How Does Understanding Of Company Strategy Improve Company Performance And Job Satisfaction


Initially the access was denied when the author contacted the Area manager of AMT COFFEE LTD as the area manager mentioned it’s the busiest season of the year when the author want to do the research. Later the author contacted the Human resources manager, Permission was then granted when author satisfied to the management that their will be no interruption in the daily jobs of the employees and the managers.

The research design used in this study is both exploratory and descriptive. This is done with the primary objective of aligning the employees with company’s strategies. The study will involve managers and the employees of AMT COFFEE LTD. The data collected will be both qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative researchers depend mostly on using of documents and literature, detailed interviews, direct observations and involvement.

Quantitative research involves the planned questionnaires and large numbers of respondents. Quantitative research deals with the interpretation of numerical data. All the aspects of the research are carefully formulated before the information is gathered. Some of the social science researchers believe both the qualitative and quantitative approaches as mismatched. But the other says that the talented researchers can combine both the approaches successfully.

The most common methodologies used by the researchers are questionnaires, interviews, panels including focus groups, behavioural and observations. In this research the author has chosen questionnaires and interviews.  The advantage of interviews is the ability of the author to explain the question by repeating, to change the question according to the situation, to clear the doubts at the same time. Interviews are more likely to allow the researcher to identify quicker the respondent’s attitudes and behaviour.

In the particular case of AMT Coffee interviews help the author to save time in data collection as most of the interviewees are easily accessible, they can be found in the Coffee bar and their cooperation is ensured due to the position of the researcher in the company. In the same way, questionnaires are cheaper, quicker to analyse. Questionnaires will be tested to check for clarity of meaning and corrected if necessary.


The study is based on primary and secondary data collected at AMT COFFEE LTD. Interviews and questionnaires prepared will later clarify results. This paper brings collective argument from operational, sociological and idealistic investigation to the subject assumptions about the importance of employees understanding company’s strategies. The research helps to analyse why management should align the employees to its strategies, how it improves the employees job performance and satisfaction and the methods AMT COFFEE LTD is using to explain its strategies to employees. 

The research will be as follows:-

  1. Interviews will be conducted with one of the operational manager, two area managers and three general managers to analyse the vital information expected to be encountered in the research.
  2. Later on interviews with three assistant managers and two supervisors will be conducted from different departments.
  3. A questionnaire will be given to 40 of the front line employees who are customer care representatives, cleaners, cash handler, stockers etc. The purpose is to illustrate the similarity between attitudes of the different staff by age, gender, experience, career and position.
  4. The questionnaires will be clear and uncomplicated. They will be tested before being administered, initially on a group of students who are friends, then improved and finally given to the respondents.
  5. A sample will be selected from the front line employees for the questionnaires from different department such as customer service representatives, cleaners, cash handler, stockers etc. 
  6. The sampling method used is random sampling method. Total sample size is 50, covering all the departments in the company. Simple random sampling is a procedure of selecting a sample in which every item in a population has an equal chance of being included in a sample.

Importance and key outcomes expected 

The main purpose of the research is to analyse why the employees AMT COFFEE LTD should understand the company strategies, the best and easiest way to explain the strategies to the employees and the consequences on employee’s job satisfaction and company performance. Other expected outcomes involve the company’s growth and performance, what are the measures taken to check whether the strategy is understood by the front line employees or not and how the feedback is collected by the management from the employees on the newly implemented strategies and how should they handle the feedback. To make employees know what they are doing, why they are doing and how can they do extremely well. The role of top management in implementing strategy successfully.

Time plan 


Beginning date

No of days

Finishing date



Dissertation literature Review


Supervisor Meeting


Questionnaire Preparation


Data Gathering


Data Interpretation


Results and Conclusions


Supervisor Meeting




Assessment and Criticism


Final Report Submission



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