Computer science students who are interested in developing website security related project,then Monitoring Project On DDOS attack for popular website project may provide some information for developing a project. The main idea for developing this project is to provide a solution for Distributed denial of service attacks on popular websites.
DDOS attack is a commonly seen threat on web. By using new application layer based DDOS fetching information using HTTP requests to find out victim information are more undetectable.
In certain cases like using flash crowd event can cause serious damage for a popular website.
Considering these DDOS attacks a new concept is developed which is based on document popularity. As we know access matrix is the used to find out the spatial -temporal patterns of a normal flash crowd. A new method in introduced in which multidimensional access matrix is used. A novel anomaly detector based on hidden semi-Markov model is proposed to describe the dynamics of Access Matrix and to detect the attacks. The entropy of document popularity fitting to the model is used to detect the potential application-layer
DDoS attacks. This project will provide numerical information based on website traffic data to show the accuracy of the present system.
DDOS attack for popular website project is implemented in different modules.
Victim server & User Login
Training phase
Data Preparation
Download CSE Online Monitoring Project On DDOS attack for popular website project .