Consumer Behavior on Indian Tourism Project




India is habitually branded as a subcontinent since it is a different landmass, not just a state. Since it has numerous characteristics of a continent, it is not as large as one, so is not considered a continent. what on continent we can see everything is available to see in one place that is India such as various religions, region, culture, customs, traditions, languages, castes and sub castes, unique civilization, diverse geography, etc.. India put down in south Asia, flanked by Pakistan, Nepal and China. North part of India is enclosed with the largest mountain series of the world, wherever hill ravine wrap the farthest north of the 28 states of the country. Auxiliary south, plateau, stifling rainfall jungles and soiled barren region are delimited with trimming seashores. In conjunction by means of the India’s amazing topographical deviations is its ethnical assortment, the consequence to exist together of a numeral of spirituals and native ritual too. For that reason, the gargantuan holy place of southern part, effortlessly recognizable through its ornamentally curved exterior, are coupled accompanied by an immense loads of India’s decorative handicraft s and arts.

Consumer behaviour can be explained as the research of an individuals, groups or institutions and these process they use to select, secure use and array of products, services, understandings or notions to fulfil the consumer needs in the public. Consumer behaviour is chronological process, which includes different activities and the process of outcome will influence the consumer in proper direction.

Following Chapters Included in this Project report:

Chapter 1:

Reasons for the Popularity of Tourism in India

Climatic Conditions and Holiday Packages in India

Statistics of Indian Tourism

Problem Statement of Indian Tourism Project

Research Questions of Indian Tourism Project

Aims and Objectives of the Consumer Behavior on Indian Tourism Report

Research Methodology of MBA Dissertation

Methods for Data Analysis in MBA Dessertation

Structure of MBA Dissertation

Summary of MBA Dissertation

Chapter 2:

Indian Tourism Project Literature Review

Theories of Consumer Behaviour

The Andreasen’s Model

The Nicoscia Model

The Howard-Sheth Model

The Engel, Blackwell, Miniard consumer model

Consumer Decision Making Process

Integrated Theory of Self Congruity and Functional Congruity in explaining and predicting Travel Behaviour

Assessment of Tourist Decision-Making Theories

Motivation of Travel

Destination Choice and Tourist Decision Making

Models of Tourist Behaviour and Destination Choice

Destination Image in Tourist MBA Project

Consumers’ Behaviour MBA Theories Information Search and Other Factors


Chapter 3:

Research Methodology

Research Design

Sampling Method

How Data Gathered From the Respondents

The Questionnaire Design

Data Collection Methods

Data Analysis

Editing and Coding

Explanatory Data Analysis Methods

Chapter 4:

Analysis and Findings


Conclusion and Recommendations

Research Questionnaire

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