Corporate Recruitment System a ASP.Net Project With Code

Corporate Recruitment system is implemented using ASP.Net for server side scripting and HTML is used for client side scripting. This project is related to computer science final year students. You can find download this project, which include.



This project code contains 

  • home.aspx
  • JobSearch.aspx
  • Logout.aspx
  • JobProvider project files
  • JobSeeker project files
These files can be useful for running this application on your system.


Documentation is important for any project mainly for final year students.Here you can download entire documentation of the project which includes System Analysis,Feasibility Study,Software Design,Database Design,Input and Output Screens,Testing.

Paper presentation.

Paper presentation is important for students to show there project overview in a short time. Here you can download paper presentation about this project.


About CRS ASP.Net Project.

CRS Projects main idea is to develop a application which will be useful for Human Resource Personals for recruiting new employees for any organization.This application includes new features which will reduce work in recruitment field.

Initially this project is concentrated to implement Human resource management system which will help in filling job vacancies through a online system. This project also provides future scope for implementing broader services in a long period of time.

Users and organizations will register with the application for using HR services. Organizations will provide job opportunities information on the site users can search for there interested jobs and they can also submit application form through online which will be visible to organizations. This application will act as a mediator between job seeker and job provider. 

 In other words, enables the employer to treat candidates like customers. 


Corporate Recruitment System (CRS) has all the features and functions required for executing a successful recruitment task, providing exceptional case of use for recruitment. 

The Following are the overview of the features and benefits of CRS.

  1. Database software installed and pre-configures for the immediate use of the system effectively and efficiently.
  2. Pre-configured and ready to run Jobs database with management module for adding and deleting efficiently.
  3. Database to store the candidate’s details securely.
  4. Customizable authentication to control access to database files using assigned user login and password control.
  5. Provides information to the managers so that they can make judgment about particular situations.
  6. Reductions in the cost of hiring – there will be between 50-60 percent decrease in the cost of hiring.
  7. Reduces the time required to complete the recruitment process of any organization.

Airline Reservation Systems a .Net Project With Code

Airline reservation system project or air ticketing system is a computer science final year project which is developed in .Net  platform.Students interested in this project can download information given below.


1.Project code

  •  AboutUs.aspx
  • Add a flight.aspx
  • Available seats.aspx
  • avseats.aspx
  • canreq.aspx
This folder covers documents which contain code and database table details.
You can download documents like abstract document,Final document,paper presentation and print

Explanation about the project.

This projects main idea is to implement a online web application for air ticket booking,flight scheduling,ticket reservation and details of different airlines fare.

In order to implement these features application is developed in to three modules. This application uses inventory data importing system which is maintained using scheduled distributing system.


  1.  Registration module
  1. Administrative module
  1. Passenger module

1. Registration module.

  This module provides login facility for every user who what to use online reservation facility. Initially user should log in to the account to get a unique username and password and then follow online reservation application features.

2. Administrative module.

This modules main features is to update information on flight details ,reservation information in regular intervals. These are the major features available in this module.

  • Create and maintain airline schedule, fare and timings of the Flight.
  • View the passenger list.
  • View the available seats in the flights.
  • Cancel the tickets.
  • Updating the flight schedule and timings and fare. 

3. Passenger module 

As users get there username and password they can log in to there own pages, from there they can view use site features.This module includes these features.

  • View all airline schedules, timings, fare details and seats availability.
  • Book for the tickets.
  • View and cancelling of the ticket.
  • Send feedback.

Network Sniffer VB.Net Project Report,Code and Paper Presentation

Network Sniffer VB.Net Project  is one of the most useful software tool for windows operating system. Sniffer software works as a windows analyzer and maintain system information like network status, drivers updates , running services ,running drivers and handles information of every feature in windows. which will be useful for administrator to easily monitor system status.


This CSE Project is developed using  VB.Net which is one of the best tool available for developing these type of applications. Network sniffer software required manual work to configure required settings. Using this settings admin can analyze system details based on settings he configured.

This application uses inbuilt features on windows operating system like windows management instrumentation which is used to communicate with all lower level systems. Based on the configuration settings performance is depended.

This system has notification feature which will inform admin about the status of the system even if he is away from the system.


  • Provide a Single environment from where an administrator can interact with the system resources with in the network.
  • Provides Info regarding the no of services running on the system.
  • To provide an upgrade support for the system resources.
  • Provides interface to interact with the system parameters like network settings, OS Settings, Services, and Process etc.
  • Provides means of reporting the system setting to a person through email. There by an administrator can know the status of a systems throughout the network


Network Sniffer is an application which runs on a network. Current scope of the project is to check the state of the services and drivers, state of the processes, state of drivers the application doesn’t provide any method to work with these aspects of the management.  
  • The project has been appreciated by all the users in the organization.
  • It is easy to use, since it uses the GUI provided in the user dialog.
  • User friendly screens are provided.
  • The usage of software increases the efficiency, decreases the effort.
  • It has been efficiently employed as a tool for Monitoring System resources and updating the system with latest software.
  • It also provides the user with variable options in settings.
  • It has been thoroughly tested and implemented.

Download Bug Tracker Asp.Net Project Report with Code


Bugzilla is a “Defect Tracking System” or “Bug-Tracking ASP.NET System“.  Defect Tracking Systems allow individual or groups of developers to keep track of outstanding bugs in their product effectively.
Most commercial defect-tracking software vendors charge enormous licensing fees. Bugzilla can help you get a handle on the software development process.  

Successful projects often are the result of successful organization and communication. 

Bugzilla – A symbol of innovative :

Bugzilla is a powerful tool that will help your team get organized and communicate effectively. Despite being “free”, Bugzilla has many features its expensive counter parts lack. In this project, security features are very less. 

We can add some security features such as the bug information go to employee or clients which are related to that project in an encrypted form so that no one can change it in the midway.

The system has been developed for the given condition and is found working effectively. The developed system is flexible and changes can be made easily whenever required. Using the facilities and functionalities of .Net, the software has been developed in a neat and simple manner, thereby reducing the operator’s work. 


The speed and accuracy are maintained in the proper way. The user-friendly nature of this software developed in .Net framework is very easy to work with both the higher management as well as other users with little knowledge of computer. The results obtained were fully satisfactory from the user point of view. 

The system was verified with valid as well as invalid data in each manner. The system is run with an insight into the necessary modifications that may be required in the future. Hence the system can be maintained successfully.

Download Budget Analysis Asp.Net Project with Source Code


Budget analysis ASP.NET project is a useful web application that helps all sorts of business firms. The main strategy of the project is to automate the excel data and calculations into RDBMS to make data retrieval and manipulations easier. The application is done using ASP.Net and we have used SQL Server as the back end to make it more powerful.

The application is build kept in mind that many users will find to use it friendlier.  We just need to upload the excel file into the application through the friendly user interface provided and the application will parse the excel file into the database for calculations and manipulations. 


The users are also given the facility to create a new project by themselves which helps them to handle the excel applications into the database more friendly. The present system is a windows application, in which users can upload data only to that system. 

Here the user must enter the rate, quantity, and sales result at each time when the transaction occurs.  It is a web application in which users can upload excel file which contains the transaction details. The user can store the details under a project category which helps them to identify daily data. The user can upload the excel file from anywhere at any time. The user can view summary reports of each project between two dates, monthly and yearly report. 

In future enhancement, the users can upload only excel file into the DB for calculating profit and loss of products. In future, we can use the facility to upload CSV or XML file into the database for calculation. 


Finally concluding, Budget Analysis is an online project that allows the users to calculate profit and loss of products sold and do its analysis. For this, excel based analyzer is created. If the users are provided with the excel files, they can calculate the profit and loss from anywhere in the world and thus a lot of time can be saved. The users are provided with company’s excel files which are stored in administrator’s database.

Download Bandwidth Economizer ASP.Net Project and Sample Code

Bandwidth Economizer ASP.Net Project is a web application merging audio/video streaming.  Audio and Video Streaming is a Process of Transferring data (Audio/video) from the source system to destination in the form of bits/bytes through an application.

This project is an Ajax based web application. It contains features like listening and viewing of files. Uploading and downloading of Audio/Video files. The end user will be of two types, premiere user and paid user. 


Only paid users can download the files.  Here we opt for the instantaneous view of Audio/Video file application by using bit –by- bit transfer of data. To view this application we can either use the pre-existing players like Windows Media Player or Real Player. 

Why this application? 

This application allows the user to upload and, download Audio/Video files .we can also view the Audio/Video files based on the search criteria. 

This project is a web application merging audio/video streaming.  Audio and Video Streaming is a Process of Transferring data (Audio/video) from the source system to destination in the form of bits/bytes through an application.

This project is an Ajax based web application. It contains features like listening and viewing of files. Uploading and downloading of Audio/Video files. 

The end user will be of two types, premiere user and paid user. Only paid users can download the files.  Here we opt for the instantaneous view of Audio/Video file application by using bit –by- bit transfer of data. 

To view this application we can either use the pre-existing players like Windows Media Player or Real Player.

This application allows the user to upload and, download Audio/Video files .we can also view the Audio/Video files based on the search criteria. 

NET Platform: 

The NET platform supports a number of seemingly esoteric programming techniques. These Techniques makes .net users and developers so Powerful and flexible. 


One of those Powerful techniques is Reflection. Reflection provides a way to examine and manipulate the runtime environment programmatically. The major objective of this project is to best utilize the bandwidth when uploading and downloading the audio/video files. 

The users involved in uploading and downloading can get the experience of the Streaming procedure.

The project entitled “Bandwidth Economizer” implemented in C# 2.0 has been developed with utmost care in every stage of development life cycle to achieve high quality. This is almost ready to go live with very minimal changes provided good designs are applied which suit the target market.

Download Automatic Share Transaction .Net Project Report

The objective of Automatic share transaction.Net application is to automate the process of Buying and Selling of Shares over the internet.  In general, we should approach the Share Brokers for these transactions and they are going to charge some minimal amount for each transaction. Automatic-share-transaction-Net-application 

To avoid this payment to the Brokers the users can register to the portal directly and can do their own transaction without any other Brokers interaction.

This web application is accessible for registered users only can do their own transactions over the internet.  

For the transactions, they need not pay any amount to any Brokers.  Using this web application the authorized users can buy and sell the shares.  All these transactions will be stored as History for the user’s reference.  While performing the transactions the users must provide their secondary authentication details as cross verification. 


The objective of this application is to automate the process of Buying and Selling of Shares over the internet. Transactions by individuals in shares and securities are not generally trading transactions. To debug the existing system, remove procedures those cause data redundancy, make navigational sequence proper. 

Providing information about users on the different level and also to reflect the current work status depending on the organization. It builds strong password mechanism. The project is identified by the merits of the system offered to the user. 


This project offers the user to enter the data through simple and interactive forms. This is very helpful for the client to enter the desired information through so much simplicity.

Download I-Connect ASP.Net Project Report

The project “I-CONNECT ASP.Net Project” has been planned to be having the view of distributed architecture, with centralized storage of the database.

The application for the storage of the data has been planned. Using the constructs of MS-SQLServer2000 and all the user interfaces has been designed using the ASP.Net technologies.Download-I-Connect-ASP-Net-Project-Report

The database connectivity is planned using the “SQL Connection” methodology. The standards of security and data protective mechanism have been given a big choice for proper usage. 

The application takes care of different modules and their associated reports, which are produced as per the applicable strategies and standards that are put forwarded by the administrative staff.

I-Connect Development: 

The “I-Connect” is an application that has been developed for a well-established regional bank operating primarily in south India.

The bank has several branches in key cities and towns in the north. In the world of this competitive environment and technological development, the bank has been totally computerized in the last 3 years, and to increase its customer base has started planning, for a concept called as e-banking; with this concept, the bank wants to move very nearer to the customers and increase its basic operational strategies. 

Through I-Connect the bank wants to introduce the core concept of IT based Enabled Services (ITES). The “I-Connect” services are executed only upon the customer, and these I-Connect services would fully integrate with the core banking solution that is already in usage. 

The major idea is to provide a series of services to the customer through the internet and make the customer feel flexible in calling out simple tasks faster instead of making a visit to the bank every time. The “I-Connect” service is open only to savings bank Customers and not for current account holders. 

The customer is privileged to use most of the system only as a viewing phase, the only online transactions the customer can do are check book requisition and fund transfer among his personal accounts. This document contains a description for “E-Banking” enhancement. 

This document will contain the functional requirements of the project and how the developers will enhance the project to achieve all the objectives. The SRS will serve as a guide for the client and the developers. The entire project has been developed keeping in view of the distributed client server computing technology, in mind. The present system is manual. 


The Project Metrics has to enter all the details of project, documents, and tasks. The entire project has been developed and deployed as per the requirements stated by the user, it is found to be bug-free as per the testing standards that are implemented.  

Any specification untraced errors will be concentrated in the coming versions, which are planned to be developed in near future. The system at present does not take care of the money payment methods, as the consolidated constructs need SSL standards and are critically to be initiated in the first face; the application of the credit card transactions is applied as a developmental phase in the coming days.

Assessment Emulator A .Net Project

Assessment Emulator .Net Project aims at evaluating internals of students and providing user friendly, simple and an interactive environment to collect, record, store and retrieve student and staff profile and grade card. ASSESMENT-EMULATOR-A-NET-PROJECT                               

What it all comprises? 

In assessment emulator we have admission details, login, branch details, course details, semester details, subject details, staff joining details, internal details tables in the database. 

In login page, there are two possibilities for the user. One is the administrator login level and the other is the staff login level. The registered user should enter the user name and password and is allowed to login. After clicking the login button, if correct details are entered the user is redirected to home window where there are several links. 

If incorrect user name and password are entered, a login failed message box is displayed. 

So, the user has to retype the correct user name and password for login. The home window contains menu bar with master, student and staff menus. Master menu provides provisions to add new courses, branches, semesters and subject details and also provide provision to view, update and delete the inserted details. 

Student menu provides provisions to insert, delete, update and view the student details. It also provides provisions to insert student marks and automatically calculates the internal marks. Staff menu provides provision to insert, delete in the existing system, the internal marks are calculated after a heavy manual work. 

The work of entering marks after each exam, profile updating in each semester is a hard task. In Existing System, there are chances for data loss. All these processes consume more time and require more manual efforts, update and view staff details. 

Finally, the result of the computer output is compared with the original manual procedures. 


The disadvantages with the client server architecture led to the development of three-tier architecture. Due to disadvantages of traditional approach, client/server architecture was introduced. In this architecture, data is separated from the client side and is stored at a centralized location that acts as server. The business logic is combined with the presentation logic either at the client side or at the server side that has the database connectivity code.

download Project Report  of  CSE Assessment Emulator .Net Project.

Account Payable System a Visual Studio Project Report


The primary purpose of an Accounts Payable Visual studio Project is to track all dollars that are owed to vendors (or suppliers). The printing of checks and vendor, along with the coordination of current cash flow, is essential. Account-Payable-System-a-Visual-Studio-Project-Report

The Infinity POWER Accounts Payable module addresses all of these basic “payable” needs as well as providing many advanced reporting and tracking capabilities. The check writing options provide the ability to write direct checks, make check runs based on currently due “payables” and record manually written checks after-the-fact. 

The Accounts Payable module can accommodate an unlimited number of checking accounts simultaneously. Each invoice voucher into the Accounts Payable system as an open item is coded for payment terms when entered. The system is designed to process your transactions through either the cash or accrual methods of accounting. 


This system automatically calculates retain age during vouchering or allows for the entry of retain age only vouchers. All aging reports then track retain age amounts separately. The Accounts Payable reporting provides detailed aging by vendor of all outstanding invoices. All your payable information available for online and real-time access.   

This Account Payable System provides complete vendor information, inter-company accounting, on-line query retrieval, multi-currency processing, exception processing and control. In addition to this we can review any information through online query or hard copy reporting. 

This system allows you to select the exact information you want to see through the exact specification you provide. You can review a range of accounts, vendors, activity dates, due dates, or other criterion. In addition, you can check deliveries against invoices automatically through purchasing or  manually. 


The Accounts Payable System manages your cash flow by keeping you up to date about suppliers, outstanding debts, payments made, goods received, invoices and other related information.

The Mitrol Accounts Payable system allows real-time, online updating and validation of your suppliers, outstanding debts, payments made, accounts payable, goods received, and invoices and so on. The Mitrol Accounts Payable Subsystem provides the following real-time facilities too.