Ajax Browser a Java Project

Ajax browser is developed using java script and java swings which can be used by computer science students as a final year project.This projects main idea is to develop new application which will load web page faster than existing HTML Pages.


The existing browsers use synchronous communication with the server in order to get the requested pages. When the page is refreshed the whole page is loaded again from the server which is time consuming moreover increases the network traffic and server load. Also this refresh operation creates white page outs in the web pages due to which the user cannot interact until the whole page is loaded again. 

  Problem Definition:

 The web browsers should communicate with the server asynchronously i.e., when the user requests for a page, the user should be able to interact with the web page while the browser loads the page from the server.

When the page is refreshed, there should be no white page outs and only some part of the web page is updating dynamically instead of loading the whole page again. Partial updation of a web page reduces network traffic and improves the operationally of the applications as that of desktop applications.

Proposed Solution:

 We propose a new web browser for Ajax approach with asynchronous communication model. Our web browser can improve the operationally that is equivalent to the operationally of desktop applications without revising program codes of the web applications. When the page is refreshed, the browser initially collects the requested page information from the server and constructs trees for current and requested pages. It then compares the trees and the differences are identified. Only those parts of the page where changes occurred are loaded. 


  The application “A web browser for AJAX approach with asynchronous communication” developed by us has made the best possible efforts to satisfy the requirements for a browser. The browser can update partially a web page that is not adopted Ajaxtechnique. Because the browser communicates asynchronously with web servers, the partial update of a web page is possible while user continue to operate the web page.                         

Due to some limitations, we have developed our browser with Ajax approach only for the static pages that is for the HTML pages present in the local system. When a local HTML page is selected by either giving the path in address bar of browser or by selecting through file menu, the file is displayed in the browser. When the Ajax Refresh button is clicked, the page is updated partially by going through all the modules given in the abstract.

Bestows Tree Online Loan Agency System A Java Project With Code

Bestows-Tree-Online-Loan-Agency-SystemBestows Tree project is a banking related project which can create transparency on loan system between customer, loan agency and banks. In present banking system banks are interlinked with a agencies which will look after basic work on loan system. Customers should submit application to agencies to approve any loan from a respective bank. These agencies will verify customer details and if it is fills the needs of a bank they will approve and send it to bank for loan approval..

This application Lending Tree is an online based application through which customers can submit information to agencies for verification. Agencies can update status of the applications through online using features like approved, rejected, and pending. Using this application can reduce time and work for customers as well as agencies. Agencies can check pending files through online and move files to respective branches. By developing this application transparency of system can be improved. 

Through this online application customer can submit loan application to interested banks from the available list. At the same time application is submitted to loan agency who will have three departments-Pick-Up, Verification and Legal. Administrator module will maintain entire application. Initially application is moved to pickup department, agents will be sent to customer for verification on documents. Agent will submit collected documents to verification department by attaching them using online application and here entire customer details are verified and then forward this application with verified status. Legal module will verify submitted details with builders and if the information is genuine application is forwarded to administrator.

The administrator or final approving authority views both types of reports, Viz, the reports from verification department and the report legal department. This will help him to take a decision regarding whether to forward it to the bank or not. The same is communicated to the customer.

Final decision will be taken by administrator who will cross check all the submitted reports of the application and if he is satisfied he will submit application to bank with crosschecked documents. Then application status will be informed to customer.

This entire process is done through this application .User can contact or verify his loan application status on his account.

download paper presentation,Project Report  of  CSE Bestows Tree Online Loan Agency System a Java Project.

M-Tech Seminar Topic on MeeGo

M-Tech-Seminar-Topic-on-MeeGoThis seminar topic is based on MeeGo an open source Linux application which is developed by Intel and Nokia. Main features of these applications are,

  • Meego is implemented on open source software plat form.
  • This application can run under multiple hardware architecture.
  • Standard SDK and API.
  • Flexibility in usage
  • Supports mobile phones, notepads with multi touch feature. 

This seminar topic will provide detailed information on MeeGo architecture, Design, applications development, Mobile background, core software platform features and information on different versions.

 MeeGo is developed using QT tool which uses C++ language with inbuilt qt libraries. QT is integrated with Linux to develop a high quality GUI’s.

download paper presentation,Project Report  of  CSE M-Tech Seminar Topic on MeeGo.

Cryptography and Network Security Seminar Topic

Cryptography-an- Network-Security-Seminar-TopicCryptography and Network Security Seminar Topic is for M.Tech computer science students. This seminar topic explains about secure data transferring between two nodes by encrypting text message at one end with a cipher code and decrypting same message with same code which was used for encrypting.

There is lot of scope for developing a application for implementing encryption algorithm for secure data transfer. This new cryptography application uses classic encryption techniques as mentioned below.Image encryption concept can be seen in Image Security seminar topic.

  1. User  X will encrypt text information and send it to Y through internet.
  2. If we consider Z as a hacker who will try to decrypt text information but lack of crypto text it cannot be possible.
  3. When User Y receives text information he will decrypt using a key that was used while encrypting. 

Requirement for secure conventional encryption.

►   There must be a Secured encryption key.

►   Key used for encryption must be with sender and receiver.


After studying cryptography and security system we come to know that following ways:

Both are using to provide security of particular data.

By using the key that provided by the user can be decoded if some has the particular key of that data.

download paper presentation of  CSE Cryptography and Network Security Seminar Topic.

Seminar Topic on Phishing Mail

Seminar-Topic-On-Phishing-Mails.Phishing is one of the big problems that internet is facing today, so this could be a best topic for giving seminar. Basic definition for phishing is a fraud mail which is used to gather secure information like bank details, credit card information,username and password of a user. Already Google,yahoo and other mails are fighting to solve Phishing problem.  

Now a days every one know about these phishing mails. These mails basically contains information like winning jackpot or winning draw. They will request users details like credit card number,bank account details and more. If user is attracted to that mail and send requested details to that account they will hack your accounts.  There are many cases around the world who had faced these type of problems.

As there is a problem there will be a solution similarly in order to solve phishing problem there are anti-phishing techniques to protect from phishing fraud. Work is going on to implement solution for phishing but available technology cannot stop phishing completely. In present situation there is lot of scope for developing applications which can solve this problem by using existing technology. This seminar will give provide a idea for developing anti-phishing software which can totally eradicate phishing problems. Basic idea of this application is to track suspicious websites on regular basis and monitoring there sites information and generate reports and analyze them.

This anti-phishing application helps to detect and prevent phishing scams, This seminar topic also explains on how to deal with those mails.

download Project Report and paper presentation of  CSE Seminar Topic On Phishing Mails.

Multiple Input and Output Ad-hoc Networks Power Allocation

Multiple-Input-and-Output-Ad-hoc-Networks-Power-Allocation.In AD-HOC Networks finding out missing power nodes while transferring files is complicated. Users need to indentify missing node to transfer file without any interruption. Packet transfer in a network is done through multiple inputs and multiple output communication; in that case it can provide high spectral efficiency.

There is need to analyze each and every node in MIMO in the time of File Transfer. Which is important for reliable file transfer in Ad-Hoc Network?

Bandwidth efficiency or spectral and spectrum efficiency is defined as the rate of information transfer in a communication system.

It is a measure of how efficiently a limited frequency spectrum is utilized by the physical layer protocol, and sometimes by the media access control (the channel access protocol).

Bandwidth efficiency is calculated based on the frequency used in allocated spectrum and the amount that is used by physical layer protocol, and sometimes by the media access control.

Existing System.

  • Existing system is implemented using MUWF and GGP method for increasing performance of the network. These two methods are inefficient to perform this task.

Proposed System.

  • By implementing new Game Theory method can increase power control and performance of the system. Which cannot be possible by MUWF and GGP methods. 

In this Project, experimental and simulated results for different power allocation  methods in an indoor MIMO local area network have been shown. The performance of the GT method was compared to MUWF and GGP methods in terms of capacity and energy efficiency.

Additionally, the probabilistic results show that the GT method outperforms the MUWF approach and approaches the performance of the GGP method (without as much network overhead). These results quantify the benefits, in terms of capacity and energy efficiency, of using greater levels of network knowledge in MIMO ad-hoc network power allocation.

download Project Report,project code and paper presentation of  CSE Multiple Input and Output Ad-hoc Networks Power Allocation.

CSE Final Year Project on Image Security

CSE-Final-Year-Project-on-Image-SecurityThis project Cryptography image security projects main idea is to develop a new algorithm for protecting image, and video security on web. This project is can useful for CSE Final year students who are interested in developing online security related projects.

As the usage of online network is increasing in our daily life content morphing is growing rapidly among them image and video sharing is one of the important concerns, security had became a big challenging task for developers. Developing this application can provide security for image and video on web.

Networks and wireless or mobile public channels. Image security is a major challenge in storage and transmission applications. For example, video surveillance systems for homeland security purposes are used to monitor many strategic places such as public transportation, commercial and financial centers. Large amounts of videos and images with private information are generated, transmitted, or restored every day. In addition, medical images with a patient’s records may be shared among the doctors in different branches of a health service organization over networks for different clinical purposes.

Image and video transitions are commonly seen in network and wireless mobile channels. There are many fields like homeland security, Education, finance, Healthcare where data is more important, But in this fields private information in the form of images and videos have no security so there is plenty of chances of misusing this information. In the same way there are many fields where private information in the form of images and videos are generated and stored in to database. Because of this issue fashion, designing industry is losing lot of revenue every year.

Government and business individuals are looking to protect their private image and video data. This application will provide solution for this problem by implementing a new concept called image encryption. Using this method each image and video will be encrypted in to a different format. With this feature image and videos can get life time protection.

download Project Report and paper presentation of  CSE Final Year Project on Image Security.

Embedded Systems and Information Appliances

Embedded-Systems-And-Information-Appliances.Embedded systems mainly works with the integration of hardware,software programming,integrated circuits and few mechanical parts. 

In order to implement embedded systems project programming language plays a important role,Initially students should select best high level programming language for the project and develop coding and then code is compiled in to a executable code which will be in machine language. Then it is written in to eprom’s (ROM) which is called as “microkernel”.Microprocessor uses its memory based on the bit size for 8-bit it takes less memory where as for 16 bit it takes more memory. For a simple micro controller projects there will be no priorities and operating systems  implemented . But when implementing higher level projects like 32-bit or 64-bit ,where decision making is important there should be at least a tiny operating system running to make decisions which is called as RTOS.Message Scrolling On Lcd Using Arm Controller project is a sample embedded system project for understanding micro controllers and micro processors.

Microprocessor is part of embedded system which is included as a part of system in a large system. We can consider computer as a basic example.

Embedded Hardware

Embedded system is a combination of micro controller and microprocessor which is base for any large systems. As embedded system will handle entire processing information by using inbuilt programming language. Programs that are installed in system are stored in ROM/RAM, Embedded systems will provide external linking to different external interfaces using a serial and parallel port linking. I/O operations for this hardware’s are performed by system.

download Project Report On CSE Embedded Systems And Information Appliances.

Android Operating System a C++ Project

Android operating system project is a final year computer science project which is one of the best option for students to implement it as a final year project. As we know Google had entered in to mobile market with android, developing search for mobile operating system will be a challenging for students.This project is developed in C++ language.


Android operating system is developed based on Linux kernel. Java is used as a programming language for developing this software. Android will provide easy compiling using ARM native code although software is implemented  in any language. Google along with Open Handset Alliance had developed android system.Mobile search is implemented using C++ language.


By this project, a unique  search engine was presented for effective searching Of information through mobile interface. The engine adopts three methods for retrieval: two autonomous and one combination.

The ontology-based method makes use of the semantic mark-up metadata accompanying each collection where an illustrative user interface is used for graphical query formulation. The content-based method makes use of the low-level visual characteristics of the multimedia material while the hybrid method, which is the main contribution of this work, makes a combined use of the previous two methods for offering a more complete result set to the  user.

Easy access and portability of the system also helps to increase the performance of the system in a better manner.

Future work includes the extension of the hybrid search engine and the integration of additional cultural content. Finally we are investigating the addition of a semantic recommendation engine to be able to make additional query suggestions to the user in an automatic manner

Future Enhancements

Open handset Alliance is confident in reaching there goal by making android a top brand in market by implementing new features in to android phones. Present there are many users who are developing android apps for fill the gap. Intel in collaboration with Google to implement android notebook. So with these collaborations developing apps like search engine for android phone will be a good sign.

With the help of Fujitsu android is moving step forward by implementing android on embedded hardware, with this collaboration Google can move forward in to markets like GPS devices,Cellphones,Mobile internet devices and media players,notebooks and set top boxes.

Corporate Recruitment System a ASP.Net Project With Code

Corporate Recruitment system is implemented using ASP.Net for server side scripting and HTML is used for client side scripting. This project is related to computer science final year students. You can find download this project, which include.



This project code contains 

  • home.aspx
  • JobSearch.aspx
  • Logout.aspx
  • JobProvider project files
  • JobSeeker project files
These files can be useful for running this application on your system.


Documentation is important for any project mainly for final year students.Here you can download entire documentation of the project which includes System Analysis,Feasibility Study,Software Design,Database Design,Input and Output Screens,Testing.


Paper presentation.

Paper presentation is important for students to show there project overview in a short time. Here you can download paper presentation about this project.


About CRS ASP.Net Project.

CRS Projects main idea is to develop a application which will be useful for Human Resource Personals for recruiting new employees for any organization.This application includes new features which will reduce work in recruitment field.

Initially this project is concentrated to implement Human resource management system which will help in filling job vacancies through a online system. This project also provides future scope for implementing broader services in a long period of time.

Users and organizations will register with the application for using HR services. Organizations will provide job opportunities information on the site users can search for there interested jobs and they can also submit application form through online which will be visible to organizations. This application will act as a mediator between job seeker and job provider. 

 In other words, enables the employer to treat candidates like customers. 


Corporate Recruitment System (CRS) has all the features and functions required for executing a successful recruitment task, providing exceptional case of use for recruitment. 

The Following are the overview of the features and benefits of CRS.

  1. Database software installed and pre-configures for the immediate use of the system effectively and efficiently.
  2. Pre-configured and ready to run Jobs database with management module for adding and deleting efficiently.
  3. Database to store the candidate’s details securely.
  4. Customizable authentication to control access to database files using assigned user login and password control.
  5. Provides information to the managers so that they can make judgment about particular situations.
  6. Reductions in the cost of hiring – there will be between 50-60 percent decrease in the cost of hiring.
  7. Reduces the time required to complete the recruitment process of any organization.