The main objective of this Time Table Generation System project is to update the time table dynamically on a particular day.
There are many situations where a particular period might be wasted because that respective subject lecturer might be busy in some other important work. So, we are coming with an idea to recover the period without getting wasted.
Our automatically time table generation application gathers information about all the lecturers with their respective courses semester wise. We will be sending a request to remaining lecturers dealing that class.
So, that they can accept or reject the request to attend that particular class. The lecturer who accepts the request will be allotted the class and for the remaining lecturers, we will be sending another notification that the class is allotted to that particular lecturer.
Lecturers who are handling multiple courses, their information must also be collected. So, by this procedure, the class will be allocated to the lecturer who accepts the request.
Therefore, the student will be benefitted without getting their period wasted and also the faculty members can get involved in their respective works.
Design Diagrams:
Data Flow Diagram Zero Level

Output Screens:

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