Nearby Hotels Python Web Application

This is a simple web application that can be used to search hotels. This application will help in searching nearby hotels and also give weather reports of that place such that they can know the weather details priorly to near that hotel in order to travel. A currency converter is included with which everyone can view hotel prices in their desired currency. Additionally, discount coupons are included, which will help user to access the cheapest hotels nearby.

API’s to be used:

Google maps:

The google maps API fetches the data from google e.g. here Maps API is a server that returns information about a place, an establishment, a geographical location, or a prominent point of interest using an HTTP request. Methods are available for place search, details, and autocomplete queries.

The place API returns in JSON format.

Currency converter:

Planning to use online currency converter API web services. This API allows covering the currency to whatever the users needed.

This API returns data in XML format.

Weather API:

This API forecast the weather near the hotels, which uses information from the Rapid API: this API has all the information like temperature, humidity, wind, etc..

This API returns data in JSON format.

Discount coupon:

Planning develops discount coupon API, which gives what best hotels are available nearby with the best discounts possible.

This API returns data in XML format.

Technologies used:

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Nodejs
  • Python

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