Java Project for Online University Admission

Information Technology final year students who are interested in implementing web application using java as programming language  Online University admission project can help you for gaining knowledge. The main idea for implementing this project is to replace existing admission procedure in educational institutions with a computerized admission system for improving services in universities. Java-Project-for-Online-University-Admission


Online University admission project covers entire admission functionality starting from notifications, exam dates, college fees, and announcements. This project will help colleges to prepare statistical reports on admission activates on daily basis. This procedure can reduce work load on employees and also save lot of time. 

Using this application admissions can be carried out from any were which will be very helpful for students who are far away from the institution this can save money and time for students.

This admission procedure will reduce paper work and admission organization will be easy and in scheduled manner. Using this application will reduce man power. Using this application students can verify there marks and details with other colleges. 


This application will provide different modules where each module has different role and permissions.

Admission notification will be uploaded to this site. Using these site students can apply through online or offline.

Certificate verification is done by interconnection with different education board’s agencies.

Online hall ticket issuing procedure.

Online admission system will save time for students.

Software Requirement Specification for developing Online University Admissions.

Software Requirements:

Operating System              :           Windows XP/2003 or Linux/Solaris

User Interface                :           HTML, CSS

Client-side Scripting         :           JavaScript

Programming Language          :           Java

Web Applications              :           JDBC, JNDI, Servlets, JSP

IDE/Workbench                 :           Eclipse with MyEclipse Plug-in

Database                      :           Access

Server Deployment             :           RetHat JBoss AS

Hardware Requirements:

Processor                     :           Pentium IV

Hard Disk                     :           40GB

RAM                           :           256MB

For more information on this project you can download project report from this site for a free of cost.

Download CSE Online University Admission  Project report .

86 Replies to “Java Project for Online University Admission”

  1. Please send me the source code to run and check the web application

  2. Please send me the source code to run and check the web application to run at ( says:

    Please send me the source code to run and check the web application to run at (

  3. please send me the source code of Java-Project-for-Online-University-Admission to complete my project with html file format in java applet’s……..

  4. please send me all the requirements and codes for online admission system of college,about html as front end,sql as background and java as coding.

  5. please Sir / Mam is provide source code of online university admission in java of my E-mail

  6. Dear sir/mam,
    please send me source code of university admission system. please send it to my mail ID its very urgent.

  7. please send me the source code of Java-Project-for-Online-University-Admission to complete my project with html file format in java applet’s……..

  8. Hi,

    Could you plz send me source code of online university admission project source code asap?
    Thnx in advance.!!

  9. i want the complete source code of the project online university admision project on java plzz send on my mailid

    thanx a lot in advance for viewing my mail in ur priceous time .

  10. hello sir I want the complete source code of the project online university admission project on Java plz plz send me on my mail id
    thank u sir

  11. i mlittle bit confused while connecting accesing database with netbeans .can u plz send me the source code for the project

  12. sir…. please send me the source code. we, a group of 4, are doing a mini project based on this topic

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