Context Based Storage System for Managing Data Ubiquitous Computing Environment

This paper discussed about ubiquitous computing, which is using a new computing technology that easily adapts to user environment with the help of computing infrastructure. This paper discussed about the differences between ubiquitous computing and traditional distributed computing and also mentioned about context aware ubiquitous computing applications which can manage user data by using context. 


In the entire Ubiquitous computing research, the main issue is how to create context- aware applications. For mobile users there is a middleware architecture available called Context Based Storage system which helps to build context- aware applications. Information about the user in both physical and virtual worlds is stored in context. CBS system finds the accessed files that are stored elsewhere using context.  In Ubiquitous computing, context-aware computing technology supports new interaction styles and also makes the interactions between users and computers much easier. CBS system uses context to avoid additional programming effort or traditionally performed programming effort  By using this system data can retrieve easily based on context of user priority, data can organize easily based on user preference and the context can also used to constrain the data quantity presented to the user. Every document will links to the context attributes and can retrieve those documents from storage using the corresponding context attributes. The main terminologies need to be highlighted in CBS system are logical context data model, entities, attributes, relationships and groups. File Browser and calendar are the two applications which implemented as part of capnet system on top of CBS system. These two applications describe how context is used to find relevant user information. In CBS system, we have both normal and context-aware modes. 


In CBS system there is architecture to organize the data in ubiquitous environment.  There is a different type of context information’s that supports useful functions in context-aware application and also exists context information that can be integrated with data management system.

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