Project Background
Efficient management of student-related information becomes challenging for any educational organization when the volume of data and operations over that data increases. Information systems and database systems are the needed tools that help in the efficient management of such large volumes of data. These systems not only manage the data but even help in the easy retrieval and processing of useful information.
This project work vision is thus to come up with an efficient database management system that is capable of maintaining student records for an educational organization.
Project Objective
The objective of designing and implementing such a database management system is to manage the student records in a proper and organized manner, enable data flow and information flow among various activities related to student information processing, and secure the student data.
The project scope is as follows:
- To come up with an efficient database management application for student record management.
- The application shall help to add student records like their personal information, fees-related information, scholarship-related information, course-related information, and marks-related information.
- the application shall allow to edit or delete any student record based on authorized permission
- The application shall allow generating reports like marks statistics, feed duellist of students, etc.
- The application shall have access based on authorization and role-based authorization shall be enabled for read and write processes.
- The key information like payment, and a password shall be stored in encrypted form for security purposes.
Value proposition
This database application shall help the educational organization to keep track of all the student records and manage them in a more efficient manner. It shall reduce the number of manual errors, do the student record processing task in quick time and thus reduce human effort. It shall enhance the student and teacher experience in generating reports and getting key notifications.
Technical development plan
The existing system makes use of excel based records. These are file-based systems. The biggest challenge in this system is that there are more duplicate records due to the lack of any control mechanisms that control duplicates. Database management system makes use of a primary key that is unique and it is capable of identifying any unique record. Thus, it is a way of eliminating duplicates.
The existing system is not user-friendly to use as they lack user-friendly APIs. With supporting scripting languages like PHP, CSS, and Java Script it is possible to come up with an interactive GUI. Such GUI helps the user to do the tasks in a more efficient manner.
Thus, the proposed system shall make use of the following:
Front end: PHP
Back end: MySQL
Web Server: Wamp server
Operating system: Windows 7 and above.
Development Methodology
The application development shall adopt the Rapid application development methodology and develop the application in a small set of tasks. The objective shall be to come up with a rapid prototype and iterate it as per the testing results. The development process shall begin from starting from system requirements, system design, coding, testing & debugging implementation & maintenance. It shall be an iterative process.
The development tasks shall be small manageable tasks. This shall make project monitoring and management easier.
Requirements Analysis
The first functional requirement of the project is to have an application capable of adding and managing student records.
Thus, the application should allow Admin to do the following
- Add student: to should allow the admin to add student details like name, enrolment id, contact address, course enrolled, subjects, date of birth, address, gender, and other details.

Figure 1: Activity diagram depicting adding or deleting student
- Manage student: to allow the admin to view student records, delete existing student records, and edit or update any existing student records.
- The application should allow the admin to add marks, manage marks and generate a result
- The admin can add subject or course details.
- The application should allow the admin to generate lists of students who have not paid fees and those who have availed of scholarships.
- Manage user records and change passwords
Students can do the following:
- The application should allow students to register,
- view result and download result
Conceptual diagram

Figure 2: Student record system overall architectural diagram
Tasks of Students and Admin are explained in the figure below:
Figure 3: Task in detail
Interview Questions
With front-end designer:
- What entries are needed for a student form wherein details can be entered?
- What entries are needed for the resulting form so that admin can add marks for the students?
- What entries are needed for the course and subject form?
With back-end designer:
- What columns should be used for a student table, result-in table, course table, user table, and fees table?
- Which column should be the primary key to help in unique row identification?
- How to connect the front end and back end?
Student table:
Student_id |
first name |
last name |
gender |
age |
Date of birth |
Contact no |
address |
City |
CourseId |
Password |
Primary Key Varchar (10) Unique |
Varchar (30) |
Varchar (30) |
Varchar (30) |
int |
date |
int |
Varchar (100) |
Varchar (30) |
Varchar (30) |
Varchar (30) |
Varchar (30) |
Course table:
Course_id |
Course name |
Subjects |
Primary Key Varchar (10) Unique |
Varchar (30) |
Varchar (30) |
Subject table:
Subject_id |
Subject name |
Course_id |
Primary Key Varchar (10) Unique |
Varchar (30) |
Varchar (30) |
User table:
User_id |
username |
password |
role |
Primary Key Varchar (10) Unique |
Varchar (30) |
Varchar (30) |
Varchar (30) |
Result table:
Result_id |
Student_id |
first name |
last name |
Course_id |
Subject_id |
Marks obtained |
Total marks |
Grade |
Primary Key Varchar (10) Unique |
Varchar (30) |
Varchar (30) |
Varchar (30) |
Varchar (30) |
Int |
int |
Int |
Student Record System Application Manual
Software required: Wamp Server, MS Access, ODBC driver, and Windows 7 or above operating system
- Extract the Zip file as an SRS folder.
- Install Wamp server
- In the www folder of the Wamp server Copy and paste SRS complete folder
- Open the Wamp server and start all the services
- The SRS folder has a database file named srms.mdb file.
- Open odbc driver by clicking on data sources.
- Click Add and select Microsoft Access Driver .mdb and accdb.
- Enter the Data source name as srms and select the folder path where the srms.mdb file is i.e. C:wamp/www/SRA/srms.mdb
- Click finish and see that the srms.mdb is listed as the new database.
- Now open a web browser and type URL localhost/SRS
This shall open the home page
- The admin can enter the application through username and password as admin and admin
- From the dashboard the admin can navigate to any sections like course, fees, subjects, students, results, etc.
For example Admin wants to add a student
- The student form opens wherein the student details can be entered.
In this way results, courses, subjects, etc can be added and updated.
On the student end, the student can enter the application through the Roll number as a password and select the class from the dropdown list.
- On entering details if the results are not ready you get
From where the result file can be downloaded.
Download Student School Record Keeping System Application Database PHP, MySQL, and MSAccess Project Code and Database.
Pls sent me
it tells me that there is no database file