Spatial Noise Shaping Based On Human Visual Sensitivity Project

The spatial noise shaping (SNS) concept depends on man visual sense. The concept achieves the ability of intensity of foretelling domain linear for spatial recovery. This productively forms the noise of the picture under fields that are not impressionable to view of the man such the picture is output to pleasure the man eyes.

 The noise is formed based on executing the image and it is aloof like the additive noise method under the picture watermarking or like the quantization noise under picture coding. The use of the algorithm is showed in the project to increase the picture coders. The pictures are decoded from the SNS integration coders to include quality than SNS.

 NOISE appearance is not present within several image, speech, and audio applications. Several reviews are accomplished under the areas of decreased noise limiting from common platform or Wiener filter kinds of algorithms to denoising techniques. Even though, these concepts can decrease the quantity of noise and beneficial data under the host signal which is spoiled and it is proportional to the quantity of decreased noise.

 Noise shaping method is the alternate concept to eliminate the noticeable noise and is broadly used under several applications like coding (compression), information hiding, and watermarking. The aim of these methods is to decrease and shape the form of the noise such that it is less perceptible under the ultimate level.

 The concept of temporal noise shaping (TNS) was accepted that has the temporal form of the quantization noise and hence masking influence of the man auditory method is achieved.


It is concluded that the modern concept productively decreases the pre-echo issue happened by the distribution of quantization noise under the domain and transform window. This is displayed that TNS is contributed to the great accomplishment of advanced audio coder (AAC) MPEG.

Download spatial noise shaping based on human visual sensitivity and its application to image coding ECE Final Year Project Report.

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