Recommendations of RFID-Based Textile Industry


In textile industry at present there are some drawbacks using the current approaches. The down time of the machine is very high, even the lost time is another factor that is observed to be very high. The orders are not delivered within the time that is expected by the customer. The industry use to take more time to deliver the product which is a major disadvantage. And the sewers should work more hours on over time duties to deliver the product in correct time. Because of the current manual system the company is unable to provide more information; the provided information is also not accurate for calculation of SAM. So because of this reason the line balancing and the cost estimation are not estimated. Production draw backs are not identified by the current approaches and during the real time the product is not monitored.

The process re-engineering is not defined with the current process. Some pressures like department coordination, sewer’s inefficiency and working performance of the employees is covered with the manual functionalities. Using the current approach the staff is not aware of the company services and as result the employees are not having proper motivation. Because of all these drawbacks the company may lose its reputation.                                        

                          To eradicate all this drawbacks a modified system must be designed and developed. As the company is losing its identity because of the drawbacks due to the manual system, it should apply some better systems to solve these problems. The proposed system should be designed in such a way that it should solve both the tangible and intangible drawbacks of the manual system. If a perfect system is designed, the company can solve all these problems caused by the manual system. Finally, the company can improve its reputation using this proposed approach. 

                         Based on the detailed analysis about RFID, I think RFID can clear all these drawbacks of the manual system. Using RFID based systems the down time of a particular machine will be decreased by 30% compared to the down time of manual approach. The factor called lost time decreases by 50% compared to the present system. Delivery rate within the time will be incremented to 90%. The performance will increase by 50% than the performance of present system. And the Over time duty hours for sewers will also be decreased by 10% than current method. Using RFID, the company will provide more data with accuracy for calculation of SAM.

This evaluating can be used for cost estimation and line balancing. Provide monitoring of products in real time, approaches to identify the production drawbacks. It also explains about process re engineering. RFID based system is used to uncover previously hidden threats as department coordination, working performance and sewer’s inefficiency. Improve the motivation for staff by creating the awareness of the company services to employees. Organize the discussions for scientific maintenance which leads to continuous growth of the company. 

                          This shows that RFID based system is the best approach to use in textile industry to solve all the problems that are raised using the previous approach. Designing and implementation of RFID based system may take some time. The total time taken to implementation and application of this approach may be one year. The cost estimated to implement a RFID based information system in garment industry will be nearly 6 million dollars and the estimation for the return of the investment will be 5 years.                          

                     From above explanation it came to understand that using of RFID technology will increases in both manufacturing and business sector. Most of the companies are using this technology. This study is uses like a reference framework. For those people who want to adopt this technology. This study gives the major factors in adoption intention, business value and success factors in RFID system implementation in textile and garment industry.

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