Monitoring Project On DDOS attack for popular website project

Computer science students who are interested in developing website security related project,then Monitoring Project On DDOS attack for popular website project may provide some information for developing a project. The main idea for developing this project is to provide a solution for Distributed denial of service attacks on popular websites.MONITORING-PROJECT-ON-DDOS-ATTACK-FOR-POPULAR WEBSITE

DDOS attack is a commonly seen threat on web. By using new application layer based DDOS fetching information using HTTP requests to find out victim information are more undetectable.

In certain cases like using flash crowd event can cause serious damage for a popular website. 

Considering these DDOS attacks a new concept is developed which is based on document popularity. As we know access matrix is the used to find out the spatial -temporal patterns of a normal flash crowd. A new method in introduced in which multidimensional access matrix is used. A novel anomaly detector based on hidden semi-Markov model is proposed to describe the dynamics of Access Matrix and to detect the attacks. The entropy of document popularity fitting to the model is used to detect the potential application-layer

DDoS attacks. This project will provide numerical information based on website traffic data to show the accuracy of the present system. 

DDOS attack for popular website project is implemented in different modules.

Victim server & User Login

Training phase




Data Preparation


Download CSE Online Monitoring Project On DDOS attack for popular website project .

Online E-Tender Management .Net Project

Online E-Tendering Management .net project is for final year Information technology students who are interested in developing web based application which is implemented in ASP.NET. The main idea for implementing this project is to replace existing manual tender system with computerized system. Online-E-TENDER-MANAGEMENT -Net-Project

In present situation tender system is performed manually which involves lot of manual work and which is a time involved process. Record maintenance is not accurate there are many chances of loss of data which will cause serious problems while preparing reports. In order to involve in tendering process people should travel a long way. As we know in long time manual process leads to lot of problems. 

As the information technology is growing widely there is lot of scope for finding solution for this problem by developing a web based project like Online e-Tender Management system which can resolve all these issues. 

This web application provides organizations to register with this system and upload tender details. Since this application is visible from all over the world clients can log into this site and apply for tenders and submit their quotations to the organizations on the project by filling a from through online.                  

Companies are informed as soon as clients apply for tender so organizations can contact clients for further information or they can communicate through this application.                 

For more information on this project you can download project report from this site for a free of cost. 

System specifications for developing Online e-tendering project. 

The system must have the following software requirements: 

Visual Basic .Net (version 2.0)

Visual Basic .Net Framework (version 2.0)

SQL Server 2000/2005

Download CSE Online E-Tendering Management .net project .

Java Project for Online University Admission

Information Technology final year students who are interested in implementing web application using java as programming language  Online University admission project can help you for gaining knowledge. The main idea for implementing this project is to replace existing admission procedure in educational institutions with a computerized admission system for improving services in universities. Java-Project-for-Online-University-Admission


Online University admission project covers entire admission functionality starting from notifications, exam dates, college fees, and announcements. This project will help colleges to prepare statistical reports on admission activates on daily basis. This procedure can reduce work load on employees and also save lot of time. 

Using this application admissions can be carried out from any were which will be very helpful for students who are far away from the institution this can save money and time for students.

This admission procedure will reduce paper work and admission organization will be easy and in scheduled manner. Using this application will reduce man power. Using this application students can verify there marks and details with other colleges. 


This application will provide different modules where each module has different role and permissions.

Admission notification will be uploaded to this site. Using these site students can apply through online or offline.

Certificate verification is done by interconnection with different education board’s agencies.

Online hall ticket issuing procedure.

Online admission system will save time for students.

Software Requirement Specification for developing Online University Admissions.

Software Requirements:

Operating System              :           Windows XP/2003 or Linux/Solaris

User Interface                :           HTML, CSS

Client-side Scripting         :           JavaScript

Programming Language          :           Java

Web Applications              :           JDBC, JNDI, Servlets, JSP

IDE/Workbench                 :           Eclipse with MyEclipse Plug-in

Database                      :           Access

Server Deployment             :           RetHat JBoss AS

Hardware Requirements:

Processor                     :           Pentium IV

Hard Disk                     :           40GB

RAM                           :           256MB

For more information on this project you can download project report from this site for a free of cost.

Download CSE Online University Admission  Project report .

Civil Registry .Net Project

Civil Registry .Net project is for CSE and IT final year students who are interested in developing government related project using ASP.NET,C#,SOAP , HTTP protocol and SQL. The main idea for Implementing this project is to provide better services for citizens while applying for driving license, Voter’s ID card, PAN card, Passport  and provide online registration facilities like birth certificate, marriage certificate …Etc. Using this application can even reduce work load for government employees. Civil-Registry -Net-Project

Civil Registry .Net Project is a web based application which will work as government agency to provide better services to citizens. As mentioned above this application will help for citizens to applying and registering for various government certificates. 

             This project will a best option for replacing existing manual process which require lot of time and resources. Civil registry project can replace existing system to provide better customer care, takes less time, accuracy and even reduce corruption. This web based application will act as a government agency service through which public can know information about application process, application status which can save lot of time for public as well as government employees. 

      In present situation where Information technology field is growing fast, implementing and maintaining this project will not be big task. This project creates lot of space for adding more features in to this application. 

System specifications for developing Civil Registry project 


      The selection of hardware is very important in the existence and proper working of any software. When selecting hardware, the size and requirements are also important. 

Minimum Requirements:

      Processor         :     Pentium II class, 450MHz

      RAM               :     128MB

      Hard Disk Drive   :     3GB

      Video             :     800X600, 256 colors

      CD-ROM            :     Required 

The proposed System is developed on:

      Processor         :     INTEL Pentium 4

      RAM               :     512MB

      Hard Disk Drive   :     40GB

      Key Board         :     Standard 101/102 or Digi Sync Family

      Monitor           :     Display Panel (1024 X 764)

      Display Adapter   :     Trident Super VGA

      Network Adapter   :     SMC Ethernet Card Elite 16 Ultra

      Mouse             :     Logitech Serial Mouse 


      Operating System  :     Windows XP

      Front- End        :     C#. NET with ASP. NET

      Back- End         :     MS SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS 

For more information on this project you can download civil registry cse project from this site for a free of cost.

Download CSE Civil Registry .Net  Project report .

Online Tendering CSE Project

Main aim for implementing Online Tendering cse project is to perform product tendering through online web application, according to this process product tender details are published on web with required product information and about the status of the tender and information like starting and ending dates.Online-Tendering-CSE-Project.

As we know in present system tender advertising is done through news papers which is causing problems like communication gap between companies and government authorities because of this problem competition is reducing, ultimately cost of project is increasing. So developing this project can fix this problem by submitting tender details to a dedicated tender site which will

be visible for every company and apply for tender through this web site if they are satisfied with the provided tender quotation .This process will reduce time and provide option for different companies respond to the tender. 

This application has different modules in first module advertiser who advertises his tender details should register with the system and submit detailed information on the product. In second module companies who are searching for work should register and apply for the tender. Third admin module in this module admin will coordinate with both modules. 

This application can be developed within a low budget but regular maintenance is compulsory. 

Software and hardware requirements for developing this project are explained in project report. 

System specifications for Online Tendering CSE Project

Hard Ware Requirements:- 

  • Processor:: Pentium-II(or) Higher
  • Ram:: 512MB (or) Higher
  • Cache:: 512MB
  • Hard disk:: 10GB 

Soft Ware Requirements:- 

  • Web Server
: Tomcat 5.5
  • Server-side Technologies
: Java, Java Server Pages
  • Client-side Technologies
: Hyper Text Markup Language, Cascading Style Sheets, Java Script, AJAX
  • Database Server
: MS Access
  • Operating System
: Windows (or) Linux (or) Mac any version

For more information on online Tendering cse project you can download project report from this site for a free of cost.

Download CSE Online Tendering CSE Project report .

.Net Project On Employee Reimbursement System

.Net Project On Employee Reimbursement system is a web based application which can be used by any organization for giving best services or their employees for reimbursement of money. This application will replace existing manual procedure following by many organizations which takes lot of time and manual work. .Net-Project-On-Employee-Reimbursement-System

Every company will come across this situation where their employees will submit receipts like train ticket, doctor certificate…Etc for reimbursement. In existing system employees will fill the form and submit to higher managing department by for approval which is a time taking process. Using this application employees can submit information through a web application which can be done from any were and the application will be submitted to higher authorities for cross check and status of the application can be updated on web through which employee can interact with officials and the payment can done through online which is an easy and helpful process for company and employees. 

 Employee Reimbursement system project can be used in real time by any organization for reducing manual work and work load. Exchange of information is easy using this method.

 This application contains six modules with different functionalities assigned in each module based on the user designation. 

Employee Reimbursement system  Functionality: 

Admin Module

             This module helps user to login to  the site and submit his application. Admin has permission to check his details to approve or decline the application. 

 Employee Module:

                  In this module employee can login with his desired username and password and submit information for reimbursement. After his bill is cross checked his application status will be updated on this profile. 

Manager Module:

             This module will be handled by manager of an organization who will accept application of requested employee and provide solution for his request. 

Director Module:

         In this module cross checked application from manager will be submitted to director he will recheck the details and submit to account section. 

Reports Module (ACCOUNTANT): 

             This module deals finance matters based on the expenses employee spent on bills and transfer money to employee bank account.

Download Project report  of .Net Project On Employee Reimbursement System.

Multi User Password Authentications Project Using Visual Basic

Computer science final year students who are interested in implementing a security related web application then Multi User Password Authentications Project Using Visual Basic will be a best choice.Multi-User-Password-Authentication-Project


To know existing textual password procedure and to implement new project called multi user password authentication application, to correctly test its security features by differentiating it with existing textual and alphanumerical password scheme. This project will provide better security for users who work on unsecured networks and Internet.


As there is large increase in usage of internet in our daily life there is lot of scope for developing applications that will provide better security for users. We had came across lot of application which provide security for virus…etc but there are very few applications available for authentication hacking like hacking passwords for emails, bank accounts etc. Present authentication system does not provide 100% of security for password protection. There are many online courses available for hacking passwords so there is necessity for developing a application which will provide security for passwords. In order to solve this problem researches had come out with new advanced method called multiple password techniques which will increase password security. Now a day’s many banks, email providers are using this technique for providing better services. Researches state that internet users maintain same password for different account due to password remembering problem which is one of the main reasons for easy hacking. In order to overcome this problem Graphical password techniques are introduced using this method image is used as password which is more secure compare to textual password.

Though there are few draw backs on graphical password technique like if any one observes you while entering password it will be very easy to hack your password. So there is lot of challenge involved in developing this application on Human computer interaction and security communities.

This application can overcome basic hacking techniques like dictionary attack, key-loggers and social engineering, shoulder surfing, hidden camera and spy ware attacks.

System specifications for Multi User Password Authentication Project 

Hardware Specification


Platform          : Windows 2000 Professional

System            : Pentium IV 2.8 GHz

Ram               : 512MB

Hard disk         : 80GB


Platform             : Windows 2000 Professional

System               : Pentium IV 2.8 GHz

Ram                  : 256MB

Hard disk            : 40GB

Software Specification 

Operating System                   :Windows XP/Professional

Language                           :VB.NET

Back End                           :SQL SERVER

For more information on this project you can download project report from this site for free of cost.

Download Project report  of Multi User Password Authentication Project using visual basic.

Robotic Project On Obstracle Detection

Final year students who are interested in developing robotics project,Robotic Project On Obstracle Detection Project can be a good option. The main idea for implementing this robotic project is to handle certain situations where humans cannot reach there but robots can work for us,if there is a situation where robot cannot be operated by human being in the  cases like obstacle detection in that case this project will provide solution for this project. This application is useful in demanding situation in our daily life so developing this application will give lot of scope for a engineer. ROBOTIC-PROJECT-ON-OBSTRACLE-DETECTION.

 Obstacle detection and avoidance robots are nothing but self thinking robots which can take decisions itself using programmed brain without any guidance from human beings. 

  In robotics obstacle sensing is the method of satisfying few features like not-intersection or non-collision with objects in front of them. There are two types of robots in one type robots perform action as we give signals remotely where as second type of robots are self thinking robots which can detect obstacle and move forward. This project is of second robots. 

 In this robots Infra red pairs are used for sensing the obstacles and IR leads are used for transmitting and receiving infra red rays. Using infrared rays robots will find out the obstacles present in front of them and move right or left from their current position and move forward. 

 Robotics Obstacle Detection Project Features.

Modulated IR transmitter

Ambient light protected IR receiver

3 pin easy interface connectors

Bus powered module

Indicator LED

Up to 12 inch range for white object

Can differentiate between dark and light colors.


Proximity Sensor

Obstacle Detector Sensor

Line Follower Sensor

Wall Follower Sensor

For more information on this project you can download project report from this site for free of cost.

Download Project report  of Robotics Obstacle Detection Project.

Corporate Management Recruitment System Project Abstract

Final year students from computer science department and Information department who are interested in developing Human resource management related project then corporate Management Recruitment system will be one of the choice for students. This projects main idea is to bring job information to public without any middle man management systems included in the process or middle management which will help companies as well as job seekers. Corporate-Management-Recruitment-System1

Corporate Management system (CRS) project which relates to HRMS department will maintain entire recruitment service and provide services for job vacancies. This application allows companies to post job vacancies with respect to the subject on which they are looking for employs and job seekers need to log in to their account with given login and password and check job vacancies. This application is developed with a sms feature through which job information is sent to user which are posted by companies if the job is matched to his profile. Job seekers can check there job application status from their account. This project will provide scope for future development.

       This project is a database related project which will  provide easy installation and best front end GUI through which user can easily modify and manage his data. This project will reduce time for every company while considering job recruitment.

Hardware and software specifications  for Corporate Management Recruitment System project          


                Processor              :          Intel P-IV system

                Processor Speed    :         250MHz to 833MHz

                RAM                     :         512MB RAM

                Hard Disk             :          40GB        


            Operating System            :            Windows XP

            Database                          :             Sql Server

            Server side technology    :            ASP.Net

            Server side scripting        :             ASP

            Client side scripting         :             HTML

                  Web-Server                :                IIS

Download Project report  of Corporate Management Recruitment System CSE project.

Upgrading Application Server to Support Available Components CSE Project

Upgrading Application Server to Support Available Components project is for CSE and IT final year students who are looking for a project which will improved application server related project by comparing exiting N tire architecture and implement new application server project which will reduce N -tier architecture to new architecture method using clustering and replication of data at different levels through which applications performance can be increased and flexibility will be increased.Upgrading-Application-Server-to-Support-Available-Components

Presently client-server systems are developed using N-tire architecture. Where each tire performs different functionality like Client applications are developed as a first tire which contain applications like browsers, where as remaining tires are developed on server side like web tire is used for requesting information from client and web server will perform functionality and transfer it to middle tier applications where business logic, computations are implemented. Fourth tire which is database also called as back end tier which will maintain data of the application. In this architecture application are interrelated to each other with in a application server.

Applications developed using N-tier architecture handles lot of data at different tiers so load on application will be large so using replication at each tier can help for better performance that too without any difficulty to user at front end. This project explains about how to cluster and replicate data at middle tire and back end tire (database level).This project doesn’t explain about new replication techniques but explains about how to use replication for better performance. This project concentrates on two replication methods like state replication and computation replication techniques.

For more information on the project and documentation you can download from this site. Download file contains abstract, documentation, pdf research document.

Download Project report  of Upgrading Application Server to Support Available Components CSE project.