IntraPanel Online Web Application

The project “INTRAPANEL” aims at providing more values added service to the people. To become specific we are focusing in this project to provide fast and easy access to their day to day daily college routine . 

  • Keeping in view the current developments in the software technologies the main stress would be given to use an application that would give this project as a controlling tools, efficient user management and online services providing information about the college (competition schedule, notice,events etc).
  • Fast service to the people who can see the details of events from any part of the world & at any time. They can check attendance,results,notice on single mouse click. They can submit their view and queries directly in the database without any  delay & without any hasitation.
  •  This WEB SITE will be helpful to end user with following

IntraPanel student welcome page


The computerized system is the best possible solution for this problem providing the following benefits:

The size of the organization become very large and very fast this is particular true in the case of India due to increase in the population and rapid rate of industrial development .The computerized system can do manual work with very less manpower and can be handle all the operation easily.

Input/Output Screen Shots

Page Name:-index.html

Description:-It is the first page of application and available to all user it contains general description and contact and self information only

IntraPanel Online Web Application

Fig: guest home page

Description:-It is the user checkpoint page here application check that user who is loging in either the simple user or admin both the admin and student have different privileges

Fig: welcome page

Page Name:- isadmin.php

Description:-If the user is student then priviliges which are shown to student are shown in image

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