Development of Career Builder HTML & CSS Minor Project

  1. Introduction

There has been a demand for a career builder product, an application that can solve the problem of mock tests, and sample papers for different government and non-government projects.
The current trend of research on ed-Tech startups shows us that there is no specific application that solves this problem Several variants of this application are not focused on this. The current career builder web application project is to study and develop how this exam web and mobile application works so that we can build them in the forthcoming future.

  1. Motivation

Our country has too many government exams and the craze for it is too much but in the ed-tech market in this digital age, there is no stable application by which the aspirants can practice for the exams. In the modern era of 2021, the aspirants have to go to the local market and ask for the books for the preparation and mock exam of that particular government exam. Therefore we felt like there is a need for such a career builder application in the market. This is a pain point for many that we can see around us.

  1. Related work

Before starting this career builder project our team made many different google forms to know the need for this project and if something like this is required in the market or not.
Other than that we had previously observed people go to the local bookstore and ask for sample paper books and wait until it’s available also finding the papers is also tough since too many sites take extra permission and show nonrelevant ads.

  1. Objectives of the work

The objective of this career builder project is to make a well-focused web application (maybe a demo for this time and an upgraded version in the future and a mobile application too) so that the aspirants can find all the sample papers and mock exam papers in one place without suffering through the whole internet and make a business model in the future out of it.

  1. Technical Details

This career builder project is mainly developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JSON.
We are gonna develop an API to fetch data ( Questions and choices ) from the JSON file and are going to use external APIs for external data too. Some CSS frameworks will also be used for the beauty of the front end. The score of the user’s performance will be calculated and stored using local storage.

career builder Minor project ER Diagram

6. Hardware and Software Requirement Specifications

Write hardware and software requirement specifications.
The hardware required for the project is our team members’ laptops for programming and a WiFi router for remote work since we all are in different cities. Many software are used for communication and development as follows –

  1. Zoom – for planning and discussing the project and connecting virtually through video calls our team used the Zoom application which is also used in the tech industry for the same.
  1. Slack – for communication in the form of texts and images and also for data sharing except for the code we used slack and we could use other applications too but we choose it during a discussion because it is also used in the industry.
  1. Visual Studio Code – for the real work to be done in the programming we used the IDE called visual studio code. The two main reasons to choose this IDE only over the others are

a. We used it before in our college, therefore, we are comfortable with it.
b. It is widely used in the industry.

This software gave us support through its vast extensions some of which are

Live Server (main feature hot reload)
Prettier (format the code in ES6 the industry standard )

  1. Git Bash – for the use of the terminal for the Linux commands since 1 of our teammates uses Linux Operating System (Ubuntu) and it is beneficial to use these commands over windows commands (commands of Windows Power shell, etc ) since again because of industry standards – most of the startups in India provide mac book to their developers, the terminal of which also works on Linux commands and other companies also suggest to use Linux over windows at least for Command Line Interface.
  2. Git Hub – To deploy and share our code, it has many features like making branches and working separately together. To take the snapshot of that particular instant of the code for the future and other features like a staging area, commit, clone, and a remote code sharing system.
  1. Future Scope

The MVP version of the career builder minor project and its corresponding later versions can be used by the aspirants so that instead of finding papers on the whole web they can simply use a single website and study and practice without distractions.

  1. Conclusion

This career builder minor project is made with the idea of having a web application where the aspirants can practice with the sample papers of their particular exam.

Design & Implementation of Staff Leave Management System Project

This system is aimed at implementing a leave management application for staff that is of importance to any Educational Institute. The leave management system is a web-based application that can access by all the staff of the college. Their features like updating staff records, approval of leave cancellations of leaves, track the staff leave record.


The motivation for designing this application come because I came to know that the staff in my college have to fill out the leave application form and then submit it to the office .then the clerk checks their records and proceeds further. So it is a time-consuming process. So to save their time and minimize their application form process, I decided to design the online leave application form. Moreover, I value recent learning about the java programming language as well as seeing how powerful and dynamic they are when it comes to web designing and applications. Whereas, PL/SQL database at the back-end because I found them to be extremely useful while on the technologies.

This system is specifically made for the following issues:

  1. It reduces manual work.
  2. This system is fully computerized.
  3. Highly efficient and accurate.
  4. Easy access to college staff records.
  5. Offers real-time visibility of data.                       

Security Risk: – 

The system-generated mail notification sent to the leave applicant is late.



The proposed system is developed to manage staff leave and their records in the colleges. It helps to record staff information, Approve or denies staff leave request.


  1. The purpose of the project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for managing staff leave.
  2. To generate inquiry for staff on demand.
  3. To keep all the information related to pending leave.
  4. Well-designed database to store faculty information.
  5. The main objective of this application is to automate as well as update the leave information of staff.
  6. It tracks all the details about faculty, and attendance.
  7. If the any of the faculty wants to know about his/her leave status it will be very

Project Scopes and Limitations

  1. To manage the details of staff attendance, and records of their leaves.
  2. Easy to operate and hopefully can smoothen up the job of clerks and staff.
  3. This system produces a computerized system for defining the best solution for the leave application.
  4. Easy access to staff records.

Existing System

This system is offline it requires a lot of effort. for applying for a leaving staff in the colleges go to the office and collect the leave application form and by filling up the details, type of leave, leave applied for how many days, the reason for leave, load arrangement, etc. leave application form they have to submit it to the clerk. The clerk checks their pending leaves and then approve the leave application form or deny them for the further process. There is no security for data.

Project Perspective

The online leave management system application is a web-based system. A leave management system is a process within in college that determines how leave is requested by staff and approved by higher authorities.

System model:

 The structure of the system can be divided into the following parts.

  1. Admin module: Admin/clerk will maintain all the faculty details, employee leave record details, and HOD leave record details in the database. 
  1. Faculty module: in this module faculty will get access to check their leave status. 
  1. HOD module: In this module Head of the department will have permission to look after the data of every faculty member in the department. 
  1. Principal module: Among all the modules principal module is given more permission. He can view information of every department’s faculty information and take action based on reports. 

Admin module:

  1. Home page
  2. Leave applicants page
  3. Deny/approve page
  4. Update module
  5. Login page 

Faculty module:

  1. Leave status
  2. Pending leaves
  3. Leave type
  4. Leave days
  5. Leave reason 

HOD module:

  1. Faculty data
  2. View data
  3. Approve/deny leave
  4. signature 

Principal module:

  1. Access to All faculty data
  2. Approval of leave
  3. View records


Key stakeholders of an online staff leave management system are:

  1. Clerk
  2. Staff
  3. HOD
  4. Principal

C++ OOPs Mini Project on Library Management System

The Design & Development of the Computer Science investigatory project on the Library Management System using C++ OOPs Concepts Project for the academic students.


First and foremost, I thank god for having given me the strength and courage for the successful completion of this Library Management System project work.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the college principal who has provided me with well-equipped labs.
I wish to express my deep and profound sense of gratitude to my Computer Science guide for having given me valuable support, encouragement, and assistance in producing a successful project.
I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to my parents for their valuable support and cooperation which helped me a lot in carrying out this Library Management System project work successfully.

Objective of Project

  • The objective of the Library Management System project is to computerize the functions of the Library.
  • Computerization helps in better record keeping and management of the Library.
  • This simplifies the work of the Librarian as he/she can keep a better check on which book is issued by which student.
  • Newly arrived books can easily be added, and data about any book can easily be modified with the help of this project.
  • Also, records can be transferred from one system to the other without any loss of information.

System Implementation

The Hardware Used :

While developing the Library Management System software, the hardware used is:
PC with Intel Core 2 Duo processor having 2.00 GB RAM, 500 GB Hard Disk, SVGA, and other required devices.

The Software Used :

  • Microsoft Windows® 8 as Operating System.
  • TurboC 7 v2.1 for coding.
  • MS-Word 2010 for documentation.  


1) Class book


Data members

bno : char type (6 characters)
bname : char type (50 characters)
aname : char type (20 characters)



create_book: to read bno, bname & aname and create book.
show_book: to display details of the book when it is issued.
modify_book: to modify the name & author of the
bookretbno: to return bno



Data members
Admno : char type (6 characters)
name: char type (20 characters)
stbno : char type (6 characters)
token : integer type



create_student : to create student record.
show_student : to display a specific student record.
modify_student : to modify student’s name.
retadmno : to return admission no. of student.
retstbno : to return the issued book no.
addtoken : to store the value of token as 1 book is issued.
resettoken : to reset the value of the token to 0 is book is returned.


Library Management System Project Main Menu

1) Main menu
2) Administrator Menu
3) Creating a Student record
4) Displaying all the student’s records
5) Displaying details of a specific student
6) Modifying a student’s record
7) Deleting a student’s record
8) Entering a new book
9) Displaying all the books
10) Displaying details of a specific book
11) Modifying details of a book
12) Deleting a book
13) Issuing a book
14) Depositing a book

Download the Complete C++ Project on Library Management System

Online Grocery Management Store PHP & MySQL Database Project

The main objective of this Online Grocery Management Web application is to provide an online product/ grocery purchasing website. Everyone needs food to survive. If someone wants to cook food even by themselves, they’ll first have to go to some grocery store, buy items, and carry all that heavy load of raw materials themselves to their home. That’s where an online solution can help so we have implemented the Online Grocery Store web application. All one needs to do is order everything they need for their cooking requirements online and relax till it gets delivered to their homes.

Online Grocery Store Challenges:

  • To keep a record of existing users, allow for the addition of new users, and removal of existing ones, and maintain several of their addresses
  • To maintain a catalog of available products, and categorize products into different types, and manufacturers
  • To maintain a cart for every user (one per user), and also all the orders he has done in the past, each order having multiple products, alongside the quantity they are available in.

Features of the Online Grocery Store project, and our plan to overcome the challenges mentioned above:

  • We will create tables for the user, address, product, category, manufacturer, order, cart, and product_order. E-R analysis is submitted along with this description.
  • The above model will be modeled in the form of tables and stored in SQL-based RDBMS, preferably MariaDB.

Wish List (features to be included if time permits)

  • To implement a user interface for addition, updation of products, manufacturer, etc.
  • To provide discounts for bulk orders, sales, etc.

Tables for Database Design:


  • User_Id
  • Email_Id


  • First_Name
  • Last_Name
  • Mobile_no


  • Address_id
  • Address_1
  • Address_2
  • Zip_Code
  • City
  • State
  • User_Id


  • Product_id
  • Product_Name
  • Units
  • Picture
  • Weight
  • Category_id
  • Price
  • Product_Description
  • Manufacturer_id


  • Category­_id
  • Category_description
  • Category_Name


  • Manufacturer_id
  • Manufacturer_Name


  • Order_id
  • Payment_Method
  • Order_time
  • Billing_id
  • Amount
  • Shipping_id
  • Address_id
  • User_id

Cart (User_Product)

  • User_id
  • Product_id
  • Quantity


  • Product_id
  • Order_id
  • Quantity
  • Price (of 1 unit)

ER Design Diagrams:

ER Diagram for Grocery Store Project

Functional Dependencies:

1) User Table
2) Address Table
3) Product Table
4) Category Table
5) Manufacturer Table
6) Grocery Order Table
7) Cart Table
8) Product Order Table

Other similar Projects on the amazon Ekart System:

We intend to create an amazon Ekart System with features also whilst incorporating all the amazing features that could be seen on amazon’s official website and more.


  • Homepage: The Landing/Homepage offers various navigating features including shopping, menu, finding products, add-to-cart payment, etc., as shown in the image above.
  • Shopping: schedule your delivery with UPI pay.
  • Rewards: provide a program membership offer by incorporating sign-in features and provide free delivery on some products.
  • Careers: facility to explore career paths by imparting internships and apprenticeships and jobs by logging in/registering on the portal and providing too many jobs in many different ways.
  • Payment and cashback offer to make payment via this app – amazon pay.
  • Delivery: Accepting the orders and delivering them to the user’s doorstep.


  • Login page.
  • listing page
  • Profile page
  • Prime page
  • Sign in with the prime page
  • Payment with prime page
  • Payment page
  • Order page

Technologies To Be Used:

1. Front-End:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap
  • javaScript
  • Reactjs

2. Back-End:

  • Nodejs
  • Expressjs

3. Database

  • MongoDB

React JS & Firebase Project on Promote Your Products Platform

Design & Development of Promote your Products Platform React JS Web Application is an advertising platform that focuses mainly on Small Scale Industries. This will help the industries to promote their products free of cost which help them to explore new opportunities and grow their business. The front end is Developed using React JS and Sass (an extension of CSS) which helped the site to be more interactive for the user. The backend is based on Firebase which stores the user and the company data securely.

We also provide added security to our users by authenticating them via mail and SMS. We have also added dark theme mode which is surely in trend these days. The users can interact with various industries and can even use alters to narrow down their choices.

The review and rating system also helps the users to share their views and can help others to choose what’s best for them. In conclusion, our Promote Your Products Platform site wants the business to grow and to help them broaden their horizons.

Introduction to Project Page

This React JS & Firebase Project website is a platform for the industries to advertise their products. This platform’s main focus is SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES. Various industrialists can join our initiative for free and the promotion of the product is free of cost.

This will be a Web-based Application designed in REACT powered by Google Firebase. Firebase is a Backend-as-a service(Baas). It provides the developers with a variety of tools and services to help them grow their user base.

The user of our platform can securely SIGNUP for our site as it is completely secure. The industries can look for the products they want and choose from the best. With the rating and the review system, users can decide what’s best for them. The data of the user will be safely stored at the Firebase Backend. We have also given the user the alter facility where they can choose the specific industry they want to interact with.

Overall this is a Promote Your Products Platform that allows THE SMALL SCALE INDUSTRY to grow all together and expand its reach. This will help them to interact with more people which will in return expand their horizons.

WorkFlow of the Project:

Promote your Products Platform website Workflow

Project Category

This is an Internet-Based Multiple Pages Web Application with a secured Backend.



By registering the company on our Promote Your Products Platform, the business people will be able to add products: their name, description, and image which will help them to create a catalog for the company and thus will provide them the platform to promote their products.

This website is entirely free of cost. The companies only need to verify their mail id and phone number after which they are good to go. Since our site is perfectly authenticated and secured, the user will need not worry about privacy. They will receive OTPs through a protected system and hence their data is perfectly safe.


We also provide the facility to review and rate the services provided by the companies. In this way, a person can easily compare certain industries and can choose what’s best for them. The review can only be given by the person who has verified their mail ids and phone number. In this way, we can provide our consumers with genuine ratings.

Problem Formulation

We already know about the platform that already provides such a service. They provide a vast network for the promotion of their products. But the one major problem with these sites is that they charge money for the services they provide.

Very limited Small Scale Industries can avail such opportunities as some prefer that it’s not feasible for them to spend such an amount of money on promotion. So in conclusion, the Large Scale Industries are only benefited from the already available system, and as such no digital platform is available for Small Businesses.

Identification/Reorganization of Need

Since Ludhiana is a hub of industries, most of the families here own one or another kind of business. So we are pretty familiar with the problems faced by the small-scale industries in this sector. We have seen our families paying like Rs 40,000-Rs 60,000 to such platforms for their promotional products.

But after even paying such an amount of money, the outcome is not that fruitful. Business owners, get queries from places that are very far away, and those companies who contact them are not ready to pay for all such long-distance arrangements. So in this way, all the time is wasted. Since we have seen this problem closely, we can provide a better solution for this.

Existing System

For the existing system, we have an example of TRADE INDIA and INDIA MART. So let’s take an example if you go to these sites and you try to and a product, you will get suggestions for it from a place that’s like a thousand miles away and it’s not affordable for you to import that product. So in this case rather than giving you the facility which might be near you they provide suggestions that are not useful for you. In this way, you the consumer, and the manufacturer of the service both are losing.

The consumer is not happy with the suggestion and the manufacturer or the service provider who spent thousands on the promotion of their products doesn’t end up getting the order. So we can say the existing platform is not that reliable.

Proposed System

Since we had already gone through the drawbacks of the existing system, we can conclude they are more feasible for LARGE BUSINESSES.
But the main focus of our Promote your Products Platform website is SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES. We are providing them with a free, reliable, and secured platform to promote their products. On our platform, the manufacturers, service providers, and consumers can come all together to help each other grow.

On our site, the company can register themselves and display their products. We also give the power to the consumers to review and rate the services provided by the companies. This thing will help not only the future buyers but also allow the companies to improve themselves.

Unique Features of the System

Secured Site: Our Promote your Products site is fully secured and hence our consumers can easily trust us with their private information.
Phone and Mail Verifications: We authenticate our users by sending them verification OTPs on the registered email and phone number.
Responsive: our site is fully responsive and it can be viewed on any browser
Password using hashing: The password set by the users are not visible to us as we use hashing, thus providing them full privacy.
Dark Mode: The toggle button on the right side will help the user to toggle between light and dark mode.


  • React
  • React Native
  • JavaScript


  • VS Code (Ide)
  • Node Js
  • Chrome Dev Tools
  • Firebase

Supporting Dependences:

  • Redux
  • Node-Sass
  • Material UI
  • Firebase-Tools
  • React Router Dom

Package Manager:

Npm: Node Package Manager
Yarn: Yet Another Resource Negotiator

Hardware Requirement

Operation System: Windows 7 or higher, MAC, Linux.

Conclusion and Future Scope

This Promote your Products Platform will work perfectly for the Small Scale Industries and will fulfill their needs. This platform will also help them to expand their business and interact with other people and explore a lot more. With the feature to form their catalog, it will help industries to give a detailed explanation about the services or products they over which helps to attract more customers.

The Rating and review system will also help the users to give their feedback and also help others to choose the best. Overall this platform is better Small Scale Businesses and will help them.

Students Solution an E-learning-based platform Project

The project Students Solution is a website that is an E-learning-based platform project and it will help the first-year students of B.Tech (All Branches). In this, we will build a Students Solution site. After creating the Students Solution site, you will be able to take notes for your corresponding subjects which were provided by the developers, and you are also able to practice your basic knowledge with the help of a quiz Which was in this website we also provide some blogs which were helpful to motivate students for deeper knowledge and extracurricular activities.

This technology helps you to provide the best notes on your subject bases and gives extra knowledge along with your course.

It provides a convenient solution to the traditional notes-making system. We follow a modular approach to learning through our website.

About the Project

This Students Solution project aims to make a website for first-year students of our university. This is an e-learning website where first-year students of our university will get ready-made notes. Our website “Students Solution” is to automate the existing manual system with help of ready-made notes, fulfilling first-year students’ requirements so that they can receive a valuable education. This means no need to worry about making handwritten notes. And they can utilize their time up to the maximum. It is a need for time to switch to e-learning.


When we joined the university we faced a lot in our very first year due to a lack of proper subject material and guidance after class. So we are thinking of developing a “Students Solution” website where first-year students of our university will get all the subject notes and materials.

To help the first-year students we are working on this project “Students Solution” so that they can feel free and study well.


The main objectives of creating the Students Solution, We will provide all the notes regarding your subject and quizzes regarding that particular subject which provide you the basic knowledge of that particular subject and we will also give vlogs to fresher’s to motivate themselves for extracurricular activities.

The main objectives are :

  • To provide a quality-based education.
  • To provide ready-made notes.
  • I-Q Test

Implementation Details

Part 1: To build a Backend of the website in which notes are to be attached.
Part 2: Develop a site for quizzes regarding that particular subject.
Part 3: To build the information of developers.
Part 4: Provide vlogs to motivate students for extracurricular activities.


  • We will add video lectures.
  • Live classes would be there.
  • We provide all the material for different disciplines.
  • The test series will be there.
  • Gaming will be there for entertainment.


Software Requirements (Minimum):

  • Windows 10
  • Visual Code Studio
  • Xampp


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP

Development of Electricity Information System BCA Final Year Project

This is the BCA Final Year Project website related to electricity information systems developed with PHP and MySQL databases. In which users can see the problem related to the electricity in a particular area. Users also can complain about electricity-related problems like a complaint about the transformer, electricity problems at home, wire damage and overload of the powerhouse, etc.

Users can also see the information related to the Main powerhouse and its sub powerhouses like can take the information of the Senior Engineer and Junior Engineer of the corresponding powerhouse, can also check the load of the powerhouse and its number of workers.

Users can aware of the latest updates related to electricity and can take advantage of the latest information according to need.

The main purpose of the Electricity Information System website is to connect users directly with the administrator and for complaints related to Electricity.


Location of Electricity– In which can see the place where the problem occurs in electricity.
Duration in rectifying Electricity problem– can update with the electricity rectification timing, and how much time is taken to rectify the electricity problem.
The report related to Electricity– Make a report related to complaints and report related to whole information about powerhouse.
Query related to electricity– The user can query related electricity problems and related JE of the powerhouse and its workers.

Data Flow Diagrams:

Level 0 & 1 DFD below:

Electricity Information System Level 0 & 1 Data Flow Diagram

Level 2 DFD below:

Electricity Information System Level 2 Data Flow Diagram

ER Diagram Below:

ER Diagram of Electricity System


The proposed Electricity Information System project will have its main page and modules as:

  • Login Module.
  • Admin master module.
  • Search module.
  • Validation handler.
  • Report Generation module.
  • Response master module.

Software Requirements:-

WAMP Server
Text Editor: (Sublime, Dreameviewer)
Front-End: HTML, CSS
Back-End: MySQL, PHP

Scope of the Project

Scope of the Electricity Information System project gives Sartnesss to the village, town areas, and also for the powerhouse admin.


  • This Electricity Information System application can be used in power stations so that they can save time, and reduce headaches.
  • Users also can update with the electricity changes.
  • Easy to complain About the electricity situation.
  • Electricity will be live on the network.

Design & Development of Educational Institutions Grievances Portal Project

Currently, there is a portal name Grievances portal similar to this. In the grievances, portal people can share their local problems and their solutions are provided by anyone. But in our portal people can share problems of any region and they are taken up by colleges of the region facing problems. This helps several institutes to work collaboratively on a large scale.


This Educational Institutions Grievances Portal Project report gives a scope description and overview of everything included in the Project Report.

The following is the overview:


The purpose of this report is to give a detailed description of finding and solving common issues with educational institutions. It will illustrate the complete declaration and purpose for the development of the system. It will illustrate an interaction, constraints, and interface between different users of the system.

System Overview:

This Grievances Portal Project takes the problems faced by students of a particular institute as input in the form of upvotes or posting a problem. All users have to log in using Google authentication facebook or any social media platform. This helps to keep the track of users participating.

The institute first has to register so that it is possible to keep a track of which colleges are participating. All the passwords of institutes are encoded using ​md5 ​and the colleges can then take up the problems about a particular locality and can do collaborative projects to solve them.

The solutions are generally provided in the form of videos which is easily understandable to the local public. But before posting solutions, the colleges have to first check for the authenticity of the problems. They can mark any solution as duplicate or bogus.

This ensures any unrelevant problems from reaching admin and the system is thus maintained. Finally, a report is generated in the form of an excel sheet that helps the admin to know the problems existing in our country. This file can be downloaded as well.

Model of Solution:


The Grievances Portal Project aims for semantic text/web page classifications. It provides a better and more comprehensible platform for posting college-level problems and finding solutions. It is extremely user-friendly and easy to use.

Objective / Future scope:

● Define a mechanism to decide ​the count of votes needed to approve an issue
● Once voting is closed for an issue i.e. when the issue is upvoted by the number of users count of votes needed to approve an issue, then the upvote facility will be closed and the system immediately sends a notification to all the related institutes.
● There should be a way to maintain “Reputed Institutes”
● Admin should be able to see which Institutes are working on that problem.
● Each problem should have a thread on which registered users may discuss its solution or upvote or downvote the solutions also.
● The emails of users sending “bogus approved issues” may be blocked when marked as bogus as colleges​

Functional and non-functional requirements:

Grievances Portal Project website there three types of users:

● Citizens
● Institute
● Admin

All users get the same view of the website with similar functionalities but they all perform different tasks.

Functional Requirements:

User Functions

1. Sign Up
2. Can change his/her profile
3. To add an issue
4. Users may also look for issues in any region
5. Can visit a problem description directly through a URL and upvote for it.
6. Users cannot upvote the same issue more than once.
7. Will be notified through email to approve if any solution is available for any of the problems he has upvoted for.

Institute Functions

1. Institutes will have a login

2. After login they will be able to see the issues of ​their region only​ like

a. Unsolved issues (approved)
b. Issues with solutions

System Functions

1. Knows list of Institutes per district
2. Gets added issues and stores
3. Keeps a track of upvotes per issue – Once upvotes reach a ​threshold ​the issue is notified to all the Institutes in that region or district via email. (Institutes can see approved issues of their region via their login as well).

  • Problems of a district may be shown to that region instead of that district
  • Institutes of nearby districts may fall under the same region.
  • Or simply it can be forwarded to the Institutes falling in the same district.

4. Once an Institute submits a solution, the system notifies all the users who upvoted for that issue. So that they may approve the solution.

5. Will know how many solutions an Institute has provided. It means how many of them are solved issues.
6. Long pending issues should be notified to UGC who then will notify the Institutes
7. Institute should be notified when its solution is approved.

Administrator Function

Reports to be generated

The technology stack used:

Backend: PHP.
Frontend: Html, Jquery, javascript, Ajax, bootstrap.

Implementation strategy:

1. Initially, the whole template was designed to suit our requirements.
2. Bootstrap was used for the development of the template of this website (SB Admin 2)
3. All pages were then linked which made the division of work easier.
4. The whole backend was made using PHP.
5. There were various event listeners used in this system like on focus, click, change, etc., which were implemented using JS and Jquery.
6. Almost all pages had the same page refresh and reload for which we have used AJAX.


1. Our team has completed a Web Application
2. Product Design was a crucial point in the development
3. We now have a complete understanding of how a website works from start to end
4. We learned a new language – AJAX. We also strengthened our knowledge in PHP, JS, and Jquery.
5. Most importantly, we learned how to work in a team.
6. The future scope of our specified in the Goals -> Objectives section.

Simple Hotel Management System Project Using HTML and CSS

Project Title: Hotel Management System

Introduction: This project is about the hotel management system. There are different types of apps are circulating all around which gives us an idea about the new system of hotel management. The sites like Oyo, trivago, and just dial are the best successful startups in India which define how people are shifting from offline areas to online ones. People now prefer the easy way that always makes their life easy.

In this project, we develop a web page for a hotel management site that includes the type of rooms, login, and signup options for new users who want to join the site for further use. Different types are rooms are categorized under one section of the web page, check-in and checkout options are available we can online book the rooms and after any further query, we can modify or drop our room type or our booking.

And also it includes the address and contact number of the officials and members of the hotel if there is any issue is there for customers can easily contact and resolve their issue.

Nowadays we all know very well that people are shifted to the world of the internet. If any random person goes to some unknown place and needs to take a hotel what he can do in an unknown place? That is why the internet is the best thing around us. Our HTML, CSS, and JavaScript-based web application project is to develop a hotel management system.

It consists of hotel booking, Types of rooms, classes of rooms, and different booking sites. How people can contact the manager to get the details or to consult for future booking the Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts are also linked to the homepage.

This website is developed using HTML & to add designs and make it more attractive we used CSS and JavaScript to make it as best as we can. Different photos are included to give customers about the hotel.

This system is used to book hotel rooms and it is also used on OYO and other booking sites. Check-in and Checkout options are included with Signup and log in as an Existing Customer or New Customer options are available.


In our group, three members are present. The preparation of the synopsis for this project is made and the layout for the project is created. The coding part is done by all the members of the group as we manage to create a better layout with different ideas and different views that can create the best of one web page for us.

Contents of the web page:

• Home page
• Room type
• Location
• Contact us
• Address
• Prices and offers
• About us

This web page is developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML is used to prepare the main web page for the hotel booking system. CSS is used to make it more attractive and elegant. Customers are always attracted to the attraction we made for them. different types of loading are used for different font styling in it.

Different links are provided on the home page to get into from Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. On this web page, you can select different types of rooms on basis of your requirement as ac, and non-ac rooms are available. Customers can book the rooms online and made online payments and book your room. This site is just like how Oyo and different booking sites work.

Some other web applications for Hotel Management Systems

Hotel Reservation Application Spring MVC Hibernate Project

Spring & Hibernate-based Hotel Room Booking MVC Project Code.

C#.Net Project Synopsis on Hotel Management System


This project is divided into 3 parts:

The first part is named the HM file which deals with the coding of the main home page of hotel booking sites and all the details of the hotel are included in this code.

The second part is named CSS style. This file deals with the programming in CSS which gives the HTML home page styling and helped it to look far more attractive in it. This module gives the looks and makes it attractive for visitors.

The third part is included the different codes for the elegant different font styles. There are 3 different files present here for the fonts. Different images are included here and also a logo is there for the developer.

Online Vehicle Insurance Management System Project Idea


This Insurance Management System project is a website or web application mainly for persons who are willing to buy insurance for their vehicles. Through this website, it will be easier to find a suitable one.

The main intention of building this website is to provide users to choose their budget and the best package for their vehicle. We have tried to maintain all the information about the insurance plan which is easily understandable to the users and makes it easy to find the plan.

This system helps the user to get a different kind of insurance.


The Online Vehicle Insurance website is to provide services for people who need insurance by getting help from the agents.

There are seven main modules in this system.

User Login:

In the login section, a user can log in to his account using his user id and password to share and update all the information like vehicle type, age, location, last insurance date, and contact number and he/she can submit the information.


In this module, the user can register the plan in which he/she is interested in providing the vehicle number, PUC, other papers of the vehicle, E-Mail, and ID proof.

Why take insurance:

In this module, people who are interested in insurance but have some confusion will find some Q&A here like,
• Why should people take insurance?
• What happens when I give or take insurance?
• How many plans are available? What kinds of plans are there
• Is taking insurance good?

Insurance Types :

• Liability Insurance
• Collision Insurance
• Personal Insurance
• Comprehensive Insurance


• Recent Policies
• Product

Expiry Date:

• Car type
• Car Registration
• Select Policy

About Us

This webpage serves information about the developers of the website.
Address of the developers and their contact information.

Data Flow Diagram:

Vehicle Insurance System DFD