Robust And Secure Authentication Protocol In Group Oriented Distributed Applications Report

Introduction to Robust And Secure Authentication Protocol In Group Oriented Distributed Applications Project:

In group oriented distributed applications, there is a need for providing security services in order to provide group oriented communication privacy and data integrity.  Group communication data can be encrypted by a common secret key which is known to all group members.  In peer-to-peer network, the communication between group members is susceptible regarding common secret key as there is no previous agreement on the common secret key. So in order to maintain a secure and private communication among group members there is a need to establish distributed group key agreement and authentication protocol.

The protocol used for this dynamic communication group as per this paper is Tree-based Group Diffie-Hellman protocol.  Among rebuild, batch and Queue-batch algorithms, the best interval-based algorithm is Queue-batch algorithm. This algorithm has been proposed to perform rekeying operations and this algorithm has a capability to reduce the communication workload in a huge dynamic environment. Instance messaging technique is proposed to demonstrate the system’s strength. 


To provide the security to the group communications in distributed applications the things need to consider are protocol efficiency and group dynamics. Two-party communications has both starting and ending points but group communication has its own complexity as there is no one end point because members in the group joins and leaves at any time. Dynamic group tends to be small size when compared to that of multicast group so the focus is highly there on dynamic group. 

This group assumes many-to-many communication pattern. Dynamic communication group members are always located in a distributed fashion. The critical things need to be considered for secure group communication are secure, robust and efficient key management which helps to demonstrate the system’s strength.   


This paper discussed about TGDH protocols and tree management. Analysis of queue-batch algorithm based on its performance is also discussed in this paper.  The protocol proposed in this paper is Tree-based Group Diffie-Hellman protocol, which helps to achieve distributive and collaborative key management.  Interval-based rekey operations help to reduce the rekey complexity.

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Parallel Virtual Machine a Computer Project Topic for Engineering Students

Introduction to Parallel Virtual Machine Project:

This paper discussed about Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) which helps to create and access a parallel computing system and treat the resulting system as a single virtual machine. PVM is designed based on parallel programming’s ‘Message passing model’.


Process-based consumption, explicit message passing model, user configured host pool and translucent access to hardware are the principles upon which PVM is developed. The PVM system on a single machine uses pvmd console command and then starts pvmd’s in other machines through a host file. Communication, Process control and user programming interface are few of the PVM components. PVM libraries can initiate and terminate processes, can broadcast messages, can synchronize and can change parallel virtual machine configuration. Programming PVM point-to-point communications takes place in both sending and receiving processes. All of the program executable of PVM are located in PVM architecture specified folder PVM_ARCH. 

So, in the machines where PVM program components need to execute in those machines there is a need to create this architecture specified subdirectory. The steps involved in program execution in PVM are installing and configure PVM, designing the application and preparing for PVM session, compiling application comments, creating PVM host file and $Home file, starting the Master PVM Daemon, executing the application and then at last exit the PVM.

PVM libraries pass the portable message so one of the benefits of PVM is its portability.  PVM is so flexible and easy to install and use. PVM supports scalable parallelism. PVM is a public domain software and available from NETLIB. PVM is bit slower in performance when comparing to that of other message passing systems because of its architecture and implementation. It also has lack of few message passing functionalities.


PVM is a easy message passing system to implement.  At low cost PVM allows users to exploit the existing hardware to resolve larger problems. For parallel processing of data ,  PVM  provides a distributed computing environment upon the existing computers. High computational problems can get solved by PVM very quickly.

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Privacy Preserving Data Mining CSE Project Report

There is happening a great increment in the data that are storing in the databases or various other applications which are bounded by the various technologies that are used in this generation on a large scale. Data processing and the data binding are the some of the types of the simple approach of the privacy sector and its department. In the previous years the mining of the data’s are also compressed to the sectors related to the privacy sectors. PPDM called as the privacy preserving and the data binding are the standard features that are used in the execution of the programs.

The work the responsibility that is related to the existing system is techniques that are targeted to the data and its new update and the construction to the current systems. The comparison of the fuzzy approach, the experimental results and the features of the fuzzy approach are some of the related attributes of the system here.

The total sharing of data from one system to another has become very useful and demand-able in today’s generation and also in the minds of the users and other people’s. This system is not only expressed in the sensitive case but also by the other user and the people related with the privacy and the protection. This system is tested and configured by the Apache server which successfully generates the proper expected results.

In the current work and the study of the existence of the new and the updated version of the system the developers use the FCM algorithm which is used as the parameters to the source codes at the code generation time duration. In the upcoming future this system can be even more extended by the data that are complexly related to the category.

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IIT CSE Project Report on TCP Stream Reassembly and Web Based GUI for Sachet IDS

Introduction to TCP Stream Reassembly and Web Based GUI for Sachet IDS:

Now a days instead of getting into direct interaction online communication has become a demanded in today’s generations. In this days the security and the prevention of data is also that much important too. In the year each and every day the new version of the techniques and the technologies. So this happens to sometimes the corruption of the data and the files and documents too. The security of the data is due to the secured IP address and also the firewall that is placed in the system. The IDS and the IPS system are also used here to protect the system from the viral attacks.

This TCP stream technology is generated for the better use of the Sachet Intrusion system for their preventions which is completely based on the upcoming network of the Intel IXP2400.  This is seriously done by the IP and the IDS which Cleary protects the system. The data that are used to execute the programs regarding the random access memory re about approximate 24mbps. This memory is then added to the network cards with more memory issues. To protect the new brand layer must be added to the construction of the TCP. This TCP carries out the basic steps of the address of the internet protocols and the TCP ports.

Now a great Web design of the system has been developed by the developers. This newly web designer of the system has great new advantages and also new features too. This permits the network by administrating it to the multiple systems instead of the client servers.

The testing the operation and the functions of the system it is used to test it on the apache server which is situation on the same system machine and computer. Currently it has only one single individual category of user which has the different type of the stages of the access and its utility and the functions and the resources and services.

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Cache Compression in the Linux Memory Module NIT Computer Science Project Report

Introduction to Cache Compression in the Linux Memory Module Project:

This cache compression is used by configuration the RAM to catch the pages and the files which surely adds the great brand new version of the existing system. Here each every level of the cache compression attains the huge performance of the random disk memory and the Disk too. Here the current version is verified via the virtual part of the memory. This song has become the great attraction to the human’s eye. The working of the system is completely depended on the speed of the system computer that is based on the total memory of the RAM.

There are various documents and the files which are continuously present in the modules of the memory and its databases and disks. This files and the document where are present in the modeled memory is then compressed and then are permitted for the user to use in the required. 

Here there are some of the nodes which support the operating system like Linux. Linux is capable of generating the high memory for the hardware systems and configurations. Watermarks are the special standard images that are used to display the icon of the existing system here. The detailed information of the system is given in the reference books in detail.

The system is developed on the operating system which is the Linux because it works properly and gives more successful results when it works with the Linux operating system. There are various other zone in which are related to the existing system. The Zone that is related to the DMA is the zone which is the type of memory which has low physical ranges of the memory where compulsorily ISA application or device is required. Zone which is related the normal is the area where the files are internally mapped by the hardware like the kernel and many other substances.

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NIT CSE Project Report for Packet Sniffer Project

Introduction to Packet Sniffer Project:

The current software permits the end user to skip or remove the data or related information from the interfaces of the networks. Here the user has the facility that they can even write the IP address so the data or the packets that they can easily capture the system machine that shares the data or packages. This data will be captured or caught in the device and the user then can easily view the file here. There is also some of the configuration that needs to be done and settings are applied to it. Changing the mode of the Ethernet card, Access to Ethernet card is the few configurations that are done here.

Now starting the Sniff Packets by capturing the images the packets are sub divided into three more types called the Network Numbers and Mask this network number and network mask are stored in the network card. Second is to capture the packet this is done to capture or grab the individual packets only.

Third is the Dumping data which are called the pcap dumper where this application is used to save the name of the file or documents. There are also filters that are connected to the system and there are also some types of the system like the pcap compile and set filter. Pcap compiler uses the compiler () are used to run the operations in the programs. Set filter sets the appropriate related filter to the program while execution.

The first version of the system was selected by the appropriate language by the developers. It was on the C language when the first version was launched in the early year. In the coming future this system can also be developed on JAVA for getting great demand. On depended on the existing system the designers are currently developing it on the Graphic User Interface. 

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Study on Peer-to-Peer Systems CSE Mini Project Report

Introduction to Study on Peer-to-Peer Systems Mini Project:

Peer-to-peer networks are called as the p2p networks in the development generation which was launched by the scientist names napster in the early 1999. This has become a great attractive device in the eyes of the users and also in the department of the networks communities. This gave new birth to the world o0f networking and the technology; from this the WEB 2.0 has become the application for the access of the internet services. From the year 2000 people everywhere in the world started making use of the peer-to-peer technology and later it became the backbone of the networking sectors.

 The various form of the categories like the Conferences papers, Journal articles, Books, and lastly the Technological results. This device has some of the standard search technologies and skills like the IEEE explorer, the Google Search bar, Google scholar, ACM standard digital library, and lastly the indexes that are related to this search department.

This system is the complete unique and a genuine project which has the capability of solving the most amount of the problems issues and the related system queries. This system after the testing of the execution of the device it was resulted that the device gave a successful output that was expected by it. This device also proved to be very useful in the networking communities. It also provides many valuable and important resources and services.

This system has done an introduction to the new department of the networking system. It works similar to the local client servers and does the job of the both clients and the servers. The demands for the peer-to-peer are ever growing in today’s generation and also with the application which are related to the networks. This also helps the user to share the resources and the services that are automatically and successfully stored in the central processing units.

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NIT Mini Project Report on Intrusion Detection System

In today’s generation of system computers rejects to store the long time storage files and normally the target is the files and the documents. These files mainly have the long time stored data and related information which contains the applications, user data, system executable files and also even the databases.

Here the system logs and the popup can also be removed which is based on the user decisions. The issues of security are also to be referred to keep the device and the entire system fully protected. Problem definition, system analyses are some of the related attributes of the system. System analysis like Administration issues, Reporting issues, Database issues, File signature, change signature and performances issues are some of the related issues of the system analysis.

The software that is used to develop the existing system is the C++ language. MHASH library for the mash functions. And the MySQL is used to store the data in the database. There are total three modes of the operation that are followed in the existing system like first in the database the IDS create the basic steps of the databases which contains each entry of the system. This is also used to configure the database of the system.

Second is the checking module which first reads the document and then checks it’s completely. In the third module the baseline of the database is always needed while configuration of the programs. If any updates that are made to database are then notified to the database immediately.

This existing device the Intrusion detection system is used to prevent the files from getting the changes done. The instruction that are detected in the system can be also helpful in detecting the problems that are caused are also detects the updates that are newly made in the system. 

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NIT CSE Project Report on Integration of Heterogeneous Databases In To Xml Format

Introduction to Integration of Heterogeneous Databases In To Xml Format Project:

The systems database and the XML are the applications that are used in storing and saving the required data. Databases are required to store the data and even to retrieve the data. This helps into exchanging the information from one application to another. Here we can also convert the database language into the XML formats. XML tools are also used to configure the databases languages. Data exchanges formats are also used in the XML based query languages too.

CSS sheets are also can be used to create the better and the attractive designing of the web page. Problem definition, Literature survey, Java database connectivity, JDBC-ODBC bridges, Query languages are some of the other components of the existing system. 

The Implementation of the system is done like first the User Implementation which saves the data that is entered by the user in the Graphic user interface forms. Generating the JDBC connection, connecting to the server of the Oracle service, searches the required table, creating the CSS and even the DTD and the XML conversions are the other steps and stages that are used while implementing the system. 

There are various other database applications in the markets, which can be used for the practical experiments which are of different query languages and the various different user interfaces too. To put a break to this issues the developers generated this system which converts the database queries into the XML formats.

Along with the XML format various other formats like the html, PDF, XSL are also used to store the database queries. But the developers prefer to use XML because of the following reasons like it can share the data with the other business computer system also, Micro system are also supported to this formats, allocating the data to the application which are related to the system, all the concept related objects are used by the XML formats only. 

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NIT CSE Project Report on Integration of Heterogeneous Database into XML Format with Translator

Introduction to Integration of Heterogeneous Database into XML Format with Translator Project:

The existing system contains various heterogeneous databases like the MYSQL, SQL SERVER and Oracle .So the main work of the existing system is to convert or integrate the databases into the XML formats. To get this a translator device is been used to convert the database to XML formats. Here the database is queried first and then the queried language is converted to XML. After this process a XML document is generated and stored in the XML file. This device has several benefits too.

The benefits of the existing system are the data is automatically described, the data can be even observed in the standard tool, the various views of the same related data is capable, the data is even manipulated, this XML files are very easily been compressed. Here the natural language is used to make the task easier and more users friendly.

The designing of the system was done like the following ways like Configuration in this stage some basic information related to the graphical user interface where the end user can enter the required values and details too. Syntax Analysis continuously keeps on checking the syntax whether it is fully correct and displays the mistake if any error is caused.

Translation which accepts the inputs the user’s commands and then it is converted into the SQL database language. Here the grammar of the Database Language is strictly verified. Execution of the SQL Query, Conversion to XML format are some of the other related of the attributes of the system.

This system exist their own translators that are related to the databases which help in translating the inputs to the SQL languages. Most potentially Select command is used to create the SQL queries. In the coming future along with the Select command Update command, Create, Delete, Truncate commands are used for more features and benefits.

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