NIT Mini Project Report on Instant Messenger

Introduction to Mini Project on Instant Messenger:

Instant messaging means sending the required message quickly from one place to another in a less period of time. This system is very useful for the business persons and other large companies too. The total number of the instant messengers in this I.T world follows the client server architecture. Here a single client is made to install on the single computer and the users communicate with the client server by making the user status as online. Here the user is given a unique identity number by which the user is recognized in each and every time of the client server communication.

The requirements that are necessary here to develop the system are an operating system like Linux or UNIX or a Windows XP operating system. J2SDK 1.4 or a Java Virtual Machine called as the JVM to compile and build up the programs. This system is complete platform Independent device. Java language is used to generate the source code and it must be a .Net Framework supported Language.

JAWT called as the Java Abstraction Windowing Toolkit and some concepts of Swing are used to create the Graphic user interface based system. The modules that the system contains are Login and Logout, Message Sending, Conference ability, capable of changing status, various Themes, Smiley’s supported, Popup flash screen etc…

The swing components that are used here are User List which a window related to the information of user which is similar to the web design like YAHOO. Chat Dialogue which provides the user to chat with the experts and the client servers whenever they need. Conference Dialogue, JWindow, System tray icon, flashing window are some of the other components that are used here.

DaIM is a handily and a complete user friendly system, as the source code language is a Java based so it is a Complete Platform Independent system. The existing system has made a great use of the components of Swings .

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NIT Computer Science Project Report on Instant Information Exchange and Management Assistant

Introduction to Instant Information Exchange and Management Assistant Project:

The existing system targets the goal to provide the instant information to the users whenever needed. This instant information device has the normal activity in joining with the co-operative nature. This helps in transferring the data quickly which are highly used by the office and other people. It is also said as the visual activity that is used to transfer the data as quick as possible.

The part of the instant information is the system analysis which is the detailed study of the multiple actions and their activities which are generated by the system and the types of relationships that are processed outside the system execution.

This system analysis has some of the advantages followed by the dis-advantages. The new developed designed system has little less limitations and more benefits. Problem definitions, Inputs and Outputs, Existing system, proposed system, System requirement, Functional Requirements, are some of the other attributes of the system.

Some of the external requirements that are necessary while developing of the system are Login interface, Work assignment interface, Group creation interface, Work acceptation interface, Chronological and Priority interface. Security issues of the system are used in the attribute like the username and the password.

This is used to prevent it from the unsecured and the unauthorized users. The software requirements that are used in the existing system are the JSDK 1.4.2 as it is the java programming language. Here mostly the java 2 development kit is used to generate the source code. MYSQL is use as the back end to store data in the database.

The existing system is developed as per the designed features and specification and the advantages too. This system can be developed by very easily and which requires less efforts too. This system can be used by any of the organizations and also can be used as privately with a individual.

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NIT Computer Science Project Reports on I.T Infrastructure

IT infrastructure in day today’s generation has proved to be a daily necessity to the humans. So it has constructed a very strong integration related to the Information Technology stream. The databases that are shared are called the organizational databases which are under the complete knowledge and study of the time and the current existence too. The www has provided a great stage of knowledge to the knowledge and the study managements.

Here the uses of the ISO groups are made to store the proper organizational data and information’s. It is also capable of the trace maps which are mostly used in the football matches too.

The existing system is sub divided into two main parts called the first is generating the topic map for the FIFA world cup that took place in the year 2006. And secondly is the represent the map related to the main topic so that all the needed information and other details can be easily available to the end-users. The designing of the system is completely done in the XML format and developed by making the use of the water flow diagrams too. Implementation is done which is divided into two stages like generating the topic map and secondly representing the generated topic map.

The system after the execution resulted that when an every topic map was created the map tested using a tool called as the omnigator tool. The omnigator checks whether all the modules are present and also each and every  integration related to the topic is done or not.

After this it was seen that the system near about helps in fulfilling the entire user queries and doubts too. The existing system was successfully built for the FIFA world cup and it also proved to be a beneficial device to the end users. In the coming future the existing device can be more updated using the XML parser.

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NIT Computer Science Project Report on Info Hiding

Introduction to Info Hiding Project:

Info Hiding is software which is used to hide the unnecessary information from the documents and files. This existing system is developed using the C language which gives the user three basic features or functions like Embed, Retrieve and Test. The user here can any how hide the details from the image file or any bitmap related file or any data type or the text file too.

The text that is completely hidden by the software is permanently done and even the changes and the updates done will never be seen of the original images. Here at any duration of time the file can be made hidden into the bitmap image files.

The basic plan of developing the system is the art and the skills of hiding the files or the text files into the bitmap image files. Here many digital files are brought under process to make the text files hidden from the image files. After the hidden text process the hidden text can never be seen again by the users.

The original image file never gets corrupted while undergoing this hiding text process. Hence not a single damage is caused to the image here. The process used to do this is named as the Steganography which is always need to store the copyright of the detailed and important information files.

Securities to the data are the most important factor here which prevents the data from getting lost. Here there are two types of protection called as the encryption and the decryption. In both the devices the images are run in the binary code and in encryption the data is added to the file and in decryption the data is retrieved from it. Graphical user interface called the GUI is normally used here because the program needs to be complied. 

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NIT Computer Science Project Report on Implementation of Code Optimization

Introduction to Implementation of Code Optimization Project:

The main achievement of the existing system is to generate the target code which seems to be similar to the code which is written by hands. This was not even possible by just making the forward compilation so this device was made to make the target to be achieved and also the time can be reduced and even the space required by it can also be reduced properly. The standard format that is used while developing the software is the SUIF called as the Stanford University Intermediate Format. This compilation is done in the SUIF itself only.

The SUIF has a standard architecture which consists of the Kernel which has two sub layers called the IO kernel and the SUIF kernel, the IO kernel targets the object which is not depended on the other system by making the combinations of the data called as the Meta data.

SUIF kernel defines the standard compiler for the system to run the programs in a proper and the successful way. Modules tell the numbers of department or sectors that are present in the existing system. Each class in this is completely identified by the C++ computing language. Modules are of two types which are immediate representation and the program analysis passing.

Code optimization is the important part in the existing device which is further sub divided into three levels called as the source code, the intermediate code and lastly the target code. This entire three are used to generate an optimism which is always used in the source code.

Here the developers have developed the Constant optimizer device by using the SUIF as the intermediate scheme formats. There are some of the SUIF scheme and SUIF architecture too which the creation or the generation of the CFG called as the Control Flow Graph has done. Here data flow called as the DFA, Data Flow Analysis is use to solve the problems that are created by the CFG and the SUIF. 

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NIT CSE Project Report on Implementing a Temporal Database on Top of Conventional Database

The existing system is a device which is a simple database with some of the additional features. This database stores the data which is completely a time changing. In other words the database stores the time varying information. This also has the collection of the temporal events, recovery data etc… to allocate the features to the normal database a system called as the timestamps are made in addition to it. This database is then used and has the standard name called as the bitemporal databases which means there are two databases that has the capability to work together at the same duration of time.

The designing of the system is made in the Visual Interfaces which support the .Net Framework too. The system in its development has two important parts like the first for the analyzing the information in the database and secondly executing and retrieving the data that is been added to the database.

For the better working of the system there are some operations that were added to the source code lie the Insert operation which inserts the new data into the database whenever a request for the new entry is accepted, Update operation which updates the old present data into the database itself, Delete operation deletes the data from the database that is no longer required, Select operation select the specified data in the database that is commanded by the user.

The existing system develops the common database that completely supports the features of storing the temporary data into the database. Here more the better progress of the system the database management systems most advanced application called the Oracle is used. Oracle has the features that it even grabs the other related relational database and its management applications too which gives an extra advantage to the temporal database system. Other related applications and syntax like the DML and its user generated schema is also used and made a part of the developing system.

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NIT Computer Science Project Report on Implementing a Linux Cluster

The existing system is the device which is lightly combined together computers that even work and process together so while observing it seems to be functioning like a single one computer only. The Linux clusters are the open source software product which is based on the Linux and the GNU operating systems. The system targets the results to be a complete open source always and also contains the scientific discoveries and also can even work faster. It also contains various other things like the Problem definition, system history, large performance of the systems, its technologies etc…

The cluster is basically designed as by following the standard steps like first the whole planning of the design of the cluster is made, secondly the a specific plan is then selected to generate the cluster, third step is the selection of the operating system and the necessary hardware to the system, last step the selection of the suitable software to proper working of the system.

Here each and every step after the development of the system is dependable on one another. While developing it the department of the budget is also observed. The main steps that is observed here while developing is the cluster design and its planning mission.

The operating system mainly used here is the Linux Red hat because it supports most everything related to the system. The standard application used for the cluster design is the OSCAR called as the Open Source Cluster Application Resources.  The hardware used is the Pentium four and a two GB of RAM.

The main achievement of the developed system is to gain the high speed performances related to the computing clusters and the cluster kit like the OSCAR etc… without the OSCAR the message passing of the system will never be completed. There are various other libraries and classes which are also a part of the development of the system.

 Download  NIT Computer Science Project Report on Implementing a Linux Cluster.

Implementation of Multipath Routing In AODV for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks Project Report

Introduction to Implementation of Multipath Routing In AODV for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks Project:

Ad hoc networks are mostly used in the mobile networks for the protocol related to the distance of the vectors. Ad hoc has a standard name called as the On-Demand Distance Vector.  This set of rules gives the confirmation about the independent stages of the path between the system performances.

 Here the protocols are connected with the two simulations which have great scope to the path failures. By this lose which is done by the dis-advantages till about 40% which seems that they are at the great successful stage. Sometime it shows about 30% of the saving power system.

The design of the implementation of multiple path and their routes are firstly the ad hoc on demand routing networks which has the great advantage in the AODV department which also has the complete freedom of the loops and the set of rules that are related to the vector protocols. There is two more sub types related to the routing like route discovery and second the route maintenances. Various other detailed information related to the existing system is written in the references on the internets too…

The main target of the existing system is to calculate the total path of the AODV through various multiple paths and its architecture. The packets that re lost by the networks at the main networks and the average nodes. Secondly the reports of the day to day transactions which contains the content like buffers, new discovery, interfaces, transmissions and the transmissions delays too. So here the nodes are even calculated by classifying the         nodes of the packet rate that are related to the connection issues. This is done mostly by the speed of the 20m/s. hence by studying the graphs the professionals tells that every AODV is better and is connected to the various routes and paths.

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NIT Project Report on Implementation of Multipath Routing In AODV for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks

Introduction to Implementation of Multipath Routing In AODV for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks:

Ad hoc networks are mostly used in the mobile networks for the protocol related to the distance of the vectors. Ad hoc has a standard name called as the On-Demand Distance Vector.  This set of rules gives the confirmation about the independent stages of the path between the system performances.

 Here the protocols are connected with the two simulations which have great scope to the path failures. By this lose which is done by the dis-advantages till about 40% which seems that they are at the great successful stage. Sometime it shows about 30% of the saving power system.

The design of the implementation of multiple path and their routes are firstly the ad hoc on demand routing networks which has the great advantage in the AODV department which also has the complete freedom of the loops and the set of rules that are related to the vector protocols. There is two more sub types related to the routing like route discovery and second the route maintenances. Various other detailed information related to the existing system is written in the references on the internets too…

The main target of the existing system is to calculate the total path of the AODV through various multiple paths and its architecture. The packets that re lost by the networks at the main networks and the average nodes. Secondly the reports of the day to day transactions which contains the content like buffers, new discovery, interfaces, transmissions and the transmissions delays too. So here the nodes are even calculated by classifying the         nodes of the packet rate that are related to the connection issues. This is done mostly by the speed of the 20m/s. hence by studying the graphs the professionals tells that every AODV is better and is connected to the various routes and paths.

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NIT CSE Mini Project Report on Implementation of Digital Watermarking

Introduction to Implementation of Digital Watermarking Project:

In the olden period of time the internet service was not much developed and the internet was only used to share the digital multimedia content only. The work of the internet was only to transfer the shared documents from one place to another. It is also used to share the data like the databases, files, text documents etc… the open media like the internet also requires the security protection with the IP called as the Internet protocol. In the existing system a digital picture and the watermark system has provided a great advantage of the LSB by alternating the previous version of the watermark images.

The Digital watermarking system is providing a great benefit to the human beings. This contains the watermark and its signals which reject the updating of the human and their perceptions. Digital watermarking is being a successful only with the digital regarding images.

These contains even the documents like the video, audio, pictures etc… the digital images like the MPEG-2 and the MPEG-4 there are some types of algorithms which are used for the benefits regarding the progress executing with the system.  

This project is developed on the Windows environment and is supported for only the windows version from Windows 95 to further. The computing language used here is the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.  There are some limitations of the Digital Watermarking like the standard developing scheme is only supportable frequency, Watermark algorithms.

There are also some related properties based on the limitations of the digital watermarking and they are first the classification between the decoded system versions and original system owned by the administrators. Second the classification between decoded system and the inverse signatures.

But sometimes this digital image also has some of the drop down stages. The developer team says that the watermarks are sometime used in the development of the system by following the laws of the courts regarding the law issues. 

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