- Name
- Student Number
- Award
- e-Mail (home, work, university)
- Project Title
Give details of your computing academic aim here
Give details of the product to be developed.
Research question(s)
Give a statement of the research question, i.e., define the purpose of the project
Literature Review
Discuss critically, the available literature pertaining to the subject matter to be investigated by you, identifying any commonality, similarities, and differences in the work of others and the scope of your project. Published work should be appropriately cited using Harvard Referencing.
Research Method
In this section you should discuss the research method you intend to adopt as pertaining to such things as data gathering and analysis, model building and experimentation, and interpretation of outputs such as results.
Discuss the method and techniques that you intend to use to evaluate the results (computing artefact(s)) produced by your project.
Hardware/software needed
Provisional schedule
Produce a Gantt chart clearly identifying projects tasks, their duration, and expected start and end times. Other documents such as critical path and risk analysis should provide additional precision.
All cited articles should be listed alphabetically in Harvard Style. (You may wish to include an annotated Bibliography in a separate section).
Provide in this section, additional information and completed forms for such things as External Agreement, Ethical Approval, Correspondences pertaining to these, and your feedback records.
Supervisory team Subject Area (if known)
Give the name(s) of the organisation/person for the computing artefact is being developed
External contact (external to the school)
If there is an external, an External Agreement Form must be completed.