Raspberry Pi Project on Intelligent Door Access Management System

Today the world has been far more advanced in technology than in the last 3 decades and with that, there are advances in the technologies that help to keep our homes safe. With the help of IoT now we can track our house even when we are on vacation.

The significance and the purpose of our Door Access Management System are to make the user’s home much safer by increasing security and giving the user full control of the system.


Background of Project

When we are at work, we may have an important meeting and may not be in time to receive our guests and they may need to wait outside. The same may happen if we are on a vacation and to safeguard ourselves from Intruders.

The duty of an Engineer is to provide solutions for the problems faced every day with upcoming technologies and we have come up with a model which will help to solve them.

Statement of the problem

This project will create a smart doorbell messaging system so that when a guest clicks on the button, obtains an image of the user via a camera peripheral, uploads the image and event data to a Googles Firebase cloud, and sends a message with some message to notify that a guest has arrived.

Aims and Objectives of the project

The main objective of the project is to make a Smart door system. The other objectives are: –

  • To include an access button to allow the user to open/close the door


The main components of the Intelligent Door Access Management System are as follows:

  • Raspberry pi 3    
  • Push-button 
  • Logitech Camera                                                     
  • Stepper motor


The first step was to make an interface between the Push button and the Camera using Raspberry Pi so that when the button was pressed the camera would take a picture. The next step is to connect the camera to the Firebase Cloud to upload the images in the Firebase Storage and send the image’s URL to the Firebase Database.

Next using Android Studio, a Mobile application was designed to retrieve the image from the Firebase Database. Using Node JS push messaging is also added along with the mobile app such that when someone is at the door a notification pops out. They can Open or Close the door using the buttons in the app. When pressed the data is sent to Firebase Database and retrieved by the Raspberry Pi which then operates the door.

Flow Diagram

Block Diagram of Door Access System

Bill of Materials:


Cost (in Rs.)

Logitech camera


Raspberry Pi 3B


Micro-Stepper motor


Push Button







Future scope

  • Face recognition can be implemented to allow family members /regular guests
  • It can be integrated with a burglar alarm and inform the police of intruders 


The project “Intelligent Door Access Management System” has been tested real-world scenario and the door is opened or closed by the commands given by the user

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