Survey on Sensitive Data Storage and Deletion Methods Seminar Topic

Introduction to Survey on Sensitive Data Storage and Deletion Methods Seminar Topic:

This paper discussed about the survey which summarizes the methods of providing confidential storage of information in personal computing environments. Sensitive data is lost due to theft or improper disposal of storage media and there are many methods exist to protect the sensitive data from unauthorized storage or deletion. 


Sensitive information is storing on electronic storage devices as the usage of paper is reduced gradually.  There are many incidences happened where the sensitive information has misused or deleted by an unauthorized users. The two components helps to safeguard the data privacy on electronic storage media are the data must be stored in a confidential manner without causing problem during normal use and at the time of disposal, confidential data must be removed from storage media in an irrecoverable manner.  This survey explains various confidential data storage and deletion techniques with the aim of find the best solution which provides protection to the sensitive data.

This survey focused on single-user and non-distributed computing environments. Always, the threat model assumes that attacks to recover confidential data when the computer is powered off.  But attacks occurred after the users logged in are out of scope of this survey.  Confidential storage methods are difficult to implement as these methods are very complex to implement on sensitive data.  Software-based solutions to confidential storage of data do not require any specialized hardware and these solutions are widely available in market today.  Bit locker encrypts a specific volume sector-by-sector with the help of a diffuser.


This survey summarizes the benefits and limitation of confidential storage and deletion methods. Comparison of confidential data handling methods also takes place in this suvey, while comparing it considers the characteristics like confidentiality, limitations, performance and ease-of-use.  Also discussed the overall trends of various approaches and issues faced in the data lifetime problem. 

 Download  Survey on Sensitive Data Storage and Deletion Methods Seminar Topic.

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