Introduction to Zigbee wireless Relay Control and Power Monitoring System Project:
This system is made to manage wirelessly Regulating relays and monitoring current. This is applied for the home load simulation. The ON and OFF commands are passing from PC to microcontroller through the wirelessly turning relays. It can change the whole current in simulated home. We made wireless communication with XBee Series AND 2 ZIGBEE modules. Any one module is get connected with the microcontroller and the home load simulation. The other module is connected the computer to extract the data and relay monitoring and regulation.
The Project aims to simulate the home with use of resistors to control many appliances and items. It controls and provides the user to turn on and off the wirelessly controlled appliances. It manages the power consumption at home. It provides the user graphical information of the data in the computer in real time power used at home.
The simulate home will be consisted of the 7 appliances with designed by the resistance or load. The all simulated home appliances are supplied 5 V DC power by the microcontroller. Normally the home is supplied 120 V AC current. The simulator home is independent from the need.
We have developed a simple transmission system concept of Zigbee routing and networking regulations. The regulations are known as the Protocol stack or Zigbee stack. The data networks are generally various types of layers or stacks according to the functions. The lowest stack is depended on the real electrons existing surrounding. The high stack depends less on the physical things and the bunch of the data structures can be managed.
The Project is dealing with the network layers. The software are XBee chips and firmware for the data links and physical layers and the XBee- API and XBee- Arduino software eases works for the network layer. The Zigbee is used due to low power consumption for the MCU end of transmission. It is less complicated and easy to implement.
Download Zigbee wireless Relay Control and Power Monitoring System ECE Project Report.
Interesting project. Can you provide the hardware also for this project? Can you provide the information about some other zigbee projects?