The project “Online Employee Transfer Application system” is designed using Visual Studio .NET framework version 2.0. The coding language used is C#.Net
Objective of the project:
The aim of this Project is to perform the following operations:
Managing all the details of the employees. The details will include the name of the employee, no of the employee, designation of the employee, current location of the employee and etc.
It is useful to the employee’s as well as higher administrator.
Providing updates of vacancy positions.
Administrator can always watch the transfer application details.
It is user friendly interface to the employee and higher administrator.
Easy to search:Search becomes easy based on the input provided.
It requires less time: When a employee is searching for a vacancy position and apply for transfer in a manual process it takes much time, but when compared to our proposed system it takes less time because it gives the output based on the input i.e., searching for vacancy positions.
Previous methods:
In the existing system there is no online application for transfer requests, the employee should write a letter and send it to the Higher Management. The entire transfer request system is manual.
For example if we take education department, the power to transfer teaching staff was very difficult in the hands of the director. This concentration of power had been leading to procedural delays most applications sent through the Principals and the Deputy Directors through proper Channel never reached their destination.
This problem was more severe by the high number of applications coming for being processed. Such a large number of requests for transfer by the teachers were not only becoming difficult but taking a long time through manual means. There were rising complaints about delays, centralization of power and oversight or extreme pain faced by the applicants.
Project approach and motivation of the project:
We proposed new system where the entire system is made available online and evaluates transfer requests automatically.
The proposed system display the vacant positions and their details(area, eligibility, post, and other information if any…)and allow the employees to submit their request along with required data for the vacant post through online. After receiving the requests the system will evaluate the request based on specific criteria set by the administration. This software saves a lot of time and reduces work process.
This Web Template for Customer Relationship (CRM) project improves the company-customer relationship by giving a lot of information about the products and also updating the current information about the products so that the customers can get updated information.
Project Description:
Web Template for Customer Relationship (CRM) is a web portal which is developed for a company to maintain their relationship with the customers and improve their goodwill. Company can improve their business by considering customers feedback which they receive through mail or directly in person. Customer can book their product in web portal in their busy schedule and buy in shop when they are free; this helps the customers to get their product in today’s market demand.
Now a days purchasing taking a lots of time. It is a difficult task for the people in their busy lives, also company administration people faces the difficulties of seeing the day-to-day sales report of employees. So as to overcome these difficulties CRM is developed.
The customer has an option of checking all the products available in the company; this helps the customer to choose the product they prefer. In case of any queries and operating the web portal they can mail to the e-mail id provided in the site and they will get the reply from the administration side as soon as possible also they send the feedback to the administration of the company this helps in the development of company.
Registration Module
Admin Module
Product Module
Staff Module.
Mailing Module.
Registration Module:
In the registration module users need to register with our site if they wish to purchase any thing or if they wish to order the items online. The registration module consists of some essential details in which the users need to enter only valid values. Because this will be the basis for communicating with the customer in future. Some of the important validation controls are: Required field validations, Regular expression, Custom Validation, Range Validation, Compare Validation, Validation summary, but in this project I have implemented Required field validations, Regular expression in our Registration Module form
Product Module:
In this module a customer can view all the products in the shop by choosing the Product ID; this helps the customer to know about the product features before purchasing the product. They can view all the products that are current in the market and can have a better idea about the product they wish.
Admin Module:
In this module admin has separate login to enter into website, admin can create a login for employee, also view the Employee details, employee daily status, customer those who register product through online, customer those who purchase product directly in the shop. Some of the important validation controls are: Required field validations, Regular expression, Custom Validation, Range Validation, Compare Validation, Validation summary, but in this project I have implemented Required field validations, Regular expression in our Registration Module form
Staff Module:
In this module staff has separate login to enter into website, staff are restricted to visit the admin module. Staff can register their daily sales details and details of the customer those who purchase directly in the shop. Some of the important validation controls are: Required field validations, Regular expression, Custom Validation, Range Validation, Compare Validation, Validation summary, but in this project I have implemented Required field validations, Regular expression in our Registration Module form
Mailing Module
In the mailing module we provide an option for all the registered and also the unregistered users an option to write to us regarding their doubts and also their feedback regarding our sites which helps in the development of our site in future. This option also provides a Good Web Template for Customer Relationship with our site.
This option is common to all users because before registering with our site they can very will clear our doubts through mails or phone calls and then they can become a very comfortable user of our site. Some of the important validation controls are: Required field validations, Regular expression, Custom Validation, Range Validation, Compare Validation, Validation summary, but in this project I have implemented Required field validations, Regular expression in our Registration Module form
Existing System:
Any Company’s ultimate aim is to improve their products quality plus growth in the market. To do this, the company should possess goodwill of their customers and also good communication with the workers. Maintaining records for the purchasing activity of customers, staff details, and staff daily sales report is too hard and manual and prone to errors.
Even when we develop software that will be available only in a stand alone system so the management people can’t view their day to day revenue if they were in out station .These are the main disadvantages we face in the existing System. We propose a solution to this problem which leads to the development of “Web Template for Customer Relationship” (CRM).
Proposed System:
Web Template for Customer Relationship (CRM), having a lot of attracting features and it draws the attentions of many big companies because of its elegant features. This is brings an easy way of communication with customers and workers and also helps the customers to view the products online and purchase in a shop. The company would directly get the feedback right from the customers and can thus maintain an excellent status amidst customers. It also have a easy to watch workers sales report.
Customers can visit the website for viewing product and their features, after which they can choose their product and can come to the shop for purchasing or can book their products online in case of emergency. This reduces the traveling conveyances and even save the valuable time of the customers. Through this proposed system company can gain profit and good relationship among customers which serves as the valuable assets of the companies.
Thus by using the proposed system we have the following advantages.
Very fast and accurate
No need of any extra manual effort
No fever of data loss
Doesn’t require any hardware device
Just need a little knowledge to operate the system.
University allots Examination centers (As per Candidate’s preferences of examination centre provided in the Application Form) and Seat numbers to the Candidates and generates admit cards informing the seat number, centre and date and time. University publishes the Information of the Hall Tickets & Examination centers allotted on the admission website. The Candidate can print his/her Admit Card by visiting admission website.
University publishes the CET result on admission web site on the stipulated date.
University generates merit list with Combined Score (Academic score + CET score) for admission quota and publishes it on the admission website as well as provides facility to the Candidate to print his/her Scorecard.
As per the data of number of seats available in the college the combined merit (Academic score + CET score) of the candidate, and the preferences given by the candidates in the Option form University allocates seats to the candidates and publishes the college wise candidates list on the admission website.
The Candidate can print his/her provisional Admission Letter by visiting admission website. System administrator adds different colleges with their Admission seat capacity,
also Exam centers list with its capacity along with its unique Id should be maintained.
Features of the system :
Candidate can make enquiry about the CET.
Candidate can apply online for CET.
Candidate can give online CET Exam.
Results will be put on the website.
After getting results, Candidate can apply online for Admission.
The total Project can be divided into different sub-systems as follows :
Application Stage
Pre-CET Stage (Admit Cards)
Online Exam(OES)
Post-CET Stage (Score Cards)
Post-CET Stage (Option Form Filling)
Admission Process
General set-up system
Ajax Functionality Used In Project:
In the Online CET Project, We used Calendar Control with Ajax Functionality in it.
When you forgot your password then there is one Forgot password Page in that page Selected Question
Brings City name into the City DropDownList, whenever user selects the particular State name from the State DropDownList.
C- Sharp is used as Front-End Tool. C- Sharp is a general user Interface Programming Language. Programming in C- Sharp is much simple and understandable compared to other programming languages. Even if some error in software remains uncovered, other S/W Professionals can easily handle errors.
MS-SQL is used as Back-End Tool.
Microsoft Word :-
Word is used for basic purpose of writing Help Files because it offers great new ways to polish the formatting in document.
Windows XP :-
Windows XP is more convenient and easier to use. All the tools mentioned above works better under Windows compared to other platform.
Following forms have been validated, through ASP.NET validation controls in each & every fields.
Confirmation Form
Forgot Password Form
Change Password Form
Admission Form
Hall Ticket Form
Show Detail Form
Show Detail1 Form
Login Form
Signup Form
Status Form
This table is used to store candidate personal information, qualification and DD Details.
Primary Key: Candidate_ID
This will be the Id of the candidate & the primary key of the table.
First name of the candidate.
Middle name of the candidate.
Last name of the candidate.
Address1 of the candidate.
Address2 of the candidate.
Address3 of the candidate.
Sex of the candidate.
City of the candidate.
State of the candidate.
Pincode of the city.
Country of the candidate.
Nationality of the candidate.
Birthdate of the candidate.
Age of the candidate.
STD code of the Candidate’s Phone no.
Phone number of the Candidate
Mobile number of the Candidate
Email id of the candidate.
SSC percentage of the candidate.
SSC passing year of the candidate.
Education board from where the candidate passed SSC.
HSC percentage of the candidate.
HSC passing year of the candidate.
Education board from where the candidate passed HSC.
Graduation Degree of Candidate.
Graduation percentage of the candidate.
Graduation passing year of the candidate.
University from where the candidate completed Graduation.
Examination Centre1 of choice for the candidate.
Examination Centre2 of choice for the candidate.
Examination Centre3 of choice for the candidate.
Demand Draft number issued to the candidate.
MICR_Code of the DD issued to the Candidate.
Date of the issued DD.
It shows the status, whether DD is received or not.
Amount of the DD paid by the candidate.
Bank name which draw the DD.
Branch code of the drawee bank.
Batch year for which the candidate is applying.
Hall Ticket no. of candidate will be stored.
Seat no. of the candidate will be stored.
Exam center Id will be stored.
This table is used to store details of the entire examination center.
Primary Key: College_ID
Foreign Key: Center_ID
Field Name
Data Type
This Column is used to store CenterID which works as a Foreign Key.
This Column is used to store CollegeID which is Unique.
This Column is used to store Center Name.
This Column is used to store Address.
This Column is used to store Address.
This Column is used to store State.
This Column is used to store State’s Pincode No.
This table is used to store all the graduation’s degree name.
Primary Key: Graduation_ID
Field Name
Data Type
This Column is used to store GraduationID which is Unique.
This Column is used to store Graduation Name.
This table is used to store Bank name for DD Details.
Primary Key: – Bank_ID
Field Name
Data Type
This Column is used to store BankID which is Unique.
This Column is used to store Bank Name.
This table is used to store courses offered by the colleges.
Primary Key: – Course_ID
Field Name
Data Type
This Column is used to store CourseID which is Unique.
This Column is used to store Course Name.
This table is used to store states.
Primary Key: – State_ID
It is used to store State Id.
It is used to store State Name.
This table is used to all the examination center of any city.
Primary Key: – ExamCenter_ID
Foreign Key: – ExamCity_Id
It is used to store city Id.
It is used to store Exam Center Id.
It is used to store Exam Center Name.
It is used to store Exam Address.
It is used to Phone No.
This table is used to store Login related information. Candidate ID will be used as user name.
Foreign Key: – Candidate_ID
This Column is used to store UserID of the user which is Unique.
Password will be stored in the Encrypted Form.
Security question will be stored.
Security Answer will be stored.
Type of the user will be stored whether He is administrator or User.
This table is used to store all the exams which are available in this system.
Primary Key: – Exam_ID
This Column is used to store ExamID of the Exam which is Unique.
This Column is used to store Exam Name.
This Column is used to store total no. of question related with the exam.
This column will be having value of allotted time for the exam.
It shows the total marks of the examination.
Question that will appear in the exam. Question will be selected randomly from the question paper Entity.
This table is used to store information about the various exams given by the user, status of the exam (whether user has completed it or not) and his marks.
Foreign Key: – Candidate_ID and Exam_ID
This Column is used to store UserID of the user which works as a Foreign Key.
This Column works as a Foreign Key and used to store the exams given by the user.
This column shows that whether user has completed the exam or not. If It is set to 1 that means exam is completed by user.
Marks Scored by the user.
This table is used to all the city of examination center.
Primary Key: – City_ID
Foreign Key: – State_Id
It is used to store city Id.
It is used to store city Name.
It is used to store State Id.
Following forms have been validated, through ASP.NET validation controls in each & every fields.
Login Form
Admit Center Form
Candidate DD Form
Candidate Result Form
Bank Form
City Form
State Form
College Form
Course Form
Exam Center Form
Graduation Form
Hall Ticket Form
Candidate Information
NOTE : More information about validation you can find in TEST CASES sheet.
This site is used to provide the information to all the people who love to travel and wants to explore the beauties of the nature and wants to see the manmade monuments. Being armed with the right information about the places to visit, the facilities over the places and the way to reach to that place.
The main aim of this system is to bridging the gap between the people from all over the world who wants to visit one of the India’s most popular hill station uttranchal and the agents providing the facilities and the hotels available over the tourist’s places.
As internet now a days become the media, which is most commonly used by the person, so in this direction we have plane to facilitate the travelers, the agents, hotels and the guides to interact at the common place.
It is a forum where viewer, travel agents and manager of hotel can exchange information, quickly, effectively and inexpensively. At our site you can register hotels, search for a tourist place. It is a one stop where you get information about tourist place, travel agents, hotels and other things.
It can provide detail knowledge for tourism in a specialized manner and also provide a information in following manner like area wise, agent wise, hotel wise etc.
By using our website user can introduce the wastage of fairs in finding each and every station it provide centralized information of tourism places as well as provide strategically planning for travel.
To provide the information to travelers in searching for the information about the destination. We can access any type of information any time any way. At our site you can advertise for hotels, register the travel agents, visit sub places of tourist places and can get the information about relatively guides.
To provide the details of all tourist places.
Provide the tips for travelers.
Providing the helps to hoteliers, agents and guides for registering on the site for the visitors to view them.
To provide links for various travels and tourism sites.
Act as a resource useful for all the persons involved in the process of tour and travels.
This project focus on exploring the functioning of “TOUR AND TRAVELS” site means exploring the information regarding the tourist places on internet and provide facilities to reach these places .This project contain the information about the distance, fares, places for visits and facilitate provided over there .
The user group of this project is –
1. Administration department
2. Visitors section
3. Registration section.
4. Guide lines for travelers.
Different users may access different sections and information as per there requirement and under the area of their authentication.
This project is based on “WEB APPLICATION” by means of internet and is based on .NET platform as Front end tool (C#, ASP.NET) and a back End (MS-SQL SERVER).
This project peeps deep in to the activities and functioning of the TOUR AND TRAVELS site .This project tries to make the process of information gathering on various tourist places quiet easily and interactively. Every visitor, hotel’s owner, travel agents, guides will feel quiet easy in accessing information and getting answers of their queries.
TABLE NAME: Registration Table
DESCRIPTION:It will contain the detail of login admin.
Registration No
Booking Date
Special Package
Number of Days
Number of People
Phone Number
Total Expenditure
The project has been able to achieve most of its objectives and features within the estimated schedules and quality features. We have to say that for sure that the project was really tough to put our skills to the worst possible test and it gives us immense satisfaction that we have come through successful. It helps us to develop a system, which is helpful in saving the time of a user.
We have implemented Real Time Application projects in using C# and SQL server 2005 and 2008. Mainly these applications works like Web applications and Windows applications (Desktop applications). Academic Students can easily download and execute these projects on their system using guidelines and how to execute video file provided by us.
Students or users can send us their innovative ideas/requirements to implement in the real time manner.
Services we provide:
.Net Application project training (Offline and online).
Development of real time projects
.Net Application Projects
A new color filter array system for image acquisition
A secured image watermarking system for image ownership
A secured key based secret data sharing system in steganography
A user-oriented image retrieval system
Advanced patient management system
Alert based monitoring of stock trading systems
An efficient color image compression using wavelet based technique
An efficient human facial expression recognition system
Application layer blocker for preventing on cyber security
Autonomous network reconfiguration system in WMM
Biometric authentication using eye tracking and finger print authentication
Bug tracking system
Human expertise search engine
Human motion tracking using live web camera
Information leak detection and prevention
Online art gallery
Online budget analysis system
Air port authority of India
Scar global life insurance
Pharmacy management system
Travel desk management
Social ethical aspect of data mining
Multipurpose national RFID
Organization work tracking analysis system
Infrastructure management system
Fuzzy data mining
Expo management system
Digital right management
Citizen management system
Agriculture system
Interpretative key management
Fivatech feature extraction
Yard management system
Sulekha classifieds website management system
Spam filtering using mobile application
Numerous remote system manager
Web enabled estate mgmt system
Human expertise search engine
Online employees communication system
Predicting missing items in shopping carts
Human facial expression recognition
Remote networking service group
Online road transport authority
Online warehouse management system
Online vehicle services
Courier service management system
Web based library management system
Integrated project management and controlling system
Web based hospital management system
Web based cargo manager
Alert based monitoring of stock trading systems
Online visa processing
Spare parts management system
Online e-learning
Gas-agency management system
E-community management system
Bug Tracking system
Premium customer information management
Defect tracking system
Corporate recruitment system(CRS)
Distributed products automation
Online survey manager
TCPIP based process monitoring
Access control system
Enterprise resource information systems
Mining information system
Online trading system
Textile management system
Repository and search engine of a college
Toll gate management system
Voting Software
Warehouse management system
Work flow management system
Steganography In Audio Files
Image Compression and De-compression
Marine Operations And Management System
Multi-Lingual Website
Citizen Card System
Voyage Management
Medical Image Compression
Online Crime file Management
Contract Labor Management System
Data Leakage Detection
Load Shedding In Mobile Systems With Mobiqual
Publishing Search Logs
Issue Tracker
Light-Weight Multi-Document Summarization Based On Two-Pass Re Ranking
Mindtech Bug And Component Systems
Web Enabled Automated Manufacturing System
Enterprise Fleet Management Syste
Effective Audio Video Transfer Using Real Time Protocol
Extended XML Tree Pattern Matching
Multihoming Route Control
VAS for Hand Held Device
Personal Authentication Based On Iris Recognition
Intranet Mailing System
Mobile i Broker
Mobiminder: Location Based Reminder on Mobiles
Mobile Electronic Program Guide
RITAS: Services For Randomized Intrusion Tolerance
Resilient Online Coverage For Surveillance Applications
Improving Utilization Of Infrastructure Clouds
Stealthy Attacks In Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
MultiAuctioneer Progressive Auction For Dynamic Spectrum Access
Continuous Monitoring Of Distance-Based Range Queries
Natural Image Segmentation Based On Tree Equipartition
Card Management System
Company Information Tracking System
Credit Card Management System
E -Crime File Management System
Company Security Reporting System
Data Delivery Properties of Human Contact Networks
Design and Performance Analysis of Mobility Management
Dynamic Conflict-Free Transmission Scheduling for Sensor Network Queries
Efficient Location Training Protocols for Heterogeneous Sensor and Actor Networks
Enabling Public Verifiability and Data Dynamics For Storage Security in Cloud Computing
Ensuring Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing
Fast Detection Of Mobile Replica Node Attacks
Implementation and Validating Environmental and Health
Inter Bank Fund Transfer in Distributed Network
A Fault-Tolerant Token Based Atomic Broadcast Algorithm
Real-Time Detection Of Clone Attacks
Mobility Management Approaches for Mobile IP Networks
Modeling and Detection of Camouflaging Worm
Multiple Routing Configurations for Fast IP Network Recovery
Noise Reduction By Fuzzy Image Filtering
Nymble: Blocking Misbehaving Users in Anonymizing Networks
Optimal Jamming Attacks and Network Defense Policies in Wireless Sensor Network
Ranking Spatial Data by Quality Preferences
Remote PC Administration Using J2ME
Script Identification Through Temporal Sequence Of The Strokes
SPAF: Stateless FSA-based Packet Filters
Staying Connected in a Mobile Healthcare System
Twitter Client For Android Based Smart Phone
Virtual Router Using Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector
IT Project and Process Management
Minimum Bandwidth Reservations For Periodic Streams In Wireless Real Time Systems
Mobile Sampling of Sensor Field Data
Effectiveness of Monitoring for Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Online Real Estate Property Management
Online Recruitment System
Online Rental House Web Portal
Optimal Channel Access Management with QoS Support for Cognitive Vehicular Networks
Automation Of Analysis And Development Management
Secret Key Establishment Using Temporally and Spatially Correlated Wireless Channel Coefficient
SMS Based Mobile Banking with Security
Adaptive Location-Oriented Content Delivery In Delay-Sensitive Pervasive Applications
Control Theoretic Approach to Distributed Optimal Configuration of 802.11 WLANs
Autonomous Deployment Of Heterogeneous Mobile Sensors
Cooperative Clustering Protocol For Energy Saving Of Mobile Devices
Mobility Management Schemes Based On Pointer Forwarding For Wireless Mesh Networks
Effective Scheduling In Infrastructure-Based Cognitive Radio Networks
Cross-Layer Optimization For Multimedia Transport Over Multicode CDMA Networks
Efficient Location Training Protocols For Heterogeneous Sensor And Actor Networks
Dynamic Time Slot Partitioning For Multimedia Transmission In Two-Hop Cellular Networks
Inventory Maintenance of Wedding card Organization:
The System is undertaken for the development of electronic maintenance of inventory of the organization who works as wholesale merchandise of wedding and varied types of cards.
The information related to enterprise such as transportation details, sales details, purchase details, dealers details, are maintained manually on paperwork. It becomes overhead for the entrepreneur of organization to maintain this entire task manually and to generate report & analysis of any activity on demand.
So the demand for electronically maintaining this all task under single head had gave rise to the development of this system.
The process of organizational workflow goes in following way:-
Transportation Company provides the goods to the proprietor of the organization, sent by the manufacturers.
The organization keeps details of transportation.
The parcels are kept in the go down where the details of inward goods are maintained.
The details of inward goods are maintained by organization from the bill (invoice) from dealers/manufacturers.
The single invoice contains details for more than one item.
The organization after recording the details of inward invoice assigns a unique identification to each card/ product and also the sale price.
The organization sale this goods on retail and wholesale basis to their customers.
Customers of this organization are printing press firms and common people as it is wedding card organization.
Additionally the organization also maintains the current stock of organization by deducting sold stock from purchase stock.
Organization also maintains personal details of dealers and customers for their reference purpose.
As the system maintains the inventory of a commercial organization of sole proprietorship, its bound is up to the entrepreneur of the firm. The owner of the business maintains all the task of maintaining details about transportation, purchase, sales, stock and personal information of dealers and customer as well.
We can extend this system by portioning stock into two parts. I.e. stock on shop and stock in go down. And e-mail will automatically send to customer s about their purchases and dealers about the confirmation of receiving goods successfully.
The system should be able to maintain the personal information of dealer which includes :
Dealer name, firm name, address, city, state, contact no, e-mail ID (if any), category, and tin no
The system should be able to store the details of purchase which includes:
The system should also be able to store the details of sales done by organization. The details include:
Customer name, date, product name, qty, price.
The system should also be able to maintain the stock of the organization by manipulating purchase and sales details.
Owner should be able to assign unique no to the product and sales price.
Owner must also be facilitate to store the transportation details which includes:
Receipt no, Dealer firm, transportation name, date, no of parcels, transportation cost.
The entrepreneur must also be facilitate to make the post payment to the dealers and should be able to maintain details of it like dealer name, amt paid, date of payment, mode of payment, payment details.
Owner must be able to store personal details of customers. Which include:
Name, address, city, state, contact no, email ID (if any), tin no (if he is wholesale customer).
And last but never the least, the owner must be able to edit and delete the existing details. This includes:
Transportation details.
Personal details of dealers as well as customers.
Purchase information (If any, due to wrong entry of data.)
Sales information (If any, due to wrong entry of data.)
Details of product (unique on and sale price).
Output Screens Below:
Login Section
Validation Page
Add Transportation Details
View-Edit Transportation Details:
Add Dealers details
View-edit Dealer
Add Purchase Details
Add more purchase details
View Purchase Details
Assign list of numbers to be assigned
Assign Numbers and sale price
View Assigned Numbers
Add New Customer
View Customer details
Generate Sales Invoice
View Sales Details
View Total Stock
View Sold Stock
Current Stock
Do Payment to Dealer
Transportation Details Source Code below:
Transportation Details.aspx.cs
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
public partial class TransportDetails : System.Web.UI.Page
//string dlrid;
public string name;
public string id;
public void clear()
txtrrno.Text = "";
txttransname.Text = "";
txttransdate.Text = "";
txtnop.Text = "";
txttranscost.Text = "";
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
name = Session["name"].ToString();
id = Session["id"].ToString();
TextBox1.Text = "Welcome," + name;
Dealers dls = new Dealers();
DataSet ds = dls.getDealerNames(ddldlrfirm.SelectedItem.Text);
string dlrid = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString();
Transport trans = new Transport();
Team crew management is similar to job portal management system developed in and sql server/ms access database.
There are two types of users.
Normal users who can apply for teams and company admin who can create teams and recruit members.
Users can register and login in the system. They can create and edit their profiles.
Company admin can create team and recruit members.
User can view teams and apply for teams.
Company can search for users and users can search for various companies.
Module Description:
Registration :
This Page is used when user first time wants to use the system.user has to first register in to the system and then he/she can use the this case, user has to provide his/her details like user name,first name,last name and password that user wants to use while using the system. Both company and normal user have to register to use the system
Login :
This Page is used when user has registered into the system and wants to use the system.
In this case, user has to provide valid user name and password .after providing valid user name and password,system allows user to use the system.
Create Profile :
Both company admin and user need to create their profiles after they login. User can view company’s details and apply for teams. Company can view user’s details and approve him for team.
Create Team:
Company admin create teams as per requirement. Details for team are provided. Number of members for team is also specified.
Apply For Team :
User can view various company and teams available. User can apply for any team if it has a vacancy.
User can search various companies,Teams and other user to get information
Data Dictionary
Company Login
User Login
Team Details
User Request
Output Screens:
User Homepage
Company Homepage
Add New Team
Apply For Team
Edit Team
View User Details
View Company Details
View Team Details
View Request Status
Search Company
Search User
Change Password
Company Usage History
User History
View User Request for Team
using System;
using System.Web.Administration;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;</code>
namespace TeamCrewManagment
public partial class getuserReq : System.Web.UI.Page
string sql = null;
string constr = "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=\\Team.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True";
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
sql = "select * from userreq where status like(‘Pending’)";
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con);
SqlDataReader dr = null;
string leader = null;
int memno = 0;
int cnt=0;
public void inc()
string qury = "select count(teamid) from teammem where teamid=’"+lblteamid.Text+"’";
sql = "select teammember from team where teamid=’" + lblteamid.Text + "’";
SqlConnection ssc = new SqlConnection(constr);
SqlCommand sscmd = new SqlCommand(sql, ssc);
SqlDataAdapter ssda = new SqlDataAdapter(sscmd);
DataSet ssds = new DataSet();
memno = int.Parse(ssds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString());
sscmd = new SqlCommand(qury, ssc);
ssda = new SqlDataAdapter(sscmd);
ssds = new DataSet();
cnt = int.Parse(ssds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString());
string up;
protected void ImageButton1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
SqlConnection con;
SqlCommand cmd;
DataSet ds;
SqlDataAdapter da;
if (memno >= cnt)
if (RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue.Equals("Accept"))
up="update userreq set status=’"+RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue+"’ where userid=’"+lbluserid.Text+"’";
sql = "select teamleader from teammem where teamid=’" + lblteamid.Text + "’";
con = new SqlConnection(constr);
cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con);
ds = new DataSet();
da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
int cal = da.Fill(ds);
leader = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString();
if (cal > -1)
cmd = new SqlCommand(up, con);
ds = new DataSet();
da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
if (RadioButtonList1.SelectedIndex == 1)
con = new SqlConnection(constr);
up = "update userreq set status=’" + RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue + "’ where userid=’" + lbluserid.Text + "’";
cmd = new SqlCommand(up, con);
ds = new DataSet();
da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
catch (Exception oo)
lbl4.Text = oo.Message;
RadioButtonList1.SelectedIndex = 1;
Label6.Visible = true;
Label6.Text = "Team is Overflowing";
public void insertData()
lbl4.Text = leader;
sql = "insert into [teammem] values (‘" + replaceSingleQuote(lblteamid.Text) + "’,’" + replaceSingleQuote(leader) + "’,’" + replaceSingleQuote(lbluserid.Text) + "’)";
SqlConnection scon = new SqlConnection(constr);
SqlCommand scmd = new SqlCommand(sql, scon);
DataSet sds = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(scmd);
int ff=sda.Fill(sds);
if (ff > -1)
public static String replaceSingleQuote(String fsQuote)
fsQuote = fsQuote.Trim();
int liStartingIndex = fsQuote.IndexOf("’", 0);
int liNextIndex = 0;
int liEvenIndex = 0;
while (liStartingIndex != -1)
liNextIndex = fsQuote.IndexOf("’", liStartingIndex + 1);
if (liNextIndex == -1 || liNextIndex != liStartingIndex + 1)
{ /*for qoute counted in bunch */
if (liEvenIndex % 2 == 0)
{ /* to insert single quote if quote count is odd */
fsQuote = fsQuote.Insert(liStartingIndex, "’");
liEvenIndex = 1;
if (liNextIndex == liStartingIndex + 1)
{ /* to increment value to be used at the time of inserting quote */
liStartingIndex = liNextIndex;
return fsQuote;
In this Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) Project in ASP.Net, summary is being presented on VoIP system’s implementation. The most significant conclusion is as follows. In terms of service and functionality, that can be assisted, SIP as well as H.323 is almost same. Some issues regarding interoperability are expected between its implementations.
Between its various versions and best interoperability with technology of PSTN, H.323 has superior compatibility. In support of QoS, two protocols are comparable. The significant advantage of Sip is its flexibility to add latest characteristics as well as its relative ease of debugging and implementation.
At last, a VoIP system is ebing implemented by making use of Westplan simulator and the characteristics of traffic are analyzed. Several issues have been considered for simulation that might take place during the network’s implementation phase.
Project Source Code:
[csharp]using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
public partial class sample : System.Web.UI.Page
SqlConnection con;
SqlCommand cmd;
SqlDataAdapter da;
DataSet ds;
The above page displayed will represnet how to login for the purpose of getting high speed internet connection and Hitech phone account. As shown in figure, at first the exact username as well as password must be given to login.
Activity Log Page
Area Codes & Rate CentersCall Detail RecordsEmail SentFeaturesForgot PasswordGoto my call ForwardGoto my webcall BackInstallation PageInternational Rate TableLogin DetailsLogin PagePersonal InformationRecharge my codeRegister my Web Call NumberService Plans Click HereService Plans Join NowService PlansSupport Faq PageUnderstanding call rates
After getting login the follwing page is displayed which is shown above. This page represents activity log page which shows date/time, description and amount applied for internet connection.
The page displayed shows how to search for new concepts. As shown in the figure, t perform FAQ search, either any of the given two options such as keyword search using, and specified FAQ ID number must be provided and then click the submit button after filling the options.
After the process of sublission as shown in preeceding page, the following page will be displayed showing area codes and rate centers. Here the hitech phone allows the users to slect a phone number form any of the available rate centers, regardless of where the Hitech phones will be loacted physically.
After selecting phone number, the following page will be diaplyed which represnets the Hitechphone delivers. This phone makes use of existing high-speed intenret connection to dleiver flexible and powerful features as represented in the above figure.
The page displayed here asks to enter emial id and then clcik to submit for the following process to take place. After submitting email ID the usenrmae and passowrd will be sent to the users mail id.
The page displayed here shows that if the userId and passowrd are not sent to the users email ID then go back to home to again login. Else, if the userid and password and sent to the mail then the following page will be displayed as shown below.
The page displayed here shows that the Hi-tech mobile installation is being made easy and it is assumes that a high-speed internet connection is being provided through DSL/cable/other services. And a gateway or home router is given to share internet connection DHCP running on the networks. This process can be done with most of the home routers.
This page displayed here shows how to search for international rates of Hitech phones. Search must be performed by giving topic in search option provided in the figure and then clicking on the search button.
After clicking on serach button, the following page is displayed as shown in the figure. The page include many options. As per the desire, the user can go to any option to get through about that specific option provided in this figure. The user in order to known complete details of call clcik on the call details.
After the user clciking on call details option asshown in the previous page, this follwing page is displayed. This page shows the records of call details.
The page displayed here shows how to setup a call forwarding, i.e how the our calls can be forwarded to our mobile phones or any other number, whether the number is in any location, the calls can be forwarded to anywhere in the world. And this process can be done as per the page diplayed. Here as shown in the figure, the number of received calls must be given and also the option like forward any calls to must also be filled and after filling clcik enable button.
After clciking enable button of previous page the following page is displayed. The page represnets web callback option. For this purpsoe following steps must be perfomed as shown in the figure. As per options provided in fgure, the mobile number, destination number must be given and finally the delay your call option must also be set. This option is set as no dleay as shown in the above figure. After filling these options clcik on the call button.
After clicking on the call button of previous page, the following page will be displayed as shwon above. Here the user is asked to provide the perosnal information such as fisrt name, last name, email, phone, old passwoed, new password, and confirmation new password. After filling the above information details clcik on the update button to save our perosnal details.
After updateing information, a code will be provided which is used to recharge mibile number. This code will be asked in the page displayed here. In order to recharfe our calling card, the code given to us must be fiven in the block of recahrge code shwon in the figure. After giving exact code number, click on the recahrge button.
This page dipslays Tel calback service which pemrits the user to register phone number. As shown in the figure in order to resigter number, the area code as well as mobile number must be given as per the example shown in above figure. After providing details clcik on add now button.
After the number is regsitered, the following page is displayed which shows the about residential service plans being offered by HitechPhone to meet the budgets as well as needs of the user, as it is idela for both office and home.
The page dispalyed here shows the service plans of Hi-tech phones. And the total start up cost in making use of these services. Also it asks to select state as well as rate center in which the phone number wants to be.
After slecting the state and arte center the following page will be displayed, which represents HitechPhone calling rates. Among the baove mentioned options click on the understanding calling rates, then the following page will be displayed as showin in the figure given below.
The page displayed here shows the complete details in understanding Hitechphone Calling rates, i.e it represents details about what is PSTN and what are the call types offered.
Project Description: A sample Tourism project which explains about developing an Asp.Net Application in layered architecture. This Tourism application has all coding standards in place. This online Tourism project is developed only for freshers and junior developers. It has Object Oriented Programming which helps Freshers and Junior developers to easily understand how project will be developed any software company.
Note: it is not an advanced project which means it doesn’t have Business Rules, Security, Roles etc, this application will helps to understand how to develop an application using classes and reusable data access objects etc.
Project Requirement:
Need to develop a tourism application with below operations available.
Need to capture the Guides and Customer information
Need to capture various location
Any person can see locations available in application
Application should have ability to update the existing data.
Application should have static pages to display predefined content.
Below technologies are used in this application development
SQL Server
Concepts Covered in this tourism project:
Using Master Page.
Using Validation controls to validate page.
Binding grid-view with data-source controls and edit delete operations using grid-view.
Centralized session management
Uploading files to server
Using Query Strings
Using Object Oriented Programming (Using classes and objects) to do database operations
Inserting Data into database using stored procedures
Updating/deleting Data into database using stored procedures
Centralized procedure names management
Using same screen for two different type of user’s database operations
Centralized database operations
Implementing coding when tables having Parent and Child relation (Added database diagram for reference ).
OOPs in relational database operations (Parent and Child/ Primary and Foreign key operations)
Maintaining database transactions in dot net while doing multiple database operations at once.
Commit and roll back operations using dot net.
Exception Handling (Not included logging)
Writing Stored Procedures
Project Architecture:
This application has two layer architecture as below
l Presentation Layer: Which will have all presentation related code and design.
l Data Access Layer: Which will have all database operations.
Presentation layer will communicate Data Access layer for all database operations such as Insert, Update, Delete and Get operations.
Below Image will helps you understand the application architecture.
SQL Database Details:
This application has 3 tables and stored procedures are also included in database. Below diagram will helps you to understand the database relations.
we need to configure the database before you open the application in browser.
We can configure database three ways
Restore Backup file (Works for SQL Server 2008 R2 only )
Execute the provided database scripts to create new database in your server
Attach the database directly to your database server
Keep database .mdf and .ldf files in your App_Data directory and use below connection string to connect the database