The project Students Solution is a website that is an E-learning-based platform project and it will help the first-year students of B.Tech (All Branches). In this, we will build a Students Solution site. After creating the Students Solution site, you will be able to take notes for your corresponding subjects which were provided by the developers, and you are also able to practice your basic knowledge with the help of a quiz Which was in this website we also provide some blogs which were helpful to motivate students for deeper knowledge and extracurricular activities.
This technology helps you to provide the best notes on your subject bases and gives extra knowledge along with your course.
It provides a convenient solution to the traditional notes-making system. We follow a modular approach to learning through our website.
About the Project
This Students Solution project aims to make a website for first-year students of our university. This is an e-learning website where first-year students of our university will get ready-made notes. Our website “Students Solution” is to automate the existing manual system with help of ready-made notes, fulfilling first-year students’ requirements so that they can receive a valuable education. This means no need to worry about making handwritten notes. And they can utilize their time up to the maximum. It is a need for time to switch to e-learning.
When we joined the university we faced a lot in our very first year due to a lack of proper subject material and guidance after class. So we are thinking of developing a “Students Solution” website where first-year students of our university will get all the subject notes and materials.
To help the first-year students we are working on this project “Students Solution” so that they can feel free and study well.
The main objectives of creating the Students Solution, We will provide all the notes regarding your subject and quizzes regarding that particular subject which provide you the basic knowledge of that particular subject and we will also give vlogs to fresher’s to motivate themselves for extracurricular activities.
The main objectives are :
- To provide a quality-based education.
- To provide ready-made notes.
- I-Q Test
Implementation Details
Part 1: To build a Backend of the website in which notes are to be attached.
Part 2: Develop a site for quizzes regarding that particular subject.
Part 3: To build the information of developers.
Part 4: Provide vlogs to motivate students for extracurricular activities.
- We will add video lectures.
- Live classes would be there.
- We provide all the material for different disciplines.
- The test series will be there.
- Gaming will be there for entertainment.
Software Requirements (Minimum):
- Windows 10
- Visual Code Studio
- Xampp
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I want to be full stack developer