The research paper Biometrics In Secure E-Transactions CSE Seminars very clearly explains the indispensable role of biometrics for secure-transactions. The paper says that as technology has advanced there has been a negative side also hackers as spoofers steal/ misuse credit card numbers, even though the network has been made secure.
This paper proposes a multi-biometric model (integrating voice, fingerprint and facial scanning) that can be embedded in a mobile phone this making e-transactions more secure.
The research abstract gives some insight into Multibiometrics. It says that A multi-biometrics system is obtained by the integration of multiple individual biometrics models. Numbers of models integrating hand geometry, keystroke dynamics, face and iris recognition system have flooded the markets in recent years.
Need for Biometrics in mobile phones: The paper explains why should there be security device in a mobile. It explains saying that shopping through the internet has become very popular and surely, a WAP-enabled mobile phone provides the facilities to consumers to shop online.
Credit cards continue to be an effective tool for online money transactions. But, on the other hand, credit card’s number can be stolen on its way to its destination and can be misused by hackers. Thus, e-Business through a mobile phone becomes insecure.
The research paper talks about facial recognition as one effective feature of biometrics. It says that Facial recognition is considered to be one of the most tedious among all scans. Further, difficulty in acquisition of face and cost of equipment make it more complex.
The paper shows that even two persons having an almost similar face with a minute difference can also be differentiated. The research paper also casts light and explains in depth yet another biometric technique- the voice recognition.
The research paper concludes saying that the mobile multi-biometrics can be embedded in the mobile phone. The phone is cost-effective since no special hardware is required and is highly secure. Thus, this mobile phone, if it becomes a reality, will provide more secure e-Business and E-Transactions.
hi. good morning. I read this write up and Will love to present it in my school as a seminar topic. pls I need the matlab codes for checking the differences between images and also the codes for checking audio samples given in the voice recognition simulation. thanks