. 


The design ensures image capturing, vehicle detection and payment completed. RFID card ensures account details and amount that needs to be paid.  The design will ensure secured movement of vehicles with systematic payment to the toll through which vehicles pass by. 

Brief methodology: 

The project requires image processing sensor, RFID card, microcontroller, alarm driver with alarm, RFID reader, Lcd, Keypad, Relay. The image of incoming vehicle is captured using an external device. The external device used in this case can be a camera that can monitor the movement of vehicles. From here image processing sensor is used to process the image. Edge detection filter determine the shape of the vehicle. This enables to differentiate between light and heavy vehicle. The first phase of the process is accomplished by using Image processing toolbox and supported by MATLAB software.

The second phase displays the amount to be collected to the owner of the vehicle on Lcd.

The details are stored in RFID card and amount to be collected is stored in the database. In any case of insufficient amount paid by the owner of the vehicle is notified and this results in activation of alarm. The third phase ensures that if the amount paid by the owner of the vehicle then electronically controlled relay is activated. The system is connected in such a manner that the gate is opened.

This system consumes less power and is easy to initialize.    


The microntroller based system enables proper redeployment of vehicles and database ensures that the financial part is transparent.

The system adopted here is secured and involves less risk of failures.

Download  Microcontroller Project Topic on Image Capture Automated Toll Gate.

ECE Project Report on Design Of Power System Stabilizer To Improve Small Signal Stability

Introduction to Design Of Power System Stabilizer To Improve Small Signal Stability Project:


Power system stabilizer is the remedial solution for changing in the signal which is due to damping in the system. The design followed in constructing such a system has been adopted from Heffron-Phillip’s model. The modified Heffron-Phillip’s model which is simulated by using MATLAB/SIMULINK has proved to be a better option as compared to the conventional power system stabilizer.

Features of Heffron-Phillip’s model

With increasing demand of electricity and ensuring system stability performance at low frequency oscillations, the damping torque needs to be increased. The Heffron-Phillip’s modified model which is based upon Bode-plot technique, does not depend on external parameters.

Single Machine connected Infinite Bus

The model consists of generator excitation system and AC network which is similar.

Modified Heffron-Phillip’s Model

The model is based on linearizing the system. The system establishes a relation between the transfer function for the model and excitation of the system.

Power System Stabilizer

The parameters involved in the system are PSS gain (Ks), Wash out circuit, Compensator and limiter. The form of the system establishes a dependency on the number of the lead-lag stages. In cases of a dynamic compensator the form of the system is equal to the gain.The washout function should be considered while assessing the performance of PSS. The value of this function should be high enough to allow signals to pass through unaffected.

Performance of stabilizer

Single Machine connected Infinite Bus/SMIB test system is used here. Bode plot is drawn comparing the transfer functions. Mathematical equations infer the stabilizer gain for the system.Graphs also depict the fault obtained at the bus containing the transformer. It is cleared by tripping. The comparison of the response in same, strong and weak show variations in power factor but oscillations are effectively damped.


The modified Heffron-Phillip’s model can be used and tested on multi-machine systems.

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Remote Sleep Monitoring and Medical Alarm System Latest ECE Project Abstract

Introduction to Remote Sleep Monitoring and Medical Alarm System Project:

This device called the Remote Sleep Monitoring and the medical alarm is used to send the alarm signals according to the state and small purpose. The purpose to develop this system is to gain the proper advantage of the system that is to transfer the alarm signals. These signals make the sound of the telephone bell alarm that is generated by the wireless receivers in the room.

It contains the attribute called as the Sleep that is a big element which can reproduce the power of the system after going to the sleep mode.  When it goes to the sleep mode like the humans it gains back all the power that it has lost while in working stage. If the sleep is canceled or disturbed then it will affect the power consumption of the device. Here the modem called as the GSM is used highly to get the pulse bandwidth to a single person.

The software required to develop this device is Embedded C, Keil IDE, Uc-Flash, Express PCB and the hardware used to develop this system is Micro-controller, Power supply, Pulse sensor, ZIGBEE transmitter , ZIGBEE receiver and a alarm. This reason to develop this system is to prevent the person by setting the alarm to the care center while the person is in sleeping.

Download  Remote Sleep Monitoring and Medical Alarm System Latest ECE Project Abstract.

Radio Identification Method Third Year ECE Project Report

Introduction to Radio Identification Method Third Year Project:

This method called the radio identification method is the automatic recognization method which works on saving and replying the data that is retrieved from the Databases by the device named as the RFID. This RFID is such a tag item which is joined or connected to the animal or a product or any person for the reason of identifying it by making the use of the radio waves in it. This RFID is a small tag which has presence of silicon chips and antennae in it. There are two types in the RFID tags namely the Passive Tag and the Active Tag. 

The Passive tag is the tag which has no interconnected power supply. The electric currents are then connected in the antennae’s which are present in the tags. This passive tags works by giving signals by setting it back the carrier path from the user reader. Here the present antennae are compulsory need to be circuited by the incoming signals waves and also by the transmitters too.

Active tags have it own interconnection supply of current in it. This interconnection current is then made in use of getting the outgoing wave signals. The defense system of the united has properly used this system to low down the price and change the production of arm weapons too. 

The latest on working applications of the radio identification method are firstly the passports here this device is to give the passports to the people applying for it. Second is the Transport payments system here payments of the online travelling tickets are made by the means of Credit Cards. Third is the product tracking in which this device is used to track the barcode number of the products which are kept on sale. Automotive and animal identifiers are couple of other applications.   

Download  Radio Identification Method Third Year ECE Project Report.

Optical Character Recognition Project Report

Introduction to Optical Character Recognition Project:

The project is about Optical Character Recognition. It is a process of classifying optical patterns with respect to alphanumeric or other characters. Optical character recognition process includes segmentation, feature extraction and classification. 

Text capture converts Analog text based resources to digital text resources. And then these converted resources can be used in several ways like searchable text in indexes so as to identify documents or images. 

As the first stage of text capture a scanned image of a page is taken. And this scanned copy will form basis for all other stages. The very next stage involves implementation of technology Optical Character Recognition for converting text content into machine understandable or readable format. 

OCR analysis takes the input as digital image which is printed or hand written and converts it to machine readable digital text format. Then OCR processes the digital image into small components for analysis of finding text or word or character blocks. And again the character blocks are further broken into components and are compared with dictionary of characters. 

Matlab is an environment where problems and solutions can be denoted in terms of mathematical notations. A use of Matlab includes analysis, algorithm development, computation and much more. Matlab is a system where elements are placed in an array but are not required any dimensionless. It helps us to solve our problem in no time and provides an easy solution. 

The OCR text is written into a pure text file that is then imported again to a search engine. The text is used as index searching of the information. Accuracy rates are measured in several ways and the ways they are measured impact the accuracy rate.

Download  Optical Character Recognition Project Report.

ECE Project Topic on Load Monitoring and Breaker with Digital Display Using Microcontroller

Introduction to ECE Project Topic on Load Monitoring and Breaker with Digital Display Using Microcontroller:

In this paper Load monitoring and breaker with digital display using microcontroller we discuss mainly the method to solve the problems caused due the flow of over currents in electrical equipment. The main aim of our project is controlling and coordinating the flow of over currents, inrush currents to safer limit. The system consist of load current sensing circuit, comprises of two major components current transformer ,A/D converter, half wave rectifier and filter.

The current transformer is basically step up transformer the secondary side output of the CT always varies in accordance with the load current from its primary side and then this variable analog voltage is converted into digital pulses. And passes it to micro controller and this signal gets amplified using a half wave rectifier and filter.  The Micro-controller unit used in our project is based on ATMEL 89C51 Micro-controller chip design. The ATMEL AT89C51 has low power with higher performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 4K bytes of flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM).

The chip technology used here is CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) logic technology is the combination of both NMOS and PMOS will provide us high flexibility with minimum investment and multiple computing. The required operation conditions are programmed in micro controller chip. The output of the micro controller is connected to the digital display where we note the readings.

The current transformer is designed to deliver power a of 1 Amp,230V AC at the secondary side, and the expected  Primary is designed to operate at 13V AC and it takes nearly 22Amps continuously when the current transformer is fully loaded. Our project work “Load monitor and Breaker with Digital Display using Micro-controller” is well designed, tested, undergone practical verification. This paper addressed a new way monitor the conditions under overload conditions, they can be periodically update the conditions by storing the previous data. in future by increasing the diameter of the primary  coil of the current transformer we can improve current ratings.

Download  ECE Project Topic on Load Monitoring and Breaker with Digital Display Using Microcontroller.