A Signature-free Buffer Overflow Attack Blocker a Java .Net Project Report


A Signature-free Buffer Overflow Attack Blocker a Java .Net Project propose SigFree, a real-time, signature-free, out-of the box, application layer blocker for preventing buffer overflow attacks, one of the most serious cyber security threats. SigFree can filter out code-injection buffer overflow attack messages targeting at various Internet services such as web service. Buffer-Overflow-Attack-Blocker-a-Java -Net-Project

Motivated by the observation that buffer overflow attacks typically contain executables whereas legitimate client requests never contain executables in most Internet services, SigFree blocks attacks by detecting the presence of code. SigFree first blindly dissembles and extracts instruction sequences from a request.

It then applies a novel technique called code abstraction, which uses data flow anomaly to prune useless instructions in an instruction sequence. Finally it compares the number of useful instructions to a threshold to determine if this instruction sequence contains code.

Sigfree Application 

SigFree is signature free, thus it can block new and unknown buffer overflow attacks; SigFree is also immunized from most attack-side code obfuscation methods. Since SigFree is transparent to the servers being protected, it is good for economical Internet wide deployment with very low deployment and maintenance cost. 

We implemented and tested SigFree; our experimental study showed that SigFree could block all types of code injection attack packets (above 250) tested in our experiments. Moreover, SigFree causes negligible throughput degradation to normal client requests. In existing system Detection of Data Flow Anomalies are in static or dynamic methods, to detect data flow anomalies in the software reliability and testing  field.


Static methods are not suitable in our case due to its slow speed; dynamic methods are not suitable either due to the need for real execution of a program with some inputs. In our proposed project this SigFree, a real-time, signature free, out of- the-box blocker that can filter code-injection buffer overflow attack messages, one of the most serious cyber security threats, to various Internet services. 

SigFree does not require any signatures, thus it can block new, unknown attacks. It is immunized from most attack-side code obfuscation methods, good for economical Internet wide deployment with little maintenance cost and negligible throughput degradation and can also handle encrypted SSL messages.

Student Management System a .Net Project

Student Management System a .Net Project explains about the student management. It mainly explains the various actions related to student details. It shows some ease in adding, editing and deleting the student details. It also provides a less time consuming process for viewing, adding, editing and deleting the marks of the students. Student Management System includes, student registration, subject allocation, branch selection, semester wise selection, examination marks entry and displaying branch and semester wise result.


Why there should be the use of Student Management System Software(s)? 

This software is helpful for students as well as the school authorities. In the current system all the activities are done manually. It is very time consuming and costly. This system deals with the various activities related to the students. Proposed system has the provision of adding the details of the students by themselves. So the overhead of the school authorities and the teachers will become less. 

Another advantage of the system is that it is very easy to edit the details of the student and delete a student when it found unnecessary. The marks of the student are added in the database and so students can also view the marks whenever they want. Proposed system had some advantages for example it is User friendly interface, Fast access to database, More Storage Capacity, Search facility, Quick transaction etc. 


All the manual difficulties in managing the student details in a school or college have been rectified by implementing computerization. This project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs in an Institution. Several user friendly coding have also adopted. This package shall prove to be a powerful package in satisfying all the requirements of the organization.

Its main objective is to provide a frame work that enables the manger to make reasonable estimates made within a limited time frame at the beginning of the software project and should be updated regularly as the project gets progressed.

Placement Cell a ASP.Net Project with Code


Placement cell ASP.Net project is a project which is aimed at developing an application for the Training and Placement Department of the College. The system is an application that can be accessed throughout the organization with proper login provided. Placement-cell-ASP-Net-project

Why shall it be used? 

This system can be used as an application for the Training and Placement Officers (TPO) of the college to manage the student information with regard to placement. Students logging should be able to upload their information in the form of a CV. The key feature of this project is that, it is a onetime registration. It provides the facility of maintaining the details of the students. It also provides a requested list of candidates to recruit the students based on given query. This project will aid colleges to practice full IT deployment. 

This will also help in fast access procedures in placement related activities. The users can access easily to this and the data can be retrieved easily in no time. A registered student can directly login using user name and password, submit resume. In the student registration form, we can give personal details, educational qualifications, and professional skills and upload resume. 

The job details of the placed students will be provided by the administrator. The administrator plays an important role in our project. They provide approval of student registration and updating. 


The existing system is doing all the processes manually. 

This is so tedious and time consuming. This process is so difficult when the number of users increases. The proposed system meant to give more easiness to the users that they can add and retrieve information so quickly. Enhanced system is created in a user-friendly manner with appropriate message guiding the user; even a person with minicomputer knowledge will be able to use the system thus making it easier to maintain the details of the students.

download Project Report and project code  of Placement cell ASP.Net project. 

Online Blood Bank a C# .Net Project

Entering the details about the blood groups, members, addresses etc. And tracking the database is complicated when the details are maintained manually. This makes the maintenance of schedule erroneous. There are quite a few constraints causing hindrance to the existing system.

The whole process is time consuming and is not accurate leading to error prone results. It requires lot of manpower in order to get effective results and also lacks data security. The retrieval of data at any given point of time is time consuming. 

The percentage of accuracy is less and reports take time in order to be produced. The Online Blood Bank C# .Net Project is  a windows application allows you to access the whole information about Blood Bank Management Software, readily scalable and adaptable to meet the complex need of Blood Banks Who are Key Facilitator for the Health care Sector, it also supports all the functionalities of Blood Bank. 

It is used for maintaining information about the campus. The project includes 3 modules; The Admin, Donors and Acceptors. The admin module focuses on the both donors & acceptors. Each member in a donor & acceptor is given a user id and password, which identifies him uniquely. The member is given a login form. he enters the login details user id and password. 


Each member in a Donor is given a user id and password, which identifies him uniquely. The member is given a login form. he enters the login details user id and password. The options given to a each member in a staff are to change the password, inquire on a particular blood group and information on, “why donate blood”. 

In this you can   store the information about   Acceptors. The whole project makes work easier for every person using the software in their required category.

Credit Card Management System a .Net Project and Paper Presentation


The credit card management system a .Net Project  is suitable for management of Debit cards, Credit cards as well as Smart cards. IT is a windows based application that mainly involves maintenance and management of card –related information in a Bank. The existing system is a slow procedure that causes inconvenience to the customer. 

A person is required to go to the bank in order to find out his eligibility, cancel his appointments and wait for a long time in order to meet the concerned person. Lack of efficiency in the customer service compiles him to make frequent visits for the same reason. The procedure is followed by submission of documents and their verification which further delays the loan and causes inconvenience to the customer. It is a mere waste of time and energy of the customer. 


The proposed Credit Card .Net Project system mainly involves the maintenance and management of card – related information in a Bank. This product caters to all the Credit, Debit and Smart Card based functions of a bank like Registration of Customers for card issue, Opening Card Accounts for the registered customer, Creation of Cards for registered customers, Hot Carding, making the Card ready for Embossing by creation of Card Data file etc.

The Card Management System could interact with an external Card Transaction System, thereby making the Card-related information maintained by the bank, up-to-date.  

The purpose is to build a Card Management System which provides complete card processing, to meet the needs of full-fledged Credit card and Debit card based ATM or Point of Sale network.


The system is designed in order to make the existing system more effective. It allows the customer to access cash easily. The Card Management System could interact with an external Card Transaction System, thereby updating the Card-related information maintained by the bank. 

The purpose is to build a Card Management System which provides complete card processing, to meet the needs of full-fledged Credit card and Debit card based ATM or Point of Sale network. Customer can apply for credit card and know his eligibility from his own place just by giving his personal details.

Everything comes to his door. Person comes to collect the required documents. Verification and other process will be finished within 5 days and customer is intimated about the sanctioned loan amount and EMI that he has to pay.

Bug Tracking System A .Net Project


For many years, bug-tracking mechanism is employed only in some of the large software development houses. However, with technological progress this system is also being used not only in small scale firms but also in most personal computers. Initially, most of the others never bothered with bug tracking at all, and instead simply relied on shared lists and email to monitor the status of defects. BUG-TRACKING-SYSTEM-A-Net-PROJECT

This procedure is error-prone and tends to cause those bugs judged least significant by developers to be dropped or ignored. It neglects the minor bugs which latter might cause hindrance. 

What it can do? 

The Bug Tracking System can dramatically increase the productivity and accountability of individual employees by providing a documented work flow and positive feedback for good performance. Bug Tracking System is an ideal solution to track the bugs of a product, solution or an application. 

Bug Tracking System a .Net Project allows individual or groups of developers to keep track of outstanding bugs in their product effectively. This can also be called as Defect Tracking System. The programmer, the administrator and the database are interconnected with the bug tracking system leaving no scope for defects. 

Salient Features: 

Bug tracking system has few major functions and salient features. The system deals with product and component based programs. It also helps in changing and creating bugs at ease. It enables query of bugs list to any depth. The bug are listed and reported in a more comprehensive way.

The provision of user accounts and passwords maintain security. The program is provided with multi-level priorities. It induces targets and milestones for guiding programmers. There are many more intensive features which enable the systems accuracy.

Uttarakhand Roadways a ASP.Net Project


This project “Uttarakhand roadways a ASP.Net Project” is basically the development of a website for people who need to access information about Dehradun. This information could be about colleges, picnic spots, tourist attractions etc. Users do not have to waste time by searching several links on the internet. The site has complete information about Dehradun and need not look anywhere else. Uttarakhand-Roadways-a-ASP-Net-Project   

The primary aim of this project lies in providing a user with accurate and a centralized portal to Uttarakhand roadways and other links. This is a one click for a person who hardly knows anything about Uttarakhand. This website provides information about Dehradun pertaining to tourism and transportation.


This project Uttarakhand roadways have designed a website and have links to various other Dehradun aspects. As soon as the website’s address is typed, the home page opens. This page has links to ‘contact us’, map, and transport. If contact us link is clicked, the contact details about the developer and his address is provided. Map is a link which provides an entire map of Uttarakhand. Tourist attractions and transportation links are also given.

To access this website the user should have an internet connection and a web browser. In this website, you can collect as well as store information. Functions such as placing an order, performing complex calculations and collecting information from the database can be done on the web page. These applications rest on a server and responds to requests from multiple users over the  internet.


The website designed in this project is easy to access and use too. A person who has basic knowledge about computers and internet can use this website. However this project pertains to information related only to Dehradun. In the future it can be extended and various other sorts of information could be incorporated in it.

University Management System a .Net Project


The paper on “University Management system a .Net Project” is a project that comprises of maintenance of university, college, faculty, student information within the university. It is used to store information about the above mentioned parameters and is automotive in nature. The development of this process begins with the system analysis. This system analysis entails the creation of a formal model and is solved in steps.University-Management-System-a-Net-Project

This project covers all aspects beginning from the registration of a new student in the college along with maintaining attendance and marks of every student. In this project, the retrieval of information is done through an INTRANET bases campus wide portal. Information is collected from all the departments and files are created for measuring individual and overall performance.


In the proposed system of University Management system it ensures that the most updated information is available on the system. To execute its procedures it has functional divisions. The university administrator is responsible for registration of new college and courses. The college administrator is in charge of creating departments, allocating courses, creating faculties as well as making any changes to the data entered by the users which might be faculty or students.

The software technology that is used in this system is Microsoft .NET framework. It has a large library built with pre-coded solutions that can provide a solution to common programming problems and a virtual machine that exercises control over the execution of programs written for the framework. A user can combine the pre-designed codes with his own codes according to his  requirement.


There are several benefits of this project. Firstly it is a web-enabled project and provides a simple way for entering and modifying the data. To prevent invalid data entry, checks are made at every stage. Data storage and retrieval can be done easily as it has a single database.

Ultimate Search Tool a .Net Project

The project “Ultimate search tool a .Net Project” is used to search the file on the network or maybe search a folder in the network within the system. With the help of desktop search, it becomes easy to search for files and folders on the computer. It is suitable starting point for searching information. This search is conducted between files and folders within the database and makes it a fast process.Ultimate-Search-Tool-a-Net-Project

In this project, tools are provided in the system to identify which specific user has tried to gain access to the system. This tool is basically an add-on to the system. The project has three modules which makes the system flexible. The three modules of the system are network file/folder search, fastest desktop search and net spy.


In the project, the network file-folder search is used to obtain information about the shared folder. The particular file/folder can be searched by providing one IP address at a time. Thus there is no option of searching all files together. The file is searched in the IP add range and also in the particular IP address.

The fastest desktop search module is in use when the desktop is opened and the files and folders are searched by their title names, file subject, file category etc. when one runs this application, all the data must be inserted in the database. In the net spy module, when other users try to gain access to the system then the information about user’s IP address and remote location is also given.


In this project, new features can be incorporated that tends to help the users. It also provides the necessary file information. A dictionary search on the desktop can also be enabled. Also, the systems are connected in LAN. 

Matrimonial Project Report a .Net Project

The project “Matrimonial project report a .Net Project” is to provide prospective grooms and brides with an excellent matchmaking experience. Through this web application, it provides a wide range of opportunities and resources to meet true potential life partner. Thus a world renowned website has been created so that it provides a wide array of options.Matrimonial-Project-Report-a-Net-Projec

Through this project, matchmaking process is facilitated and information is provided. The user is helped by providing profiles of the bride and groom and this application also has a search facility for criteria based of applications. As internet is a modern business, the project path for modernizing the trade.


In this project Matrimonial project report, a new user will first register on the site and after successful registration e will receive an email confirmation. After this step, the user can access the profiles available in the website. The site is divided into quite a few sectors. These sectors are registration, partner, search etc. The option of email functionality will allow the provision of direct email correspondence.

This application is designed in a modular approach and has lot of modules. These modules are admin module, user registration module, image uploading module, creating album module, sending express interest module, sending personal message module, search module and various other modules. To ensure security and privacy, the matrimonial web application uses Http  protocol.


Thus the project has been explained and executed in detail. Through this web application, future extensions can be incorporated in it. Web space could be provided for creating the portal. Also, an own mail server can be created. A chat server can be created for the user to communicate with each other. Also, provisions for creating a video album could be provided.